506 research outputs found

    Compton scattering in strong magnetic fields: Spin-dependent influences at the cyclotron resonance

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    The quantum electrodynamical (QED) process of Compton scattering in strong magnetic fields is commonly invoked in atmospheric and inner magnetospheric models of x-ray and soft gamma-ray emission in high-field pulsars and magnetars. A major influence of the field is to introduce resonances at the cyclotron frequency and its harmonics, where the incoming photon accesses thresholds for the creation of virtual electrons or positrons in intermediate states with excited Landau levels. At these resonances, the effective cross section typically exceeds the classical Thomson value by over 2 orders of magnitude. Near and above the quantum critical magnetic field of 44.13 TeraGauss, relativistic corrections must be incorporated when computing this cross section. This paper presents formalism for the QED magnetic Compton differential cross section valid for both subcritical and supercritical fields, yet restricted to scattered photons that are below pair creation threshold. Calculations are developed for the particular case of photons initially propagating along the field, mathematically simple specializations that are germane to interactions involving relativistic electrons frequently found in neutron star magnetospheres. This exposition of relativistic, quantum, magnetic Compton cross sections treats electron spin dependence fully, since this is a critical feature for describing the finite decay lifetimes of the intermediate states. The formalism employs both the Johnson and Lippmann (JL) wave functions and the Sokolov and Ternov (ST) electron eigenfunctions of the magnetic Dirac equation. The ST states are formally correct for self-consistently treating spin-dependent effects that are so important in the resonances. Relatively compact analytic forms for the cross sections are presented that will prove useful for astrophysical modelers.Comment: 45 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    An Examination of Collaborative Learning Assessment through Dialogue (CLAD) in Traditional and Hybrid Human Development Courses

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    This investigation assessed the effectiveness of using Collaborative Learning Assessment through Dialogue (CLAD) (Fitch & Hulgin, 2007) with students in undergraduate human development courses. The key parts of CLAD are student collaboration, active learning, and altering the role of the instructor to a guide who enhances learning opportunities. The effectiveness of this approach was explored in both hybrid formats where classes reduce face-to-face meeting time by incorporating on-line activities and traditional course formats, such as lecture. A sample of 169 students completed courses in human development either using CLAD or using traditional techniques that provided more direct instruction. In addition, some of the classes were taught in a hybrid format. In two of the comparison group subsets, students in the CLAD group demonstrated significantly higher final grades. Hybrid course formats resulted in higher student achievement as well. These results provide preliminary support for the use of CLAD and hybrid formats in higher education settings

    Peripheral anomalies in USH2A cause central auditory anomalies in a mouse model of Usher syndrome and CAPD

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    Central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) is associated with difficulties hearing and processing acoustic information, as well as subsequent impacts on the development of higher-order cognitive processes (i.e., attention and language). Yet CAPD also lacks clear and consistent diagnostic criteria, with widespread clinical disagreement on this matter. As such, identification of biological markers for CAPD would be useful. A recent genome association study identified a potential CAPD risk gene, USH2A. In a homozygous state, this gene is associated with Usher syndrome type 2 (USH2), a recessive disorder resulting in bilateral, high-frequency hearing loss due to atypical cochlear hair cell development. However, children with heterozygous USH2A mutations have also been found to show unexpected low-frequency hearing loss and reduced early vocabulary, contradicting assumptions that the heterozygous (carrier) state is “phenotype free”. Parallel evidence has confirmed that heterozygous Ush2a mutations in a transgenic mouse model also cause low-frequency hearing loss (Perrino et al., 2020). Importantly, these auditory processing anomalies were still evident after covariance for hearing loss, suggesting a CAPD profile. Since usherin anomalies occur in the peripheral cochlea and not central auditory structures, these findings point to upstream developmental feedback effects of peripheral sensory loss on high-level processing characteristic of CAPD. In this study, we aimed to expand upon the mouse behavioral battery used in Perrino et al. (2020) by evaluating central auditory brain structures, including the superior olivary complex (SOC) and medial geniculate nucleus (MGN), in heterozygous and homozygous Ush2a mice. We found that heterozygous Ush2a mice had significantly larger SOC volumes while homozygous Ush2a had significantly smaller SOC volumes. Heterozygous mutations did not affect the MGN; however, homozygous Ush2a mutations resulted in a significant shift towards more smaller neurons. These findings suggest that alterations in cochlear development due to USH2A variation can secondarily impact the development of brain regions important for auditory processing ability

    Evolutionary History and Attenuation of Myxoma Virus on Two Continents

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    The attenuation of myxoma virus (MYXV) following its introduction as a biological control into the European rabbit populations of Australia and Europe is the canonical study of the evolution of virulence. However, the evolutionary genetics of this profound change in host-pathogen relationship is unknown. We describe the genome-scale evolution of MYXV covering a range of virulence grades sampled over 49 years from the parallel Australian and European epidemics, including the high-virulence progenitor strains released in the early 1950s. MYXV evolved rapidly over the sampling period, exhibiting one of the highest nucleotide substitution rates ever reported for a double-stranded DNA virus, and indicative of a relatively high mutation rate and/or a continually changing selective environment. Our comparative sequence data reveal that changes in virulence involved multiple genes, likely losses of gene function due to insertion-deletion events, and no mutations common to specific virulence grades. Hence, despite the similarity in selection pressures there are multiple genetic routes to attain either highly virulent or attenuated phenotypes in MYXV, resulting in convergence for phenotype but not genotype. © 2012 Kerr et al

    Vocal learning in animals and humans

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    Funding: S.C.V. was supported by a Max Planck Research Group (MPRG), a Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP) Research grant (grant no. RGP0058/2016) and a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (MR/T021985/1).Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A Services\u27 Frameworks And Support Services For Environmental Information Communities

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    For environmental datasets to be used effectively via the Internet, they must present standardized data and metadata services and link the two. The Open Geospatial Consortium\u27s (OGC) web services (WFS, WMS, CSW etc.), have seen widespread use over many years however few organizations have deployed information architectures based solely on OGC standards for all their datasets. Collections of organizations within a thematically-based community certainly cannot realistically be expected to do so. To enable service use flexibility we present a services framework - a Data Brokering Layer (DBL). A DBL presents access to data and metadata services for datasets, and links between them, in a standardized manner based on Linked Data and Semantic Web principles. By specifying regular access methods to any data or metadata service relevant for a dataset, community organizers allow a wide range of services for use within their community. Additionally, a community service profile testing service – a Conformance Service – may be run that reveals the day-to-day status of all of a community’s services to be known allowing both better end-user experiences and also that data providers’ data is acceptable to a community and continues to remains available for use. We present DBL and Conformance Service designs as well as a whole-of-community architecture that facilitates the use of the two. We describe implementations of them within two Australian environmental information communities: eReefs and Bioregional Assessments and plans for wider deployment

    Applying Multi-Layer Artificial Neural Network and Mutual Information to the Prediction of Trends in Dissolved Oxygen

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    Predicting trends in water quality plays an essential role in the field of environmental modeling. Though artificial neural networks (ANN) have been involved in predicting water quality in many studies, the prediction performance is highly affected by the model's inputs and neural network structure. Many researchers selected water quality variables based on Pearson correlation. However, this kind of method can only capture linear dependencies. Moreover, when dealing with multivariate water quality data, ANN with the single layer and few numbers of units show difficulties in representing complex inner relationships between multiple water quality variables. Hence, in this paper we propose a novel model based on multi-layer artificial neural networks (MANN) and mutual information (MI) for predicting the trend of dissolved oxygen. MI is used to evaluate and choose water quality variables by taking into account the non-linear relationships between the variables. A MANN model is built to learn the levels of representations and approximate complex regression functions. Water quality data collected from Baffle Creek, Australia was used in the experiment. Our model had around 0.95 and 0.94 R2 scores for predicting 90 or 120 min ahead of the last observed data in the wet season, which are much higher than the typical ANN model, support vector regressor (SVR) and linear regression model (LRM). The results indicate that our MANN model can provide accurate predictions for the trend of DO in the upcoming hours and is a useful supportive tool for water quality management of the aquatic ecosystems

    Comparative analysis of the complete genome sequence of the California MSW strain of myxoma virus reveals potential host adaptations

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    Myxomatosis is a rapidly lethal disease of European rabbits that is caused by myxoma virus (MYXV). The introduction of a South American strain of MYXV into the European rabbit population of Australia is the classic case of host-pathogen coevolution following cross-species transmission. The most virulent strains of MYXV for European rabbits are the Californian viruses, found in the Pacific states of the United States and the Baja Peninsula, Mexico. The natural host of Californian MYXV is the brush rabbit, Sylvilagus bachmani. We determined the complete sequence of the MSW strain of Californian MYXV and performed a comparative analysis with other MYXV genomes. The MSW genome is larger than that of the South American Lausanne (type) strain of MYXV due to an expansion of the terminal inverted repeats (TIRs) of the genome, with duplication of the M156R, M154L, M153R, M152R, and M151R genes and part of the M150R gene from the right-hand (RH) end of the genome at the left-hand (LH) TIR. Despite the extreme virulence of MSW, no novel genes were identified; five genes were disrupted by multiple indels or mutations to the ATG start codon, including two genes, M008.1L/R and M152R, with major virulence functions in European rabbits, and a sixth gene, M000.5L/R, was absent. The loss of these gene functions suggests that S. bachmani is a relatively recent host for MYXV and that duplication of virulence genes in the TIRs, gene loss, or sequence variation in other genes can compensate for the loss of M008.1L/R and M152R in infections of European rabbits.This work was funded in part by grant R01 AI093804 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health. E.C.H. was supported by an NHMRC Australia Fellowship, and D.C.T. was supported by an ARC Future Fellowship

    Optimized unconventional superconductivity in a molecular Jahn-Teller metal

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    Understanding the relationship between the superconducting, the neighboring insulating, and the normal metallic state above Tc is a major challenge for all unconventional superconductors. The molecular A3C60 fulleride superconductors have a parent antiferromagnetic insulator in common with the atom-based cuprates, but here, the C603– electronic structure controls the geometry and spin state of the structural building unit via the on-molecule Jahn-Teller effect. We identify the Jahn-Teller metal as a fluctuating microscopically heterogeneous coexistence of both localized Jahn-Teller–active and itinerant electrons that connects the insulating and superconducting states of fullerides. The balance between these molecular and extended lattice features of the electrons at the Fermi level gives a dome-shaped variation of Tc with interfulleride separation, demonstrating molecular electronic structure control of superconductivity
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