2 research outputs found

    Gesti贸 banc de temps

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    Aquest document, correspon a la mem貌ria del Treball de Fi de Carrera (TFC), hi trobareu tota la documentaci贸 realitzada per a l'an脿lisi, implementaci贸 i el disseny d'una aplicaci贸 inform脿tica basada en la gesti贸 d'un banc de temps, desenvolupat utilitzant tecnologia Java JEE5.Este documento, corresponde a la memoria del Trabajo de Fin de Carrera (TFC), en 茅l encontrar茅is toda la documentaci贸n realizada para el an谩lisis, implementaci贸n y el dise帽o de una aplicaci贸n inform谩tica basada en la gesti贸n de un banco de tiempo, desarrollado utilizando tecnolog铆a Java JEE5.This final degree project paper explains the analysis, implementation and design of a software application based on the management of a Time-based currency, developed using Java technology JEE5

    Temporal evolution of ancient buildings

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    Nowadays, the improvement in Computer Graphics has benefited fields such as Cultural Heritage, where the main efforts have focused on the digital preservation of historic buildings or urban structures. In this thesis, we have developed a technique to procedurally model ancient stone buildings combined with structural simulation and we have demonstrated its viability based on non-specialized tools designed for cultural heritage users. On the other hand, some historical events involving natural phenomena, such as earthquakes, determined the evolution of the city urban infrastructure. In this thesis, we present a low-cost tool that allows the reproduction of an earthquake on old stone buildings. Furthermore, in this thesis, we have also designed a virtual reality pipeline compatible with low-cost smart-phones that allows the recreation of historical eventsAvui dia, les millores en Gr脿fics per Computador ha beneficiat camps com el Patrimoni Cultural, on els esfor莽os principals s鈥檋an centrat en la preservaci贸 digital d鈥檈dificis hist貌rics o estructures urbanes. En aquesta tesi hem desenvolupat una t猫cnica per modelar de manera procedural edificis antics, combinant-la amb simulaci贸 estructural, i hem demostrat la seva viabilitat basada en eines no especialitzades dissenyades per a usuaris de patrimoni cultural. D鈥檃ltra banda, alguns esdeveniments hist貌rics relacionats amb fen貌mens naturals, com terratr猫mols, van determinar l鈥檈voluci贸 urbana d鈥檜na ciutat. En aquesta tesi presentem una eina de baix cost que permet la reproducci贸 d鈥檜n terratr猫mol en edificis antics. A m茅s a m茅s, en aquesta tesi hem dissenyat un sistema de realitat virtual adequat i compatible amb tel猫fons intel路ligents de baix cost que permet la recreaci贸 d鈥檈sdeveniments hist貌ric