2,837 research outputs found

    Professional Legitimation for Education in Canadian Universities: The Canadian Journal of Education, 1976-1997

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    The history of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) has been profoundly influenced by changes in the role of the Canadian State. The introduction of social welfare legislation based on Keynesian economics was paralleled in the social sciences as the state adopted first a supportive role, then an active, interventionist role with regard to funding social science research. The inclusion of education in the social science field is set within the broader structural trends in society toward professionalization and utilitarianism. The dominance of human capital theory and the strategic component of the developing national science policy during the 1960s typify the latter trend. Asin other industrialized societies, the aristocratic ideal of civility has been overtaken by the professional ideal, which according to Perkin (1989) is “based on trained expertise and selection by merit...[emphasizing] human capital rather than passive or active property, highly skilled and differentiated labour rather than the simple labour theory of value, and selection by merit defined as trained and certified expertise” (p. 4). The predominance of this ideal in modern society is clearly linked to the emergence of the interventionist state and its emphasis on the public good

    Uniform Contribution Among Tortfeasors Act

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    Kinetics of photosynthate translocation

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    Ring Lardner as dadaist

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    This thesis is not a history of Dada, nor does it attempt to trace any direct influences that Ring Lardner may have on current literature. What it does strive to achieve is proper understanding of one facet of Lardner\u27s work. During the period that the Dad ists were actively trying to establish a new order by destroying the old (and theoretically, Dada itself), Lardner was creating nonsense playlets . His critics, for the most part, could not comprehend his intentions, so this aspect of his work was relegated to obscurity. Half a century later, Dada has become more relevant historically; therefore, Lardner\u27s emulation of Dadaism deserves reappraisal

    Galaxy Clustering Around Nearby Luminous Quasars

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    We examine the clustering of galaxies around a sample of 20 luminous low redshift (z<0.30) quasars observed with the Wide Field Camera-2 on the Hubble Space Telescope. The HST resolution makes possible galaxy identification brighter than V=23.5 and as close as 2'' to the quasar. We find a significant enhancement of galaxies within a projected separation of < 100 kpc/h of the quasars. If we model the qso/galaxy correlation function as a power law with a slope given by the galaxy/galaxy correlation function, we find that the ratio of the qso/galaxy to galaxy/galaxy correlation functions is 3.8±0.83.8\pm 0.8. The galaxy counts within r<15 kpc/h of the quasars are too high for the density profile to have an appreciable core radius ( > 100 kpc). Our results reinforce the idea that low redshift quasars are located preferentially in groups of 10-20 galaxies rather than in rich clusters. We see no significant difference in the clustering amplitudes derived from radio-loud and radio-quiet subsamples.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures (included), 2 tables, Apj in pres

    Slip inversion along inner fore-arc faults, eastern Tohoku, Japan

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    The kinematics of deformation in the overriding plate of convergent margins may vary across timescales ranging from a single seismic cycle to many millions of years. In Northeast Japan, a network of active faults has accommodated contraction across the arc since the Pliocene, but several faults located along the inner fore arc experienced extensional aftershocks following the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, opposite that predicted from the geologic record. This observation suggests that fore-arc faults may be favorable for stress triggering and slip inversion, but the geometry and deformation history of these fault systems are poorly constrained. Here we document the Neogene kinematics and subsurface geometry of three prominent fore-arc faults in Tohoku, Japan. Geologic mapping and dating of growth strata provide evidence for a 5.6–2.2 Ma initiation of Plio-Quaternary contraction along the Oritsume, Noheji, and Futaba Faults and an earlier phase of Miocene extension from 25 to 15 Ma along the Oritsume and Futaba Faults associated with the opening of the Sea of Japan. Kinematic modeling indicates that these faults have listric geometries, with ramps that dip ~40–65°W and sole into subhorizontal detachments at 6–10 km depth. These fault systems can experience both normal and thrust sense slip if they are mechanically weak relative to the surrounding crust. We suggest that the inversion history of Northeast Japan primed the fore arc with a network of weak faults mechanically and geometrically favorable for slip inversion over geologic timescales and in response to secular variations in stress state associated with the megathrust seismic cycle.Funding was provided by a grant from the National Science Foundation Tectonics Program grant EAR-0809939 to D.M.F. and E.K., Geologic Society of America Graduate Research Grants, and the P.D. Krynine Memorial Fund. The authors thank Gaku Kimura, Kyoko Tonegawa, Hiroko Watanabe, Jun Kameda, and Asuka Yamaguchi for scientific and logistical support, and Kristin Morell for comments on early versions of the manuscript. We also thank Yuzuru Yamamoto and Kohtaro Ujiie for their detailed reviews and suggestions for improvement to the manuscript. The authors acknowledge the use of the Move Software Suite granted by Midland Valley's Academic Software Initiative. Geologic, structural, stratigraphic, and chronologic data used herein are accessible in manuscript figures, and in the citations therein. Input geologic data for trishear kinematic modeling can be accessed in Table 1 and in the supporting information. (EAR-0809939 - National Science Foundation Tectonics Program grant; Geologic Society of America Graduate Research Grants; P.D. Krynine Memorial Fund
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