5,544 research outputs found

    Judge Parker and the Public Service State

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    The work described in this thesis is part of the Open Space project, a collaboration between Linköping University, NASA and the American Museum of Natural History. The long-term goal of Open Space is a multi-purpose, open-source scientific visualization software. The thesis covers the research and implementation of a pipeline for preparing and rendering volumetric data. The developed pipeline consists of three stages: A data formatting stage which takes data from various sources and prepares it for the rest of the pipeline, a pre-processing stage which builds a tree structure of of the raw data, and finally an interactive rendering stage which draws a volume using ray-casting. The pipeline is a fully working proof-of-concept for future development of Open Space, and can be used as-is to render space weather data using a combination of suitable data structures and an efficient data transfer pipeline. Many concepts and ideas from this work can be utilized in the larger-scale software project

    Judge Parker and the Public Service State

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    The Hushed Case Against a Supreme Court Appointment: Judge Parker\u27s New South Constitutional Jurisprudence, 1925-1933

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    The thesis deals with the flow in pipe bends and radial turbines geometries that are commonly found in an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). The development phase of internal combustion engines relies more and more on simulations as an important complement to experiments. This is partly because of the reduction in development cost and the shortening of the development time. This is one of the reasons for the need of more accurate and predictive simulations. By using more complex computational methods the accuracy and predictive capabilities are increased. The disadvantage of using more sophisticated tools is that the computational time is increasing, making such tools less attractive for standard design purposes. Hence, one of the goals of the work has been to contribute to assess and improve the predictive capability of the simpler methods used by the industry. By comparing results from experiments, Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) computations, and Large Eddy Simulations (LES) the accuracy of the different computational methods can be established. The advantages of using LES over RANS for the flows under consideration stems from the unsteadiness of the flow in the engine manifold. When such unsteadiness overlaps the natural turbulence the model lacks a rational foundation. The thesis considers the effect of the cyclic flow on the chosen numerical models. The LES calculations have proven to be able to predict the mean field and the fluctuations very well when compared to the experimental data. Also the effects of pulsatile exhaust flow on the performance of the turbine of a turbocharging system is assessed. Both steady and pulsating inlet conditions are considered for the turbine case, where the latter is a more realistic representation of the real flow situation inside the exhaust manifold and turbine. The results have been analysed using different methods: single point Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT), probe line means and statistics, area and volume based Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD).Denna avhandling behandlar flödet i rörkrökar och radiella turbiner som vanligtvis återfinns i en förbränningsmotor. Utvecklingsfasen av förbränningsmotorer bygger mer och mer på att simuleringar är ett viktigt komplement till experiment. Detta beror delvis på minskade utvecklingskostnader men även på kortare utevklningstider. Detta är en av anledningarna till att man behöver mer exakta och prediktiva simuleringsmetoder. Genom att använda mer komplexa beräkningsmetoder så kan både nogrannheten och prediktiviteten öka. Nackdelen med att använda mer sofistikerade metoder är att beräkningstiden ökar, vilket medför att sådana verktyg är mindre attraktiva för standardiserade design ändamål. Härav, ett av målen med projektet har varit att bidra med att bedöma och förbättra de enklare metodernas prediktionsförmåga som används utav industrin. Genom att jämföra resultat från experiment, Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) och Large Eddy Simulations (LES) så kan nogrannheten hos de olika simuleringsmetoderna fastställas. Fördelarna med att använda LES istället för RANS när det gäller de undersökta flödena kommer ifrån det instationära flödet i grenröret. När denna instationäritet överlappar den naturligt förekommande turbulensen så saknar modellen en rationell grund. Denna avhandling behandlar effekten av de cykliska flöderna på de valda numeriska modellerna. LES beräkningarna har bevisats kunna förutsäga medelfältet och fluktuationerna väldigt väl när man jämför med experimentell data. Effekterna som den pulserande avgasströmning har på turboladdarens turbin prestanda har också kunnat fastställas. Både konstant och pulserande inlopps randvillkor har används för turbinfallet, där det senare är ett mer realistiskt representation av den riktiga strömningsbilden innuti avgasgrenröret och turbinen. Resultaten har analyserats på flera olika sätt: snabba Fourier transformer (FFT) i enskilda punkter, medelvärden och statistik på problinjer, area och volumsbaserade metoder så som Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) samt Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD).QC 20140919</p

    Intumescent Coatings as Fire Retardants

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    Fire-retardant paint, when activated by the heat of fire, reacts to form a thick, low-density, polymeric coating or char layer. Water vapor and sulphur dioxide are released during the intumescent reaction

    Noether's second theorem in a general setting. Reducible gauge theories

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    We prove Noether's direct and inverse second theorems for Lagrangian systems on fiber bundles in the case of gauge symmetries depending on derivatives of dynamic variables of an arbitrary order. The appropriate notions of reducible gauge symmetries and Noether's identities are formulated, and their equivalence by means of certain intertwining operator is proved.Comment: 20 pages, to be published in J. Phys. A (2005

    Quality of perception to quality of service mapping using a dynamically reconfigurable communication system

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    We present an innovative approach for providing en-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees in a distributed multimedia setting. Quality of Perception (QoP) is a term which encompasses not only a user's satisfaction with the quality of multimedia presentations, but also his/her ability to analyse, synthesise and assimilate the informational content of multimedia displays. The basics of a mapping linking QoP to QoS are then presented and the case for including it in an adaptable protocol is made. A proof of concept implementation based on the Dynamically Reconfigurable Protocol Stacks (DRoPS) project show that such applications can be used to improve QoP, especially in the case of dynamic and complex sequences

    Homogenization of the one-dimensional wave equation

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    We present a method for two-scale model derivation of the periodic homogenization of the one-dimensional wave equation in a bounded domain. It allows for analyzing the oscillations occurring on both microscopic and macroscopic scales. The novelty reported here is on the asymptotic behavior of high frequency waves and especially on the boundary conditions of the homogenized equation. Numerical simulations are reported