58,591 research outputs found

    Studying pion effects in the quark propagator

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    Within the framework of Schwinger-Dyson and Bethe-Salpeter equations we investigate the importance of pions for the quark-gluon interaction. To this end we choose a truncation for the quark-gluon vertex that includes intermediate pion degrees of freedom and adjust the interaction such that unquenched lattice results for various current quark masses are reproduced. The corresponding Bethe-Salpeter kernel is constructed from constraints by chiral symmetry. After extrapolation to the physical point we find a considerable contribution of the pion back reaction to the quark mass function as well as to the chiral condensate. The quark wave function is less affected.Comment: Talk given at 11th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU 2007), Julich, Germany, 10-14 Sep 200

    Neutrino emissivities and bulk viscosity in neutral two-flavor quark matter

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    We study thermodynamic and transport properties for the isotropic color-spin-locking (iso-CSL) phase of two-flavor superconducting quark matter under compact star constraints within a NJL-type chiral quark model. Chiral symmetry breaking and the phase transition to superconducting quark matter leads to a density dependent change of quark masses, chemical potentials and diquark gap. A self-consistent treatment of these physical quantities influences on the microscopic calculations of transport properties. We present results for the iso-CSL direct URCA emissivities and bulk viscosities, which fulfill the constraints on quark matter derived from cooling and rotational evolution of compact stars. We compare our results with the phenomenologically successful, but yet heuristic 2SC+X phase. We show that the microscopically founded iso-CSL phase can replace the purely phenomenological 2SC+X phase in modern simulations of the cooling evolution for compact stars with color superconducting quark matter interior.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, references added, text improve

    What Are Kinship Terminologies, and Why Do We Care? A Computational Approach to Analyzing Symbolic Domains

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    Kinship is a fundamental feature and basis of human societies. We describe a set of computational tools and services, the Kinship Algebra Modeler, and the logic that underlies these. These were developed to improve how we understand both the fundamental facts of kinship, and how people use kinship as a resource in their lives. Mathematical formalism applied to cultural concepts is more than an exercise in model building, as it provides a way to represent and explore logical consistency and implications. The logic underlying kinship is explored here through the kin term computations made by users of a terminology when computing the kinship relation one person has to another by referring to a third person for whom each has a kin term relationship. Kinship Algebra Modeler provides a set of tools, services and an architecture to explore kinship terminologies and their properties in an accessible manner

    Computation of unsteady transonic flows through rotating and stationary cascades. 3: Acoustic far-field analysis

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    A small perturbation type analysis has been developed for the acoustic far field in an infinite duct extending upstream and downstream of an axial turbomachinery stage. The analysis is designed to interface with a numerical solution of the near field of the blade rows and, thereby, to provide the necessary closure condition to complete the statement of infinite duct boundary conditions for the subject problem. The present analysis differs from conventional inlet duct analyses in that a simple harmonic time dependence was not assumed, since a transient signal is generated by the numerical near-field solution and periodicity is attained only asymptotically. A description of the computer code developed to carry out the necessary convolutions numerically is included, as well as the results of a sample application using an impulsively initiated harmonic signal

    A formal definition and a new security mechanism of physical unclonable functions

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    The characteristic novelty of what is generally meant by a "physical unclonable function" (PUF) is precisely defined, in order to supply a firm basis for security evaluations and the proposal of new security mechanisms. A PUF is defined as a hardware device which implements a physical function with an output value that changes with its argument. A PUF can be clonable, but a secure PUF must be unclonable. This proposed meaning of a PUF is cleanly delineated from the closely related concepts of "conventional unclonable function", "physically obfuscated key", "random-number generator", "controlled PUF" and "strong PUF". The structure of a systematic security evaluation of a PUF enabled by the proposed formal definition is outlined. Practically all current and novel physical (but not conventional) unclonable physical functions are PUFs by our definition. Thereby the proposed definition captures the existing intuition about what is a PUF and remains flexible enough to encompass further research. In a second part we quantitatively characterize two classes of PUF security mechanisms, the standard one, based on a minimum secret read-out time, and a novel one, based on challenge-dependent erasure of stored information. The new mechanism is shown to allow in principle the construction of a "quantum-PUF", that is absolutely secure while not requiring the storage of an exponentially large secret. The construction of a PUF that is mathematically and physically unclonable in principle does not contradict the laws of physics.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, Conference Proceedings MMB & DFT 2012, Kaiserslautern, German

    An Introduction to Conformal Ricci Flow

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    We introduce a variation of the classical Ricci flow equation that modifies the unit volume constraint of that equation to a scalar curvature constraint. The resulting equations are named the Conformal Ricci Flow Equations because of the role that conformal geometry plays in constraining the scalar curvature. These equations are analogous to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations of fluid mechanics inasmuch as a conformal pressure arises as a Lagrange multiplier to conformally deform the metric flow so as to maintain the scalar curvature constraint. The equilibrium points are Einstein metrics with a negative Einstein constant and the conformal pressue is shown to be zero at an equilibrium point and strictly positive otherwise. The geometry of the conformal Ricci flow is discussed as well as the remarkable analytic fact that the constraint force does not lose derivatives and thus analytically the conformal Ricci equation is a bounded perturbation of the classical unnormalized Ricci equation. That the constraint force does not lose derivatives is exactly analogous to the fact that the real physical pressure force that occurs in the Navier-Stokes equations is a bounded function of the velocity. Using a nonlinear Trotter product formula, existence and uniqueness of solutions to the conformal Ricci flow equations is proven. Lastly, we discuss potential applications to Perelman's proposed implementation of Hamilton's program to prove Thurston's 3-manifold geometrization conjectures.Comment: 52 pages, 1 figur

    Ice core records of atmospheric CO2 around the last three glacial terminations

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    Air trapped in bubbles in polar ice cores constitutes an archive for the reconstruction of the global carbon cycle and the relation between greenhouse gases and climate in the past. High-resolution records from Antarctic ice cores show that carbon dioxide concentrations increased by 80 to 100 parts per million by volume 600 ± 400 years after the warming of the last three deglaciations. Despite strongly decreasing temperatures, high carbon dioxide concentrations can be sustained for thousands of years during glaciations; the size of this phase lag is probably connected to the duration of the preceding warm period, which controls the change in land ice coverage and the buildup of the terrestrial biosphere.</jats:p

    When is an alternative possibility robust?

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    According to some, free will requires alternative possibilities. But not any old alternative possibility will do. Sometimes, being able to bring about an alternative does not bestow any control on an agent. In order to bestow control, and so be directly relevant qua alternative to grounding the agent's moral responsibility, alternatives need to be robust. Here, I investigate the nature of robust alternatives. I argue that Derk Pereboom's latest robustness criterion is too strong, and I suggest a different criterion based on the idea that what agents need to be able to do is keep open the possibility of securing their blamelessness, rather than needing to directly ensure their own blamelessness at the time of decision

    Spacelike surfaces with free boundary in the Lorentz-Minkowski space

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    We investigate a variational problem in the Lorentz-Minkowski space \l^3 whose critical points are spacelike surfaces with constant mean curvature and making constant contact angle with a given support surface along its common boundary. We show that if the support surface is a pseudosphere, then the surface is a planar disc or a hyperbolic cap. We also study the problem of spacelike hypersurfaces with free boundary in the higher dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space \l^{n+1}.Comment: 16 pages. Accepted in Classical and Quantum Gravit
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