236 research outputs found

    The Ribosome Cooperates with the Assembly Chaperone pICln to Initiate Formation of snRNPs

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    SummaryThe formation of macromolecular complexes within the crowded environment of cells often requires aid from assembly chaperones. PRMT5 and SMN complexes mediate this task for the assembly of the common core of pre-mRNA processing small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs). Core formation is initiated by the PRMT5-complex subunit pICln, which pre-arranges the core proteins into spatial positions occupied in the assembled snRNP. The SMN complex then accepts these pICln-bound proteins and unites them with small nuclear RNA (snRNA). Here, we have analyzed how newly synthesized snRNP proteins are channeled into the assembly pathway to evade mis-assembly. We show that they initially remain bound to the ribosome near the polypeptide exit tunnel and dissociate upon association with pICln. Coincident with its release activity, pICln ensures the formation of cognate heterooligomers and their chaperoned guidance into the assembly pathway. Our study identifies the ribosomal quality control hub as a site where chaperone-mediated assembly of macromolecular complexes can be initiated

    Mutant Prpf31 causes pre-mRNA splicing defects and rod photoreceptor cell degeneration in a zebrafish model for Retinitis pigmentosa

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited eye disease characterized by the progressive degeneration of rod photoreceptor cells. Mutations in pre-mRNA splicing factors including PRPF31 have been identified as cause for RP, raising the question how mutations in general factors lead to tissue specific defects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have recently shown that the zebrafish serves as an excellent model allowing the recapitulation of key events of RP. Here we use this model to investigate two pathogenic mutations in <it>PRPF31</it>, SP117 and AD5, causing the autosomal dominant form of RP. We show that SP117 leads to an unstable protein that is mislocalized to the rod cytoplasm. Importantly, its overexpression does not result in photoreceptor degeneration suggesting haploinsufficiency as the underlying cause in human RP patients carrying SP117. In contrast, overexpression of AD5 results in embryonic lethality, which can be rescued by wild-type Prpf31. Transgenic retina-specific expression of AD5 reveals that stable AD5 protein is initially localized in the nucleus but later found in the cytoplasm concurrent with progressing rod outer segment degeneration and apoptosis. Importantly, we show for the first time <it>in vivo </it>that retinal transcripts are wrongly spliced in adult transgenic retinas expressing AD5 and exhibiting increased apoptosis in rod photoreceptors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data suggest that distinct mutations in Prpf31 can lead to photoreceptor degeneration through different mechanisms, by haploinsufficiency or dominant-negative effects. Analyzing the AD5 effects in our animal model <it>in vivo</it>, our data imply that aberrant splicing of distinct retinal transcripts contributes to the observed retina defects.</p

    Exciton dynamics in solid-state green fluorescent protein

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    We study the decay characteristics of Frenkel excitons in solid-state enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) dried from solution. We further monitor the changes of the radiative exciton decay over time by crossing the phase transition from the solved to the solid state. Complex interactions between protonated and deprotonated states in solid-state eGFP can be identified from temperature-dependent and time-resolved fluorescence experiments that further allow the determination of activation energies for each identified process.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Strong coupling in fully tunable microcavities filled with biologically-produced fluorescent proteins

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    We thank C. Schneider for fruitful discussions and A. Clemens and K. Ostermann (TU Dresden, Germany) for technical support with protein preparation. We acknowledge financial support from the European Research Council (ERC StG ABLASE, 640012), the Scottish Funding Council (via SUPA), the European Union Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (PCIG12-GA-2012-334407) and the EPSRC Hybrid Polaritonics program grant (EP/M025330/1). M.S. acknowledges funding from the German Science Foundation (DFG) through a Research Fellowship (SCHU 3003/1-1) and from the European Commission for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (659213). S.H. gratefully acknowledges support by the Royal Society and the Wolfson Foundation.Strong coupling between cavity photons and excited states of biologically produced recombinant fluorescent proteins in fully tunable optical microcavities is demonstrated. Natural thickness and concentration gradients in blends of two different proteins allow precise adjustment of the spectral position of polariton states and of the effective coupling strength, thus providing control of the photonic and excitonic components of the system.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Organic room-temperature polariton condensate in a higher-order topological lattice

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    Organic molecule exciton-polaritons in photonic lattices are a versatile platform to emulate unconventional phases of matter at ambient conditions, including protected interface modes in topological insulators. Here, we investigate bosonic condensation in the most prototypical higher-order topological lattice: a 2D-version of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model, supporting both 0D and 1D topological modes. We study fluorescent protein-filled, structured microcavities defining a staggered photonic trapping potential and observe the resulting first- and higher-order topologically protected modes via spatially resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. We account for the spatial mode patterns by tight-binding calculations and theoretically characterize the topological invariants of the lattice. Under strong optical pumping, we observe bosonic condensation into the topological modes. Via interferometric measurements, we map the spatial first-order coherence in the protected 1D modes extending over 10 microns. Our findings pave the way towards organic on-chip polaritonics using higher-order topology as a tool for the generation of robustly confined polaritonic lasing states.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Analysis of bi-atrial function using CMR feature tracking and long-axis shortening approaches in patients with diastolic dysfunction and atrial fibrillation.

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    OBJECTIVES Atrial function can be assessed using advancing cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) post-processing methods: atrial feature tracking (FT) strain analysis or a long-axis shortening (LAS) technique. This study aimed to first compare the two FT and LAS techniques in healthy individuals and cardiovascular patients and then investigated how left (LA) and right atrial (RA) measurements are related to the severity of diastolic dysfunction or atrial fibrillation. METHODS Sixty healthy controls and 90 cardiovascular disease patients with coronary artery disease, heart failure, or atrial fibrillation, underwent CMR. LA and RA were analyzed for standard volumetry as well as for myocardial deformation using FT and LAS for the different functional phases (reservoir, conduit, booster). Additionally, ventricular shortening and valve excursion measurements were assessed with the LAS module. RESULTS The measurements for each of the LA and RA phases were correlated (p < 0.05) between the two approaches, with the highest correlation coefficients occurring in the reservoir phase (LA: r = 0.83, p < 0.01, RA: r = 0.66, p < 0.01). Both methods demonstrated reduced LA (FT: 26 ± 13% vs 48 ± 12%, LAS: 25 ± 11% vs 42 ± 8%, p < 0.01) and RA reservoir function (FT: 28 ± 15% vs 42 ± 15%, LAS: 27 ± 12% vs 42 ± 10%, p < 0.01) in patients compared to controls. Atrial LAS and FT decreased with diastolic dysfunction and atrial fibrillation. This mirrored ventricular dysfunction measurements. CONCLUSION Similar results were generated for bi-atrial function measurements between two CMR post-processing approaches of FT and LAS. Moreover, these methods allowed for the assessment of incremental deterioration of LA and RA function with increasing left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and atrial fibrillation. A CMR-based analysis of bi-atrial strain or shortening discriminates patients with early-stage diastolic dysfunction prior to the presence of compromised atrial and ventricular ejection fractions that occur with late-stage diastolic dysfunction and atrial fibrillation. KEY POINTS • Assessing right and left atrial function with CMR feature tracking or long-axis shortening techniques yields similar measurements and could potentially be used interchangeably based on the software capabilities of individual sites. • Atrial deformation and/or long-axis shortening allow for early detection of subtle atrial myopathy in diastolic dysfunction, even when atrial enlargement is not yet apparent. • Using a CMR-based analysis to understand the individual atrial-ventricular interaction in addition to tissue characteristics allows for a comprehensive interrogation of all four heart chambers. In patients, this could add clinically meaningful information and potentially allow for optimal therapies to be chosen to better target the dysfunction

    A critical examination of the recently reported crystal structures of the human SMN protein.

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    A recent publication by Seng et al. in this journal reports the crystallographic structure of refolded, full-length SMN protein and two disease-relevant derivatives thereof. Here, we would like to suggest that at least two of the structures reported in that study are incorrect. We present evidence that one of the associated crystallographic datasets is derived from a crystal of the bacterial Sm-like protein Hfq and that a second dataset is derived from a crystal of the bacterial Gab protein. Both proteins are frequent contaminants of bacterially overexpressed proteins which might have been co-purified during metal affinity chromatography. A third structure presented in the Seng et al. paper cannot be examined further because neither the atomic coordinates, nor the diffraction intensities were made publicly available. The Tudor domain protein SMN has been shown to be a component of the SMN complex, which mediates the assembly of RNA-protein complexes of uridine-rich small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (UsnRNPs). Importantly, this activity is reduced in SMA patients, raising the possibility that the aetiology of SMA is linked to RNA metabolism. Structural studies on diverse components of the SMN complex, including fragments of SMN itself have contributed greatly to our understanding of the cellular UsnRNP assembly machinery. Yet full-length SMN has so far evaded structural elucidation. The Seng et al. study claimed to have closed this gap, but based on the results presented here, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that the Seng et al. study is largely invalid and should be retracted from the literature