2,118 research outputs found
The makers get it all? The coalitional welfare politics of Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. The case studies of Austria and Italy
The article investigates whether and to what extent the welfare policies of Populist Radical Right Parties (PRRPs) vary in diverse government coalitions. Relying on a multidimensional framework differentiating coalitional politics along the welfare size and deservingness dimension, we conduct a comparative case study analysing welfare reforms of the ‘standard’ centre-right/PRRP government coalition ÖVP-FPÖ in Austria and the ‘new’ populist government coalition M5S-Lega in Italy. We find that both PRRPs do not promote pro-welfare policies in general, but rather opt for selective expansion of benefits for ‘mak- ers’, while aiming at retrenching benefits for ‘takers’. This welfare strategy includes pensioners and male breadwinner families but excludes migrants or long-term unemployed. The analysis furthermore shows that the central line of conflict with the centre-right ÖVP is mostly about the size of welfare policies, espe- cially for ‘deserving’ citizens, while with the socially more left-leaning M5S it is rather centred around the deservingness dimension, e.g., benefits for takers. These results offer a more fine-grained understanding of the PRRPs’ welfare agenda and their coalitional welfare politics in office
Posibles consecuencias del cambio climático global en bosques de Lago Puelo
p.79-87Se caracteriza topoclimáticamente los habitats del bosque mixto de coihue (Nothofagus dom beyi) y ciprés (Austrocedrus chilensis), del mixto con especies valdivianas y del de lenga (Nothofagus pumilio) en el Parque Nacional y Reserva Estricta Lago Puelo. Se analiza la posible consecuencia del cambio climático en la distribución y composición de dichos bosques. De mantenerse las tendencias que en la actualidad se observan para la temperatura y la precipitación, el clima en el año 2030 sería más húmedo, más frío en el invierno y más caluroso en el verano. La vegetación debería sufrir cambios para alcanzar un nuevo equilibrio, el cual tentativamente favorecería a la lenga y a especies higrófilas como Pilgerodendron uviferum, Fitzroya cupressoides, Lama apiculata y Myrceugenia exsucca
Modellprädiktive Regelung eines innovativen Thermomanagement-Systems für batterieelektrische Fahrzeuge
Im Zuge der fortschreitenden Elektrifizierung der Fahrzeuge fällt mit steigender Effizienz die zur Verfügung stehende Abwärme der Antriebsstrangs zur Deckung des Wärmebedarfs des Innenraums. Die zusätzlich notwendigen Maßnahmen zur thermischen Konditionierung des Innenraums äußern sich in einem rein elektrischen Betrieb bei kalten Umgebungstemperaturen in einer signifikant reduzierten Reichweite. Um diesem Problem entgegenzuwirken, befasst sich diese Dissertation mit der Entwicklung eines ganzheitlichen energieeffizienten Thermomanagement-Systems auf Basis einer umkehrbarenWärmepumpe. Die Nutzung der Umgebungswärme senkt den elektrischen Energiebedarf des Thermomanagement-Systems im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Systemen basierend auf elektrischen Zuheizern bereits deutlich. Die anfallende Abwärme der elektrischen Komponenten kann zusätzlich eingebracht werden und trägt zu einer weiteren Reduktion des elektrischen Energiebedarfs durch Drosselung des Kompressors bei. Um das Potenzial dieses Mehrgrößensystems vollständig zu nutzen, wird eine nichtlineare modellprädiktive Regelung (NMPC) entwickelt. Dieser fortschrittliche Regelungsansatz bedient sich eines mathematischen Modells des Systems und optimiert die Stellgrößen in einem definierten Zeithorizont auf Basis aktueller Messdaten. Es wird gezeigt, dass bei Kenntnis des zu erwartenden Geschwindigkeitsprofils und damit der zukünftig im Antriebsstrang entstehenden Abwärme eine hochpräzise Regelung möglich ist. Ein experimenteller Machbarkeitsnachweis wird gezeigt, welcher eine echtzeitfähige NMPC-Regelung einer Wärmepumpe in einem Fahrzeug-Demonstrator darstellt
Modellprädiktive Regelung eines innovativen Thermomanagement-Systems für batterieelektrische Fahrzeuge
Im Zuge der fortschreitenden Elektrifizierung der Fahrzeuge fällt mit steigender Effizienz die zur Verfügung stehende Abwärme des Antriebsstrangs zur Deckung des Wärmebedarfs des Innenraums. Um der dadurch reduzierten elektrischen Reichweite entgegenzuwirken, befasst sich diese Arbeit mit der Entwicklung eines ganzheitlichen energieeffizienten Thermomanagement-Systems auf Basis einer umkehrbaren Wärmepumpe, welches mit einer nichtlinearen modellprädiktiven Regelung geregelt wird
Essays on development economics
This dissertation consists of three self-contained chapters. The unifying theme of these chapters
is their focus on understanding rural households’ decision making with regards to the adoption of
innovative technologies. In chapter 1, we study small-holder farmers’ adoption of improved agri-
cultural inputs in response to receiving access to such inputs. In chapters 2 and 3, we investigate
important demand and supply side factors in the provision of voluntary health insurance policies.
In chapter 2, I study the role of households’ social network in their demand decision. In chapter
3, we investigate the presence of adverse selection in a low-income health insurance market, its
potential welfare effects, and provide measures to mitigate such adverse effects. The following
paragraphs provide a brief summary of these chapters
Varieties of just transition? : eco-social policy approaches at the international level
‘Just transition’ is a concept originally developed by the labour movement to reconcile workers’ rights with the necessity to combat climate change. More recently, supra- and international organisations have also adopted this idea. However, it remains unclear to what extent these actors follow the eco-social ambitions of organised labour. In this article, we develop a conceptual framework to capture diverse just transition approaches by distinguishing between the goal, policy, and governance dimension. We apply a multi-method approach to gauge the extent of variation in the just transition conceptualisations of three actors: the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the European Union (EU). We identify a cleavage between the ILO where just transition refers to an ambitious eco-social agenda on the one hand, and the IMF’s emphasis on macroeconomic adaptation on the other. The EU takes up a middle position by promoting a ‘green growth’ strategy with medium emphasis on environmental and social risk mitigation
Optimizing Notifications of Subscription-Based Forecast Queries
Integrating sophisticated statistical methods into database management systems is gaining more and more attention in research and industry. One important statistical method is time series forecasting, which is crucial for decision management in many domains. In this context, previous work addressed the processing of ad-hoc and recurring forecast queries. In contrast, we focus on subscription-based forecast queries that arise when an application (subscriber) continuously requires forecast values for further processing. Forecast queries exhibit the unique characteristic that the underlying forecast model is updated with each new actual value and better forecast values might be available. However, (re-)sending new forecast values to the subscriber for every new value is infeasible because this can cause significant overhead at the subscriber side. The subscriber therefore wishes to be notified only when forecast values have changed relevant to the application. In this paper, we reduce the costs of the subscriber by optimizing the notifications sent to the subscriber, i.e., by balancing the number of notifications and the notification length. We introduce a generic cost model to capture arbitrary subscriber cost functions and discuss different optimization approaches that reduce the subscriber costs while ensuring constrained forecast values deviations. Our experimental evaluation on real datasets shows the validity of our approach with low computational costs
Von der hierarchischen Politikverflechtung zur differenzierten Verwaltungszentralisierung: Die Reform der Bundesfernstraßenverwaltung 2017
Im Zuge der Bund-Länder-Finanzreform 2017 wurde auch die Bundesfernstraßenverwaltung neu organisiert. Zukünftig liegt die Kompetenz für die Verwaltung der Bundesautobahnen direkt beim Bund, während für die Bundesstraßen die Bundesauftragsverwaltung weiterhin Bestand hat. Damit wandelt sich die Struktur der Bund-Länder- Kooperation im Bereich der Bundesfernstraßen von einer hierarchischen Politikverflechtung zu einem System differenzierter Verwaltungszentralisierung. Die neue Verflechtungsstruktur ist durch straßenklassenbezogene Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Wahrnehmungs- und Verwaltungskompetenzen des Bundes und der Einfluss- und Steuerungsmöglichkeiten gegenüber den Ländern gekennzeichnet, ohne jedoch zu einer umfassenden Verfahrens- und Aufgabenentflechtung zwischen Bund und Ländern zu führen. Vor diesem Hintergrund sind auch die Auswirkungen der Reform auf die Leistungsfähigkeit der Bundesfernstraßenverwaltung differenziert zu bewerten, da das in Politik und Wissenschaft bisher dominierende Argument der Leistungssteigerung durch Verwaltungszentralisierung nur auf einen Teilbereich bzw. Teilaufgaben der reformierten Bundesfernstraßenverwaltung zutrifft und durch die differenzierte Zentralisierung potentiell neue Konfliktstrukturen, Effizienzhemmnisse und politische Legitimationsprobleme entstehen.As part of the federal-Länder financial reform in 2017, Germany's Federal Trunk Road Administration has been restructured. From 2021 onwards, the federal government will be in full authority of the administration of the federal motorways ("Bundesautobahnen"). For the administration of the federal highways ("Bundesstraßen"), however, the system of the "Bundesauftragsverwaltung" (federal executive administration) will persist. In consequence, the structure of the federal-Länder cooperation is changing from a hierarchical political interweaving ("hierarchische Politikverflechtung") to a system of differentiated centralisation. This new administrative structure is characterized by differences along road classes with regard to the federal's own administrative powers and its competences to influence and control the "Länder". However, the reform does not lead to a clear separation of competences between the federal government and the "Länder". Against this backdrop, the effects on the performance of the new system of Federal Trunk Road Administration must be scrutinized. While the argument of 'performance enhancement through administrative centralization' has predominated the political and scientific discourse, it applies only to a subarea and to certain subtasks of the reformed Federal Trunk Road Administration. Yet, the road class-related differentiation will likely create new conflicts of interest, efficiency barriers and legitimacy problems
Model-based Integration of Past & Future in TimeTravel
We demonstrate TimeTravel, an efficient DBMS system for seamless integrated querying of past and (forecasted) future values of time series, allowing the user to view past and future values as one joint time series. This functionality is important for advanced application domain like energy. The main idea is to compactly represent time series as models. By using models, the TimeTravel system answers queries approximately on past and future data with error guarantees (absolute error and confidence) one order of magnitude faster than when accessing the time series directly. In addition, it efficiently supports exact historical queries by only accessing relevant portions of the time series. This is unlike existing approaches, which access the entire time series to exactly answer the query.
To realize this system, we propose a novel hierarchical model index structure. As real-world time series usually exhibits seasonal behavior, models in this index incorporate seasonality. To construct a hierarchical model index, the user specifies seasonality period, error guarantees levels, and a statistical forecast method. As time proceeds, the system incrementally updates the index and utilizes it to answer approximate and exact queries. TimeTravel is implemented into PostgreSQL, thus achieving complete user transparency at the query level. In the demo, we show the easy building of a hierarchical model index for a real-world time series and the effect of varying the error guarantees on the speed up of approximate and exact queries
Monitoring microstructural evolution in-situ during cyclic deformation by high resolution reciprocal space mapping
The recently developed synchrotron technique High Resolution Reciprocal Space Mapping (HRRSM) is used to characterize the deformation structures evolving during cyclic deformation of commercially pure, polycrystalline aluminium AA1050. Insight into the structural reorganization within single grains is gained by in-situ monitoring of the microstructural evolution during cyclic deformation. By HRRSM, a large number of individual subgrains can be resolved within individual grains in the bulk of polycrystalline specimens and their fate, their individual orientation and elastic stresses, tracked during different loading regimes as tension and compression. With this technique, the evolution of dislocation structures in selected grains was followed during an individual load cycle
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