2,362 research outputs found

    The Prophectic Office of Christ and the Power of the Word

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    The purpose of this thesis is to set forth that the power of the Word also lies in the prophetic office of Christ, as it is revealed in both the Old and New Testaments and in the oral and written word today. In order to show the power, which the Holy Spirit exerts through the Word, a short section will be devoted to His relationship to the Word. The concluding chapters will set forth the characteristics and the efficacy of the Word. In addition, each section of the outline will be considered as a separate chapter throughout the entire thesis. May the Lord bless our study or it

    The Expansion of Intellectual Property Rights by International Agreement: A Case Study Comparing Chile and Australia’s Bilateral FTA Negotiations With the U.S.

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    This paper attempts to address the ongoing debate regarding the expansion of intellectual property rights (IPRs) through international negotiations. Commentators have described three theories that purport to explain the growing scope of IPRs in international law, as reflected in international agreements: that these agreements reflect coercion by economically powerful nations; that they are the products of lobbying by multinational corporations; and that they represent autonomous, welfare-enhancing instruments that benefit all parties. The article tests these theories by using a case study comparing free trade agreement negotiations that the United States recently concluded with a less developed country, Chile, and with a developed country, Australia. The article concludes that expanded IPRs in international trade agreements are most plausibly explained under the third theory. Relying on that conclusion, related issues in the debate over international intellectual property law are addressed, including which forum, bilateral or multilateral, is most equitable for less developed countries when negotiating international agreements regarding IPRs. Additionally, the recently proposed theory that Non Government Organizations (NGOs) should be involved in such IPR negotiations is assessed. Specifically, the applicability and ramifications that NGOs may have upon such negotiations are analyzed and a rationale explaining when, if ever, they should have active roles in the process is asserted

    An Examination of Osiander\u27s Imago Dei in its Relation to Justification

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    The purpose of this paper is to solve the problem - Does Osiander teach Justification as a process which makes man righteous., or does he teach Justification as a forensic act

    Walking artists

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    In den sechziger Jahren des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts entdecken die performativen Künste das Gehen. Der Prototyp menschlicher Fortbewegung wird zum Forschungsobjekt experimenteller Ästhetik im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theater, Tanz, Performance Art und Bildender Kunst. Die spielerische Erforschung des Gehens, das in der Konzeptkunst, etwa von Richard Long und Hamish Fulton, in der Performance Art, von Bruce Nauman, Marina Abramovic, Vito Acconci und Sophie Calle, im Kontext der Situationistischen Internationale und im Postmodern Dance, von Trisha Brown, Yvonne Rainer und Steve Paxton, betrieben wird, bildet den Auftakt zu einer sehr produktiven ästhetisch-performativen Auseinandersetzung, deren Früchte in Kunst und Theater der Gegenwart zu finden sind: Die Walking Performances der britischen Performancegruppen Lone Twin und Wrights & Sites, die subversiven Stadtspaziergänge des belgisch-mexikanischen Künstlers Francis Alÿs, die Crawling Pieces des US-amerikanischen Konzept- und Performancekünstlers William Pope.L und die Audio Walks der kanadischen Konzeptkünstlerin Janet Cardiff beweisen, dass der Akt des Gehens noch immer als Gegenstandsbereich von hoher ästhetischer Produktivität zu erachten ist. Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Subjekt und Raum, Anwesenheit und Abwesenheit, Realität und Virtualität spielt bei zahlreichen Geh-Versuchen und ambulatorischen Performances eine zentrale Rolle. Die Positionierung und Orientierung des Menschen in einer Lebenswirklichkeit, die nicht mehr mit tradierten Raum- und Bildkonzepten adäquat erfasst und beschrieben werden kann, ist das elementare Anliegen pedestrischer Ästhetik und diese Verortung und Neuorientierung erfolgt durch die Besinnung auf den Prototyp menschlicher Fortbewegung, dem Urakt des In-Beziehung- Tretens zur Welt: Dem menschlichen Gang. In meiner Studie untersuche ich diese ambulatorischen Experimente aus einer theaterwissenschaftlichen und performancetheoretischen Perspektive, wobei ich auch Ansätze aus der Raumtheorie (Michel de Certeau) und der postmodernen Philosophie (Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida) in meine Untersuchungen einbeziehe. Gehen als Kunstform begreife ich als Beispiel einer dezidiert postmodernen Ästhetik, einer Ästhetik, die als Reaktion auf die Emergenz einer heterochronischen und heterotopischen Lebenswirklichkeit betrachtet werden muß, in deren komplexen Netzwerken die Kategorien Präsenz und Absenz, Realität und Virtualität permanent miteinander interagieren, interferieren und kollidieren. Zwischen Aufführungsanalyse und philosophischer Reflexion oszillierend, soll eine ästhetische Logik entfaltet werden, die das Gehen als Dispositiv einer kritisch-subversiven Ästhetik begreift, deren Fokus sowohl auf das programmatische Über-Schreiten traditioneller ästhetischer Konzepte, als auch auf das Destabilisieren der in Körper, Bewegung und Raum eingeschriebenen Machtstrukturen, gerichtet ist.Beginning in the 1960s, walking emerged as a point of fascination within the discourse of contemporary performative art. Both visual artists (Richard Long, Hamish Fulton) and many active in theater (Tadashi Suzuki, Samuel Beckett, Trisha Brown) and performance art (Bruce Nauman, Vito Acconci, Marina Abramovic) have begun to explore walking not only as an aesthetic gesture, but also as an artistic practice. The act of walking offers many possibilities: It can be performed alone or in groups, in nature or in public space. But common to all aesthetic works based on walking is that walking is carried out using the body as the material vehicle for the artistic act. It can be used as an instrument of perception, which allows for the exploration of topographical systems and of relationships between the categories of movement, time, and space. Walking can also be used as a postmodern counter culture against the basic signature of modernism: The principle of acceleration. For the “Mobilisation of the planet” (Sloterdjik) has set the movements of the human body like walking in a new aesthetic, socio-political and ontological context: Compared to the modern machinery of acceleration the physical locomotion has been perceived as slow. The slowness of physical movements becomes the symbolic center for a postmodern challenging of modern principles: Postmodern performative art is using walking as a kind of kinetic resistance against the culture of speed and as an aesthetic tactic against the alienation between subject and environment. This project investigates walking as a contemporary performative art practice. The intention is to define the practice of walking as a field of performative art, to identify key tendencies and themes within this field, to explore the meaning of indexical signs like footsteps and traces in the context of walking art, and to develop a terminology for the description and analysis of performative works within the framework of performance and cultural studies

    Double Reflection Dips from Grating Ruled Semiconductors

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    The Double Reflectivity Dips, Previously Observed by Fischer Et Al. and Anderson Et Al., Which Appeared in the Reflection Spectra of Grating Surfaces On, the Te‐doped Semiconductors GaAs and InSb Around Both the Plasmon and Phonon Frequencies Have Been Measured in More Detail. in the Plasmon Region, Several Possible Explanations of the Phenomenon Are Discussed, But the Favored Explanation Involves Surface Damage. a Simple Two‐region Reflectivity Equation Checked with a Rigorous Grating Theory is Proposed and is Shown to Fit the Data Well. Copyright © 1975 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGa

    Probing the physics of narrow-line regions of Seyfert galaxies I: The case of NGC 5427

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    We have used the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS) on the ANU 2.3m telescope at Siding Spring to observe the nearby, nearly face-on, Seyfert 2 galaxy, NGC 5427. We have obtained integral field spectroscopy of both the nuclear regions and the HII regions in the spiral arms. We have constrained the chemical abundance in the interstellar medium of the extended narrow line region (ENLR) by measuring the abundance gradient in the circum-nuclear \ion{H}{ii} regions to determine the nuclear chemical abundances, and to use these to in turn determine the EUV spectral energy distribution for comparison with theoretical models. We find a very high nuclear abundance, 3.0\sim 3.0 times solar, with clear evidence of a nuclear enhancement of N and He, possibly caused by massive star formation in the extended (100\sim 100pc) central disk structure. The circum-nuclear narrow-line region spectrum is fit by a radiation pressure dominated photoionisation model model with an input EUV spectrum from a Black Hole with mass 5×107M5\times10^7 M_{\odot} radiating at 0.1\sim 0.1 of its Eddington luminosity. The bolometric luminosity is closely constrained to be logLbol.=44.3±0.1\log L_{\mathrm bol.} = 44.3\pm 0.1 erg s1^{-1}. The EUV spectrum characterised by a soft accretion disk and a harder component extending to above 15keV. The ENLR region is extended in the NW-SE direction. The line ratio variation in circum-nuclear spaxels can be understood as the result of mixing \ion{H}{ii} regions with an ENLR having a radius-invariant spectrum.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 14 pages, 13 figure