1,715 research outputs found

    Geometry and kinematics of the Nuncios detachment fold complex: implications for lithotectonics in northeastern Mexico

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    Using recent geologic mapping combined with digital elevation data, aerial photo interpretation, and cross section balancing, we describe the threedimensional (3-D) geometry and kinematics of the Nuncios Fold Complex in the Monterrey Salient of northeastern Mexico. This map-scale, evaporite-cored detachment fold structure involves Upper Jurassic through Cretaceous rocks deformed during the Laramide orogeny and comprises two westward plunging anticlines and an intervening, eastward plunging syncline. Seven balanced cross sections and a 3-D model of this north vergent structure document substantial along-strike variations in both fold geometry and detachment depth, suggesting that 3-D flow of the detachment layer may have occurred during folding. Comparison of folds in the Monterrey Salient with those in the neighboring Parras Basin suggests that the latter south vergent folds root to a shallower detachment. We suggest that northward transport of the Monterrey Salient folds on the lower evaporite detachment may have been inhibited by a thick sequence of foreland basin rocks in the northeastern Parras and southern La Popa basins and that the smaller, south verging folds formed where the lower detachment was abandoned and slip was transferred to the shallower detachment, forming a triangle zone at the front of the Sierra Madre orogenic wedge

    Serum anti-Müllerian hormone as a predictor of polycystic ovarian syndrome among women of reproductive age

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    BackgroundPolycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) affects up to one-fifth of women of reproductive age and causes anovulatory subfertility. Some studies have recommended that an anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) level greater than 3.8–5 ng/mL can be used for diagnosing PCOS. This study aims to analyse serum AMH levels among PCOS women of reproductive age to use AMH as a biomarker predictor along with other Rotterdam criteria.MethodsIn this cross-sectional study, a total of 98 women visiting the fertility center of a private hospital in Lahore, Pakistan, were screened. Data were obtained from 51 PCOS newly diagnosed women aged 28.24 years (SD ± 4.84 years) meeting at least two of the Rotterdam criteria and specific inclusion criteria. Baseline variables, menstrual cycle length, ovarian morphology on ultrasound, hirsutism, sex hormones, gonadotropin, and serum AMH levels were analysed during the follicular phase (1–5 days) of the menstrual cycle. Serum AMH was measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.ResultsA high serum AMH level (7.23 ± 4.67 ng/ml) was recorded with normal sex hormone levels. Women with oligo-/amenorrhea had a significant mean difference for luteinizing hormone (p = 0.02) and AMH levels (p = 0.03) when compared with women of normal menstrual cycle length. PCOS women with high AMH levels (≥ 3.9 ng/ml) showed a significant difference in ovarian morphology (p < 0.05) when compared with the normal AMH group.ConclusionsAn elevated serum AMH level can be used as a strong predictor to reflect the certainty of PCOS diagnosis among women of reproductive age when study concurrently with the other Rotterdam criteria

    Comparison of physical activity levels and dietary habits between women with polycystic ovarian syndrome and healthy controls of reproductive age: A case-control study

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    BackgroundPolycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a reproductive hormonal anomaly prevalent among women of reproductive age, with an alarmingly high prevalence of 52% among Pakistani women. This study aims to compare the daily physical activity and dietary habits of women with PCOS with age-matched healthy controls living in Lahore, Pakistan.MethodsA case–control study design was used to collect data from a private hospital situated in Lahore, Pakistan. Data was collected from 115 participants of reproductive age (18–45 years) using a researcher-administered questionnaire. Demographic variables, reproductive characteristics, anthropometric measurements, and seven days of physical activity levels using the international physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ-Short version) and seven days of dietary intake using the food frequency questionnaire (7 days-FFQ) were used to measure the dietary habits of the participants. Mosby’s Nutritac v4.0 software was used to estimate the macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals present in dietary intake. The glycaemic index and glycaemic load were calculated to compare the quality and quantity of carbohydrate consumption between the two groups.ResultsThe 49 PCOS cases, newly identified using the Rotterdam criteria, mean age 24.63 years (SD ± 4.76), and 66 healthy controls, mean age 23.24 years (SD ± 5.45), were compared. A significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) was found for reproductive characteristics, daily physical activity, and polyunsaturated fat and vitamin intake between the two groups. A binary logistic regression analysis showed that food with a low glycaemic index (GI ≤ 40) reduced the odds of PCOS occurrence by OR = 1.94. Similarly, food nutrients with a low glycaemic load (GL ≤ 10) can reduce PCOS occurrence by OR = 1.60.ConclusionThe daily physical activity levels and dietary habits of women of reproductive age can influence their reproductive characteristics and polycystic ovarian morphology. A diet with a low glycaemic load and index can produce beneficial reproductive health effects among women of reproductive age.<br/

    Oral health perceptions and practices of caregivers at children’s religious schools and foster care centers: a qualitative exploratory study in Lahore, Pakistan

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    BackgroundOral diseases are one of the major public health problems worldwide and affect the population of all age groups. This qualitative study aimed to explore the perceptions and practices of caregivers at care centres and boarding religious schools responsible for managing children’s oral health.MethodsA qualitative ethnomethodological approach was used to collect data from the caregivers at the children’s religious schools and foster care centres. A purposive sampling technique was used to conduct focus group discussions comprising 4–7 caregivers from five foster care centres and religious schools located in Lahore, Pakistan.An interview guide was developed based on results from previous studies. An inductive approach was used to analyse data on broader oral health concepts to generate themes in this qualitative research. A three-step thematic analysis was applied to develop codes that were merged to generate categories and to conclude into themes from the transcribed data. Five focus group discussions were conducted at two foster care centres (FG1 &amp; FG2) and three religious schools (FG3, FG4 &amp; FG5). Foster care centres had children of both gender within the same premises; however, religious schools had segregated settings.ResultsThe following four themes emerged from the thematic analysis: development of the desired living environment and responsibilities of the caregivers, preexisting traditional personal knowledge of the caregivers determine children’s oral health, use of religio-cultural driven and convenience-based oral hygiene practices, and ethnomedicine, spiritual healing, and self-medication. Development and the existing living environment of the foster care centres and religious schools appeared important to manage the matters of the boarding children.ConclusionsThis qualitative study concludes that the oral health of the children at foster care centres and at religious schools depends upon the personal reasoning and pre-existing religio-cultural knowledge of the caregivers rather than on specialized oral health-oriented approaches. The foster care centres are more involved in supervising the children to maintain oral hygiene and oral health compared to religious schools.<br/

    Relativistic calculations of isotope shifts in highly charged ions

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    The isotope shifts of forbidden transitions in Be- and B-like argon ions are calculated. It is shown that only using the relativistic recoil operator can provide a proper evaluation of the mass isotope shift, which strongly dominates over the field isotope shift for the ions under consideration. Comparing the isotope shifts calculated with the current experimental uncertainties indicates very good perspectives for a first test of the relativistic theory of the recoil effect in middle-Z ions

    Quark-gluon vertex in general kinematics

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    The original publication can be found at www.springerlink.com Submitted to Cornell University’s online archive www.arXiv.org in 2007 by Jon-Ivar Skullerud. Post-print sourced from www.arxiv.org.We compute the quark–gluon vertex in quenched lattice QCD in the Landau gauge, using an off-shell mean-field O(a)-improved fermion action. The Dirac-vector part of the vertex is computed for arbitrary kinematics. We find a substantial infrared enhancement of the interaction strength regardless of the kinematics.Ayse Kizilersu, Derek B. Leinweber, Jon-Ivar Skullerud and Anthony G. William

    Non-transitive maps in phase synchronization

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    Concepts from the Ergodic Theory are used to describe the existence of non-transitive maps in attractors of phase synchronous chaotic systems. It is shown that for a class of phase-coherent systems, e.g. the sinusoidally forced Chua's circuit and two coupled R{\"o}ssler oscillators, phase synchronization implies that such maps exist. These ideas are also extended to other coupled chaotic systems. In addition, a phase for a chaotic attractor is defined from the tangent vector of the flow. Finally, it is discussed how these maps can be used to real time detection of phase synchronization in experimental systems

    An outflow in the Seyfert ESO 362-G18 revealed by Gemini-GMOS/IFU observations

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    Indexación: Scopus.We present two-dimensional stellar and gaseous kinematics of the inner 0.7 × 1.2 kpc2 of the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy ESO 362-G18, derived from optical (4092-7338 Å) spectra obtained with the GMOS integral field spectrograph on the Gemini South telescope at a spatial resolution of ≈ 170 pc and spectral resolution of 36 km s-1. ESO 362-G18 is a strongly perturbed galaxy of morphological type Sa or S0/a, with a minor merger approaching along the NE direction. Previous studies have shown that the [O III] emission shows a fan-shaped extension of ≈ 10′′ to the SE. We detect the [O III] doublet, [N II] and Hα emission lines throughout our field of view. The stellar kinematics is dominated by circular motions in the galaxy plane, with a kinematic position angle of ≈ 137° and is centred approximately on the continuum peak. The gas kinematics is also dominated by rotation, with kinematic position angles ranging from 122° to 139°, projected velocity amplitudes of the order of 100 km s-1, and a mean velocity dispersion of 100 km s-1. A double-Gaussian fit to the [O III]λ5007 and Hα lines, which have the highest signal to noise ratios of the emission lines, reveal two kinematic components: (1) a component at lower radial velocities which we interpret as gas rotating in the galactic disk; and (2) a component with line of sight velocities 100-250 km s-1 higher than the systemic velocity, interpreted as originating in the outflowing gas within the AGN ionization cone. We estimate a mass outflow rate of 7.4 × 10-2 M⊙ yr-1 in the SE ionization cone (this rate doubles if we assume a biconical configuration), and a mass accretion rate on the supermassive black hole (SMBH) of 2.2 × 10-2 M⊙ yr-1. The total ionized gas mass within ∼84 pc of the nucleus is 3.3 × 105 M⊙; infall velocities of ∼34 km s-1 in this gas would be required to feed both the outflow and SMBH accretion. © ESO 2018.https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2018/06/aa31671-17/aa31671-17.htm

    Localization, Coulomb interactions and electrical heating in single-wall carbon nanotubes/polymer composites

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    Low field and high field transport properties of carbon nanotubes/polymer composites are investigated for different tube fractions. Above the percolation threshold f_c=0.33%, transport is due to hopping of localized charge carriers with a localization length xi=10-30 nm. Coulomb interactions associated with a soft gap Delta_CG=2.5 meV are present at low temperature close to f_c. We argue that it originates from the Coulomb charging energy effect which is partly screened by adjacent bundles. The high field conductivity is described within an electrical heating scheme. All the results suggest that using composites close to the percolation threshold may be a way to access intrinsic properties of the nanotubes by experiments at a macroscopic scale.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.