1,524 research outputs found

    Exploring the Revenue Mix of Nonprofit Organizations -- Does it Relate to Publicness

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    Nonprofit organizations offer a wide range of goods and services and seek funding from a variety of revenue sources. Our working theory n this paper is that the sources of funding are related to the services a nonprofit provides - specifically whether services are public, private, or mixed in the nature of their benefits. Using multiple subfields from three major fields in the National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE), this study divides nonprofits according to service type, and estimates the impact of service character on particular revenue streams and overall level of revenue diversification. Generally, the proportion of revenues generated by program fees is lowest for the category deemed public, highest for those with mostly private benefits, and midway for "mixed" services which are private in character but entail substantial public benefits. Similarly, the more public a nonprofit's services, the greater the proportion of revenues it generates through donations. However, we also identify some puzzling results that suggest the need for continued investigation of the determinants of the sources and mixes of nonprofit income. Working Paper 07-3

    The Covid pandemic, cultivation and livelihoods in South Africa's Eastern Cape

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    South African smallholders have disengaged from cultivation in recent decades despite the lack of alternative incomes. The Covid-19 pandemic led to further rises in poverty and food insecurity. Between March and May 2022, we asked respondents from all 104 households in one village in the Eastern Cape province about how the pandemic had impacted their lives, and their perspectives on and engagement in agriculture. The majority reported that school closures and loss of incomes had led to increased food insecurity. Overall the respondents did not report that the pandemic had had any significant positive or negative impact on cultivation. Material limitations (purchased seed, fertiliser, fencing and traction) were widely mentioned as hampering the possibility of cultivating land already before the pandemic. At the same time, many respondents expressed a love for farming. Future agricultural development support could be directed at promoting farming systems that are less dependent on external inputs and that can support rural livelihoods in the face of external shocks and crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic

    Retorno ao trabalho de professores após afastamentos por transtornos mentais

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    Este estudo analisa os sentidos de retorno ao trabalho atribuídos por professores servidores públicos após afastamentos por transtornos mentais e comportamentais. Tratou-se de pesquisa qualitativa com 20 professores, ativos e em readaptação funcional, do ensino fundamental. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre 2011 e 2012, por meio de entrevistas individuais, grupos focais e questionário socioeconômico e de condições de trabalho. A análise de dados foi realizada por codificação temática para o estabelecimento de uma estrutura de ideias. A maioria dos participantes era de mulheres. A média de idade era 44 anos e de jornada de trabalho de 43,2 horas/semana. Os sentidos de retorno ao trabalho para os professores ativos estavam ancorados nas ideias relacionadas aos motivos do afastamento, à capacidade para o trabalho e à valorização do trabalho. Para os professores readaptados, os sentidos atribuídos refletiram conflitos entre retornar à sala de aula ou manter-se readaptado. Discutir e compreender a identidade profissional foram primordiais no entendimento do processo de retorno dos professores readaptados. Dois temas associados ao retorno foram transversais a ambos os conjuntos de professores: o papel da equipe gestora neste processo e os preconceitos no ambiente de trabalho. Não foi possível abordar o retorno ao trabalho sem considerar o afastamento. A análise sobre os sentidos de retorno ao trabalho, na perspectiva dos próprios professores, disponibilizou uma série de elementos para a compreensão do processo de afastamento e retorno e das condições de vida e trabalho nesta categoria profissional. Observa-se a premência em favorecer ações de retorno ao trabalho no ambiente escolar como determinante da saúde dos professores

    Immune response after intramammary challenge with Streptococcus uberis mastitis for cows fed OmniGen-AF® during mid-lactation

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    Mastitis is one of the costliest diseases in the dairy cattle industry. Environmental pathogens, such as Streptococcus uberis (Strep. uberis), are the most prevalent causes of mastitis infections, while contagious pathogen mastitis has declined in incidences due to improvement in management protocols. Antimicrobials and antibiotics are the primary therapies currently utilized in the dairy industry to treat mastitis. However, the concern for antibiotic overuse and potential bacterial resistance due to improper use of these therapies has steered research in exploration of alternatives to antibiotics or other strategies. One potential alternative is supplementation of an immunomodulatory feed additive to daily cattle total mixed rations (TMR). A current immunomodulator is OmniGen-AF ® (OMN) produced by Phibro Animal Health Corporation (Teaneck, NJ) and has been explored being fed to lactating dairy cattle by previous research groups. OmniGen- AF ® has been reported to improve initial innate immune response during infection. However, it is unknown how OMN influences the innate immune system in vivo to a S. uberis mastitis infection. The ability of OMN to modulate immune function during an environmental mastitis infection was tested compared to control groups. Cows fed OmniGen-AF® and challenged with Strep. uberis had numerically higher least squared mean Log somatic cell count compared to the control group that was not fed OMN and challenged with Strep. uberis. OMN fed cows displayed numerically higher average daily feed intake and fluid milk yield values compared to the control group. Further analysis of milk and blood samples using immunoassays to monitor the effects OMN has on cytokine and cortisol levels throughout mastitis infection is needed to determine innate immune response. In conclusion, OmniGen-AF® has the potential as an immunomodulator that improves innate immune system activity with continuous supplementation in the diet to prevention of dairy cattle environmental mastitis

    Interfacial informatics

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    Using machine learning methods to analyse and predict events occurring at interfaces is more complicated than applying machine learning to participating entities, such as adsorbates and adsorbents separately. Whether combining molecular or materials descriptors, or explicitly defining the topology of the space in between, the choice of features is critical to successfully understanding the potential energy surface that determines the probability of events, or the importance of unique characteristics that can guide decision making. If reliably defined these descriptors can be used in advanced machine learning methods to model dynamics, co-adsorption and interfacial evolution based on complex data; an area traditionally reserved for molecular dynamics or kinetic Monte Carlo. In this perspective, we provide some insights into how interactions and interfaces can be more effectively described and introduce some relevant machine learning methods that go beyond the unsupervised pattern recognition or supervised classification and regression currently preferred by the communit

    Qualidade de vida associada a saúde e condições de trabalho entre profissionais de enfermagem

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate working conditions associated with health-related quality of life (HRQL) among nursing providers. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted in a university hospital in the city of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, during 2004-2005. The study sample comprised 696 registered nurses, nurse technicians and nurse assistants, predominantly females (87.8%), who worked day and/or night shifts. Data on sociodemographic information, working and living conditions, lifestyles, and health symptoms were collected using self-administered questionnaires. The following questionnaires were also used: Job Stress Scale, Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) and Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Ordinal logistic regression analysis using proportional odds model was performed to evaluate each dimension of the SF-36. RESULTS: Around 22% of the sample was found to be have high strain and 8% showed an effort-reward imbalance at work. The dimensions with the lowest mean scores in the SF-36 were vitality, bodily pain and mental health. High-strain job, effort-reward imbalance (ERI>;1.01), and being a registered nurse were independently associated with low scores on the role emotional dimension. Those dimensions associated to mental health were the ones most affected by psychosocial factors at work. CONCLUSIONS: Effort-reward imbalance was more associated with health than high-strain (high demand and low control). The study results suggest that the joint analysis of psychosocial factors at work such as effort-reward imbalance and demand-control can provide more insight to the discussion of professional roles, working conditions and HRQL of nursing providers.OBJETIVO: Evaluar condiciones de trabajo asociadas a la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud entre profesionales de enfermería. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado en un hospital universitario de Sao Paulo, Sureste de Brasil, en 2004-2005. La población estudiada fue de 696 enfermeros, técnicos y auxiliares de enfermería, predominantemente femenina (87,8%) y que trabajaba en turnos diurnos y/o nocturnos. Los datos sociodemográficos, de condiciones de trabajo y de vida, hábitos de vida y síntomas de salud auto-referidos fueron obtenidos por medio de cuestionarios auto-aplicados: Resultados de Estudios de Salud-versión reducida, Escala de Estrés en el Trabajo y Desequilibrio Esfuerzo-Recompensa. Valores del coeficiente ³ 1,01 significan más esfuerzos que recompensas en el trabajo. Modelos de regresión logística ordinal de oportunidades proporcionales fueron ajustados para cada dimensión del SF-36. RESULTADOS: Aproximadamente 22% de la población fue clasificada como trabajando en condiciones de alto desgaste y 8% con más esfuerzos que recompensas en el trabajo. Las dimensiones con peores escores promedios en el SF-36 fueron vitalidad, dolor y salud mental. Alto desgaste en el trabajo, tener más esfuerzos que recompensas y ser enfermera se asociaron de manera independiente a los bajos escores de la dimensión de aspectos emocionales. Las dimensiones relacionadas con la salud mental fueron las que más sufrieron influencia de los factores psicosociales de trabajo. CONCLUSIONES: Tener más esfuerzos que recompensas mostró más asociación con la salud que el alto desgaste (altas demandas y bajo control). Los resultados indican que el análisis conjunto de los factores psicosociales de desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa y demanda-control contribuyó para la discusión sobre los roles profesionales, condiciones de trabajo y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud de profesionales de enfermería.OBJETIVO: Avaliar condições de trabalho associadas à qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde entre profissionais de enfermagem. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado em um hospital universitário de São Paulo, SP, em 2004-2005. A população estudada foi de 696 enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem, predominantemente feminina (87,8%) e que trabalhava em turnos diurnos e/ou noturnos. Os dados sociodemográficos, de condições de trabalho e de vida, hábitos de vida e sintomas de saúde auto-referidos foram obtidos por meio de questionários auto-aplicados: Resultados de Estudos de Saúde - versão reduzida, Escala de Estresse no Trabalho e Desequilíbrio Esforço-Recompensa. Valores do coeficiente 1,01 significam mais esforços do que recompensas no trabalho. Modelos de regressão logística ordinal de chances proporcionais foram ajustados para cada dimensão do SF-36. RESULTADOS: Aproximadamente 22% da população foi classificada como trabalhando em condições de alto desgaste e 8% com mais esforços do que recompensas no trabalho. As dimensões com piores escores médios no SF-36 foram vitalidade, dor e saúde mental. Alto desgaste no trabalho, ter mais esforços que recompensas e ser enfermeira associaram-se de maneira independente aos baixos escores da dimensão de aspectos emocionais. As dimensões relacionadas à saúde mental foram as que mais sofreram influência dos fatores psicossociais do trabalho. CONCLUSÕES: Apresentar mais esforços do que recompensas no trabalho foi mais significativo para a qualidade de vida associada à saúde do que o alto desgaste no trabalho (altas demandas e baixo controle). Os resultados indicam que a análise conjunta dos fatores psicossociais de desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa e demanda-controle contribuiu para a discussão sobre os papéis profissionais, condições de trabalho e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de profissionais de enfermagem

    Health-related quality of life and working conditions among nursing providers

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar condições de trabalho associadas à qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde entre profissionais de enfermagem. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado em um hospital universitário de São Paulo, SP, em 2004-2005. A população estudada foi de 696 enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem, predominantemente feminina (87,8 por cento) e que trabalhava em turnos diurnos e/ou noturnos. Os dados sociodemográficos, de condições de trabalho e de vida, hábitos de vida e sintomas de saúde auto-referidos foram obtidos por meio de questionários auto-aplicados: Resultados de Estudos de Saúde - versão reduzida, Escala de Estresse no Trabalho e Desequilíbrio Esforço-Recompensa. Valores do coeficiente 1,01 significam mais esforços do que recompensas no trabalho. Modelos de regressão logística ordinal de chances proporcionais foram ajustados para cada dimensão do SF-36. RESULTADOS: Aproximadamente 22 por cento da população foi classificada como trabalhando em condições de alto desgaste e 8 por cento com mais esforços do que recompensas no trabalho. As dimensões com piores escores médios no SF-36 foram vitalidade, dor e saúde mental. Alto desgaste no trabalho, ter mais esforços que recompensas e ser enfermeira associaram-se de maneira independente aos baixos escores da dimensão de aspectos emocionais. As dimensões relacionadas à saúde mental foram as que mais sofreram influência dos fatores psicossociais do trabalho. CONCLUSÕES: Apresentar mais esforços do que recompensas no trabalho foi mais significativo para a qualidade de vida associada à saúde do que o alto desgaste no trabalho (altas demandas e baixo controle). Os resultados indicam que a análise conjunta dos fatores psicossociais de desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa e demanda-controle contribuiu para a discussão sobre os papéis profissionais, condições de trabalho e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde de profissionais de enfermagemOBJECTIVE: To evaluate working conditions associated with health-related quality of life (HRQL) among nursing providers. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted in a university hospital in the city of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, during 2004-2005. The study sample comprised 696 registered nurses, nurse technicians and nurse assistants, predominantly females (87.8%), who worked day and/or night shifts. Data on sociodemographic information, working and living conditions, lifestyles, and health symptoms were collected using self-administered questionnaires. The following questionnaires were also used: Job Stress Scale, Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) and Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Ordinal logistic regression analysis using proportional odds model was performed to evaluate each dimension of the SF-36. RESULTS: Around 22% of the sample was found to be have high strain and 8% showed an effort-reward imbalance at work. The dimensions with the lowest mean scores in the SF-36 were vitality, bodily pain and mental health. High-strain job, effort-reward imbalance (ERI>1.01), and being a registered nurse were independently associated with low scores on the role emotional dimension. Those dimensions associated to mental health were the ones most affected by psychosocial factors at work. CONCLUSIONS: Effort-reward imbalance was more associated with health than high-strain (high demand and low control). The study results suggest that the joint analysis of psychosocial factors at work such as effort-reward imbalance and demand-control can provide more insight to the discussion of professional roles, working conditions and HRQL of nursing provider

    Teachers returning to work after sick leave for mental disorders

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    Este estudo analisa os sentidos de retorno ao trabalho atribuídos por professores servidores públicos após afastamentos por transtornos mentais e comportamentais. Tratou-se de pesquisa qualitativa com 20 professores, ativos e em readaptação funcional, do ensino fundamental. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre 2011 e 2012, por meio de entrevistas individuais, grupos focais e questionário socioeconômico e de condições de trabalho. A análise de dados foi realizada por codificação temática para o estabelecimento de uma estrutura de ideias. A maioria dos participantes era de mulheres. A média de idade era 44 anos e de jornada de trabalho de 43,2 horas/semana. Os sentidos de retorno ao trabalho para os professores ativos estavam ancorados nas ideias relacionadas aos motivos do afastamento, à capacidade para o trabalho e à valorização do trabalho. Para os professores readaptados, os sentidos atribuídos refletiram conflitos entre retornar à sala de aula ou manter-se readaptado. Discutir e compreender a identidade profissional foram primordiais no entendimento do processo de retorno dos professores readaptados. Dois temas associados ao retorno foram transversais a ambos os conjuntos de professores: o papel da equipe gestora neste processo e os preconceitos no ambiente de trabalho. Não foi possível abordar o retorno ao trabalho sem considerar o afastamento. A análise sobre os sentidos de retorno ao trabalho, na perspectiva dos próprios professores, disponibilizou uma série de elementos para a compreensão do processo de afastamento e retorno e das condições de vida e trabalho nesta categoria profissional. Observa-se a premência em favorecer ações de retorno ao trabalho no ambiente escolar como determinante da saúde dos professores.The present study evaluates the significance of the process of public school teachers returning to work following sick leave for mental and behavioral disorders. It is a qualitative study conducted with 20 elementary school teachers currently active or undergoing retraining. Data was obtained thru individual interviews, focus groups and a questionnaire, which included socioeconomic data and work conditions, during 2011 and 2012. Data was analyzed by means of thematic categorization. Most participants were women, average age of 44 years old, and working 43.2 hours per week. Among those who were active teachers, returning to work was associated with the reasons that led to the sick leave, their ability to accomplish actual work and the possibility of being valued at work. Regarding teachers undergoing retraining, the impacts of returning to work included the conflict of returning to the classroom or being away from it. It was paramount to discuss their professional identity in order to understand the process of returning to work for the teachers undergoing retraining. Two themes were common to both groups of teachers: the role of the school managerial team during the process of returning to work and the prejudice they faced in the work environment. It was not possible to approach returning to work without discussing the sick leave process. The performed analyses, by the point of view of the participants, revealed a number of topics to understand the process of sick leave and returning to work, as well as the living and working conditions of the teachers

    Методичні рекомендації щодо проходження науково-практичної підготовки магістрів спеціальності 8.05030101 Розробка родовищ та видобування корисних копалин

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    Подано методичні матеріали щодо проходження науково-практичної підготовки з освітньо-кваліфікаційної програми магістрів спеціальності 8.05030101 Розробка родовищ та видобування корисних копалин

    A Narrative Review on the Unexplored Potential of Colostrum as a Preventative Treatment and Therapy for Diarrhea in Neonatal Dairy Calves

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    Diarrhea is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in pre-weaned dairy calves and, as such, represents a significant animal health and welfare concern. Furthermore, digestive disease early in life is associated with several long-term consequences such as reduced growth rate and decreased milk yield during the first lactation, thus generating severe economic losses. The majority of diarrheic cases in young calves are treated with antimicrobials; however, it is necessary to develop alternative treatments, as excessive antimicrobial usage can lead to antimicrobial resistance and can negatively impact the gut microflora of a calf. Bovine colostrum is abundant in immune and bioactive factors that improve immune function and development. This rich and natural combination of immunoglobulins, natural antimicrobial factors, growth factors, anti-inflammatories and nutrients may be an attractive alternative to antimicrobials in the treatment of diarrhea in young dairy calves. There is evidence that supports the use of colostrum as an early treatment for diarrhea in young calves. Future research should investigate its therapeutic and economic effectiveness