27 research outputs found
Analisa Hasil Pengukuran Gasket Silinder Head Motor E Menggunakan Profile Projector Pada E Tipe
Analisa hasil Pengukuran karya ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jarak dan ukuran dari segi dimensi lubang baud gasket silinder head type motor E menggunakan alat uji profile projector . Untuk mengetahui nilai rata-rata dan nilai deviasi gasket silinder head dilakukan proses penelitian dari pengukuran dengan beberapa sample produk atau benda uji (sempel A dengan bahan plat , sempel B dengan bahan logam, dan sempel C dengan bahan kardus pernis), dimana masing masing tipe berjumlah 1 sempel, pengukuran antar lubang baud sebanyak 6 titik. Pada analisis ini telah dihasilkan nilai rata-rata () dan nilai deviasi () yang berbeda – beda meskipun dalam suatu produk yang sama. Untuk gasket sempel A titik pengukuran dengan nilai rata-rata dari 9.92 mm (titik 3) – 9.92 mm (titik 4), gasket tipe B titik pengukuran dengan nilai rata-rata dari 12.68 mm (titik 1) â€“ 12,48 mm (titik 5), sedangkan tipe C titik pengukuran dengan nilai rata-rata dari 12.2 (titik 1) – 12,2 (titik 6). Dari gasket tipe A, tipe B, dan tipe C yang nilai rata-ratanya rendah dengan jumlah titik paling banyak ada pada gasket tipe C ada 4 titik.Nilai rata-ratanya rendah dengan jumlah titik paling sedikit ada pada gasket tipe B 1 titik. Untuk nilai rata-ratanya tinggi dengan jumlah titik paling banyak ada pada tipe gasket tipe A ada 3 titik, sedangkan nilai rata-ratanya tinggi dengan jumlah titik paling sedikit ada pada gasket tipe C ada 1 titik.kemudian mencari nilai deviasi dari 3 sample yang bebeda dimna di emukan dari semple A nili deviasinya 0.006, kemudian nilai deviasi dari sempel B di temukan 0.33, dan dari semple C di tumukan nilai deviasinya 0.07
Critical thermal limit and behavior of the Barramundi (Lates calcarifer Bloch, 1790) fingerling exposure with different temperature
Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) is one of the commercial fish in Indonesia. The phenomenon of climate change due to global warming has affected the life of aquatic biota, including fish. The objectives of the present study were to determine a critical thermal maximum (CTMax) and the behavior of Barramundi (L. calcarifer) due to the increase in water temperature. The research was conducted at the Fishing Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala in February 2021. The experiment was conducted in 10 aquariums equipped with heaters. The initial temperature of the treatment was 28oC and increased gradually every one minute by 0.2oC. The results showed that the abnormal behavior of Barramundi fingerling was started to appear at 37oC where the fish began to swim fast, then swim sideways at 38oC-39oC, hit the container wall at 39oC-40oC, jumped and weakened then dead at 40oC and 41oC. The average critical temperature of Barramundi fingerling was recorded at a temperature of 41oC within 65 minutes. Therefore, it is concluded that the Barramundi (L. calcarifer) display an abnormal behavior above the temperature of 35oC, however, they can survive up to 42oC exposure for 70 minutes.Keywords:Critical thermal maximumTemperature riseGlobal warmin
Tinjauan Yuridis Tindak Pidana Penggelembungan Suara Pemilu Legislatif Di Kabupaten Jeneponto
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penanganan sebelum terjadinya pelanggaran dalam penghitungan suara pemilu legislatif di Kabupaten Jeneponto tahun 2009 dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses hukum penyelesaian pelanggaran pelanggaran pemilu legislatif di Kabupaten Jeneponto than 2009. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam wilayah hukum Kabupaten Jeneponto, adapun yang menjadi lokasi penelitian adalah : Komisi Pemilihan Umum, dan Pengadilan Negeri Jeneponto. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut penulis menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa penilitian kepustakaan dan wawancara. Untuk menangani sebelum terjadinya pelanggaran pemilu sebaiknya KPU memperketat dalam melakukan bimbingan teknis untuk seluruh petugas yang bersangkutan mulai dari PPK, PANWAS, PPS, dan KPPS agar dapat memperjelas fungsi dan kode etik penyelenggara pemilihan umum. Adapun proses hukum penyelesaian pelanggaran pemilihan umum pada intinya untuk diproses hukum harus ada laporan pelanggaran pemilu kepada Badan Pengawas Pemilu untuk di evaluasi oleh Bawaslu dan di serahkan kepada Tim Sentra Penegakan Terpadu (Gakkumdu) untuk kemudian ditindak lanjuti. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah dalam penanganan tindak pidana pelanggaran pemilu KPU harus lebih memperhatikan para penyelenggara pemilu, sebaiknya setiap penyelenggara harus menjungjung tinggi integritas agar mereka tidak mudah terpengaruh oleh oknum-oknum yang ingin berbuat kecurangan. Serta pada proses hukum penyelesaian pelanggaran pemilu penulis mengharapkan harus lebih mengutamakan efek jera misalkan dari hukuman yang didapat oleh pelaku selama 1 tahun 3 bulan di tambah hukumannya menjadi 3 tahun, agar pelaku maupun yang belum melakukan berfikir panjang untuk melakukan hal yang tidak terpuji tersebut
Students perspectives on switching from online to face-to-face learning environments after the COVID-19 pandemic
After around two years of having online learning, students in the universities have to come back to face-to-face learning mode as it was before the pandemic. This setting also applied to the biology education study program of Universitas Sulawesi Barat. The current study investigated the students’ perspective on changing online to face-to-face learning after COVID-19. It is a qualitative descriptive study with nine students as respondents from the classes of 2019, 2020, and 2021. The instrument used was an interview guide consisting of indicators regarding online teaching and learning features, assessment, and interactions that students needed to experience in face-to-face settings but would like to. In addition, students' perceptions of the advantages and disadvantages of the shift from online to offline learning were also assessed. The data analysis was performed in three stages: data reduction, data display, and drawing a conclusion or data verification. The result showed that several things they would like to have as it was during online learning were (1) have electronic materials, online-games-based learning, and more time to complete the assignments, (2) get various types of assessments including via online platforms (3) to have online applications or media to discuss learning materials and submit assignments. (4) In addition, for the advantages, the practicums could be conducted in laboratories, they felt more concentrated during offline classes, and became more confident to apply IT skills during offline settings, while the disadvantages were feeling anxious and fear to interacting during offline class and trouble to listen to lecturers’ class while having masks. Overall, students feel face-to-face learning is way more effective and efficient but suggested blended learning as an interesting mode in the learning and teaching implementation
Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan, Kepuasan Pelanggan, Dan Lokasi Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan (Studi Kasus Pada Pelanggan toko kopma Ilham Ramadhan Universitas Islam Malang)
ABSTRACTThis study aims to explain the problems that occur in Kopma Ilham Ramadhan University of Islam Malang shop. This study used a population of 720 respondents and through Slovin calculations obtained a sample of 88 respondents of customers Kopma Ilham Ramadhan University of Islam Malang shop. This study used a purposive sampling method that has a reference criteria in sampling. The data sources in this study used primary data through questionnaires to customers Kopma Ilham Ramadhan University of Islam Malang shop and assisted with library studies. The method of data analysis in this study used the validity test, reliability test, normality test, heteroscedasticity test, multicollinearity test, t test, F test and multiple linear regression.The results of this study explain that service quality has a significant effect on customer loyalty, customer satisfaction has a significant effect on customer loyalty, and also the location has a significant effect on customer loyalt
Diversity of commercially important grouper (Family: Epinephelidae) in Simeulue and Banyak Islands, Aceh, Indonesia
Grouper is one of the economically important fish groups in the Simeulue and Banyak Islands. However, data on the diversity of the grouper in this region is still limited. This study aimed to inventory the commercially important grouper in Simeulue and Banyak Islands. Sampling was carried out in April - September 2021 at sixteen locations around Simeulue and Banyak Islands. In total, 20 species of commercial grouper consisting of 6 genera were recorded during the study. Epinephelus was the most dominant genus with ten species, followed by Cephalopholis with four species. In addition, seventeen species (85%) were included in the Least Concern (LC), two species (10%) were categorized as Vulnerable (VU), and one species (5%) was Data Deficient (DD). This study provides a database of commercially important grouper in Simeulue and Banyak Islands that can be used to manage the fish group
Intensitas dan prevalensi ektoparasit dan endoparasit pada ikan belanak Liza macrolepis (Smith, 1846) di perairan pantai Barat-Selatan Aceh
The Largescale mullet Liza macrolepis is a common fish found in estuaries and coastal areas and the fish is used as a source of protein by coastal communities. This study aims to analyze the prevalence and intensity of parasitic infected on mullets harvested from the waters of the West - South Aceh. This research was conducted from March to April 2019 in 8 locations, namely; Estuary Aceh River, Gampong Jawa, Banda Aceh city, Coastal Ujong Pancu, Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar, Estuary Teunom River, Calang, Aceh Jaya, Estuary, and Coastal Kuala Bubon, Samatiga, West Aceh, Estuary Nagan River Langkak Kuala Tuha Nagan Raya, Estuary, and Coastal Susoh, Blang Pidie, Southwest Aceh, Estuary and Coastal Indra Damai, Kluet Selatan, South Aceh and Estuary Sua- Sua River and Ujong Umo River, Simeulue. A total of 343 samples were examined for ectoparasites and endoparasites at the Laboratory of Hatchery, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Syiah Kuala University. The results showed that there were seven species of parasites, infected the mullet samples namely; Ectoparasites (Cymanthoa sp., Ergasilus sp., Lernanthropus sp., Monstriloida sp., Myxobolus sp.) and Endoparasites (Nematodes and Trematodes). Prevalence value of Kota Banda Aceh was 33% ectoparasites and 28% endoparasites), Aceh Besar was 21% ectoparasites and 15% endoparasites, Aceh Jaya was 4% ectoparasites and 4% endoparasites, Southwest Aceh was 2% ectoparasites and 2% endoparasites, Simeulue was 9% ectoparasites and 9% endoparasites. It is concluded that the higher prevalence and intensity were found in fish samples from Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar, while no fish from Nagan Raya and Aceh Selatan were infected by parasites.Keywords:ParasiteCoastalEstuaryPollutant ABSTRAKIkan belanak Liza macrolepis sering dijumpai di muara dan pesisir pantai dan dijadikan sebagai sumber protein oleh masyarakat pesisir. Saat ini belum ada penelitian terkait jenis-jenis parasite yang menyerang ikan belanak di perairan Aceh, khususnya di pantai Barat Selatan Aceh. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis prevelensi dan intensitas parasit pada ikan belanak di perairan Barat Selatan Aceh. Penelitian dilakukan sejak Maret sampai April 2019 meliputi 8 lokasi, yaitu; Muara Krueng Aceh, Gampong Jawa Kota Banda Aceh, Ujung Pancu, Peukan Bada Aceh Besar, Muara Krueng Teunom, Calang Aceh Jaya, Muara Sungai/Pesisir Kuala Bubon, Samatiga Aceh Barat, Muara Krueng Nagan, Kuala Tuha Nagan Raya, Muara/Pesisir Susoh, Blang Pidie Aceh Barat Daya, Muara/Pesisir Indra Damai, Kluet Selatan Aceh Selatan dan Muara sungai Ujong Umo dan muara sungai Sua – Sua, tepah barat dan Simeulu Timur, Simeulu. Metode digunakan adalah preparat ulas (Smeer method). Sebanyak 343 sampel dibedah untuk dilakukan pemeriksan ektoparasit dan endoparasit di Laborarorium Pembenihan Ikan, Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Syiah Kuala. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 7 jenis parasit, ektoparasit (Cymanthoa sp., Ergasilus sp., Lernanthropus sp., Monstriloida sp., Myxobolus sp.) dan Endoparasit (Nematoda dan Trematoda). Nilai prevalensi; Kota Banda Aceh (33% ektoparasit, 28% endoparasit), Aceh Besar (21 % ektoparasit, 15% endoparasit), Aceh Jaya (4% ektoprasit dan 4%endoparasit), Aceh Barat Daya (2% ektoprasit dan 2% endoparasit) Simeulu (9% ektoparasit dan 9% endoparasit). Disimpulkan bahwa prevelensi dan intensitas parasit tertinggi dijumpai pada sampel ikan dari Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar, sedangkan ikan sampel dari Nagan Raya dan Aceh Selatan bebas dari serangan parasit. Kata kunci:ParasitpesisirMuara sungaiPencemara
Grouper DNA barcoding studies in Indonesia: A short review
Indonesia is recognized as one of the territories that have the highest reef fish biodiversity in the world. One of the commercially valuable fish in this area is the groupers (locally name "kerapu"). At least 76 grouper species have been reported in Indonesian waters, with three species were categorized into "vulnerable", five species "Data Deficient", and 68 species under the "Least Concern" category based on IUCN classification. The increasing exploitations rate had been reported caused the grouper stocks in Indonesia to decrease and threatened extinction. However, only limited scientific data is available regarding the grouper in Indonesia, including their identification. In most fish landing sites across Indonesia, the groupers are morphologically identified and recorded as "kerapu" to replace their scientific species names. Accurate species identification is essential in designing appropriate and sustainable management of fisheries resources. One of the tools that have been used in fish identification is DNA barcoding. In the last two decades, this molecular method has been applied to identify many fish groups globally, including grouper fish. This study reviewed the DNA barcoding approach in grouper identification in Indonesia based on the available literature.Keywords:DNA barcodingGrouperMolecular TaxonomyFisheriesIndonesia
Komparasi Morfometrik, Pola Pertumbuhan Dan Faktor Kondisi Ikan Genus Scarus Dari Perairan Pulau Weh, Aceh
Scarus fish play an important ecological role in supporting the health of coral reefs. Unfortunately, studies related to morphometric variations, growth patterns and condition factors of scarus fish are still unexplored. Hence, this research aimed to describe morphometric variations, growth patterns and condition factors of scarus fish (Scarus quoyi, Scarus rubroviolaceus and Scarus niger) collected from Pulau Weh water, Aceh. As many as 50 fish for each species were obtained through fishermen's catches. The main parameters investigated include morphometric comparisons, length and weight distribution, growth patterns and condition factors. The number of morphometric characters measured was 12 characters. Morphometric comparisons and condition factors between fish species were analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by the Least Significant Difference Test (LSD) and discriminant function test. Meanwhile, comparative growth patterns were analyzed descriptively. The research results show that dorsal finbase length, pectoral fin length, and caudal peduncle depth were key characters in distinguishing the three species of scarus fish. A comparison of morphometric characters between Scarus quoyi and Scarus rubroviolaceus showed a 63.6% different character. Meanwhile, both Scarus rubroviolaceus and Scarus niger, and Scarus quoyi and Scarus niger showed a 54.5% different character. All scarus fish in this study had a negative allometric growth pattern (b<3) with condition factor values ranging from 1.008 to 1.020. Efforts to develop fishing gear selectivity and further research related to reproductive biology aspects of the scarus fish are essential to obtain comprehensive information and support sustainability programs.  Ikan genus scarus memiliki peran ekologis penting memelihara kesehatan terumbu karang. Sayangnya, kajian terkait variasi morfometrik, pola pertumbuhan dan faktor kondisi ikan genus scarus masih minim diungkap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis variasi morfometrik, pola pertumbuhan serta faktor kondisi ikan genus scarus (Scarus quoyi, Scarus rubroviolaceus dan Scarus niger) yang dikoleksi dari perairan Pulau Weh, Aceh. Jumlah sampel ikan yang dianalisis untuk masing-masing spesies berjumlah 50 ekor yang diperoleh melalui hasil tangkapan nelayan. Parameter utama yang dianalisis meliputi komparasi morfometrik, distribusi selang kelas panjang dan bobot, pola pertumbuhan serta faktor kondisi. Jumlah karakter morfometrik yang diukur sebanyak 12 karakter. Komparasi morfometrik dan faktor kondisi antar jenis ikan dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA satu arah diikuti dengan Uji Beda Nyata terkecil (BNT) dan uji fungsi diskriminan. Sementara itu, komparasi pola pertumbuhan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa panjang sirip dorsal, panjang sirip pektoral, dan tinggi batang ekor merupakan karakter kunci yang dapat membedakan ketiga spesies ikan genus scarus. Komparasi karakter morfometrik antara Scarus quoyi dengan Scarus rubroviolaceus menunjukkan persentase perbedaan karakter sebesar 63,6%. Sementara itu, baik antara Scarus rubroviolaceus dan Scarus niger maupun Scarus quoyi dengan Scarus niger sama- sama menunjukkan persentase perbedaan karakter sebesar 54,5%. Ketiga ikan scarus memiliki pola pertumbuhan alometrik negatif (b<3) dengan nilai faktor kondisi berkisar antara 1.008 hingga1.020. Upaya pengembangan selektivitas alat tangkap dan penelitian lanjutan terkait aspek biologi reproduksi ikan genus scarus penting dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang komprehensif dalam upaya mendukung kelestarian dan pemanfaatan yang berkelanjutan