280 research outputs found

    Feasibility Analyses of Integrated Broiler Production

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    The major obstacles in the development of broiler raising is the expensive price of feed and the fluctuative price of DOCs. The cheap price of imported leg quarters reduces the competitiveness of the local broilers. Therefore, an effort to increase production efficiency is needed through integration between broiler raising and corn farmers and feed producers (integrated farming). The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility of integrating broiler raising with corn cultivation and feed production. Besides that, a simulation was conducted to analyze the effects of DOC price changes, broiler price and production capacity. The analyses showed that integrated farming and a mere combination between broiler raising and feed factory of a 10,000 bird capacity is not financially feasible. Increasing the production to 25,000 broiler chickens will make the integrated farming financially feasible. Unintegrated broiler raising is relatively sensitive to broiler price decreases and DOC price increases compared to integrated farming

    Feasibility Analyses of Integrated Broiler Production

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    The major obstacles in the development of broiler raising is the expensive price of feed and the fluctuative price of DOCs. The cheap price of imported leg quarters reduces the competitiveness of the local broilers. Therefore, an effort to increase production efficiency is needed through integration between broiler raising and corn farmers and feed producers (integrated farming). The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibility of integrating broiler raising with corn cultivation and feed production. Besides that, a simulation was conducted to analyze the effects of DOC price changes, broiler price and production capacity. The analyses showed that integrated farming and a mere combination between broiler raising and feed factory of a 10,000 bird capacity is not financially feasible. Increasing the production to 25,000 broiler chickens will make the integrated farming financially feasible. Unintegrated broiler raising is relatively sensitive to broiler price decreases and DOC price increases compared to integrated farming

    Strategi Komunikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bahasa di Kampung Inggris Desa Beringin Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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    Education is a very important element to create quality human resources. British village be in a village as a faster alternative school for her student the English language. Learning is done every day of the week starting from morning till night for six months more quickly proven to help her improve their language skills. By using the communication strategy learning in teaching and learning in the English village. The purpose of this study was to determine the learning strategies used in the English village, teacher communication process with the students in learning English, and know the communication media used in teaching and learning in English village.This study uses qualitative research methods with the presentation of analysis desktriptif. The informants are teachers as lecturers and students of English villages were selected purposively. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the technique used in this research is triangulation and extension of participation.The results obtained show that learning strategies English teacher in the village using ekspositorik and heuristic strategies, learning strategies also helped by using teaching methods such as exercise method and method of administration tasks. The communication process is done by teachers and students see the opportunities then sets objectivity and create an alternative strategy, then implement these strategies in the learning process and the final evaluation of what has been done and compared with the previous plan drawn up. The communication media used in the English village using media tools, audio media and audio-visual media in petrified improve English language skills in English village Beringin villag

    Daya Saing dan Faktor yang Memengaruhi Volume Ekspor Sayuran Indonesia terhadap Negara Tujuan Utama

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    Daya saing ekspor komoditas merupakan salah satu indikator yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemajuan perekonomian negara. Penelitian ini menganalisis daya saing ekspor lima komoditas sayuran Indonesia yaitu kentang, tomat, bawang merah, kubis, dan cabe terhadap lima negara tujuan utama dan dibandingkan dengan negara pesaing dengan melihat keunggulan komparatif dan keunggulan kompetitif beserta faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya. Periode analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini, yaitu dari tahun 2008 sampai 2012 dengan menggunakan Releaved Comparative Advantage (RCA), Export Product Dynamic (EPD), dan Gravity Model dengan menggunakan pendekatan regresi panel data melalui E-views 6. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komoditas sayuran Indonesia tidak memiliki keunggulan komparatif lebih baik dibandingkan dengan negara pesaingnya, yaitu Belanda dan Cina pada komoditas kentang, tomat, bawang, kubis, dan cabe terhadap dunia. Keunggulan komparatif sayuran Indonesia terhadap negara tujuannya dihasilkan oleh tomat, kubis, dan cabai dengan negara tujuan yang berbeda dari masing-masing komoditas. Disisi lain, Indonesia menduduki keunggulan kompetitif terbaik dibandingkan dengan kedua negara pesaingnya baik terhadap negara tujuan utama maupun terhadap dunia. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi aliran volume ekspor adalah Economic Distance, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Exchange Rate, Population, dan the Price of the Product dengan hasil yang berbeda pada masing-masing komoditas

    Identifikasi Banjir Impor Kentang dan Dampaknya terhadap Harga Domestik Kentang di Indonesia

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    Indonesia needed to be cautious of import surge since it has potential to influence import value and price in the era of trade globalization. The main purpose of this reasearch was to examine whether import surge occurred for horticulture commodities in Indonesia, especially for potato. The methods used for identifying occurrence of import surge was based on Special Safeguard Mechanism framework of World Trade Organization which will strengthened with Vector Error Correction Model to analyse the impact of import surge to domestic prices. Based on Special Safeguard Mechanism framework, volume-based Special Safeguard Mechanism triggered in almost all year during 2002-2012 but price-based Special Safeguard Mechanism is not triggered in those years. Based on Impuls Response Function analysis, the impact of import surge shock to domestic price was relatively low but occurred permanently. Based on Forecast Error Variance Decomposition analysis, import surge variables contributed slightly to the domestic price variability but it tend to increased as time

    Analisis Kinerja Sistem Proteksi Berdasarkan Frekuensi Gangguan di Gardu Induk 150 KV Garuda Sakti

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    With the disruption that can not be predicted, we need a safety equipment (protection system) are precise and reliable. The purpose of this study was to determine the quantity of interference, protection system performance, reliability and power transformer protection system installation requirements in the area power transformer substation of 150 KV Garuda Sakti. Data obtained from the recording in substation Garuda Sakti analyzed using Descriptive Analysis Techniques percentage. The survey results revealed that from 2013 to 2015 occurred 28 times transformer disorders namely: in 2013 occurred 9 times transformer interference, in 2014 occurred 7 times transformer interference, and in 2015 the 12 times the transformer interference. Protection system that works in the event 28 times disruption in Substation Garuda Sakti 2013 to 2015 there are 6 kinds of relays, namely: Rele differential, Rele OCR / GFR, Rele OVR / UVR, Rele REF / SBEF, Rele UVLS and Rele DF / DT is the whole relay has a 100% reliability and got up fairly well. From 2013 to 2015 the reliability of Power Transformer Substation of Garuda Sakti by long outages caused by the interference, the Transformer Power1 reaches the percentage 99.97203%, the Transformer Daya2 reaches 99.983364%, the Transformer Daya3 reach 99.99258% and the Transformer Daya4 reaching 99.99081%. From the data analysis, in general, the protection system in the substation Garuda Sakti it can be argued that meets the requirements of the protection system selectivity, Reliability, Free Labor, Sensitivity and Economic

    Characterization of Rare Earth Elements in Tailing of Ex-Tin Mining Sands From Singkep Island, Indonesia

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    The objective of this research is to determine the rare earth elements (REEs) from themonazite minerals content of several tin tailing sands (TTS)of ex-tin mining area in Kuala Raya Singkep Island, Indonesia. We used the energy dispersive analysis of X-ray (EDAX)-scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) to characterize the contents of the samples. The coupled analytical of XRD with SEM/EDX approach enabled to be used for mineralogical identification on the heavy mineral as a rapid determination approach. The analysis of the samples indicates only the presence of REEs including lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), and thorium (Th) are consistent with the identification of monazite and minerals in the tailing sand. The results show that the average REEs consist of La at 0.2 .%, Ce at 7.8 %, and Th at 2.0% respectively. It is concluded that monazite minerals in TTS has an economic potential to be developed. These monazite minerals can be used as material for semiconductor devices
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