1,071 research outputs found

    Nanoseismic monitoring for detection of rockfalls. Experiments in quarry areas

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    Le frane per crollo da ammassi rocciosi fratturati sono tra i processi di instabilità gravitativa che più frequentemente interessano opere antropiche quali tagli su versanti naturali o artificiali, pareti di cava, trincee stradali, autostradali o ferroviarie, sia per ciò che attiene le aree di distacco che per quelle di accumulo. Nell’ambito dell’applicazione di sistemi di early warning per la gestione del rischio geologico legato a queste tipologie di frana, una sperimentazione della tecnica del monitoraggio nanosismometrico è stata effettuata presso due siti estrattivi non più in attività: le “Pirrere” della Baia di Cala Rossa sull’isola di Favignana (Trapani), in Sicilia, e la cava dismessa di Acuto (Frosinone), in Italia Centrale. Il monitoraggio nanosismometrico è una tecnica di indagine che consente di individuare e localizzare deboli eventi sismici, fino a magnitudo locale (ML) nell’ordine di -3, attraverso l’impiego di quattro sensori sismometrici disposti secondo una specifica geometria di array detta SNS (Seismic Navigation System). Nel presente lavoro, mediante il software NanoseismicSuite sono stati analizzati 73 eventi di crollo indotti artificialmente attraverso la caduta controllata di blocchi di roccia nei due siti estrattivi abbandonati; sono stati lanciati, simulando fenomeni di rockfalls, rispettivamente 47 blocchi di roccia nella cava di Acuto e 26 eventi in quattro diverse cave a cielo aperto presenti nel settore occidentale di Cala Rossa. Tali eventi, avendo punto epicentrale noto, hanno permesso di determinare il miglior modello di sottosuolo in termini di valori di velocità delle onde P ed S attraverso un’operazione di back analysis. L’analisi è stata, infatti, effettuata variando i valori di velocità e scegliendo quelli relativi all’epicentro teorico ottenuto dall’analisi dell’evento che fosse il più vicino possibile al punto reale di impatto del blocco di roccia. Al fine di valutare la sensibilità della geometria dell’array SNS e l’influenza del sito di installazione sulla capacità di individuare e localizzare gli eventi, le sperimentazioni sono state condotte sia variando il raggio di apertura che la zona di installazione degli array: presso Acuto le acquisizioni di segnale sono state condotte prima con un array SNS con apertura di 20 m e successivamente con un array di apertura 10 m, mentre presso Cala Rossa l’array è stato installato alternativamente all’aperto in un’area di plateau roccioso ed in una galleria facente parte dell’area di cava abbandonata. Analizzando i dati si è ottenuta una precisione dell’ubicazione epicentrale compresa tra il 10 ed il 22% della distanza che intercorre tra la sorgente e l’array nanosismometrico. Il miglior modello di sottosuolo ottenuto per entrambi i casi di studio è risultato avere una velocità delle onde P pari a 900 m/s ed un rapporto VP/VS pari a 1.73, valori in accordo con le condizioni di intenso stato di fratturazione delle rocce carbonatiche affioranti nelle due zone di cava. Per gli eventi di crollo indotti la magnitudo ML è risultata essere compresa tra -2.8 e -1.3; considerando l’energia sviluppata dall’impatto, legata alla massa del blocco ed all’altezza e alla velocità di caduta, non è stato possibile definire una relazione tra magnitudo ed energia, probabilmente a causa delle differenti caratteristiche del punto di impatto dei diversi blocchi. In generale, si è osservato che la precisione di ubicazione degli eventi, in termini di azimuth e distanza dal reale epicentro, è risultata paragonabile sia variando l’apertura dell’array che variando il sito di installazione. Per il sito sperimentale di Acuto, il processo di picking manuale del tempo di primo arrivo delle onde P è risultato essere più affidabile nel caso di array con apertura pari a 10 m. La sperimentazione effettuata a Cala Rossa ha permesso, invece, di osservare una migliore capacità di individuazione degli eventi nelle tracce relative all’array posizionato in galleria a causa della minore rumorosità di base del sito di installazione. Tra le registrazioni sismometriche sono state identificate varie tipologie di segnali, oltre a quelli generati dal lancio dei blocchi, alcune riconducibili ad eventi naturali di crollo altre a deboli terremoti. L’analisi dei segnali riferibili alla prima tipologia di eventi naturali, effettuata tenendo in considerazione i modelli di sottosuolo precedentemente calibrati, ha portato all’identificazione in ambedue i siti di aree aventi maggiore suscettibilità a frane per crollo. In definitiva, si può ritenere che i risultati ottenuti in questo studio siano incoraggianti rispetto all’efficacia della tecnica di monitoraggio nanosismometrico nell’individuazione e nell’ubicazione di fenomeni di crollo in roccia e portano a ritenere questa tecnica potenzialmente applicabile in aree in cui tali eventi possono interferire con infrastrutture antropiche.In the frame of early warning and risk mitigation studies for landslide processes involving rock masses, two quarry areas (Cala Rossa Bay in Sicily and Acuto in Central Italy) were monitored with SNS (Seismic Navigation System) arrays. In this study, 73 rockfalls were simulated by launches of rock blocks. This allowed to perform a back analysis for defining the best seismic velocity model of the subsoil half-space; the records related to each impact caused by the rock block launch were managed by the nanoseismic monitoring approach, varying the velocity model to obtain a theoretical epicentre as close as possible to the actual location of the impact point. In order to evaluate the sensibility of the SNS array, the results obtained by different array apertures and positions were compared in terms of azimuth and distance error with respect to the real epicentres. On the other hand, several natural rockfalls were detected; their analysis allowed to identify areas having higher susceptibility to rockfalls by using the previously calibrated subsoil half-space model. Further studies are required to better define the areas prone to rockfall generation in the considered test sites; nevertheless, the here obtained results show an encouraging perspective about the application of the nanoseismic monitoring with respect to vulnerable infrastructures in rockfall prone areas

    Models for optimising the theta method and their relationship to state space models

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    Accurate and robust forecasting methods for univariate time series are very important when the objective is to produce estimates for large numbers of time series. In this context, the Theta method’s performance in the M3-Competition caught researchers’ attention. The Theta method, as implemented in the monthly subset of the M3-Competition, decomposes the seasonally adjusted data into two “theta lines”. The first theta line removes the curvature of the data in order to estimate the long-term trend component. The second theta line doubles the local curvatures of the series so as to approximate the short-term behaviour. We provide generalisations of the Theta method. The proposed Dynamic Optimised Theta Model is a state space model that selects the best short-term theta line optimally and revises the long-term theta line dynamically. The superior performance of this model is demonstrated through an empirical application. We relate special cases of this model to state space models for simple exponential smoothing with a drift

    Conversion of cytochrome c into a peroxidase: inhibitory mechanisms and implication for neurodegenerative diseases.

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    A further function of cytochrome c (cyt c), beyond respiration, is realized outside mitochondria in the apoptotic program. In the early events of apoptosis, the interaction of cyt c with a mitochondrion-specific phospholipid, cardiolipin (CL), brings about a conformational transition of the protein and acquirement of peroxidase activity. The hallmark of cyt c with peroxidase activity is its partial unfolding accompanied by loosening of the Fe sixth axial bond and an enhanced access of the heme catalytic site to small molecules like H2O2. To investigate the peroxidase activity of non-native cyt c, different forms of the protein were analyzed with the aim to correlate their structural features with the acquired enzymatic activity and apoptogenic properties (wt cyt c/CL complex and two single cyt c variants, H26Y and Y67H, free and bound to CL). The results suggest that cyt c may respond to different environments by changing its fold thus favouring the exertion of different biological functions in different pathophysiological cell conditions. Transitions among different conformations are regulated by endogenous molecules such as ATP and may be affected by synthetic molecules such as minocycline, thus suggesting a mechanism explaining its use as therapeutic agent impacting on disease-associated oxidative and apoptotic mechanisms

    PIF transcription factors link a neighbor threat cue to accelerated reproduction in Arabidopsis.

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    Changes in light quality indicative of competition for this essential resource influence plant growth and developmental transitions; however, little is known about neighbor proximity-induced acceleration of reproduction. Phytochrome B (phyB) senses light cues from plant competitors, ultimately leading to the expression of the floral inducers FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) and TWIN SISTER of FT (TSF). Here we show that PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTORs 4, 5 and 7 (PIF4, PIF5 and PIF7) mediate neighbor proximity-induced flowering, with PIF7 playing a prominent role. These transcriptional regulators act directly downstream of phyB to promote expression of FT and TSF. Neighbor proximity enhances PIF accumulation towards the end of the day, coinciding with enhanced floral inducer expression. We present evidence supporting direct PIF-regulated TSF expression. The relevance of our findings is illustrated by the prior identification of FT, TSF and PIF4 as loci underlying flowering time regulation in natural conditions

    3D Position Sensitive XeTPC for Dark Matter Search

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    The technique to realize 3D position sensitivity in a two-phase xenon time projection chamber (XeTPC) for dark matter search is described. Results from a prototype detector (XENON3) are presented.Comment: Presented at the 7th UCLA Symposium on "Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe

    Efecto de extractos de hojas y frutos de Schinus molle sobre la estabilidad oxidativa de aceites mediante oxidación acelerada

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    The most highly recommended oils for the diet are those which are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. However, the presence of these components in the oils is related to oxidation, which can be determined by the induction period. Further safety and the prolongation of the storage period for such oils can be achieved by the addition of efficient antioxidants, which today are preferably from natural sources. In order to contribute to the related research, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Schinus molle extracts compared to synthetic antioxidants (BHT) in delaying the oxidation of some vegetable oils. The results of the present study showed that the fruit and leaf extracts of Schinus molle presented activities and potential for being used as antioxidants in vegetable oils based on the tested methods (DPPH and ABTS). The extracts were also characterized as containing phenolic compounds by the Folin Ciocalteau method and by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The action of the extracts as natural antioxidants was proven in the vegetal oils of chia (Salvia hispanica) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea) by the Rancimat method. It was observed that the oils increased their resistance to oxidation when incorporated with the extracts of Schinus molle, and the extract from the leaves increased the induction period of peanut oil by more than three hours (from 19.5 to 22.9 hours) with an extract concentration of 2.5%. The fruit extract was more efficient in delaying the oxidation of chia oil, prolonging its induction period by more than one hour with a concentration of 2.5% (from 3.1 to 4.3 hours). According to the results, the extracts of Schinus molle have favorable properties for possible use as an additive which inhibits the oxidation process of the tested vegetables oils.Los aceites más recomendados para la dieta son los ricos en ácidos grasos insa­turados. Sin embargo, la presencia de estos componentes está relacionada con la oxidación del aceite, que puede determinarse por el período de inducción. La seguridad adicional de tales aceites y la prolongación del almacenamiento se pueden lograr mediante la adición de antioxidantes eficientes, que hoy en día se prefieren los provenientes de fuentes naturales. Para contribuir con estas investigaciones, el objetivo principal de este estudio fue evaluar la eficacia de los extractos de Schinus molle en comparación con el antioxidante sintético BHT, para retrasar la oxidación de algunos aceites vegetales. Los resultados del presente estudio mostraron que los extractos de frutas y hojas de Schinus molle presentan potencial para ser utilizados como antioxidan­tes en aceites vegetales, presentando actividades basadas en métodos probados, DPPH y ABTS. Los extrac­tos también se caracterizaron por la presencia de compuestos fenólicos determinados mediante el método de Folin Ciocalteau y por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC). La acción de los extractos como antioxidantes naturales se evidenció en aceites vegetales de chía (Salvia hispanica) y maní (Arachis hypogaea) por el método Rancimat. Se observó que los aceites aumentan la resistencia a la oxidación cuando se le incor­poran extractos de Schinus molle, aumentando el periodo de inducción en más de tres horas (de 19,5 a 22,9 horas) del aceite de cacahuete con una concentración de extracto del 2,5%. El extracto de fruta fue más efi­ciente en retrasar la oxidación del aceite de chia, prolongando el período de inducción de este aceite en más de una hora con una concentración del 2,5% (de 3,1 a 4,3 horas). De acuerdo con los resultados, los extractos de Schinus molle tienen propiedades favorables para un posible uso como un aditivo inhibidor del proceso de oxidación de los aceites vegetales ensayados

    Advanced e-Infrastructures for civil protection applications : the CYCLOPS project

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    During the full cycle of the emergency management, Civil Protection operative procedures involve many actors belonging to several institutions (civil protection agencies, public administrations, research centers, etc.) playing different roles (decision-makers, data and service providers, emergency squads, etc.). In this context the sharing of information is a vital requirement to make correct and effective decisions. Therefore a European-wide technologi- cal infrastructure providing a distributed and coordinated access to different kinds of resources (data, information, services, expertise, etc.) could enhance existing Civil Protection applications and even enable new ones. Such European Civil Protection e-Infrastructure should be designed taking into account the specific requirements of Civil Protection applications and the state-of-the-art in the scientific and technological disciplines which could make the emergency management more effective. In the recent years Grid technologies have reached a mature state providing a platform for secure and coordinated resource sharing between the participants collected in the so-called Virtual Organizations. Moreover the Earth and Space Sciences Informatics provide the conceptual tools for modeling the geospatial information shared in Civil Protection applications during its entire lifecycle. Therefore a European Civil Protection e-infrastructure might be based on a Grid platform enhanced with Earth Sciences services. In the context of the 6th Framework Programme the EU co-funded Project CYCLOPS (CYber-infrastructure for CiviL protection Operative ProcedureS), ended in December 2008, has addressed the problem of defining the re- quirements and identifying the research strategies and innovation guidelines towards an advanced e-Infrastructure for Civil Protection. Starting from the requirement analysis CYCLOPS has proposed an architectural framework for a European Civil Protection e-Infrastructure. This architectural framework has been evaluated through the development of prototypes of two operative applications used by the Italian Civil Protection for Wild Fires Risk Assessment (RISICO) and by the French Civil Protection for Flash Flood Risk Management (SPC-GD). The results of these studies and proof-of-concepts have been used as the basis for the definition of research and innovation strategies aiming to the detailed design and implementation of the infrastructure. In particular the main research themes and topics to be addressed have been identified and detailed. Finally the obstacles to the innovation required for the adoption of this infrastructure and possible strategies to overcome them have been discussed

    GLP-1 Mediates Regulation of Colonic ACE2 Expression by the Bile Acid Receptor GPBAR1 in Inflammation

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    Background & Aims: ACE2, a carboxypeptidase that generates Ang-(1-7) from Ang II, is highly expressed in the lung, small intestine and colon. GPBAR1, is a G protein bile acid receptor that promotes the release of the insulinotropic factor glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 and attenuates intestinal inflammation. Methods: We investigated the expression of ACE2, GLP-1 and GPBAR1 in two cohorts of Crohn’s disease (CD) patients and three mouse models of colitis and Gpbar1−/− mice. Activation of GPBAR1 in these models and in vitro was achieved by BAR501, a selective GPBAR1 agonist. Results: In IBD patients, ACE2 mRNA expression was regulated in a site-specific manner in response to inflammation. While expression of ileal ACE2 mRNA was reduced, the colon expression was induced. Colon expression of ACE2 mRNA in IBD correlated with expression of TNF-α and GPBAR1. A positive correlation occurred between GCG and GPBAR1 in human samples and animal models of colitis. In these models, ACE2 mRNA expression was further upregulated by GPABR1 agonism and reversed by exendin-3, a GLP-1 receptor antagonist. In in vitro studies, liraglutide, a GLP-1 analogue, increased the expression of ACE2 in colon epithelial cells/macrophages co-cultures. Conclusions: ACE2 mRNA expression in the colon of IBD patients and rodent models of colitis is regulated in a TNF-α-and GLP-1-dependent manner. We have identified a GPBAR1/GLP-1 mechanism as a positive modulator of ACE2

    Collapse models with non-white noises II: particle-density coupled noises

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    We continue the analysis of models of spontaneous wave function collapse with stochastic dynamics driven by non-white Gaussian noise. We specialize to a model in which a classical "noise" field, with specified autocorrelator, is coupled to a local nonrelativistic particle density. We derive general results in this model for the rates of density matrix diagonalization and of state vector reduction, and show that (in the absence of decoherence) both processes are governed by essentially the same rate parameters. As an alternative route to our reduction results, we also derive the Fokker-Planck equations that correspond to the initial stochastic Schr\"odinger equation. For specific models of the noise autocorrelator, including ones motivated by the structure of thermal Green's functions, we discuss the qualitative and qantitative dependence on model parameters, with particular emphasis on possible cosmological sources of the noise field.Comment: Latex, 43 pages; versions 2&3 have minor editorial revision

    Constraints on inelastic dark matter from XENON10

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    It has been suggested that dark matter particles which scatter inelastically from detector target nuclei could explain the apparent incompatibility of the DAMA modulation signal (interpreted as evidence for particle dark matter) with the null results from CDMS-II and XENON10. Among the predictions of inelastically interacting dark matter are a suppression of low-energy events, and a population of nuclear recoil events at higher nuclear recoil equivalent energies. This is in stark contrast to the well-known expectation of a falling exponential spectrum for the case of elastic interactions. We present a new analysis of XENON10 dark matter search data extending to Enr=75_{nr}=75 keV nuclear recoil equivalent energy. Our results exclude a significant region of previously allowed parameter space in the model of inelastically interacting dark matter. In particular, it is found that dark matter particle masses mχ150m_{\chi}\gtrsim150 GeV are disfavored.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure