34 research outputs found

    Seismic noise parameters as indicators of reversible modifications in slope stability: a review

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    Continuous ambient seismic monitoring of potentially unstable sites is increasingly attracting the attention of researchers for precursor recognition and early warning purposes. Twelve cases of long-term continuous noise monitoring have been reported in the literature between 2012 and 2020. Only in a few cases rupture was achieved and irreversible drops in resonance frequency values or shear wave velocity extracted from noise recordings were documented. On the other hand, all monitored sites showed clear reversible fluctuations of the seismic parameters on a daily and seasonal scale due to changes in external weather conditions (air temperature and precipitation). A quantitative comparison of these reversible modifications is used to gain insight into the mechanisms driving the site seismic response. Six possible mechanisms were identified, including three temperature-driven mechanisms (temperature control on fracture opening/closing, superficial stress conditions and bulk rigidity), one precipitation-driven mechanism (water infiltration effect) and two mechanisms sensitive to both temperature and precipitation (ice formation and clay behavior). The reversible variations in seismic parameters under the meteorological constraints are synthesized and compared to the irreversible changes observed prior to failure in different geological conditions

    Estimating Permafrost Distribution Using Co‐Located Temperature and Electrical Resistivity Measurements

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    Assessing the lateral and vertical extent of permafrost is critical to understanding the fate of Arctic ecosystems under climate change. Yet, direct measurements of permafrost distribution and temperature are often limited to a small number of borehole locations. Here, we assess the use of co-located shallow temperature and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) measurements to estimate at high-resolution the distribution of permafrost in three watersheds underlain by discontinuous permafrost. Synthetic modeling shows that co-located temperature and ERT measurements allow for supervised classification schemes that provide 60% higher accuracy compared to unsupervised methods. Linking resistivity and size of the identified permafrost bodies to surface observations, we show that tall vegetation (>0.5 m) and gentle slopes (<15°) are related to warmer and smaller permafrost bodies, and a more frequent occurrence of taliks

    The C<sup>2</sup>Omodo Concept: A Tandem of New Generation High Resolution All-Sky Atmospheric Sounders in the Frame of the AOS Mission

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    International audienceConvective systems are responsible for energy transfers between the lower and upper atmospheric layers and play a fundamental role in the water cycle, weather and climate evolution. With a tandem of high resolution and wide swath all-sky atmospheric sounders, the C 2 OMODO concept allows the estimation of vertical dynamics within deep convective systems