29 research outputs found

    Hydrogen sulfide and traffic-related air pollutants in association with increased mortality: a case-crossover study in Reykjavik, Iceland.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files. This article is open access.To study the association between daily mortality and short-term increases in air pollutants, both traffic-related and the geothermal source-specific hydrogen sulfide (H₂S).Population-based, time stratified case-crossover. A lag time to 4 days was considered. Seasonal, gender and age stratification were calculated. Also, the best-fit lag when introducing H₂S >7 µg/m(3) was selected by the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).The population of the greater Reykjavik area (n=181,558) during 2003-2009.Cases were defined as individuals living in the Reykjavik capital area, 18 years or older (N=138,657), who died due to all natural causes (ICD-10 codes A00-R99) other than injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes, or cardiovascular disease (ICD-10 codes I00-I99) during the study period.Percentage increases in risk of death (IR%) following an interquartile range increase in pollutants.The total number of deaths due to all natural causes was 7679 and due to cardiovascular diseases was 3033. The interquartile range increased concentrations of H₂S (2.6 µg/m(3)) were associated with daily all natural cause mortality in the Reykjavik capital area. The IR% was statistically significant during the summer season (lag 1: IR%=5.05, 95% CI 0.61 to 9.68; lag 2: IR%=5.09, 95% CI 0.44 to 9.97), among males (lag 0: IR%=2.26, 95% CI 0.23 to 4.44), and among the elderly (lag 0: IR%=1.94, 95% CI 0.12 to 1.04; lag 1: IR%=1.99, 95% CI 0.21 to 1.04), when adjusted for traffic-related pollutants and meteorological variables. The traffic-related pollutants were generally not associated with statistical significant IR%s.The results suggest that ambient H₂S air pollution may increase mortality in Reykjavik, Iceland. To the best of our knowledge, ambient H₂S exposure has not previously been associated with increased mortality in population-based studies and therefore the results should be interpreted with caution. Further studies are warranted to confirm or refute whether H₂S exposure induces premature deaths.University of Iceland HI20109

    Emergency hospital visits in association with volcanic ash, dust storms and other sources of ambient particles: a time-series study in Reykjavík, Iceland.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files. This article is open access.Volcanic ash contributed significantly to particulate matter (PM) in Iceland following the eruptions in Eyjafjallajökull 2010 and Grímsvötn 2011. This study aimed to investigate the association between different PM sources and emergency hospital visits for cardiorespiratory causes from 2007 to 2012. Indicators of PM10 sources; "volcanic ash", "dust storms", or "other sources" (traffic, fireworks, and re-suspension) on days when PM10 exceeded the daily air quality guideline value of 50 µg/m3 were entered into generalized additive models, adjusted for weather, time trend and co-pollutants. The average number of daily emergency hospital visits was 10.5. PM10 exceeded the air quality guideline value 115 out of 2191 days; 20 days due to volcanic ash, 14 due to dust storms (two days had both dust storm and ash contribution) and 83 due to other sources. High PM10 levels from volcanic ash tended to be significantly associated with the emergency hospital visits; estimates ranged from 4.8% (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 0.6, 9.2%) per day of exposure in unadjusted models to 7.3% (95% CI: -0.4, 15.5%) in adjusted models. Dust storms were not consistently associated with daily emergency hospital visits and other sources tended to show a negative association. We found some evidence indicating that volcanic ash particles were more harmful than particles from other sources, but the results were inconclusive and should be interpreted with caution.Icelandic Centre for Research PhD fun

    Ambient nitrogen dioxide is associated with emergency hospital visits for atrial fibrillation: a population-based case-crossover study in Reykjavik, Iceland.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadBackground: In Iceland air quality is generally good; however, previous studies indicate that there is an association between air pollution in Reykjavik and adverse health effects as measured by dispensing of medications, mortality, and increase in health care utilisation. The aim was to study the association between traffic-related ambient air pollution in the Reykjavik capital area and emergency hospital visits for heart diseases and particularly atrial fibrillation and flutter (AF). Methods: A multivariate time-stratified case-crossover design was used to study the association. Cases were those patients aged 18 years or older living in the Reykjavik capital area during the study period, 2006-2017, who made emergency visits to Landspitali University Hospital for heart diseases. In this population-based study, the primary discharge diagnoses were registered according to International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition (ICD-10). The pollutants studied were NO2, PM10, PM2.5, and SO2, with adjustment for H2S, temperature, and relative humidity. The 24-h mean of pollutants was used with lag 0 to lag 4. Results: During the study period 9536 cases of AF were identified. The 24-h mean NO2 was 20.7 μg/m3. Each 10 μg/m3 increase in NO2 was associated with increased risk of heart diseases (ICD-10: I20-I25, I44-I50), odds ratio (OR) 1.023 (95% CI 1.012-1.034) at lag 0. Each 10 μg/m3 increase in NO2 was associated with an increased risk of AF (ICD-10: I48) on the same day, OR 1.030 (95% CI: 1.011-1.049). Females were at higher risk for AF, OR 1.051 (95% CI 1.019-1.083) at lag 0, and OR 1.050 (95% CI 1.019-1.083) at lag 1. Females aged younger than 71 years had even higher risk for AF, OR 1.077 (95% CI: 1.025-1.131) at lag 0. Significant associations were found for other pollutants and emergency hospital visits, but they were weaker and did not show a discernable pattern. Conclusions: Short-term increase in NO2 concentrations was associated with heart diseases, more precisely with AF. The associations were stronger among females, and among females at younger age. This is the first study in Iceland that finds an association between air pollution and cardiac arrhythmias, so the results should be interpreted with caution. Keywords: Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrhythmia; Case-crossover; Hospital registry; Ischemic heart diseases; Nitrogen dioxide; Population-based

    Ambient air pollution and emergency department visits and hospitalisation for cardiac arrest : a population-based case-crossover study in Reykjavik, Iceland

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    Publisher Copyright: © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2023. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 Authors. All rights reserved.OBJECTIVES: To assess the association between traffic-related ambient air pollution and emergency hospital visits for cardiac arrest. DESIGN: Case-crossover design was used with a lag time to 4 days. SETTING: The Reykjavik capital area and the study population was the inhabitants 18 years and older identified by encrypted personal identification numbers and zip codes. PARTICIPANTS AND EXPOSURE: Cases were those with emergency visits to Landspitali University Hospital during the period 2006-2017 and who were given the primary discharge diagnosis of cardiac arrest according to the International Classification of Diseases 10th edition (ICD-10) code I46. The pollutants were nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 µm (PM10), particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) with adjustment for hydrogen sulfide (H2S), temperature and relative humidity. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: OR and 95% CIs per 10 µg/m3 increase in concentration of pollutants. RESULTS: The 24-hour mean NO2 was 20.7 µg/m3, mean PM10 was 20.5 µg/m3, mean PM2.5 was 12.5 µg/m3 and mean SO2 was 2.5 µg/m3. PM10 level was positively associated with the number of emergency hospital visits (n=453) for cardiac arrest. Each 10 µg/m3 increase in PM10 was associated with increased risk of cardiac arrest (ICD-10: I46), OR 1.096 (95% CI 1.033 to 1.162) on lag 2, OR 1.118 (95% CI 1.031 to 1.212) on lag 0-2, OR 1.150 (95% CI 1.050 to 1.261) on lag 0-3 and OR 1.168 (95% CI 1.054 to 1.295) on lag 0-4. Significant associations were shown between exposure to PM10 on lag 2 and lag 0-2 and increased risk of cardiac arrest in the age, gender and season strata. CONCLUSIONS: A new endpoint was used for the first time in this study: cardiac arrest (ICD-10 code: I46) according to hospital discharge registry. Short-term increase in PM10 concentrations was associated with cardiac arrest. Future ecological studies of this type and their related discussions should perhaps concentrate more on precisely defined endpoints.Peer reviewe

    Increased respiratory morbidity associated with exposure to a mature volcanic plume from a large Icelandic fissure eruption.

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    The 2014-15 Holuhraun eruption in Iceland was the largest fissure eruption in over 200 years, emitting prodigious amounts of gas and particulate matter into the troposphere. Reykjavík, the capital area of Iceland (250 km from eruption site) was exposed to air pollution events from advection of (i) a relatively young and chemically primitive volcanic plume with a high sulphur dioxide gas (SO2) to sulphate PM (SO42-) ratio, and (ii) an older and chemically mature volcanic plume with a low SO2/SO42- ratio. Whereas the advection and air pollution caused by the primitive plume were successfully forecast and forewarned in public advisories, the mature plume was not. Here, we show that exposure to the mature plume is associated with an increase in register-measured health care utilisation for respiratory disease by 23% (95% CI 19.7-27.4%) and for asthma medication dispensing by 19.3% (95% CI 9.6-29.1%). Absence of public advisories is associated with increases in visits to primary care medical doctors and to the hospital emergency department. We recommend that operational response to volcanic air pollution considers both primitive and mature types of plumes

    Severe volcanic SO exposure and respiratory morbidity in the Icelandic population - a register study.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadBackground: The Holuhraun volcanic eruption September 2014 to February 2015 emitted large amounts of sulfur dioxide (SO2). The aim of this study was to determine the association between volcanic SO2 gases on general population respiratory health some 250 km from the eruption site, in the Icelandic capital area. Methods: Respiratory health outcomes were: asthma medication dispensing (AMD) from the Icelandic Medicines Register, medical doctor consultations in primary care (PCMD) and hospital emergency department visits (HED) in Reykjavík (population: 215000) for respiratory disease from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2014. The associations between daily counts of health events and daily mean SO2 concentration and high SO2 levels (24-h mean SO2 > 125 μg/m3) were analysed using generalized additive models. Results: After the eruption began, AMD was higher than before (129.4 vs. 158.4 individuals per day, p < 0.05). For PCMD and HED, there were no significant differences between the number of daily events before and after the eruption (142.2 vs 144.8 and 18.3 vs 17.5, respectively). In regression analysis adjusted for other pollutants, SO2 was associated with estimated increases in AMD by 0.99% (95% CI 0.39-1.58%) per 10 μg/m3 at lag 0-2, in PCMD for respiratory causes 1.26% (95% CI 0.72-1.80%) per 10 μg/m3 SO2 at lag 0-2, and in HED by 1.02% (95% CI 0.02-2.03%) per 10 μg/m3 SO2 at lag 0-2. For days over the health limit, the estimated increases were 10.9% (95% CI 2.1-19.6%), 17.2% (95% CI 10.0-24.4%) for AMD and PCMD. Dispensing of short-acting medication increased significantly by 1.09% (95% CI 0.49-1.70%), and PCMD for respiratory infections and asthma and COPD diagnoses and increased significantly by 1.12% (95% CI 0.54-1.71%) and 2.08% (1.13-3.04%). Conclusion: High levels of volcanic SO2 are associated with increases in dispensing of AMD, and health care utilization in primary and tertiary care. Individuals with prevalent respiratory disease may be particularly susceptible. Keywords: Atmospheric transport; Epidemiology; Public health; Respiratory disease; Volcanic eruption.Icelandic Ministry of Healt

    Air pollution in Iceland and the effects on human health. Review

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2019 Laeknafelag Islands. All rights reserved.Í þessari grein er fjallað um loftmengun á Íslandi og áhrif hennar á heilsu manna. Loftmengun má lýsa sem ástandi þar sem styrkur efna eða efnasambanda í andrúmslofti er orðinn það hár að hann veldur óæskilegum eða skaðlegum áhrifum á heilsu almennings eða óæskilegum áhrifum á náttúru eða mannvirki. Loftmengun getur verið af manna völdum, svo sem vegna bruna jarðefnaeldsneytis, eða náttúruleg, til dæmis vegna eldgosa, frá jarðhitasvæðum og í foki jarðvegsefna. Loftmengun dregur úr lífsgæðum og lífslíkum manna. Áhrifum loftmengunar á heilsu manna má skipta annars vegar í bein heilsufarsleg áhrif þar sem loftmengunin veldur sjúkdómum og hins vegar óbein áhrif þar sem loftmengunin eykur einkenni undirliggjandi sjúkdóma. Heilsuverndarmörk eru skilgreind fyrir ákveðin loftmengunarefni í andrúmslofti. Þeim er ætlað að vera viðmið fyrir hvað telst skaðlaust fyrir einstaklinginn og eru sett til að tryggja heilsu manna til lengri tíma. Loftgæði utandyra hafa verið mæld reglubundið í Reykjavík síðan 1986. Fyrstu árin var eingöngu mælt svifryk á einni mælistöð sem þá var staðsett við Miklatorg. Með árunum hefur fjölgað þeim efnum sem mæld eru og bæst hafa við fleiri mælistöðvar. Loftgæði eru almennt talin mikil á Íslandi og er styrkur mengunarefna í andrúmslofti að jafnaði innan skilgreindra viðmiða. Þetta skýrist af margvíslegum þáttum eins og stærð landsins, legu þess og veðurfari. Náttúruhamfarir geta valdið loftmengun eins og sýndi sig í eldgosum síðustu ára. Rannsóknir hafa verið gerðar á tengslum loftmengunar við heilsufar Íslendinga og æskilegt er að fleiri rannsóknir verði framkvæmdar til að bæta þekkinguna á loftmengun á Íslandi enn frekar. This review is on air pollution in Iceland and how it affects human health. Air pollution can be described as a condition, where levels of compounds in the atmosphere are so high that it has undesirable or harmful effects on the general public or undesirable effects on the nature, flora and fauna, or man-built structures. Air pollution can have anthropogenic sources such as burning of fossil fuels, or natural sources such as volcanic eruptions, geothermal areas, and resuspension of soil (sandstorms). Air pollution decreases quality of health and shortens the lifespan. The health effects of air pollution can be divided into direct effects on health where, air pollution causes diseases and indirect effects, where air pollution increases symptoms of underlying diseases. Health protection limits are defined for certain ambient air pollutants. They are to act as reference levels for safe for individuals and are put forth to protect long-term human health. Outdoor air quality has been measured on a regular basis in Reykjavik since 1986. For the first years, only PM10 was measured on a single station, but over the years the number of pollutants measured has increased and more measuring stations have been added. In Iceland air quality is considered very good in general and the ambient pollutant concentrations are usually within defined limits. This is explained by multiple factors such as size of the country and other geographical features as well as weather conditions. Natural disasters can cause increased air pollutant concentrations, as recent volcano eruptions have shown. Several studies have been conducted on the association of air pollution and health of the Icelandic population, but it is essential that this association be examined further to increase the knowledge of adverse health effects of air pollution in Iceland.Peer reviewe

    Hydrogen sulfide and traffic-related air pollutants in association with increased mortality : a case-crossover study in Reykjavik, Iceland

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    OBJECTIVES: To study the association between daily mortality and short-term increases in air pollutants, both traffic-related and the geothermal source-specific hydrogen sulfide (H2S). DESIGN: Population-based, time stratified case-crossover. A lag time to 4 days was considered. Seasonal, gender and age stratification were calculated. Also, the best-fit lag when introducing H2S &gt;7 µg/m(3) was selected by the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). SETTING: The population of the greater Reykjavik area (n=181 558) during 2003-2009. PARTICIPANTS: Cases were defined as individuals living in the Reykjavik capital area, 18 years or older (N=138 657), who died due to all natural causes (ICD-10 codes A00-R99) other than injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes, or cardiovascular disease (ICD-10 codes I00-I99) during the study period. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Percentage increases in risk of death (IR%) following an interquartile range increase in pollutants. RESULTS: The total number of deaths due to all natural causes was 7679 and due to cardiovascular diseases was 3033. The interquartile range increased concentrations of H2S (2.6 µg/m(3)) were associated with daily all natural cause mortality in the Reykjavik capital area. The IR% was statistically significant during the summer season (lag 1: IR%=5.05, 95% CI 0.61 to 9.68; lag 2: IR%=5.09, 95% CI 0.44 to 9.97), among males (lag 0: IR%=2.26, 95% CI 0.23 to 4.44), and among the elderly (lag 0: IR%=1.94, 95% CI 0.12 to 1.04; lag 1: IR%=1.99, 95% CI 0.21 to 1.04), when adjusted for traffic-related pollutants and meteorological variables. The traffic-related pollutants were generally not associated with statistical significant IR%s. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that ambient H2S air pollution may increase mortality in Reykjavik, Iceland. To the best of our knowledge, ambient H2S exposure has not previously been associated with increased mortality in population-based studies and therefore the results should be interpreted with caution. Further studies are warranted to confirm or refute whether H2S exposure induces premature deaths

    Emergency Hospital Visits in Association with Volcanic Ash, Dust Storms and Other Sources of Ambient Particles : A Time-Series Study in Reykjavik, Iceland

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    Volcanic ash contributed significantly to particulate matter (PM) in Iceland following the eruptions in Eyjafjallajökull 2010 and Grímsvötn 2011. This study aimed to investigate the association between different PM sources and emergency hospital visits for cardiorespiratory causes from 2007 to 2012. Indicators of PM10 sources; “volcanic ash”, “dust storms”, or “other sources” (traffic, fireworks, and re-suspension) on days when PM10 exceeded the daily air quality guideline value of 50 µg/m3 were entered into generalized additive models, adjusted for weather, time trend and co-pollutants. The average number of daily emergency hospital visits was 10.5. PM10 exceeded the air quality guideline value 115 out of 2191 days; 20 days due to volcanic ash, 14 due to dust storms (two days had both dust storm and ash contribution) and 83 due to other sources. High PM10 levels from volcanic ash tended to be significantly associated with the emergency hospital visits; estimates ranged from 4.8% (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 0.6, 9.2%) per day of exposure in unadjusted models to 7.3% (95% CI: −0.4, 15.5%) in adjusted models. Dust storms were not consistently associated with daily emergency hospital visits and other sources tended to show a negative association. We found some evidence indicating that volcanic ash particles were more harmful than particles from other sources, but the results were inconclusive and should be interpreted with caution

    Association between Daily Hydrogen Sulfide Exposure and Incidence of Emergency Hospital Visits: A Population-Based Study.

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    BACKGROUND:The adverse health effects of high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) exposure are well known, though the possible effects of low concentrations have not been thoroughly studied. The aim was to study short-term associations between modelled ambient low-level concentrations of intermittent hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and emergency hospital visits with heart diseases (HD), respiratory diseases, and stroke as primary diagnosis. METHODS:The study is population-based, using data from patient-, and population-registers from the only acute care institution in the Reykjavik capital area, between 1 January, 2007 and 30 June, 2014. The study population was individuals (≥18yr) living in the Reykjavik capital area. The H2S emission originates from a geothermal power plant in the vicinity. A model was used to estimate H2S exposure in different sections of the area. A generalized linear model assuming Poisson distribution was used to investigate the association between emergency hospital visits and H2S exposure. Distributed lag models were adjusted for seasonality, gender, age, traffic zones, and other relevant factors. Lag days from 0 to 4 were considered. RESULTS:The total number of emergency hospital visits was 32961 with a mean age of 70 years. In fully adjusted un-stratified models, H2S concentrations exceeding 7.00μg/m3 were associated with increases in emergency hospital visits with HD as primary diagnosis at lag 0 risk ratio (RR): 1.067; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.024-1.111, lag 2 RR: 1.049; 95%CI: 1.005-1.095, and lag 4 RR: 1.046; 95%CI: 1.004-1.089. Among males an association was found between H2S concentrations exceeding 7.00μg/m3, and HD at lag 0 RR: 1.087; 95%CI: 1.032-1.146 and lag 4 RR: 1080; 95%CI: 1.025-1.138; and among those 73 years and older at lag 0 RR: 1.075; 95%CI: 1.014-1.140 and lag 3 RR: 1.072; 95%CI: 1.009-1.139. No associations were found with other diseases. CONCLUSIONS:The study showed an association between emergency hospital visits with HD as primary diagnosis and same day H2S concentrations exceeding 7.00μg/m3, more pronounced among males and those 73 years and older than among females and younger individuals