184 research outputs found

    Impact of CMV PCR Blips in Recipients of Solid Organ and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Background: Viral blips reflecting polymerase chain reaction (PCR) artefacts or transient low-level replication are well described in the human immunodeficiency virus setting. However, the epidemiology of such blips in transplant recipients screened for cytomegalovirus (CMV) with PCR remains uncertain and was investigated in a cohort of solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell recipients. // Methods: Eligible recipients had known donor/recipient CMV IgG serostatus, and 3 CMV PCRs ≥. The CMV PCR triplicates (3 consecutive CMV PCRs) were defined; the first CMV PCR was always negative, and the time between the second and third samples was 7 days ≤. A positive second but negative third sample represented a blip. Odds ratio (OR) for factors associated with a triplicate being a blip was estimated by binomial regression adjusted for repeated measurements. Whether blips affected the hazard ratio (HR) for subsequent CMV infection was determined with a Cox model. // Results: 851 recipients generated 3883 CMV PCR triplicates. The OR of a triplicate representing a blip decreased with increasing viral load of the second sample (vs 273 IU/mL; >273-910 IU/mL: odds ratio [OR], 0.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.1-0.5; >910 IU/mL: OR, 0.08; 95% CI, 0.02-0.2; P ≤ 0.0002) and increased with intermediary-/low-risk serostatus (vs high risk) (OR, 2.8; 95% CI, 1.2-5.5; P = 0.01). Cumulative exposure to DNAemia in the CMV blips greater than 910 IU/mL indicated increased HR of subsequent CMV infection (HR, 4.6; 95% CI, 1.2-17.2; P = 0.02). // Conclusions: Cytomegalovirus blips are frequent; particularly when the viral load of the first positive PCR is < 910 IU/mL, and serostatus risk is intermediary/low. Accumulating blips suggest intermittent low-level replication. If blips are suspected, confirmation of ongoing replication before initiation of treatment is prudent

    Participation in introductory APIB training at the Colorado NIDCAP Center-Report on the training and its applicability to future studies-

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    本研修の目的は,新生児・早産児行動評価(Assessment of Term and Preterm Infant Behavior:APIB 1))を研究に活用するため,その具体的な方法を学ぶことであった.今回,国際NIDCAP®連盟(Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program FederationInternational:NFI)が認定する公式のトレーニング施設,Colorado NIDCAPセンターにおいて,2013年9月7日~8日の2日間,APIBの導入研修に参加する機会を得た.NFIは米国マサチューセッツ州ボストンに本部を置き,北米,南米,ヨーロッパに20のトレーニング施設を認定し,包括的で質の高いトレーニングとコンサルテーションの機会を提供している.APIBは,正期産児を対象とする新生児行動評価(Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale:NBAS 2))を,早産児と発達上のリスクを持つ新生児に適合するように開発された評価法であり,新生児と観察者の相互作用を通して,中枢神経系の組織化の状態と受け入れられる刺激を評価し,発達の評価や発達支援の方策を考案するために用いられている.APIBを研究に活用する際は,評価者としての認定が必要であり,トレーニングは「準備の段階」「導入トレーニング」「自主トレーニングおよび指導者との調整(中間評価)」「信頼性の評価」の4段階からなる.今回参加した導入研修では,APIBの基盤となる理論と実際の評価法を学び,評価の進め方とスコア化の基準を理解するとともに,早産児の現在の状態と受け入れられる刺激を評価することの重要性を知ることができた.本稿では,研修内容および今後の研究への活用性について報告する

    Age dependent plasticity in endocannabinoid modulation of pain processing through postnatal development

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    Significant age and experience-dependent remodelling of spinal and supraspinal neural networks occur resulting in altered pain responses in early life. In adults endogenous opioid peptide and endocannabinoid (ECs) pain control systems exist which modify pain responses but the role they play in acute responses to pain and postnatal neurodevelopment is unknown. Here we have studied the changing role of the ECs in brainstem nuclei essential for the control of nociception from birth to adulthood in both rat and human. Using in vivo electrophysiology we show that substantial functional changes occur in the effect of microinjection of ECs receptor agonists and antagonists in the periaqueductal grey (PAG) and rostroventral medulla (RVM), both of which play central roles in the supraspinal control of pain and the maintenance of chronic pain states in adulthood. We show that in immature PAG and RVM the orphan receptor GPR55 is able to mediate profound analgesia which is absent in adults. We show that tissue levels of endocannabinoid neurotransmitters, anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol within the PAG and RVM are developmentally regulated (using mass spectrometry). The expression patterns and levels of ECs enzymes and receptors were assessed using quantitative PCR and immunohistochemistry. In human brainstem we show age-related alterations in the expression of key enzymes and receptors in involved in ECs function using PCR and in situ hybridisation. These data reveal significant changes on ECs that to this point have been unknown and which shed new light into the complex neurochemical changes that permit normal, mature responses to pain

    The Center for Integrated Molecular Brain Imaging (Cimbi) database

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    AbstractWe here describe a multimodality neuroimaging containing data from healthy volunteers and patients, acquired within the Lundbeck Foundation Center for Integrated Molecular Brain Imaging (Cimbi) in Copenhagen, Denmark. The data is of particular relevance for neurobiological research questions related to the serotonergic transmitter system with its normative data on the serotonergic subtype receptors 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5-HT2A, and 5-HT4 and the 5-HT transporter (5-HTT), but can easily serve other purposes.The Cimbi database and Cimbi biobank were formally established in 2008 with the purpose to store the wealth of Cimbi-acquired data in a highly structured and standardized manner in accordance with the regulations issued by the Danish Data Protection Agency as well as to provide a quality-controlled resource for future hypothesis-generating and hypothesis-driven studies.The Cimbi database currently comprises a total of 1100 PET and 1000 structural and functional MRI scans and it holds a multitude of additional data, such as genetic and biochemical data, and scores from 17 self-reported questionnaires and from 11 neuropsychological paper/computer tests. The database associated Cimbi biobank currently contains blood and in some instances saliva samples from about 500 healthy volunteers and 300 patients with e.g., major depression, dementia, substance abuse, obesity, and impulsive aggression. Data continue to be added to the Cimbi database and biobank