7,059 research outputs found

    Absolute flux measurements for swift atoms

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    While a torsion balance in vacuum can easily measure the momentum transfer from a gas beam impinging on a surface attached to the balance, this measurement depends on the accommodation coefficients of the atoms with the surface and the distribution of the recoil. A torsion balance is described for making absolute flux measurements independent of recoil effects. The torsion balance is a conventional taut suspension wire design and the Young modulus of the wire determines the relationship between the displacement and the applied torque. A compensating magnetic field is applied to maintain zero displacement and provide critical damping. The unique feature is to couple the impinging gas beam to the torsion balance via a Wood's horn, i.e., a thin wall tube with a gradual 90 deg bend. Just as light is trapped in a Wood's horn by specular reflection from the curved surfaces, the gas beam diffuses through the tube. Instead of trapping the beam, the end of the tube is open so that the atoms exit the tube at 90 deg to their original direction. Therefore, all of the forward momentum of the gas beam is transferred to the torsion balance independent of the angle of reflection from the surfaces inside the tube

    Functional somatic disorders: discussion paper for a new common classification for research and clinical use

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    Background Functional somatic symptoms and disorders are common and complex phenomena involving both bodily and brain processes. They pose major challenges across medical specialties. These disorders are common and have significant impacts on patients’ quality of life and healthcare costs. Main body We outline five problems pointing to the need for a new classification: (1) developments in understanding aetiological mechanisms; (2) the current division of disorders according to the treating specialist; (3) failure of current classifications to cover the variety of disorders and their severity (for example, patients with symptoms from multiple organs systems); (4) the need to find acceptable categories and labels for patients that promote therapeutic partnership; and (5) the need to develop clinical services and research for people with severe disorders. We propose ‘functional somatic disorders’ (FSD) as an umbrella term for various conditions characterised by persistent and troublesome physical symptoms. FSDs are diagnosed clinically, on the basis of characteristic symptom patterns. As with all diagnoses, a diagnosis of FSD should be made after considering other possible somatic and mental differential diagnoses. We propose that FSD should occupy a neutral space within disease classifications, favouring neither somatic disease aetiology, nor mental disorder. FSD should be subclassified as (a) multisystem, (b) single system, or (c) single symptom. While additional specifiers may be added to take account of psychological features or co-occurring diseases, neither of these is sufficient or necessary to make the diagnosis. We recommend that FSD criteria are written so as to harmonise with existing syndrome diagnoses. Where currently defined syndromes fall within the FSD spectrum – and also within organ system-specific chapters of a classification – they should be afforded dual parentage (for example, irritable bowel syndrome can belong to both gastrointestinal disorders and FSD). Conclusion We propose a new classification, ‘functional somatic disorder’, which is neither purely somatic nor purely mental, but occupies a neutral space between these two historical poles. This classification reflects both emerging aetiological evidence of the complex interactions between brain and body and the need to resolve the historical split between somatic and mental disorders

    Higher Order, Hybrid BEM/FEM Methods Applied to Antenna Modeling

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    In this presentation, the authors address topics relevant to higher order modeling using hybrid BEM/FEM formulations. The first of these is the limitation on convergence rates imposed by geometric modeling errors in the analysis of scattering by a dielectric sphere. The second topic is the application of an Incomplete LU Threshold (ILUT) preconditioner to solve the linear system resulting from the BEM/FEM formulation. The final tOpic is the application of the higher order BEM/FEM formulation to antenna modeling problems. The authors have previously presented work on the benefits of higher order modeling. To achieve these benefits, special attention is required in the integration of singular and near-singular terms arising in the surface integral equation. Several methods for handling these terms have been presented. It is also well known that achieving ~he high rates of convergence afforded by higher order bases may als'o require the employment of higher order geometry models. A number of publications have described the use of quadratic elements to model curved surfaces. The authors have shown in an EFIE formulation, applied to scattering by a PEC .sphere, that quadratic order elements may be insufficient to prevent the domination of modeling errors. In fact, on a PEC sphere with radius r = 0.58 Lambda(sub 0), a quartic order geometry representation was required to obtain a convergence benefi.t from quadratic bases when compared to the convergence rate achieved with linear bases. Initial trials indicate that, for a dielectric sphere of the same radius, - requirements on the geometry model are not as severe as for the PEC sphere. The authors will present convergence results for higher order bases as a function of the geometry model order in the hybrid BEM/FEM formulation applied to dielectric spheres. It is well known that the system matrix resulting from the hybrid BEM/FEM formulation is ill -conditioned. For many real applications, a good preconditioner is required to obtain usable convergence from an iterative solver. The authors have examined the use of an Incomplete LU Threshold (ILUT) preconditioner . to solver linear systems stemming from higher order BEM/FEM formulations in 2D scattering problems. Although the resulting preconditioner provided aD excellent approximation to the system inverse, its size in terms of non-zero entries represented only a modest improvement when compared with the fill-in associated with a sparse direct solver. Furthermore, the fill-in of the preconditioner could not be substantially reduced without the occurrence of instabilities. In addition to the results for these 2D problems, the authors will present iterative solution data from the application of the ILUT preconditioner to 3D problems

    MetaBar - a tool for consistent contextual data acquisition and standards compliant submission

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    Background: Environmental sequence datasets are increasing at an exponential rate; however, the vast majority of them lack appropriate descriptors like sampling location, time and depth/altitude: generally referred to as metadata or contextual data. The consistent capture and structured submission of these data is crucial for integrated data analysis and ecosystems modeling. The application MetaBar has been developed, to support consistent contextual data acquisition. Results: MetaBar is a spreadsheet and web-based software tool designed to assist users in the consistent acquisition, electronic storage, and submission of contextual data associated to their samples. A preconfigured Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is used to initiate structured contextual data storage in the field or laboratory. Each sample is given a unique identifier and at any stage the sheets can be uploaded to the MetaBar database server. To label samples, identifiers can be printed as barcodes. An intuitive web interface provides quick access to the contextual data in the MetaBar database as well as user and project management capabilities. Export functions facilitate contextual and sequence data submission to the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC), comprising of the DNA DataBase of Japan (DDBJ), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory database (EMBL) and GenBank. MetaBar requests and stores contextual data in compliance to the Genomic Standards Consortium specifications. The MetaBar open source code base for local installation is available under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GNU GPL3). Conclusion: The MetaBar software supports the typical workflow from data acquisition and field-sampling to contextual data enriched sequence submission to an INSDC database. The integration with the megx.net marine Ecological Genomics database and portal facilitates georeferenced data integration and metadata-based comparisons of sampling sites as well as interactive data visualization. The ample export functionalities and the INSDC submission support enable exchange of data across disciplines and safeguarding contextual data

    Issues and Methods Concerning the Evaluation of Hypersingular and Near-Hypersingular Integrals in BEM Formulations

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    It is known that higher order modeling of the sources and the geometry in Boundary Element Modeling (BEM) formulations is essential to highly efficient computational electromagnetics. However, in order to achieve the benefits of hIgher order basis and geometry modeling, the singular and near-singular terms arising in BEM formulations must be integrated accurately. In particular, the accurate integration of near-singular terms, which occur when observation points are near but not on source regions of the scattering object, has been considered one of the remaining limitations on the computational efficiency of integral equation methods. The method of singularity subtraction has been used extensively for the evaluation of singular and near-singular terms. Piecewise integration of the source terms in this manner, while manageable for bases of constant and linear orders, becomes unwieldy and prone to error for bases of higher order. Furthermore, we find that the singularity subtraction method is not conducive to object-oriented programming practices, particularly in the context of multiple operators. To extend the capabilities, accuracy, and maintainability of general-purpose codes, the subtraction method is being replaced in favor of the purely numerical quadrature schemes. These schemes employ singularity cancellation methods in which a change of variables is chosen such that the Jacobian of the transformation cancels the singularity. An example of the sin,oularity cancellation approach is the Duffy method, which has two major drawbacks: 1) In the resulting integrand, it produces an angular variation about the singular point that becomes nearly-singular for observation points close to an edge of the parent element, and 2) it appears not to work well when applied to nearly-singular integrals. Recently, the authors have introduced the transformation u(x(prime))= sinh (exp -1) x(prime)/Square root of ((y prime (exp 2))+ z(exp 2) for integrating functions of the form I = Integral of (lambda(r(prime))((e(exp -jkR))/(4 pi R) d D where A (r (prime)) is a vector or scalar basis function and R = Square root of( (x(prime)(exp2) + (y(prime)(exp2) + z(exp 2)) is the distance between source and observation points. This scheme has all of the advantages of the Duffy method while avoiding the disadvantages listed above. In this presentation we will survey similar approaches for handling singular and near-singular terms for kernels with 1/R(exp 2) type behavior, addressing potential pitfalls and offering techniques to efficiently handle special cases

    The effects of pediatric obesity on dynamic joint malalignment during gait

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    Background: There is a greater prevalence of lower extremity malalignment in obese children during static posture; however, there has been less examination of dynamic joint function in this cohort. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine kinematic differences that exist between obese and non-obese children that would support previously reported static joint malalignment. Methods: Forty children were classified as obese (n=20) or non-obese (n=20). Lower extremity joint kinematics were collected during five walking trials at a self-selected pace. Peak joint displacement and amount of joint motion throughout the gait cycle (calculated as the integrated displacement curve) were analyzed for group differences. Findings: Non-obese children had greater peak knee and hip extension during gait; however, there were no group differences in the integrated sagittal displacement curve. Obese children had greater peak angular displacement and integrals of angular displacement for peak hip adduction, hip internal rotation, and foot abduction (toe-out) than non-obese children. Obese children also had greater peak knee external rotation than non-obese children. Interpretation: Non-obese children showed greater range of motion in the sagittal plane, particularly at the hip and knee. Frontal and transverse plane differences suggest that obese children function in a more genu valgum position than non-obese children. Staticmeasures of genu valgum have been previously associated with pediatric obesity; the findings indicate that there are also dynamic implications of said malalignment in obese children. Genu valgum presents increased risk of osteoarthritis for obese children and should be considered when prescribing weight bearing exercise to this cohort
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