6 research outputs found

    Towards The Independence of The Propellant Industry for Munitions and Rocket

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    Indonesia has not yet been able to generate propellants, which are crucial components of the country's defense system. Long-term reliance on imports for ammunition and rocket components can compromise the TNI's operational readiness. These issues and weaknesses include being susceptible to political pressure and having less independence and deterrence factor readiness. Because it affects national pride in national defense, the installation of a propellant factory should not be postponed. Nitrocellulose, the primary raw material of cellulose and nitroglycerin, whose primary raw material is glycerine, is used as the primary raw material in the production of propellants. Domestic industries have generated the two primary raw materials

    Performance Evaluation of Bio-CSTR for Biohydrogen Production from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME)

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    Hydrogen production from biomass is a prospectus energy carrier. Biohydrogen so far only shares 8% of total hydrogen production Therefore, the production of biohydrogen still has to be increased for its contribution of the total required hydrogen, especially in Indonesia, which is a tropical country and rich in biomass. This research and development would utilize POME, Palm Oil Mill Effluent, as the substrate to produce biohydrogen. The utilization of POME will give added value and solve the environmental problem as well. Based on a modified existing bio-reactor, a bio–Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR), the production of biohydrogen was successfully conducted at a scale of 1,000 dm3 working volume. The bio-CSTR worked with impellers in 4 different levels and the substrate flew laminarly and non-stagnant. As in the first test, biogas production from POME with the majority content of CH4, the pH and COD was measured to assess the quality of this POME utilization. The product was also analyzed, especially to monitor the existence of CH4 and to assure the product bio H2. Bio CSTR was applied in the method fed-batch system. POME and some additional nutrients were fed daily. The work was conducted at least for 2 weeks based on working planning. As the result, biohydrogen is still stable in duration 18 days operations, no CH4 exist. The pH was smaller at overflow POME, decreasing maximum, from 4.9 to 4.8. This condition was considered tolerable. The H2 concentration in gas product was reached 26% and stable at 12% until the end of the experiment

    Optimalisasi Program Pencegahan Stunting oleh KKN-T UNRAM Bersama Puskesmas Kecamatan Sambelia dan para Kader Posyandu di Desa Sambelia Kecamatan Sambelia

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               Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Tematik Stunting merupakan bentuk pengabdian mahasiswa sebagai peserta yang terjun langsung ke masyarakat dan dibimbing secara berkelanjutan oleh dosen pembibing dalam mengedukasi masyarakat desa sasaran khususnya dalam kesehatan. Desa yang menjadi fokus dalam pelaksanaan KKN ini adalah Desa Sambalia, Kecamatan Sambelia, Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Desa Sambalia merupakan desa yang memiliki Sumber Daya Alam yang sangat mendukung dalam meningkatkan pembangunan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Desa Sambalia memiliki sumber daya alam terdidiri atas sumber daya lahan pertanian dan sumber daya hutan. Selain itu, pemerintah Desa Sambalia juga melakukan pembinaan kearah prilaku hidup sehat menjadi kegiatan yang tidak pernah luput serta senantiasa dilakukan, bahkan menjadi salah satu program kerja tahunan.  Namun, berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari Kepala Desa Sambalia, terdapat 53 orang yang terdampak stunting pada tahun 2021 dan diharapkan pada tahun 2022 jumlah tersebut akan menurun bahkan tidak ada. Berdasarkan hal tersebut di atas maka, telah disepakati tema atau judul kami “Program Pencegahan Stunting Dengan Meningkatkan Kesadaran Akan Pentingnya Gizi Anak dan Kesehatan Ibu Hamil Di Desa Sambalia, Lombok Timur” dengan 7 program kerja dengan 3 program kerja utama yaitu, Penyuluhan Tentang Pencegahan dan bahaya stunting untuk ketahanan  keluarga di Desa Sambalia, Pembagian Makanan Bergizi dan Bernutrisi dan Pendataan Kebiasaan Masyarakat Dalam Melaksanaan Pola Hidup Sehat. Serta 4 program kerja tambahan antara lain Mengajar, Cinta Masjid, Pasang Pelang Nama  Gang dan Gotong Royong


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    Shallot (Allium cepa L. var ascalonicum) is one of the leading vegetable commodities that is widely used and has high economic value. National shallot productivity continues to decline from year to year, so it is necessary to increase shallot production both in quantity and quality. One way that can be done is to apply effective efforts in the cultivation system such as the use of effective and efficient fertilizer technology. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of using Controlled Release Fertilizer (CRF) technology on the effectiveness test of the shallot variety SS Sakato which was carried out on a 4200 m2 plot of land in Kuningan, West Java. The results show that the use of CRF technology can increase growth (plant height), and the number of tillers, and increase shallot productivity. The increase in plant height at 30 HST increased by an average of 50% for all treatments and then slowed down to 20% in the second month. Regarding the number of tillers, the use of CRF technology can increase by about 38% when compared to controlled plots. Against the weight of the harvest, it can increase by 7-22% higher than the use of NPK fertilizer (comparison). The quality of the shallots produced also shows better with larger tuber sizes and brighter colours.  Keywords: Controlled Release Fertilizer (CRF), fertilizer, shallot, the effectiveness test, Sakat

    Pengembangan Formula dan Pembuatan Controlled Release Fertilizer (CRF) untuk Bawang Merah

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    Bawang merah merupakan salah satu komoditas sayuran unggulan yang memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi. Data produksi bawang merah di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa produktivitas hasil bawang merah tersebut masih dapat ditingkatkan. Pemupukan merupakan salah satu alternatif solusi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman. Efisiensi pemupukan harus ditingkatkan mengingat rendahnya efisiensi penggunaan pupuk buatan yang disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, antara lain karena kehilangan bahan aktif (nutrient) melalui proses degradasi mikrobial, volatilisasi ataupun tercuci oleh aliran permukaan. Salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan pupuk adalah CRF. Controlled Release Fertilizer (CRF) merupakan jenis pupuk dengan mekanisme pelepasan unsur hara secara berkala mendekati pola penyerapan oleh tanaman sehingga unsur hara yang terkandung dalam pupuk tidak terbawa oleh air. CRF yang dikembangkan merupakan formula pupuk lengkap untuk bawang merah yang meliputi makro nutrient (N, P, K), makro sekunder (Sulfur, Magnesium, Kalsium), serta mikro nutrient (Zinc, Cuprum, dan Asam humat). Berdasarkan rekomendasi badan litbang dan peraturan-peraturan terkait formula pupuk untuk bawang merah, dihasilkan 2 buah formula yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan tanaman bawang merah. Dihasilkan 2 buah prototype pupuk untuk tanaman bawang merah (NPK CRF 14-7-9-6-4-2 dan NPK CRF 16-7-10-6-2). Kedua pupuk tersebut di coating dengan menggunakan asam humat, dari hasil coating dengan menggunakan asam humat, nilai crushing strength dari granul pupuk meningkat 1,5x lipat dibandingkan sebelum di coating. Selain sifat asam humat yang dapat menghambat pelepasan N, peningkatan crushing strength juga dapat memperlambat proses degradasi granul pupuk