176 research outputs found

    A rare case of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the skin: A case report and a literature review

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    This report presents the case of primary Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the skin on the leg of a 74-year-old man. The epidemiological data of the neoplasm are examined, and the morphological picture and immunophenotypic profile are compared with those of the homologous tumor of the salivary glands. According to the scoring system of this type of tumor, our case is classified as low-grade

    On a Rare Cutaneous Metastasis from a Sacrococcygeal Chordoma

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    Chordomas are rare malignant tumors of notochordal origin and are rare locally aggressive ones with a metastatic potential. The skin rarely is seen as metastatic site. We describe a case of an adult woman with cutaneous metastasis of a primary sacral chordoma excised ten years before, which appeared as a painless cutaneous mass located in the dorsal region. Once removed, the surgical specimen was formalin fixed and in paraffin embedded. Sections were stained with haematoxylin-eosin, and histochemical and immunohistochemical investigations were performed. Histologically, the neoplasia was characterized by cords or single tumor cells with an abundant myxoid stroma, conspicuous pale vacuolated cytoplasm (the classic "physaliphorous cells"), and mild nuclear atypia. Mitotic activity was scanty. At immunohistochemistry, the tumor cells were diffusely positive for S-100 protein, pan-keratins, EMA, and vimentin. A diagnosis of cutaneous metastasis of chordoma was performed. This case illustrates a diagnostic challenge because of the unusual presentation of an already rare tumor

    On a Rare Cutaneous Metastasis from a Sacrococcygeal Chordoma

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    Chordomas are rare malignant tumors of notochordal origin and are rare locally aggressive ones with a metastatic potential. The skin rarely is seen as metastatic site. We describe a case of an adult woman with cutaneous metastasis of a primary sacral chordoma excised ten years before, which appeared as a painless cutaneous mass located in the dorsal region. Once removed, the surgical specimen was formalin fixed and in paraffin embedded. Sections were stained with haematoxylin-eosin, and histochemical and immunohistochemical investigations were performed. Histologically, the neoplasia was characterized by cords or single tumor cells with an abundant myxoid stroma, conspicuous pale vacuolated cytoplasm (the classic “physaliphorous cells”), and mild nuclear atypia. Mitotic activity was scanty. At immunohistochemistry, the tumor cells were diffusely positive for S-100 protein, pan-keratins, EMA, and vimentin. A diagnosis of cutaneous metastasis of chordoma was performed. This case illustrates a diagnostic challenge because of the unusual presentation of an already rare tumor

    Alcune considerazioni sulla piĂą antica presenza dell'olivo in Italia, con particolare attenzione alla Puglia e al Salento

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    ItIl saggio si propone come un primo contributo allo studio della storia dell'olivo in Puglia, e segnatamente nel Salento, in arco cronologico compreso fra l'età del Bronzo e il I sec a.C. Si ricostruiscono dapprima, sinteticamente, i più recenti orientamenti sulla più antica diffusione della pianta nel bacino del Mediterraneo: dalla sua prima domesticazione nel vicino Oriente alla propagazione alle coste elladiche, fino all'affermazione di una coltura italica dell'olivo, a partire dall'età del Bronzo, con i suoi significativi esempi pugliesi, messi in luce dalla ricerca archeologica degli ultimi decenni (Leuca, Roca Vecchia, Coppa Nevigata). La centralità della Puglia – del Salento in particolare con la sua olea Sallentina o Calabrica, ma anche della Daunia – nella produzione dell'olio emerge in maniera inequivocabile nella tarda età romanorepubblicana quando sia il dato archeologico che le fonti narrative indicano la regione come la principale esportatrice del prodotto nel bacino del Mediterraneo, in particolar modo in Egitto ma anche in Grecia e in Gallia, soprattutto grazie alla produzione anforaria brindisina dei secoli tardo II e I a.C.EnThe essay is proposed as an initial contribution to the historical study of the olive tree in Puglia, specifically in Salento, in a chronological span between the Bronze Age and the Ith century B.C. The most recent orientations concerning the most ancient diffusion of the plant in the Mediterranean basin are reconstructed first, from its first domestication in the Near East to the propagation on the Helladic coasts, up to the affirmation of an Italic olive cultivation starting from Bronze Age, with its significant Apulian examples, highlighted by archaeological research of the last decades (Leuca, Roca Vecchia, Coppa Nevigata). The centrality of Puglia – particularly Salento with its olea Sallentina or Calabrica but also Daunia – in the production of oil emerges unequivocally during the late Roman-Republican age when both the archaeological data and the narrative sources indicate the region as the main exporter of the product in the Mediterranean basin, especially to Egypt but also Greece and Gaul, primarily as a result of the Brindisi amphora production of the late IInd and Ith centuries B.C

    Philippe Simon, Lire "Dentro" de Sandro Bonvissuto

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    Par Philippe Simon Dentro est le premier ouvrage marquant de Sandro Bonvissuto. Il comprend trois longs récits, trois histoires différentes, en ordre chronologique inverse (en fonction peut-être de réminiscences successives) qui sont comme trois grandes facettes d’une vie ou plus simplement de la vie. Dans le premier chapitre, intitulé « Il giardino delle arance amare », est tout d’abord évoquée la prison, amère et si marquante expérience adulte dont est donnée ici une vision tout à fait sais..

    Andrea Fabiano, La langue italienne et le livret d'opéra à l'époque moderne : quelques remarques

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    Une réflexion sur le succès international de l’opéra italien depuis sa naissance au XVIIe siècle nous conduit d’une manière implicite à un double questionnement qui traverse le temps : l’italien est-il une langue privilégiée pour l’opéra ? les paroles, le poème, bref la langue vient d’abord, la musique ensuite, ou le contraire ? En lisant les observations faites par les musiciens, les librettistes et les théoriciens de l’opéra au cours des siècles, nous aurions pu espérer de trouver peut-être..

    Silvia Tatti, compte rendu de Beatrice Alfonzetti, Dramma e storia. Da Trissino a Pellico

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    Beatrice Alfonzetti, Dramma e storia. Da Trissino a Pellico, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2013, pp. XXIX – 258. L’introduction du volume montre tout de suite au lecteur la méthode que Beatrice Alfonzetti poursuit depuis toujours dans ses nombreux essais : le théâtre est le miroir de l’histoire, surtout de l’histoire politique. Depuis la tragédie grecque, les textes théâtraux nous permettent de reconstruire les nœuds centraux du débat politique des différentes époques. Pourvu d’un p..

    Philippe Simon, Lire "Dentro" de Sandro Bonvissuto

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    Par Philippe Simon Dentro est le premier ouvrage marquant de Sandro Bonvissuto. Il comprend trois longs récits, trois histoires différentes, en ordre chronologique inverse (en fonction peut-être de réminiscences successives) qui sont comme trois grandes facettes d’une vie ou plus simplement de la vie. Dans le premier chapitre, intitulé « Il giardino delle arance amare », est tout d’abord évoquée la prison, amère et si marquante expérience adulte dont est donnée ici une vision tout à fait sais..
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