775 research outputs found

    An empirical investigation of the role of camaraderie, cause, competency, and participation motives in the development of attachment to a charity sport event

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    This paper examines the factors that contribute to the meaning participants hold for charity sport events. Specifically, the paper investigates the role of three value-laden constructs; along with participation motives, to understand participant attachment to a charity sport event. An online questionnaire was given to participants in the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) LIVESTRONG Challenge (n=568) following the event. Data analysis revealed two recreational event motives, three motives for charitable giving, and three value-laden constructs contribute to attachment to the charity sport event. In addition, the results revealed the value-laden constructs make a stronger contribution to event attachment than the participation motives. Suggestions are made for increasing the meaning held for the event through community building, calls to action, and customization.Griffith Business School, Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel ManagementFull Tex

    Chrudim Station Redevelopment

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je navrhnout rekonstrukci železniční stanice Chrudim, tak aby vyhovovala platné legislativě v oblasti přístupu osob s omezenou schopností pohybu a orientace. V práci jsou navržena dvě nástupiště s výškou nástupní hrany 550 mm nad temenem kolejnice. Počet čtyř dopravních kolejí ve stanici je zachován. Dále je navržena kompletní rekonstrukce železničního svršku, železničního spodku a je navrženo nové odvodnění stanice.The subject of the diploma thesis is to design a redevelopment of railway station Chrudim in order to meet current legislation on access of persons with reduced mobility. Two platforms with the platform edge height of 550 millimetres above the top of the rail have been designed. The amount of four running tracks through the station remains unchanged. Furthermore, the railway superstructure, railway substructure and the new drainage system was also designed.

    System architecture for sensor data stream processing using machine learning capabilities

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    Proces výběru vhodných nástrojů pro architekturu našeho IT systému je stále obtížnější. V moderních technologických trendech, jako je strojové učení a velká data, je snadné ztratit se v bezpočtu nástrojů použitených k našim účelům. Tato práce je příkladem toho, jak dlouhá může být analýza návrhu relativně jednoduchého, ale zároveň zatěžujících případů užití. Naším hlavním cílem je seznámit čtenáře s technologiemi běžně používanými pro budování špičkových systémů zpracování proudů dat. Tato práce vysvětluje obecné pojmy a trendy návrhu takové architektury a dále se specializuje na případy užití v reálném světě. Tyto případy užití zahrnují sběr, zpracování, ukládání a analýzu údajů ze senzorů. Po návrhu potenciální architektury a výběru vhodných nástrojů teoreticky vyhodnotíme a vybereme vhodné nástroje pro naše účely. Tyto nástroje jsou poté využity v návrzích různých konfiguracích systému. Z těchto možných konfigurací je jedna vybrána a dále vyhodnocena na reálných datech a scénáři.The process of selecting proper tools for our IT system architecture becomes increasingly difficult. With modern technology trends, such as Machine Learning and Big Data, it is easy to get lost in the myriad of tools capable of serving our purposes. This thesis exemplifies how thorough analysis for designing a relatively simple yet demanding use case can be. Our main goal is to familiarise the reader with technologies commonly used for building cutting-edge stream processing system. This thesis explains general concepts and trends of designing such architecture and is further specialised for real-world use cases. These use cases involve sensor data collection, processing, storage and analysis. After drafting potential architecture and selecting appropriate tools, we theoretically evaluate and select well-suited tools for our purposes. These tools are then suggested for use in various system configurations. Out of these possible configurations, one is selected and evaluated further on real-life data and scenario

    Study of Hrušovany's Rail Wye

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    Studie Hrušovanské spojky se zabývá návrhem přímého spojení mezi železničními stanicemi Brno hl .n. a Znojmo tak, aby vlaky nemusely zajíždět do železniční stanice Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou. Spojka výrazně zrychlí a zefektivní dopravu mezi výše jmenovanými stanicemi. Trať bude jednokolejná. Navrhl jsem celkem 7 možných řešení vedení spojky, z toho jsem podrobně vyřešil dvě nejvýhodnější.Study of Hrušovany's Rail Wye deals with design of a direct link between the railway stations Brno central station and Znojmo. So that trains do not drive into the railway station Hrusovany Jevišovkou. The clutch should be faster and more efficient connection between stations. It will single-railway line. I designed a total of 7 variant, of which I am solve two best.

    The Lutheran Church and Society in Slovakia during the Cold Wars

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    This paper explores how and to what extent the Lutheran Church in Slovakia living and seeking to fulfill its mission in a socialist political context governed by the Communist party was encouraged or sustained by its involvement in the global Christian community. Our church was a founding member of the World Council of Churches, the Lutheran World Federation and the Conference of European Churches. During the years of the Cold War our church was able to maintain contact with churches and Christians on the other side of the global political divide through other Christian bodies as well, like the “Gustav Adolf Werk” and the “Martin Luther Bund” in the Federal Republic of Germany and other ecumenical and evangelical networks. It first describes the context: state-church relations and the means by which the state sought to control the churches, on the one hand, and the content and extent of public and unofficial activities of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia during this period on the other. It relies on two main sources. The first is through research into the public statements, the church press and the reports of the Church’s decision-making bodies and by collecting personal recollections and testimonies of the surviving witnesses of the period and comparing the two. It also reviews press reports and statements that record the positive impact of our faithful of our uninterrupted involvement in ecumenical organizations and our own world Christian Communion. The study shows how these organizations became bridges of mutual communication despite the limitations imposed during the Cold War. Though they were under close surveillance by different forces, these bridges were effective and served the purposes of the Kingdom of God brought to this world by Jesus Christ. It also demonstrates that the impact of these relationships were not always immediately obvious. Their fruits were often harvested later, in due time. During and after our liberation from totalitarian political systems and the animosity of the Cold War, many of those who walked across those bridges to maintain communion with others contributed to the construction of a new era out of their experiences of being part of the World Christian Community

    A Panel Data Regression Analysis for Economic Growth Rate In Bengkulu Province

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    Panel data is a combination of time series data and cross section data. The analytical method used for panel data is panel data regression. One of the advantages of analysis using panel data regress One of the indicators to measure the development of the production of goods and services in an economic area in a given year against the value of the previous year which is calculated based on GDP/GRDP at constant prices is Economic Growth. The dependent variable in this study is the growth rate of GRDP. The independent variable in this study is IPM, TPAK, TPT. This study uses panel data regression analysis with the Common Effect Model (CEM), Fixed Effect Model (FEM) and Random Effect Model (REM). The data processing in this study uses the R Studio application

    Savage Life and Custom.

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