3,107 research outputs found

    Le ambascerie dal mondo greco a Roma: omissioni, errori, novità e studi recenti

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    L'autore ritiene che una completa campionatura delle fonti sulle relazioni diplomatiche, esigenza già avvertita nella letteratura scientifica e messa in atto in alcuni recenti lavori, rappresenti una utile base per ulteriori sviluppi, tanto critico-esegetici quanto teorico-ricostruttivi, in questo campo di studi. Egli offre pertanto una appendice ed una integrazione alla raccolta di fonti intitolata Le ambascerie dal mondo greco a Roma in età repubblicana, presentando circa 40 nuovi casi ed una quantità di correzioni e riferimenti bibliografici per il materiale già ordinat

    energy retrofit of historic buildings in the mediterranean area the case of the palaeontology museum of naples

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    Abstract This paper aims to identify some optimal system solutions for the energy refurbishment of a specific historic building, through energy simulations in dynamic conditions performed with a suitable software. The analysis is carried out by the evaluation of energy requirements of the building, in terms of both primary and electric energy. The hypotheses of intervention regard only the air conditioning system components and take into account the existing architectural constraints. The case study refers to the Palaeontology Museum of Naples (Southern Italy), whose rooms are currently in a historic building located in the ancient centre of the city

    energy refurbishment of a university building in cold italian backcountry part 2 sensitivity studies and optimization

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    Abstract The first part of this study provided a discussion about the methodological approach for designing energy refurbishment measures of buildings. The case study is a building owned by University of Molise, in Campobasso, a cold Italian city. The reference scenario is a numerical model built after deep investigations, and thus surveys, questionnaires, documents and experimental measurements on the real building. Then, a calibrated energy model was presented. In this second part, starting from the calibrated model, some energy retrofit measures have been implemented. The obtained results allow to discuss two key points for researches in matter of energy refurbishment of buildings: a) the importance of using validated models to simulate the present performance; b) the environmental benefits and the economic implications of a deep energy refurbishment

    nzeb target for existing buildings case study of historical educational building in mediterranean climate

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    Abstract A key element of the Energy Performance of Building Directive 2010/31/EU is the introduction of nearly zero energy building (NZEB) standard for new constructions. However, considering the very low rate of new built volume, the major change for achieve the sustainable grow of the European economy, appears to be the renovation of existing building stock. But, is it possible to reach very low or nearly zero energy standard during refurbishment design? Proposed paper tries to answer this question, evaluating if the refurbishment of historic architectures to very low energy need is possible and economically feasible. With reference to a case study, this paper investigates the cost-optimal energy refurbishment of a Renaissance-style palace, located in the center of Naples, South Italy. The adopted methodology consists of various steps. Firstly, a model of the building has been accurately built and calibrated. Then, it has been used to evaluate possible interventions concerning both the envelope and the energy systems. The best solutions, chosen according to the European methodology of cost-optimality, have been combined in a last simulation. The results show that great energy savings as well as economic and environmental improvements are possible, although heritage buildings present a less flexibility in the proposal of energy efficiency measures

    Multidisciplinary Approach to Structural/Energy Diagnosis of Historical Buildings: A Case Study

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    Abstract A synergic approach for the investigations of the historical building performances - with reference to both the structural behavior and the energy performances for the space heating and cooling - is presented. The historical masonry building "Palazzo Bosco Lucarelli", located in Benevento, has been chosen as case study. The structural and energy analyses are carried out in parallel, especially during the identification of the building characteristics through tests and surveys in-situ. For the structural analysis - beyond examinations on materials - some dynamic tests have been used for better assessing a numerical Finite Element model necessary for the verification of the structure safety. Moreover, being necessary a structural refurbishment, also an energy retrofit could be realized. A rigorous evaluation procedure - aimed to guarantee the necessary reliability of numerical predictions - is performed in order to verify the technical and economical convenience of various energy retrofit solutions

    energy refurbishment of a university building in cold italian backcountry part 1 audit and calibration of the numerical model

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    Abstract The study provides a methodological approach for designing energy refurbishment measures of buildings, enabling to understand the uncertainty of using numerical modelling and the real impacts due of adopting some energy efficiency technologies. The case study is a University building of the centre of Italy, and the reference scenario has been supported by various in-situ surveys, investigations and evaluations of the indoor comfort. Collected data, together with a comparison with energy bills, has allowed a proper calibration of a numerical model simulated by means EnergyPlus. All this phase is described in this paper, while a second part will discuss the energy retrofit and the building energy optimization

    Single cell classification of macrophage subtypes by label-free cell signatures and machine learning

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    Pro-inflammatory (M1) and anti-inflammatory (M2) macrophage phenotypes play a fundamental role in the immune response. The interplay and consequently the classification between these two functional subtypes is significant for many therapeutic applications. Albeit, a fast classification of macrophage phenotypes is challenging. For instance, image-based classification systems need cell staining and coloration, which is usually time- and cost-consuming, such as multiple cell surface markers, transcription factors and cytokine profiles are needed. A simple alternative would be to identify such cell types by using single-cell, label-free and high throughput light scattering pattern analyses combined with a straightforward machine learning-based classification. Here, we compared different machine learning algorithms to classify distinct macrophage phenotypes based on their optical signature obtained from an ad hoc developed wide-angle static light scattering apparatus. As the main result, we were able to identify unpolarized macrophages from M1- and M2-polarized phenotypes and distinguished them from naive monocytes with an average accuracy above 85%. Therefore, we suggest that optical single-cell signatures within a lab-on-a-chip approach along with machine learning could be used as a fast, affordable, non-invasive macrophage phenotyping tool to supersede resource-intensive cell labelling

    Privacy Measurement in Tabular Synthetic Data: State of the Art and Future Research Directions

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    Synthetic data (SD) have garnered attention as a privacy enhancing technology. Unfortunately, there is no standard for quantifying their degree of privacy protection. In this paper, we discuss proposed quantification approaches. This contributes to the development of SD privacy standards; stimulates multi-disciplinary discussion; and helps SD researchers make informed modeling and evaluation decisions.Comment: 20 pages, 4 tables, 8 figures; NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Synthetic Data Generation with Generative A
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