80 research outputs found


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    The unpredictability and the seriousness of the potential earthquake consequences for people and residential buildings in Serbia imply the need for improving the resilience of local communities. The paper presents the results of a quantitative research regarding the level and factors of influence on the awareness of citizens about the seismic resistance of their residential buildings to earthquake consequences. Multiple-point random sampling was used to survey 1,018 citizens (face to face) during 2017 in 8 local communities: Kraljevo, Lazarevac, Jagodina, Mionica, Prijepolje, Vranje, Lapovo and Kopaonik. The questionnaire consisted of two segments: questions on demographic, socio-economic and psychological characteristics of respondents and questions regarding resistance of residential buildings to earthquake consequences. The results show that 35% of respondents state that they live in residential buildings that are not resistant to earthquakes, while 70.7% state that they live in buildings built of reinforced concrete, which are considered safe. Beside that 9.2% of respondents examined the resistance of their facilities to earthquake consequences. Inferential statistical analyses show that men to a greater extent than women state that their buildings are resistant to earthquake consequences. Starting from the multidimensionality of citizen vulnerability to earthquakes, it is necessary to conduct additional studies and further elucidate the sociological dimension of vulnerability and resilience.

    Ispitivanje uloge porodice u edukaciji dece o prirodnim katastrofama

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    Effective reduction of risks of natural disasters is only possible through the implementation of integrated education on natural disasters within the family, school and local community. Accordingly, the subject of quantitative research is the examination of the condition and influencing factors on the education of students on natural disasters within the family. In addition, the paper examines the level of students' motivation for education within the family, but also within the school, in order to more comprehensively review their attitudes in this respect. For the purposes of the research, a multi-point random sample was used and in the first step, using the list of all primary and secondary schools in Belgrade, 18 of them were selected randomly. In the second step, using the lists of classrooms in which classes were held, classrooms were selected and respondents who attended the classes were interviewed. With a high percentage of answers, 3548 students were interviewed in the above mentioned number of primary and secondary schools. The results of the survey show that 70.7% of the students pointed out that they were educated within the family, 57.4% would like to be educated about natural disasters, 18% would like to be educated within the family, and 51.9% within the school. Inferential statistical analyses show that education within the family is statistically significantly influenced by gender, age, father and mother education, grade and school achievement. The scientific and social importance of the research is reflected in the establishment of a representative empirical basis that can serve to decision-makers when establishing an integrated disaster risk reduction system through education.Efikasno smanjenje rizika od prirodnih katastrofa moguće je sprovesti jedino kroz implementaciju integrisanog obrazovanja o prirodnim katastrofama u okviru porodice, škole i lokalne zajednice. Rukovodeći se time, predmet kvantitativnog istraživanja predstavlja ispitivanje stanja i faktora uticaja na edukaciju učenika o prirodnim katastrofama u okviru porodice. Pored toga, u radu se ispituje i nivo motivisanosti učenika za edukaciju u okviru porodice, ali i u okviru škole, kako bi se sveobuhvatnije sagledali njihovi stavovi u tom pogledu. U realizaciji istraživanja korišćen je višeetapni slučajni uzorak i u prvom koraku je korišćenjem liste svih osnovnih i srednjih škola u Beogradu na slučajan način odabrano njih 18. U drugom koraku, korišćenjem spiskova učionica u kojima se održava nastava, izabrane su učionice i anketirani učenici koji su prisustvovali nastavi. Sa procentom odgovora od 98%, anketirano je 3.548 učenika u izabranim osnovnim i srednjim školama. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je 70,7% učenika istaklo da je edukovano u okviru porodice, 57,4% bi želelo da bude edukovano o prirodnim katastrofama, 18% bi želelo da se edukuje u okviru porodice, a 51,9% u okviru škole. Inferencijalne statističke analize pokazuju da na edukaciju u okviru porodice statistički značajno utiču pol, godine starosti, obrazovanje oca i majke, razred i prosek u školi. Naučni i društveni značaj istraživanja ogleda se u upostavljanju reprezentativne empirijske osnove koja može poslužiti donosiocima odluka prilikom uspostavljanja integrisanog sistema smanjenja rizika od katastrofa kroz obrazovanje

    Projekat "Prirodne Albanije" kao pretnja teritorijalnom integritetu Republike Srbije

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    Tokom čitavog stoleća bile su prisutne opasnosti od etničkog ujedinjenja Albanaca muslimanske veroispovesti. Organizovano i sistematsko postupanje albanskih separatista na području Kosova i Metohije, kao i akcije i ideje koje se čuju širom Balkana, pokazuje da je projekat "nezavisno Kosovo" samo deo, ili prelazna etapa, jedne znatno kompleksnije vizije "svi Albanci u jednoj državi", što dovodi u pitanje postojeće međunarodno priznate granice i ugrožava bezbednost ne samo Republike Srbije, već i celog Balkana. Rukovodeći se narastajućim pretnjama bezbednosti, u radu su izneti rezultati analize karakteristika sve aktuelnije pretnje projekta "Velike Albanije" po teritorijalni integritet Republike Srbije. Temeljnim pregledom literature, autori nastoje da utvrde u kojoj meri je takav projekat prepoznat u akademskoj, odnosno naučnoj i stručnoj zajednici kao realna pretnja po teritorijalni integritet Republike Srbije

    Percepcija rizika od zemljotresa u Republici Srbiji - teorijskoempirijska studija

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    Predmet kvantitativnog istraživanja predstavlja ispitivanje nivoa percepcije rizika od zemljotresa i njegove povezanosti sa demografskim, društvenim i psihološkim faktorima. Primenom strategije ispitivanja u domaćinstvima sprovedeno je anketno ispitivanje u kojem je anketirano 1.018 građana tehnikom ličnog intervjua. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da na percepciju verovatnoće nastanka zemljotresa statististički značajno utiču godine starosti, nivo obrazovanja, bračni status, vlasništvo nad objektom, prihodi domaćinstva i zaposlenost. U cilju unapređenja bezbednosti građana Srbije, neophodno je osmisliti strategije i kampanje za unapređenje pripremljenosti građana za reagovanje u prirodnim katastrofama izazvanim zemljotresom

    Ispitivanje percepcije rizika o požarima u stambenim objektima - demografski i socio-ekonomski faktori uticaja

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    Požari su oduvek predstavljali ozbiljan izvor ugrožavanja bezbednosti ljudi i njihove imovine. Pored preduzimanja svih preventivno-tehničkih mera i radnji, potrebno je i unaprediti bezbednosnu kulturu ljudi. Iz tih razloga, autori u radu iznose rezultate kvantitativnog istraživanja percepcije građana o požarima u stambenim objektima na području grada Beograda. Cilj istraživanja predstavlja naučna eksplikacija uticaja demografskih i socio-ekonomskih karakteristika građana na nivo percepcije rizika o požarima. Višeetapnim slučajnim uzorkovanjem, anketirano je 322 ispitanika u periodu od početka do kraja jula 2017. godine. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je nivo percepcije verovatnoće nastanka požara najniži za period od godinu dana (M=2.12), zatim za period od pet godina (M=2.26), a najviši za period od 10 godina (M=2.35). Ocena individualne pripremljenosti iznosi M=2.77, zatim lokalne zajednice M=2.79 i na kraju države M=3.42. Kada je reč o posledicama, najviše ispitanika ističe da bi im požar mogao prouzrokovati materijalne posledice (M=2.77), zatim povrede (M=2.49) i na kraju gubitak života (2.00) itd. Polazeći od dobijenih rezultata, potrebno je koncipirati strategije i kampanje usmerene ka podizanju nivo pripremljenosti građana za reagovanje u takvim situacijama

    Structural characterization of mechanically activated MgO-TiO2 system

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    In this article the influence of ball miling process on structure of MgO-TiO2 system was investigated. The mixtures of MgO-TiO2 powders were mechanically activated in a planetary ball mill for the time period from 0 to 120 minutes. The influence of mechanical activation on the lattice vibrational spectra was studied by Raman spectroscopy at room temperature. Structural investigations have been performed on produced powders. Nitrogen adsorption method was used to determine the BET specific surface area and pore size distribution. Unusual results have been obtained: specific surface area continuously decreased up to 40 minutes of activation and increased after that, reaching its minimun value of 5.5 m2/g. The Raman spectra of activated powders have shown that anatase modes have been decreasing in intensity and broadening as the time of activation extended. Also, the additional modes attributed to TiO2 II, srilankite and rutile phases started to appear as a consequence of activation

    Household earthquake preparedness in Serbia: A study of selected municipalities

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    This article presents the results of a qualitative study of household earthquake and community-level preparedness in Serbia and its relationship to various demographic factors. A series of 1,018 face-to-face interviews were conducted at the beginning of 2017 in eight Serbian municipalities. The results show that the population is generally unprepared, with low percentages of reported enhanced preparedness levels. In addition to presenting its findings, the study also considers future research directions, including using this study as a basis for more detailed research and to assist in facilitating community-led programs and strategies to increase earthquake safety

    Obuka građana za reagovanje u vanrednim situacijama - Citizens' training for emergency situations

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    Since the creation of primitive human communities, there were organized efforts to mitigate and minimize the consequences of emergency situations. At the same time, educating people in order to respond adequately or survival of such events has always had priority in the community. Considering the importance of such preventive activities was conducted the research skills and the motivation of citizens for attending a training application of quantitative research traditions. Interpretation of the results shows that the devastating 5.6% of the citizens pointed out that the trained response, while on the other one-third, or more precisely 34.8% of citizens interested in the training itself. In addition, it was found that the attendance of training was significantly affects by gender, age, education, education of father and mother, parenting, previous experience, risk perception, and employment of participants, and does not affect by marital status of the respondents. Thus, a higher percentage of attendance of training recorded by men, employed respondents, respondents with previous experience and higher incomes, etc. The originality of the research indicates not tested situation and the level of training of Serbian citizens for emergency situations. Scientific and social contribution of the research is to create a scientific and practical conditions to establish a comprehensive and effective training programs for the citizens of Serbia to respond to emergency situations

    The Influence of Compaction Pressure on the Density and Electrical Properties of Cordierite-based Ceramics

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    Due to its characteristics, cordierite, 2MgO center dot 2Al(2)O(3)center dot 5SiO(2), is a high-temperature ceramic material of a great scientific interest. Mechanical activation of the starting mixtures containing 5.00 mass% TiO2 was performed in a high-energy ball mill for 10 minutes. The compaction pressure varied from 0.5 to 6tcm(-2) (49-588 MPa). The sintering process was performed at 1350 degrees C for four hours in the air atmosphere. The phase composition of the activated and sintered samples was analyzed using X-ray diffraction. Scanning electron microscopy was used to analyze the microstructure of both compacted and sintered samples. The authors have investigated the influence of compaction pressure on the sintered samples and their electrical properties

    Fleet renewal: An approach to achieve sustainable road transport

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    With more stringent requirements for efficient utilization of energy resources within the transport industry a need for implementation of sustainable development principles has appeared. Such action will be one of competitive advantages in the future. This is especially confirmed within the road transport sector. A methodology implemented in public procurement procedures for fleet renewal regarding the calculation of road vehicles’ operational lifecycle costs has been analyzed in detail in this paper. Afore mentioned calculation comprises the costs for: vehicle ownership, energy, carbon dioxide and pollutants emissions. Implementation of this methodology allows making the choice of energy efficient vehicles and vehicles with notable positive environmental effects. The objective of the research is to assess the influence of specific parameters of vehicle operational lifecycle costs, especially energy costs and estimated vehicle energy consumption, on vehicle choice in the procurement procedure. The case of urban bus fleet in Serbia was analyzed. Their operational lifecycle costs were calculated and differently powered vehicles were assessed. Energy consumption input values were defined. It was proved that defined fleet renewal scenarios could influence unquestionable decrease in energy consumption