224 research outputs found

    A mixture model with a reference-based automatic selection of components for disease classification from protein and/or gene expression levels

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    Background Bioinformatics data analysis is often using linear mixture model representing samples as additive mixture of components. Properly constrained blind matrix factorization methods extract those components using mixture samples only. However, automatic selection of extracted components to be retained for classification analysis remains an open issue. Results The method proposed here is applied to well-studied protein and genomic datasets of ovarian, prostate and colon cancers to extract components for disease prediction. It achieves average sensitivities of: 96.2 (sd=2.7%), 97.6% (sd=2.8%) and 90.8% (sd=5.5%) and average specificities of: 93.6% (sd=4.1%), 99% (sd=2.2%) and 79.4% (sd=9.8%) in 100 independent two-fold cross-validations. Conclusions We propose an additive mixture model of a sample for feature extraction using, in principle, sparseness constrained factorization on a sample-by-sample basis. As opposed to that, existing methods factorize complete dataset simultaneously. The sample model is composed of a reference sample representing control and/or case (disease) groups and a test sample. Each sample is decomposed into two or more components that are selected automatically (without using label information) as control specific, case specific and not differentially expressed (neutral). The number of components is determined by cross-validation. Automatic assignment of features (m/z ratios or genes) to particular component is based on thresholds estimated from each sample directly. Due to the locality of decomposition, the strength of the expression of each feature across the samples can vary. Yet, they will still be allocated to the related disease and/or control specific component. Since label information is not used in the selection process, case and control specific components can be used for classification. That is not the case with standard factorization methods. Moreover, the component selected by proposed method as disease specific can be interpreted as a sub-mode and retained for further analysis to identify potential biomarkers. As opposed to standard matrix factorization methods this can be achieved on a sample (experiment)-by-sample basis. Postulating one or more components with indifferent features enables their removal from disease and control specific components on a sample-by-sample basis. This yields selected components with reduced complexity and generally, it increases prediction accuracy

    South Slavic languages with neostokavian base

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    U ovome je radu prikazan odnos četiriju južnoslavenskih jezika hrvatskoga, srpskoga, bošnjačkoga/bosanskoga i crnogorskoga te njihov povijesni razvoj i današnje njihovo stanje na svim jezičnim razinama. Budući da svi navedeni jezici pripadaju istoj porodici, u radu će biti prikazan razvoj iz zajedničkoga praslavenskoga prajezika. U uvodnom dijelu rada više je riječi posvećeno zajedničkom prajeziku iz kojega nastaju, zatim i samoj povijesti tih jezika, a kasnije će biti riječi o klasificiranju ovih jezika na svim unutarjezičnim i izvanjezičnim razinama te opisan njihov međusobni odnos. U zaključnom dijelu rada prikazane su sve bitne osobine (od glasovnog sustava do sintakse) koje čine sličnosti i razlike među hrvatskim, srpskim, crnogorskim i bošnjačkim/bosanskim jezikom

    Sparse representations of signals for information recovery from incomplete data

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    Mathematical modeling of inverse problems in imaging, such as inpainting, deblurring and denoising, results in ill-posed, i.e. underdetermined linearsystems. Sparseness constraintis used often to regularize these problems.That is because many classes of discrete signals (e.g. naturalimages), when expressed as vectors in a high-dimensional space, are sparse in some predefined basis or a frame(fixed or learned). An efficient approach to basis / frame learning is formulated using the independent component analysis (ICA)and biologically inspired linear model of sparse coding. In the learned basis, the inverse problem of data recovery and removal of impulsive noise is reduced to solving sparseness constrained underdetermined linear system of equations. The same situation occurs in bioinformatics data analysis when novel type of linear mixture model with a reference sample is employed for feature extraction. Extracted features can be used for disease prediction and biomarker identification

    Inpainting color images in learned dictionary

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    Sparse representation of natural images over redundant dictionary enables solution of the inpainting problem. A major challenge, in this regard, is learning of a dictionary that is well adapted to the image. Efficient methods are developed for grayscale images represented in patch space by using, for example, K-SVD or independent component analysis algorithms. Here, we address the problem of patch space-based dictionary learning for color images. To this end, an image in RGB color space is represented as a collection of vectorized 3D patch tensors. This leads to the state-of-the-art results in inpainting random and structured patterns of missing values as it is demonstrated in the paper

    Daily migration system of Belgrade

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    Истраживање за предмет има детерминисање просторног и популационог обухватадневног миграционог система Београда. Дневна миграција радне снаге коришћена јекао релевантни показатељ функцијског испољавања центра рада и усмерености насељастановања. За примарни центар рада узето је урбано језгро - насеље Београд. Пореданализе дневног урбаног система главног града Србије, проучавани су и његовиподсистеми. Делови насеља Београд који припадају различитим градским општинамапосматрани су као засебна језгра. Додатни показатељ представљала су и дневнакретања радне снаге унутар самог насеља, односно између његових делова, са циљемпрецизнијег одређивања центара рада у оквиру урбаног језгра. Контингент дневнихмиграната анализиран је и према основним структурним обележјима. У циљуразумевања просторно популационих процеса у оквиру дневног миграционог системаБеограда, дат је осврт и на улогу мањих центара рада на територији или у непосреднојблизини Београдске области, као и најзначајнијих сателитских насеља. За временскиоквир истраживања трансформација у оквиру дневног миграционог система Београдаакценат је стављен на последњи међупописни период (2002-2011), при чему сукоришћени подаци посебне обраде РЗС. Добијени резултати потврдили су раднехипотезе постављене на почетку истраживања. Просторни обухват дневногмиграционог система Београда је повећан, а истакнут је и утицај прекинуте транзицијеи привредне рецесије. Истраживањем су утврђене промене у хијерархији подсистема,при чему су истакнуте најдинамичније промене које се дешавају у оквиру дневногурбаног система, чије језгро чини Нови Београд. Указано је на потребе и правце даљихистраживања дневног миграционог система Београда, као најдинамичнијеконцентрације функција и становништва на територији Републике СрбијеThe topic of the research is to determine spatial and population coverage of daily migrationsystem of Belgrade. Daily labor migration was used as a relevant indicator of functionalmanifestation of the work center and focus of the place of residence. The urban center - thesettlement of Belgrade - was taken as a primary center of work. In addition to the analysis ofthe daily urban system of the capital of Serbia, its subsystems were also studied. Parts of thesettlement of Belgrade that belong to different municipalities, were considered as separatenucleus. Daily labor mobility within the populated area itself, or more precisely between itsparts, were taken as additional indicator with the aim of determining the work centers moreprecisely within the urban nucleus. The contingent of commuters was also analyzed accordingto the basic structural features. In order to understand the spatial population processes withinthe daily migration system of Belgrade, the role of smaller work centers on the territory ornear the Belgrade area, tigether with the most important satellite settlements, were alsoreviewed. The emphasis for the time frame for the research of transformations within the dailymigration system of Belgrade, was placed on the last inter-census period (2002-2011), wherethe data for special processing of the SORS were used. Obtained results confirmed theworking hypotheses set at the beginning of the research. Spatial contain of daily migrationsystem of Belgrade has increased, and the impact of the interrupted transition and economicrecession has been highlighted. The research identified changes in the hierarchy ofsubsystems, highlighting the most dynamic changes that occur within the daily urban system,whose focal point is New Belgrade. The needs and directions of further research of the dailymigration system of Belgrade, as the most dynamic concentration of functions and populationon the territory of the Republic of Serbia, were pointed ou

    Neki engleski prijevodni ekvivalenti srpskohrvatskog morfološkog lokativa u konstrukciji s prijedlozima "u" i "na"

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    This article discusses Semantic meanings of some Serbo-Croatian morphological locative constructions with the prepositions u and na and their English translation equivalents. It gives a few illustrations of how contrastive \u27analysis of \u27two\u27 \u27languages \u27can help us see more clearly phenomena that otherwise may escape our attention if working on only one language at a time. For instance, the very common Serbo-Croatian locative phrase na trgu has some:interesting English translation equivalents, which are not mutually interchangeable in English. It is only in translation that several different meanings covered under the same surface structure are clearly disclosed