16 research outputs found

    Мојот белег - групна изложба

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    Изложба на дела од авторки од РСМ од различни генерации и со различни сензибилитети, чии дела говорат на темата Мој белег. Учеснички: Ана Темкова, Јана Јакимовска, Ана Ивановска, Шќипе Мехмети, Симонида Филипова Китановска, Жаклина Глигориевска Кочоска, Жанета Гелевска Велјаноска; Јана Манева Чуповска, Емилија Божиновска. Текстот е на Ана Франговск

    Patterns in recent and Holocene pollen accumulation rates across Europe - the Pollen Monitoring Programme Database as a tool for vegetation reconstruction

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    The collection of modern, spatially extensive pollen data is important for the interpretation of fossil pollen assemblages and the reconstruction of past vegetation communities in space and time. Modern datasets are readily available for percentage data but lacking for pollen accumulation rates (PARs). Filling this gap has been the motivation of the pollen monitoring network, whose contributors monitored pollen deposition in modified Tauber traps for several years or decades across Europe. Here we present this monitoring dataset consisting of 351 trap locations with a total of 2742 annual samples covering the period from 1981 to 2017. This dataset shows that total PAR is influenced by forest cover and climate parameters, which determine pollen productivity and correlate with latitude. Treeless vegetation produced PAR values of at least 140 grains cm−2 yr−1. Tree PAR increased by at least 400 grains cm−2 yr−1 with each 10 % increase in forest cover. Pollen traps situated beyond 200 km of the distribution of a given tree species still collect occasional pollen grains of that species. The threshold of this long-distance transport differs for individual species and is generally below 60 grains cm−2 yr−1. Comparisons between modern and fossil PAR from the same regions show similar values. For temperate taxa, modern analogues for fossil PARs are generally found downslope or southward of the fossil sites. While we do not find modern situations comparable to fossil PAR values of some taxa (e.g. Corylus), CO2 fertilization and land use may cause high modern PARs that are not documented in the fossil record. The modern data are now publicly available in the Neotoma Paleoecology Database and aid interpretations of fossil PAR data.publishedVersio

    Patterns in recent and Holocene pollen accumulation rates across Europe - the Pollen Monitoring Programme Database as a tool for vegetation reconstruction

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    The collection of modern, spatially extensive pollen data is important for the interpretation of fossil pollen assemblages and the reconstruction of past vegetation communities in space and time. Modern datasets are readily available for percentage data but lacking for pollen accumulation rates (PARs). Filling this gap has been the motivation of the pollen monitoring network, whose contributors monitored pollen deposition in modified Tauber traps for several years or decades across Europe. Here we present this monitoring dataset consisting of 351 trap locations with a total of 2742 annual samples covering the period from 1981 to 2017. This dataset shows that total PAR is influenced by forest cover and climate parameters, which determine pollen productivity and correlate with latitude. Treeless vegetation produced PAR values of at least 140 grains cm(-2) yr(-1). Tree PAR increased by at least 400 grains cm(-2) yr(-1) with each 10% increase in forest cover. Pollen traps situated beyond 200 km of the distribution of a given tree species still collect occasional pollen grains of that species. The threshold of this long-distance transport differs for individual species and is generally below 60 grains cm(-2) yr(-1). Comparisons between modern and fossil PAR from the same regions show similar values. For temperate taxa, modern analogues for fossil PARs are generally found downslope or southward of the fossil sites. While we do not find modern situations comparable to fossil PAR values of some taxa (e.g. Corylus), CO2 fertilization and land use may cause high modern PARs that are not documented in the fossil record. The modern data are now publicly available in the Neotoma Paleoecology Database and aid interpretations of fossil PAR data

    Vliv akumulace dusíku na vřesoviště a suché trávníky v Národním parku Podyjí

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    The increasing availability of soil mineral nitrogen is often considered as a cause of expansion of nitrogen-demanding tall grasses into oligotrophic species-rich heathlands and dry grasslands dominated by Festuca ovina. Consequentlythese ecosystems tend to lose their biodiversity. This paper summarizes the main results of different studies focused on the soil nitrogen transformation and availability in the heathlands and dry grasslands in the Podyjí National Park (southern Czech Republic). Increasing soil mineral nitrogen availability ccelerates expansion of competitive tall grasses Calamagrostis epigejos and Arrhenatherum elatius there. Subsequently, due to higher plant and microbialdemands for soil mineral nitrogen, the soil nitrogen availability in the tall-grass sites decreases. At the same time, experimental addition of carbon in the form of cellulose into dry grassland decreased nitrogen availability, which indicates that such ecosystem needs more carbon to effectively use the current levels of available soil nitrogen.Substantial differences between A. elatius a C. epigejos were found in their capability to (i) accumulate nitrogen in plant tissues, (ii) resorb nitrogen from above-ground biomass during senescence and (iii) release nitrogen fromplant litter during decomposition. These observations point out to different growth and nutrient use strategies of the studied grass species and associated microbial communities in the rhizosphere

    Kyselina hyaluronová: známá již téměř století, ale stále aktuální

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    Hyaluronic acid (HA) has a special position among glycosaminoglycans. As a major component of the extracellular matrix (ECM). This simple, unbranched polysaccharide is involved in the regulation of various biological cell processes, whether under physiological conditions or in cases of cell damage. This review summarizes the history of this molecule's study, its distinctive metabolic pathway in the body, its unique properties, and current information regarding its interaction partners. Our main goal, however, is to intensively investigate whether this relatively simple polymer may find applications in protecting against ionizing radiation (IR) or for therapy in cases of radiation-induced damage. After exposure to IR, acute and belated damage develops in each tissue depending upon the dose received and the cellular composition of a given organ. A common feature of all organ damage is a distinct change in composition and structure of the ECM. In particular, the important role of HA was shown in lung tissue and the variability of this flexible molecule in the complex mechanism of radiation-induced lung injuries. Moreover, HA is also involved in intermediating cell behavior during morphogenesis and in tissue repair during inflammation, injury, and would healing. The possibility of using the HA polymer to affect or treat radiation tissue damage may point to the missing gaps in the responsible mechanisms in the onset of this disease. Therefore, in this article, we will also focus on obtaining answers from current knowledge and the results of studies as to whether hyaluronic acid can also find application in radiation science.Kyselina hyaluronová (HA) má mezi glykosaminoglykany zvláštní postavení. Jako hlavní složka extracelulární matrix (ECM). Tento jednoduchý, nerozvětvený polysacharid se podílí na regulaci různých buněčných procesů, ať už za fyziologických podmínek nebo v případech poškození buněk. Toto review shrnuje historii studia této molekuly, její charakteristickou metabolickou dráhu v těle, její jedinečné vlastnosti a aktuální informace týkající se jejích interakčních partnerů. Naším hlavním cílem je však ověřit, zda tento relativně jednoduchý polymer nachází uplatnění v ochraně před ionizujícím zářením (IR) nebo jako terapeutikum v případech poškození způsobeného zářením. Po expozici IR se v každé tkáni vyvine akutní a post-akutní poškození v závislosti na přijaté dávce a buněčném složení daného orgánu. Společným rysem všech orgánových poškození je zřetelná změna ve složení a struktuře ECM. Zejména byla prokázána důležitá role HA v plicní tkáni a variabilita této flexibilní molekuly v komplexním mechanismu radiačně indukovaných poškození plic. Kromě toho se HA také podílí na zprostředkování interakce buněk během morfogeneze a při reparaci tkáně během zánětu, poranění a hojení. Možnost použití vysokomolekulární HA pro ovlivnění nebo léčbu tkáně poškozené zářením může poukazovat na chybějící mezery v odpovědných mechanismech při nástupu tohoto onemocnění. V tomto článku se proto zaměříme i na získání odpovědí ze současných poznatků a výsledků studií, zda může kyselina hyaluronová najít uplatnění i v radiační vědě