49 research outputs found

    Do Media Use and Physical Activity Compete in Adolescents? Results of the MoMo Study

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    Purpose The displacement hypothesis predicts that physical activity and media use compete in adolescents; however, findings are inconsistent. A more differentiated approach at determining the co-occurrence of physical activity and media use behaviors within subjects may be warranted. The aim of this study was to determine the co-occurrence of physical activity and media use by identifying clusters of adolescents with specific behavior patterns including physical activity in various settings (school, sports club, leisure time) and different types of media use (watching TV, playing console games, using PC / Internet). Methods Cross-sectional data of 2,083 adolescents (11–17 years) from all over Germany were collected between 2009 and 2012 in the Motorik-Modul Study. Physical activity and media use were self-reported. Cluster analyses (Ward’s method and K-means analysis) were used to identify behavior patterns of boys and girls separately. Results Eight clusters were identified for boys and seven for girls. The clusters demonstrated that a high proportion of boys (33%) as well as girls (42%) show low engagement in both physical activity and media use, irrespective of setting or type of media. Other adolescents are engaged in both behaviors, but either physical activity (35% of boys, 27% of girls) or media use (31% of boys and girls) predominates. These adolescents belong to different clusters, whereat in most clusters either one specific setting of physical activity or a specific combination of different types of media predominates. Conclusion The results of this study support to some extent the hypothesis that media use and physical activity compete: Very high media use occurred with low physical activity behavior, but very high activity levels co-occurred with considerable amounts of time using any media. There was no evidence that type of used media was related to physical activity levels, neither setting of physical activity was related to amount of media use in any pattern

    Determinants of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in German Elementary School Physical Education Lessons

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    Physical activity (PA) in school physical education (PE) is a signature component of health promotion and health education. The study's aim was to explore PA levels and sedentary time in German elementary school PE lessons and relate them to selected personal and environmental PA determinants. Accelerometer measurements were collected from 328 students (47% male, mean age 8.7 ± 1.2 years) in 11 elementary schools in Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany). PA levels and sedentary time were analyzed regarding gender, grade, body mass index, selected correlates of active living and health behaviors, as well as the PE teachers' PE education status. In line with previous research, the analyses of PA levels and sedentary time confirm gender and grade differences and highlight older girls as the less active group. Deviant weight status and parents' PA levels were found to be important determinants for PA levels and sedentary time of girls and offer starting points for intervention studies as well as gender-appropriate PE in elementary schools. Specialist PE teacher status proved to be a negative determinant of PA levels and sedentary time for boys and girls and should be investigated in further studies, especially regarding the didactic and methodological background

    Do active commuters feel more competent and vital? A self-organizing maps analysis in university students

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    University students represent a population that faces high risks regarding physical inactivity. Research suggests that a regular engagement in physical activity (PA) may be more likely established when it leads to the experience of subjective vitality. Subjective vitality, in turn, is more likely achieved through physical activities that individuals feel competent in, and that take place in natural outdoor environments. An activity that may fulfill these conditions is active commuting to and from university (ACU). To examine whether and in which form ACU can combine this promising pattern of aspects, a person-oriented analysis was conducted. The sample contained 484 university students (59.3% females). Leisure-time PA, ACU by walking, ACU by cycling, subjective vitality, PA-related competence and body mass index were included as input variables in a self-organizing maps analysis. For both female and male university students, the identified clusters indicated that students who intensively engaged in ACU did not exhibit subjective vitality levels above average. Consistently, they did not show elevated levels of PA-related competence, which suggests that ACU does not support the perception of their physical abilities. Considerations regarding urban university environments lacking sufficient natural elements finally add to the conclusion that engaging in ACU does not suffice to establish a vitality-supportive and thus sustainable PA behavior. Additionally, the identified clusters illustrate a large heterogeneity regarding the interaction between leisure-time PA, body mass index and subjective vitality

    Effects of Dance Interventions on Aspects of the Participants' Self: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Theoretical and empirical studies indicate that dance can strengthen the participants' self. The aim of the systematic review is to give an overview of studies investigating the effects of dance interventions on aspects of the self (e.g., self-concept/-esteem). Research questions are: (a) What is the evidence of the reported effects on different aspects of the self in children/adolescents and in adults? (b) Which study approaches and designs are used and what characterizes the interventions? (c) What are the qualitative facets of the implemented studies and what are issues for future research?Methods: We searched online databases for English and German journal articles with the following main inclusion criteria: (i) Intervention study (qualitative and quantitative approaches) (ii) Investigation of aspects of the self (iii) Dance as intervention content. Two reviewers independently screened studies for eligibility using the PRISMA guidelines and assessed the methodological quality of the included studies.Results: Out of 24 included studies, 11 investigate a sample of children/adolescents and 13 an adult sample. The review showed that dance interventions can have positive effects on aspects of the participants' self. The review of studies with qualitative methodologies suggests: children/adolescents benefit in body-related perceptions, self-trust, self-esteem, self-expression and perception of dance-abilities; adults benefit in self-expression, self-efficacy, self-/body-awareness, self-development and self-confidence. Studies with quantitative methodologies report improvement especially for body-related perceptions in both populations. Contradictory results exist concerning self-esteem/-efficacy. The evaluated studies show a heterogeneous nature of populations, intervention contents, timeframes, outcomes, research methods and study quality. Evidence for each of the aspects is still poor due to the small number of studies on each construct, inconsistent findings or methodological shortcomings.Conclusions: This review indicates that dance may be a valuable approach to strengthen aspects of the self. However, as evidence for the different aspects of the self is still poor, further studies with high quality are required (e.g., large samples, active control group). Research considering the complexity and specificity of dance interventions in the design and reporting (e.g., choice of outcomes, presentation of intervention details) seem to be particularly suitable to capture the effects of dance considering its holistic nature

    Knowing Students' Characteristics: Opportunities to Adapt Physical Education Teaching

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    Physical Education (PE) aims to convey the joy of exercise and by this educate students to lifelong physical activeness. Student motivation in PE decreases during the school career. This study therefore comprehensively analyzes student characteristics determining motivation in PE: General Personality Traits, Physical Self-Concept, Achievement Motive, Motives to be physically active, and Sports Interest. This contribution aims to describe students' prerequisites in the PE context by using an aggregated assessment of the abovementioned general plus sport specific characteristics and to detect gender, class, and school type differences. In total, 1,740 German secondary school students (58.1% female, M = 14.39 years) participate in a cross-sectional questionnaire survey. Descriptive analyses and between subjects MANOVAs followed by univariate ANOVAs with pairwise multiple comparison tests are applied. Gender explains the largest proportion of variance across all characteristics. Regarding individual dimensions, genders differed on 12, grades on two and school types on 11 out of 19 dimensions. PE teachers must adapt teaching to different gender dispositions. In general, group differences ascribe special meaning to student perception and teaching behavior. Findings are discussed in terms of their contribution to the research area and their implementation in teaching practice as well as in PE teacher education or professional training, e.g., aligned teaching methods, arranged learning atmospheres, or adjusted content design of PE lessons

    Ein Modell der Entwicklungsförderung durch Sportunterricht : Förderung der Entwicklungsaufgabe Sozialkompetenz bei schwierigen Schülern

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    Obwohl dem Sport(-unterricht) hinsichtlich der Entwicklungsförderung von Schülern ein gewisses Potenzial zugesprochen wird, liegen kaum theoretische oder empirische Arbeiten vor, die sich explizit mit der Förderung der Sozialkompetenz bei jugendlichen, schwierigen Schüler befassen. Der vorliegende Artikel greift dieses sozialwissenschaftliche Themenfeld im Rahmen einer Analyse zur Entwicklungsförderung sowie der Konzeption eines schülernahen, theoretischen Modells zur Entwicklungsförderung auf. Zunächst werden Charakteristika sowie pädagogische Anknüpfungsmöglichkeiten des Ansatzes aus verschiedenen sozialwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen diskutiert, um daran anschließend mögliche Vorgehensweisen im Umgang mit schwierigen Schülern im Sportunterricht hinsichtlich der Förderung des gesellschaftlich relevanten Ziels der Sozialkompetenz aufzuzeigen. Schließlich werden die Erkenntnisse auf die Praxisanwendung transferiert

    Change in physical activity after diagnosis of diabetes or hypertension: results from an observational population-based cohort study

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    Background: Chronic diseases like diabetes mellitus or hypertension are a major public health challenge. Irregular physical activity (PA) is one of the most important modifiable risk factors for chronic conditions and their complications. However, engaging in regular PA is a challenge for many individuals. The literature suggests that a diagnosis of a disease might serve as a promising point in time to change health behavior. This study investigates whether a diagnosis of diabetes or hypertension is associated with changes in PA. Methods: Analyses are based on 4261 participants of the population-based KORA S4 study (1999-2001) and its subsequent 7-and 14-year follow-ups. Information on PA and incident diagnoses of diabetes or hypertension was assessed via standardized interviews. Change in PA was regressed upon diagnosis with diabetes or hypertension, using logistic regression models. Models were stratified into active and inactive individuals at baseline to avoid ceiling and floor effects or regression to the mean. Results: Active participants at baseline showed higher odds (OR = 2.16 [1.20;3.89]) for becoming inactive after a diabetes diagnosis than those without a diabetes diagnosis. No other significant association was observed. Discussion: As PA is important for the management of diabetes or hypertension, ways to increase or maintain PA levels in newly-diagnosed patients are important. Communication strategies might be crucial, and practitioners and health insurance companies could play a key role in raising awareness

    Correction to: Tracking physical activity in different settings from late childhood to early adulthood in Germany: the MoMo longitudinal study

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    Correction After publication of the article [1], it has been brought to our attention that the values cited under “indices t1-t0” have been reversed and should be displayed in the opposite order. The corrected Table 1 would appear as follow

    Clustering of Health-Related Behavior Patterns and Demographics. Results From the Population-Based KORA S4/F4 Cohort Study

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    Background: Health behaviors are of great importance for public health. Previous research shows that health behaviors are clustered and do not occur by chance. The main objective of this study was to investigate and describe the clustering of alcohol consumption, nutrition, physical activity and smoking while also considering the influence of sex, age and education.Methods: Using data from the population-based KORA S4/F4 cohort study, latent class regression analysis was undertaken to identify different clusters of health behavior patterns. The clusters were described according to demographics. Furthermore, the clusters were described regarding health-related quality of life at baseline and at a 7 year follow-up.Results: Based on a sample of 4,238 participants, three distinct classes were identified. One overall healthy class and two heterogeneous classes. Classes varied especially according to sex, indicating a healthier behavior pattern for females. No clear association between healthier classes and age, education or physical and mental health-related quality of life was found.Discussion: This study strengthens the literature on the clustering of health behaviors and additionally describes the identified clusters in association with health-related quality of life. More research on associations between clustering of health behaviors and important clinical outcomes is needed