335 research outputs found

    Determination of meteor flux distribution over the celestial sphere

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    A new method of determination of meteor flux density distribution over the celestial sphere is discussed. The flux density was derived from observations by radar together with measurements of angles of arrival of radio waves reflected from meteor trails. The role of small meteor showers over the sporadic background is shown

    Сравнительные оценки конкурентоспособности пассажирских перевозок

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    The article presents the methodological principles and results of the analysis of key economic indicators for transportation of passengers by rail in the largest countries of the world (France, Germany, USA, Japan, China, and India) in comparison with similar indicators in Russia to determine reference objects for assessing competitiveness of the segment of rail passenger transportation in Russia.Features of railway systems of the countries under consideration have been briefly analysed. To better demonstrate the results of the analysis, the study objects were enlarged following territorial criterion, i.e., the results are presented not for individual companies, but for the countries where the companies operate.The calculation of quality indicators of transportation activities for each of the countries considered has been carried out resulted in compilation of a matrix reflecting to some extent the current situation in development of passenger railway transportation. Recommendations have been formulated on the choice of reference objects depending on the specified criteria of comparison.В статье приведены методические принципы и результаты анализа ключевых экономических показателей по перевозкам пассажиров железнодорожным транспортом в крупнейших странах мира (Франция, Германия, США, Япония, КНР и Индия) в сравнении с аналогичными показателями в России с целью определения эталонных объектов для проведения оценки конкурентоспособности сегмента пассажирских перевозок на железнодорожном транспорте в России.Кратко проанализированы основные специфические черты железнодорожных комплексов каждой из рассматриваемых стран. Для достижения наглядности результатов анализа было произведено укрупнение объектов исследования по территориальному признаку, т.е. представлены результаты не отдельных компаний, а стран, на территории которых компании осуществляют свою деятельность.Произведён расчёт качественных показателей перевозочной деятельности по каждой из рассмотренных стран. В ходе работы была составлена матрица, определённым образом отражающая текущую ситуацию, связанную с развитием пассажирских железнодорожных перевозок. Даны рекомендации по выбору эталонного объекта в зависимости от заданных критериев сравнения

    Ultraviolet photometry of Venus: Scattering layer above the absorbing clouds

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    Experimental measurements by ultraviolet photometers aboard Venera-9 and -10 are presented, discussed, and compared with various theoretical models of the ultraviolet structure of the atmosphere of Venus. The model in best agreement with observation provides for a finely dispersed, 8 km thick Rayleigh scattering layer above the primary cloud cover. Dark contrast details are considered to be breaks or areas of lower optical thickness in the upper scattering layer

    Digital twins as a transport logistics tool

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    An analysis of radar methods. Various ways of viewing are mentioned by moving the directional beam of a radar antenna. A review of the main physical phenomena directly affecting the radar. An assessment of the most promising parts of the device to accomplish the goal of the study. The characteristic of the main parameters of the key elements of the device is shown. The proposed parameters for the technical performance of this device. The results of the study can be used to develop a device for determining the direction of arrival of infrared radio waves from a brightly contrasting object


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    The article presents the methodologicaland methodical bases of research analyzing the status and trends of developmentof industrial infrastructure of Russian industry. Focuses on the organizational side of the issue as the comparativecharacteristics. Isolated retrospectiveresearch approach. Considered sectoral,regional, national and international levelsof development of industrial infrastructure.Встатьеизлагаютсяметодологические и методические основы исследования анализасостоянияитенденцийразвитияпроизводственнойинфраструктуры предприятий российской промышленности. Основное внимание сосредоточено на организационной стороне вопроса как сравнительной характеристики. Выделен ретроспективный подходкпроведенномуисследованию. Рассматриваются отраслевой, региональный, страновойимеждународный уровни развития производственной инфраструктуры предприятия

    Digital twins as a transport logistics tool

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    An analysis of radar methods. Various ways of viewing are mentioned by moving the directional beam of a radar antenna. A review of the main physical phenomena directly affecting the radar. An assessment of the most promising parts of the device to accomplish the goal of the study. The characteristic of the main parameters of the key elements of the device is shown. The proposed parameters for the technical performance of this device. The results of the study can be used to develop a device for determining the direction of arrival of infrared radio waves from a brightly contrasting object

    Structure of sporadic meteor radiant distributions from radar observations

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    An analysis of sporadic meteor flux distributions over the celestial sphere is given. Symmetry of the radiant distribution relative to the plane crossing the ecliptic pole and the Earth's apex and antapex was identified. © 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers

    Microswarm structure of a meteoric complex beyond an ecliptic plane

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    The purpose of this work is to determine maximum allowed numbers of measurements used in the discrete solution, at which probability to detect a false microshower will be rather small, and to find out how this number is connected to the solution accuracy and how it corresponds with productivity of the meteoric radar. We have advanced a quasi-thomography method in the solution of a problem of determination of meteor radiant distributions on a celestial sphere based on the data of radar goniometer measurements. We have tried to find out, how the stable structures of radiants prolated along an elongation angle from apex in the course of the year vary, how they are correlated in time and whether they will be repeated from one year to other year