789 research outputs found
The aim of this study was to examine the strategies of social influenceadopted by contemporary Catholic Church inferred from the way of actionand communication showed by its militants. The systematic observation ofpublished documents of one particular Catholic parish in Brazil allows us tounderstand some aspects of the divergent strategy of influence, which wasbased: 1) on the regularity and coherence of diffusion of changing messagesto the local population and to the large society; 2) on the flexibility incombining elements of Catholicism with the aspirations and the culture of thedominated groups; 3) on the effort and the risk lived by the militantsthemselves facing the dominant groups of that time.Celt étude se propose d'examiner les stratégies d’influence sociale adoptéespar I’Eglise contemporaine, telles qu ’elles sont présentées par ses militants.L ’étude systématique des documents publiés par I ’Eglise catholique quiprésente, au Brésil, certaines particularités, permet de comprendre certainsaspects de cette stratégie, aspects relatifs: 1) à la diffusion régulière etconhérente de messages de changement social adressée à la populationlocale et à la sociéte; 2) à la flexibilité du discours qui mélangevolontairement des éléments de catholicisme aux aspirations et à la Culturedes groupes dominés; 3) aux risques et aux efforts des militants, quiaffrontent les groupes dominants.O objetivo deste estudo é examinar estratégias de influência social adotadaspela Igreja Católica contemporânea (Moscovici, 1976; Souza Filho, 1984),inferidas a partir do modo de agir e comunicar apresentado por seusmilitantes. A observação sistemática de documentos publicados por umaIgreja católica particular no Brasil, permitiu-nos compreender algunsaspectos da estratégia de influência divergente, a qual se baseou: 1) nadifusão regular e coerente de mensagens de mudança para a populaçãolocal e da sociedade mais ampla; 2) na flexibilidade, ao combinar elementosdo catolicismo com aspirações e cultura de grupos dominados; 3) no esforçoe risco vivido pelos próprios militantes ao se defrontarem com gruposdominantes naquela época
Aerosol Typology and Trajectories in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Aerosols are liquid or solid particles suspended in the atmosphere Correct determination of the distribution of aerosol types in the atmosphere is of paramount importance for long-term climate predictions The latest report of the International Panel on Climate Change IPCC addresses aerosols as representing the most significant uncertainties in the context of forcing climate sources These particles can interfere with the climate directly indirectly or semi-directly Directly we can highlight the interaction of these particles with solar radiation through their scattering or absorption Indirectly the role of these aerosols as nuclei for the condensation of liquid and ice in clouds is significant Depending on their quantity these aerosols can form larger or smaller droplets leading to changes in the cloud s albedo As for semi-direct effects we can emphasize the role of aerosols as radiation absorbers within clouds consequently leading to changes in the stability of the air parcel As a semi-direct effect we can highlight changes in the life cycle and the ability to make convective clouds colder and more profound Therefore this work aimed to characterize the types of aerosol and study their optics and trajectories on the properties of the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region considered one of the largest urban centers in the world with a population of approximately 12 million peopl
Um estudo sobre as representações sociais de mulheres executivas: estilo de comportamento e de gestão
With the purpose of identifying and comparing different social representations constructed by women and men as related to women managers, we inquired professionals from public and private companies and students of both male and female sex about the managerial and leadership styles adopted by men and women leaders. The methodological construction of this research is based on theories about behavioral styles and the social influence of individual/minority groups. Our research confirmed that consistency and flexibility predominate in the characterization of men and women's managerial styles, although flexibility is mainly attributed to women, whereas consistency is more associated to men. We also observed that consistency is more used by professionals of the public company while flexibility was frequently mentioned in the private company. In addition, women do not vary their descriptions of managerial styles according to sex. The difference arises in their expectations of change, where they emphasize that a successful manager should adapt to the company's prescriptions, as well as emphasize individual characteristics.Com o objetivo de comparar representações sociais de homens e mulheres em relação às mulheres executivas, perguntamos a profissionais e estudantes universitários como imaginavam os estilos de gerentes dos sexos masculino e feminino. A construção metodológica baseou-se em estudos sobre estilos de comportamento e a influência social de indivíduos e grupos minoritários. Confirmamos que a consistência e a flexibilidade predominaram nas caracterizações dos estilos de gestão tanto feminina, quanto masculina. Observamos também que a consistência foi mais destacada pelos profissionais da empresa pública enquanto a flexibilidade foi mais lembrada pelos profissionais da empresa privada. As mulheres não fizeram distinção na caracterização dos estilos masculino e feminino de gestão. A diferença aparece nas expectativas para a gestão executiva, em que as mulheres apontaram que uma performance mais eficaz é aquela que se adapta às prescrições da empresa, com ênfase nas características individuais
Surface Energy Budget over the Pantanal Wetland During the dry Season
In this work, the diurnal cycle of components of the surfaceenergy budget (SEB) are computed to the Brazilian Pantanal wetlandduring the dry season (September 1999). The analyzed data were collectedduring the Interdisciplinary Pantanal Experiment (IPE-2) realized by INPEand UFMS. A very defined diurnal cycle is observed, suggesting that theavailable energy at surface is mainly employed in the evapotranspirationeven during the dry season.Neste trabalho os componentes do balanço de radiação e energiaà superfície são investigados para o Pantanal Sul Mato-Grossense. Osdados experimentais foram coletados por uma torre meteorológica durantea Campanha Interdisciplinar do Pantanal (IPE-2) em setembro de1999 realizada pelo INPE e UFMS
Simulação numérica do transporte de um poluente inerte e passivo na CLP convectiva através de um modelo LES
This work describes the time evolution of three dimensional structure of an inert and passive atmospheric pollutant, continuously emitted by an area source located at surface. These and other dynamic and thermodynamic properties of PBL are simulated numerically by the large eddy simulation model (LES) proposed by Moeng. The vertical structure of mean pollutant concentration and the associated vertical turbulent fluxes are consistent with a Mixed Layer, with approximately zero vertical gradients and vertical fluxes varying linearly with height. The vertical distribution of pollutant concentration variance does not follow the Mixed Layer Similarity Theory. The instantaneous vertical wind field shows an asymmetric spatial distribution, with skewness varying from 0.4, near the surface, to 1.62 at the PBL top. This result indicates that the updrafts are more intense and localized than the downdrafts. The spatial distribution of pollutant is consistent with the wind field pattern associated with the large eddies, mainly near to the top.Neste trabalho é descrita a evolução temporal da estrutura tridimensional de um poluente inerte e passivo, emitido continuamente por uma fonte do tipo área na superfície. Estas, e outras propriedades dinâmicas e termodinâmicas da Camada Limite Planetária (CLP), são simuladas numericamente através do modelo LES (Large-Eddy Simulation Model) desenvolvido por Moeng. Os perfis verticais médios de concentração do poluente e dos respectivos fluxos verticais turbulentos são consistentes com os de uma Camada de Mistura, com gradientes verticais aproximadamente nulos e fluxos verticais turbulentos variando linearmente com a altura. Por outro lado, a distribuição vertical da variância de concentração do poluente não segue a Teoria da Similaridade da Camada de Mistura. O campo de velocidade vertical instantâneo apresentou uma distribuição espacial assimétrica, com o coeficiente de assimetria variando entre 0,4 junto à superfície a 1,62 junto ao topo. Este resultado confirma a ocorrência de movimentos verticais positivos mais intensos e localizados (“updrafts”) do que os movimentos verticais negativos (“downdrafts”). A distribuição espacial do poluente é determinada pela distribuição dos turbilhões de grande escala, principalmente próximo ao topo da CLP
Biopolymeric materials used as nonviral vectors: a review
Bacterial transformation and gene transfection can be understood as being the results of introducing specific genetic material into cells, resulting in gene expression, and adding a new genetic trait to the host cell. Many studies have been carried out to investigate different types of lipids and cationic polymers as promising nonviral vectors for DNA transfer. The present study aimed to carry out a systematic review on the use of biopolymeric materials as nonviral vectors. The methodology was carried out based on searches of scientific articles and applications for patents published or deposited from 2006 to 2020 in different databases for patents (EPO, USPTO, and INPI) and articles (Scopus, Web of Science, and Scielo). The results showed that there are some deposits of patents regarding the use of chitosan as a gene carrier. The 16 analyzed articles allowed us to infer that the use of biopolymers as nonviral vectors is limited due to the low diversity of biopolymers used for these purposes. It was also observed that the use of different materials as nonviral vectors is based on chemical structure modifications of the material, mainly by the addition of cationic groups. Thus, the use of biopolymers as nonviral vectors is still limited to only a few polysaccharide types, emphasizing the need for further studies involving the use of different biopolymers in processes of gene transfer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Study of temperature effect on macro-synthetic fiber reinforced concretes by means of Barcelona tests: An approach focused on tunnels assessment
This paper presents an experimental investigation on the applicability of the Barcelona (BCN) test to evaluate the mechanical properties of a macro-synthetic fiber reinforced concrete (MSFRC) submitted to high temperature environments (up to 600 °C). BCN tests demonstrated that the MSFRC gradually loses tensile strength an energy consumption density with increasing temperature. Temperatures of 400 °C and 570 °C shown to be critical to the MSFRC mechanical performance. The residual mechanical behavior of the macro-synthetic fibers was not affected by the temperature up to 100 °C. For higher temperatures, the reinforcement showed that may lose part of its crystallinity compromising the MSFRC post-cracking performance. The constitutive model used to determine the stress-strain curves of the MSFRC was capable to reproduce the composite behavior after the event of a fire
Emerging applications of Sterculia striata gum in medical, pharmaceutical, and environmental fields: prospects and challenges
Trees of the genus Sterculia produce acidic polysaccharides with high viscosity and the ability to form gels in water. This work emphasized the species Sterculia striata and the uses of its plant derivatives, such as seeds, fruits, stem bark, and exudates. The species showed prospects for industrial application (seeds with high protein content, fruits with antioxidant potential, and stem bark with anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, and gastroprotective potential). From a physicochemical and rheological point of view, the exudate has a high molar mass value; it contains uronic acid, galactose, rhamnose, and xylose. Sterculia striata gum (SSG) is highly viscous in solution and can form thermoreversible gels where gelation conditions depend on the purification method, acetyl groups, and presence of salt. Due to the presence of carboxylic acid groups, polyanionic behaving SSG allow the formation of polyelectrolyte complexes, which have been used in drug delivery systems (DDS) to encapsulate drugs such as antimalarial drugs, improve essential oil stability and obtain films for antimicrobial purposes. This review contributes to the understanding of the use of this biomaterial, providing a basis for new research on its different applications and industrial use, with a focus on the pharmaceutical, medical, food, and environmental fields.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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