189 research outputs found

    Fabrication Infrastructure to Enable Efficient Exploration and Utilization of Space

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    Unlike past one-at-a-time mission approaches, system-of-systems infrastructures will be needed to enable ambitious scenarios for sustainable future space exploration and utilization. Fabrication infrastructure will be needed to support habitat structure development, tools and mechanical part fabrication, as well as repair and replacement of ground support and space mission hardware such as life support items, vehicle components and crew systems. The fabrication infrastructure will need the In Situ Fabrication and Repair (ISFR) element, which is working in conjunction with the In Situ Resources Utilization (ISRU) element, to live off the land. The ISFR Element supports the entire life cycle of Exploration by: reducing downtime due to failed components; decreasing risk to crew by recovering quickly from degraded operation of equipment; improving system functionality with advanced geometry capabilities; and enhancing mission safety by reducing assembly part counts of original designs where possible. This paper addresses the fabrication infrastructures that support efficient, affordable, reliable infrastructures for both space exploration systems and logistics; these infrastructures allow sustained, affordable and highly effective operations on the Moon, Mars and beyond

    Deductive synthesis of recursive plans in linear logic

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    Linear logic has previously been shown to be suitable for describing and deductively solving planning problems involving conjunction and disjunction. We introduce a recursively defined datatype and a corresponding induction rule, thereby allowing recursive plans to be synthesised. In order to make explicit the relationship between proofs and plans, we enhance the linear logic deduction rules to handle plans as a form of proof term

    Using FSRs to measure radial pressure in wound rolls

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    The Force Sensing Resistor (FSRTM)1 is a device which changes resistance in a predictable manner with the application of force on its surface.[1] The FSR has been used in a variety of applications since its invention in 1986, including position sensing, traffic counting, pressure sensing in wind tunnels and sensing in numerous security devices. This publication presents the results of a study in which the FSR was implemented as a tool for measuring the radial interlayer pressures in wound rolls.The FSR exists in two primary forms: the shunt mode FSR, and the through conduction mode FSR. The focus of this study is concentrated entirely upon the shunt mode form of the device. The term "FSR" will refer to this form of the device throughout this publication.The FSR consists of two polyester sheets sandwiched together. One sheet contains a screen printed pattern of discontinuous conductive fingers. The other sheet contains a sensing film consisting of a number of organic and inorganic ingredients suspended in a polymer matrix. The sensing film acts as a shunt resistance to the printed conductor on the opposing polyester sheet. The shunt resistance of the sensing film decreases proportionately with the applied normal force by means of microscopic contact mechanisms in the sensing film. Very small conductors and semiconductors, ranging from fractions of microns to microns in size, are present in the sensing film. The intimate contact of these particles with other particles and with the conductive fingers on the opposite sheet produces a relatively uniform resistance that changes as a function of pressure. In Figure I, the mechanical form of the FSR is illustrated.Since the FSR is manufactured by a screen printing process, any size or shape of FSR can be manufactured. The FSR used for all of the work in this study is shown in Figure 2. This pattern can be used not only to measure interlayer pressures at various radii in the wound roll, but it can also be used to measure the pressure variations across the width of the web in the cross machine direction.This publication will first present a technique by which the FSR can be calibrated for experimental studies of the radial pressure profile in wound rolls. The results of wound roll studies which have led to the discovery of a new boundary condition for wound roll stress models are also presented. The development of this boundary condition allows models previously constrained to center-winding to be applied to center-winding with an undriven nip roll pressed against the wound roll.Mechanical and Aerospace Engineerin

    NASA Lunar Regolith Simulant Program

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    Lunar regolith simulant production is absolutely critical to returning man to the Moon. Regolith simulant is used to test hardware exposed to the lunar surface environment, simulate health risks to astronauts, practice in situ resource utilization (ISRU) techniques, and evaluate dust mitigation strategies. Lunar regolith simulant design, production process, and management is a cooperative venture between members of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The MSFC simulant team is a satellite of the Dust group based at Glenn Research Center. The goals of the cooperative group are to (1) reproduce characteristics of lunar regolith using simulants, (2) produce simulants as cheaply as possible, (3) produce simulants in the amount needed, and (4) produce simulants to meet users? schedules

    Stresses within rolls wound in the presence of a nip roller

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    Models which can be used to calculate the internal stresses within wound rolls of web material have all been confined to the center winding technique to date. In this publication a new boundary condition is presented which will allow existing models to calculate the internal stresses within a wound roll which has been center wound with an undriven nip roller impinged upon the outside of the roll. Experimental verification of the new boundary condition is presented. The mechanism by which a nip roller can increase the wound in tension in the outer layer of the wound roll is presented.Mechanical and Aerospace Engineerin

    In-Space Cryogenic Propellant Depot Potential Commercial and Exploration Applications

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    The key goals and objectives for an In-Space Cryogenic Propellant Depot are to support a safe, reliable, affordable and effective future human and robotic space exploration initiative. Previous studies have been conducted at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center to determine technical requirements and feasibility for exploration and commercial potential of an in-space cryogenic propellant depot in low-Earth-orbit (LEO), low-Lunar orbit (LLO) and/or on the lunar surface. Results indicate that in-space cryogenic propellant depots are technically feasible given continued technology development and that there is a substantial growing market that depots could support. Systems studies showed that the most expensive part of transferring payloads to geo-synchronous-orbit (GEO) is the fuel. A cryogenic propellant production and storage depot stationed in LEO could lower the cost of missions to GEO and beyond. Propellant production separates water into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis. This process requires large amounts of power which is enabled by Space Solar Power technologies. Recent analysis indicate that in the coming decades there could be a significant demand for water-based propellants from Earth, moon, or asteroid resources if in-space transfer vehicles (upper stages) transitioned to reusable systems using water based propellants. This type of strategic planning move could create a substantial commercial market for space resources development, and ultimately lead toward significant commercial infrastructure development within the Earth-Moon system

    Utilizing Solar Power Technologies for On-Orbit Propellant Production

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    The cost of access to space beyond low Earth orbit may be reduced if vehicles can refuel in orbit. The cost of access to low Earth orbit may also be reduced by launching oxygen and hydrogen propellants in the form of water. To achieve this reduction in costs of access to low Earth orbit and beyond, a propellant depot is considered that electrolyzes water in orbit, then condenses and stores cryogenic oxygen and hydrogen. Power requirements for such a depot require Solar Power Satellite technologies. A propellant depot utilizing solar power technologies is discussed in this paper. The depot will be deployed in a 400 km circular equatorial orbit. It receives tanks of water launched into a lower orbit from Earth, converts the water to liquid hydrogen and oxygen, and stores up to 500 metric tons of cryogenic propellants. This requires a power system that is comparable to a large Solar Power Satellite capable of several 100 kW of energy. Power is supplied by a pair of solar arrays mounted perpendicular to the orbital plane, which rotates once per orbit to track the Sun. The majority of the power is used to run the electrolysis system. Thermal control is maintained by body-mounted radiators; these also provide some shielding against orbital debris. The propellant stored in the depot can support transportation from low Earth orbit to geostationary Earth orbit, the Moon, LaGrange points, Mars, etc. Emphasis is placed on the Water-Ice to Cryogen propellant production facility. A very high power system is required for cracking (electrolyzing) the water and condensing and refrigerating the resulting oxygen and hydrogen. For a propellant production rate of 500 metric tons (1,100,000 pounds) per year, an average electrical power supply of 100 s of kW is required. To make the most efficient use of space solar power, electrolysis is performed only during the portion of the orbit that the Depot is in sunlight, so roughly twice this power level is needed for operations in sunlight (slightly over half of the time). This power level mandates large solar arrays, using advanced Space Solar Power technology. A significant amount of the power has to be dissipated as heat, through large radiators. This paper briefly describes the propellant production facility and the requirements for a high power system capability. The Solar Power technologies required for such an endeavor are discussed

    Comparison of Autoclave and Out-of-Autoclave Composites

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Exploration Systems Mission Directorate initiated an Advanced Composite Technology Project through the Exploration Technology Development Program in order to support the polymer composite needs for future heavy lift launch architectures. As an example, the large composite dry structural applications on Ares V inspired the evaluation of autoclave and out-of-autoclave (OOA) composite materials. A NASA and industry team selected the most appropriate materials based on component requirements for a heavy lift launch vehicle. Autoclaved and OOA composites were fabricated and results will highlight differences in processing conditions, laminate quality, as well as initial room temperature thermal and mechanical performance. Results from this study compare solid laminates that were both fiber-placed and hand-laid. Due to the large size of heavy-lift launch vehicle composite structures, there is significant potential that the uncured composite material or prepreg will experience significant out-life during component fabrication. Therefore, prepreg out-life was a critical factor examined in this comparison. In order to rigorously test material suppliers recommended out-life, the NASA/Industry team extended the out-time of the uncured composite prepreg to values that were approximately 50% beyond the manufacturers out-time limits. Early results indicate that the OOA prepreg composite materials suffered in both composite quality and mechanical property performance from their extended out-time. However, the OOA materials performed similarly to the autoclaved composites when processed within a few days of exposure to ambient "shop" floor handling. Follow on studies evaluating autoclave and OOA aluminum honeycomb core sandwich composites are planned