859 research outputs found

    Fungos endofíticos associados a acículas de Pinus taeda.

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    O presente trabalho objetivou estudar os fungos endofíticos em acículas de árvores jovens de Pinus taeda L. e avaliar o efeito da posição de coleta na árvore. As amostras foram coletadas em duas alturas (30-50 cm e 100-130 cm acima do solo) e nas quatro posições cardeais (norte, sul, leste e oeste), em plantas com 18 meses de idade, localizadas em Colombo, PR, Brasil. As acículas foram submetidas a assepsia e fragmentos com 10 mm de comprimento foram plaqueados em meio BDA e incubados a 28 °C, sob fotofase de 12 h, por 15 dias. Para a identificação, as estruturas reprodutivas dos fungos foram produzidas pelo método do microcultivo. Foram isolados e identificados dezessete gêneros: Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, Coniothyrium, Diplodia, Drechslera, Hansfordia, Monocillium, Nodulisporium, Panidio, Papulaspora, Pestalotiopsis, Phialophora, Pithomyces, Rhizoctonia e Xylaria Alguns morfotipos sem identificação foram Mycelia sterilia e fungos demaciáceos. O número de isolados da altura 30-50 cm foi significativamente maior que na outra altura. Não foi observada diferença significativa no número de isolados entre as posições cardeais de uma mesma altura. Diferenças significativas foram observadas entre os gêneros isolados e Xylaria foi o gênero mais frequente

    The psychosocial impact of assistive device scale: Italian validation in a cohort of nonambulant people with neuromotor disorders

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    The importance of adaptive seating system on body structure and function is widely accepted, but its impact on psychosocial aspects needs more consideration by health professionals. This article describes the Italian validation of the Psychosocial Impact of Assistive Device Scale (IT-PIADS) for non-ambulant people with neuromotor disorders. Once agreement has been given by the original authors, the scale was translated and adapted to the Italian culture. The IT-PIADS was administered to different wheelchairs users with heterogeneous diagnosis. The internal consistency and test-retest reliability were examined. Its concurrent validity was evaluated with the Italian version of the WheelCon-M-SF. The IT-PIADS was administered to 87 subjects. Cronbach's α was 0.92 (p < 0.05), and the testretest reliability (ICC) for competence, adaptability and self-esteem subscales were 0.96, 0.90, 0.93 respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficient of the IT-PIADS with the WheelCon-M-I-SF scores showed significant data for competence and adaptability subscales. Psychosocial perception on assistive devices can be reliably measure. The IT-PIADS showed good psychometric properties and it is possible to confirm its validity for clinical and research purposes. Nevertheless, before using this measure with greater confidence, further psychometric properties tests of the IT-PIADS are recommended

    The RMS Survey: Ammonia and water maser analysis of massive star forming regions

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    The Red MSX Source (RMS) survey has identified a sample of ~1200 massive young stellar objects (MYSOs), compact and ultra compact HII regions from a sample of ~2000 MSX and 2MASS colour selected sources. We have used the 100 m Green Bank telescope to search for 22-24 GHz water maser and ammonia (1,1), (2,2) and (3,3) emission towards ~600 RMS sources located within the northern Galactic plane. We have identified 308 H2O masers which corresponds to an overall detection rate of ~50%. Abridged: We detect ammonia emission towards 479 of these massive young stars, which corresponds to ~80%. Ammonia is an excellent probe of high density gas allowing us to measure key parameters such as gas temperatures, opacities, and column densities, as well as providing an insight into the gas kinematics. The average kinetic temperature, FWHM line width and total NH3 column density for the sample are approximately 22 K, 2 km/s and 2x10^{15} cm^{-2}, respectively. We find that the NH3 (1,1) line width and kinetic temperature are correlated with luminosity and finding no underlying dependence of these parameters on the evolutionary phase of the embedded sources, we conclude that the observed trends in the derived parameters are more likely to be due to the energy output of the central source and/or the line width-clump mass relationship. The velocities of the peak H2O masers and the NH3 emission are in excellent agreement with each other, which would strongly suggest an association between the dense gas and the maser emission. Moreover, we find the bolometric luminosity of the embedded source and the isotropic luminosity of the H2O maser are also correlated. We conclude from the correlations of the cloud and water maser velocities and the bolometric and maser luminosity that there is a strong dynamical relationship between the embedded young massive star and the H2O maser.Comment: 17 pages and 17 figures and 8 tables. Tables\,2 and 5 and full versions of Figs. 3 and 7 are only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A

    The RMS survey: Ammonia mapping of the environment of young massive stellar objects - II

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    We present the results from NH3 mapping observations towards 34 regions identified by the Red MSX Source (RMS) survey. We have used the Australia Telescope Compact Array to map ammonia (1, 1) and (2, 2) inversion emission spectra at a resolution of 10 arcsec with velocity channel resolution of 0.4 km s−1 towards the positions of embedded massive star formation. Complementary data have been used from the ATLASGAL and GLIMPSE Legacy Surveys in order to improve the understanding of the regions and to estimate physical parameters for the environments. The fields have typical masses of ∼1000 M⊙, radii of ∼0.15 pc, and distances of ∼3.5 kpc. Luminosities range between ∼103 and ∼106 L⊙ and kinetic temperatures between 10 and 40 K. We classify each field into one of two subsets in order to construct an evolutionary system for massive star formation in these regions based on the morphology and relative positions of the NH3 emission, RMS sources, and ATLASGAL thermal dust emission. Differences in morphology between NH3 emission and ATLASGAL clumps are shown to correspond to evolutionary stages of ongoing massive star formation in these regions. The study has been further refined by including the positions of known methanol and water masers in the regions to gain insight into possible protostellar regions and triggered star formation

    IRIS: Efficient Visualization, Data Analysis and Experiment Management for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The design of ubiquitous computing environments is challenging, mainly due to the unforeseeable impact of real-world environments on the system performance. A crucial step to validate the behavior of these systems is to perform in-field experiments under various conditions. We introduce IRIS, an experiment management and data processing tool allowing the definition of arbitrary complex data analysis applications. While focusing on Wireless Sensor Networks, IRIS supports the seamless integration of heterogeneous data gathering technologies. The resulting flexibility and extensibility enable the definition of various services, from experiment management and performance evaluation to user-specific applications and visualization. IRIS demonstrated its effectiveness in three real-life use cases, offering a valuable support for in-field experimentation and development of customized applications for interfacing the end user with the system
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