91 research outputs found

    High-fiber diets for fattening pigs

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    Objective:  To establish the feasibility and benefits offered by implementing pig diets with high fiber content. Design/methodology: A bibliographic review of the concept of the practical application of diets for pigs with the inclusion of fibrous ingredients. Results: Formulating high-fiber pig diets maintains or improves productive performance and offers additional gut health benefits. Study limitations/implications: The lack of knowledge of the net energy and digestible amino acid values of the fibrous ingredients limits the adequate formulation of diets for pigs. Findings/conclusions: The inclusion of high fiber ingredients in the diet for pigs can partially substitute traditional ingredients reducing costs and obtaining health benefits.Objective: To establish the feasibility and benefits of implementing high-fiber diets for pigs. Design/Methodology: A literature review of the practical application of pig diets with the inclusion of fibrous ingredients was carried out. Results: The formulation of high-fiber diets for pigs maintains or improves productive performance and provides additional gut health benefits. Study Limitations/Implications: Lack of information about the net energy and amino acid digestibility values of fibrous ingredients limits the proper formulation of pig diets. Findings/Conclusions: The inclusion of high-fiber ingredients in pig diets can partially replace traditional ingredients, consequently reducing costs and providing health benefits

    Niveles de fósforo disponible aparente en pollas Leghorn blanca durante las etapas de iniciación, crecimiento, desarrollo e inicio de postura

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    Phosphorus (P) is important for the growth and metabolism of pullets and young laying hens, although the requeriments of this mineral could be overvalued. An experiment was conducted with 750 Hy-line W-36 pullets to evaluate the effects of apparent available phosphorus (aaP) levels during starter (1 d to 6 wk), growing (7 to 12 wk), development (13 to 18 wk), and initial laying period. The analyzed variables were: body weight (BW), feed intake (FI), percentage of P in excreta (PPE) and tibia bone (TBP), tibia breaking strength (TBS), egg mass (EM), and specific gravity (SG). The evaluated aaP levels had no effect (P>0.05) on FI, FP, TBP, RB, or EM in the stages under study. There was a difference (P0.05) in the starter period, the optimum biological levels for growing and finishing stages were 0.28 and 0.26 % of aaP, respectively. It was concluded that the requirements of apparent available phosphorus could be lower than the value suggested by NRC (1994) for the growth stages and the variables measured, without affecting the body condition and bone mineralization of pullets.El fósforo es importante en el metabolismo y desarrollo de las pollitas de reemplazo, aunque las necesidades de este mineral pueden estar sobrevaloradas. Se realizó un experimento con 750 pollas de la lí­nea Hy-line W-36, para evaluar los efectos de niveles de fósforo disponible aparente (Pda) durante las etapas de iniciación (1 dí­a a 6 semanas), crecimiento (7 a 12 semanas), desarrollo (13 a 18 semanas) y de inicio a pico de postura. Las caracterí­sticas estudiadas fueron: peso vivo (PV), consumo de alimento (CA), porcentaje de fósforo total en excretas y tibias (PTE y PT), resistencia a ruptura de tibias (RR), masa de huevo (MH) y gravedad especí­fica (GE). El nivel de Pda no afectó (P>0.05) el CA, PTE, PT, RR y MH en las etapas estudiadas. Hubo diferencias (P0.05), mientras que los niveles óptimos biológicos para PV en crecimiento fueron con 0.28 % y desarrollo 0.26 %. Se concluye que las necesidades de fósforo disponible aparente pueden ser menores a lo sugerido por el NRC (1994), durante las etapas y caracterí­sticas medidas, sin afectar la condición corporal y mineralización ósea de las aves

    Synchronization of the estrous during a short period, using a low dose of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) in primiparous and multiparous ewes

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of reducing the synchronized luteum phase and of applying eCG on reproductive response variables and hormone profile in primiparous and multiparous ewes. Design/methodology/approach: The experimental design was completely randomized with a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial array. Eight-one ewes were divided by their reproductive activity: primiparous (n=38) and multiparous (n=43). The percentage of presentation of estrus and pregnancy were analyzed with a c2 test. The estrus onset and duration for an analysis of variance and the Tukey test of comparison of means. The P4 concentration was performed using the PROC MIXED procedure, which included fixed effects of the treatment and day and the interaction of the two. Results: The response in estrus presentation was not different between treatments, however; the onset and duration of estrus were affected by physiological state and the synchronized luteum phase. P4 concentrations in serum were higher in primiparous ewes than in multiparous ewes. There were no differences in pregnancy rate or prolificity by principal effects. Limitations on study/implications: The estrus onset and duration varied by effects of the reproductive physiological status and the duration of the synchronized luteum phase (6 and 12 d), Therefore, it must be taken into account when artificial insemination is performed at a fixed time. Findings/conclusions: The combination of cronolone sponges with 100 IU eCG during short (6 d) are effective for the synchronization of estrous. The P4 concentrations in serum were higher in primiparous ewes, but this was not determinant for increasing gestation and prolificity in treated ewes.Objective: To evaluate the reduction effect of the synchronized luteal phase and the eCG application in the reproductive variables and hormone profile response of primiparous and multiparous ewes. Design/Methodology/Approach: The experimental design was completely random, with a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. Based on their reproductive activity, the 81 specimens were divided into primiparous (n=38) and multiparous (n=43) ewes. The estrous and pregnancy stages were analyzed using the c2 test. An analysis of variance and the Tukey’s mean comparison test were used to determine the start and the duration of the estrous. P4 concentration was measured using the PROC MIXED which influenced the fixed effects of the treatment and the day, as well as their interaction. Results: There was no difference between treatments, regarding the occurrence of the estrous; however, its start and duration were not impacted by the physiological state and the synchronized luteal phase. P4 concentrations in plasm were higher in primiparous ewes than in multiparous ewes. The main effects did not impact the pregnancy and the prolificity rates. Study Limitations/Implications: The variation in the start and the duration of the estrous was caused by the physiological reproductive state and the duration of the synchronized luteal phase (6 and 12 days). Therefore, these effects should be taken into account when the artificial insemination takes place at a fixed period. Finding/Conclusions: The combination of the cronolone sponges with 100 UI of eCG during short periods (6 days) effectively synchronizes the estrous. P4 concentrations in serum were higher in primiparous ewes, although these concentrations were not a determining factor in the increase of pregnancy and prolificity

    Multi-objective optimization of methionine+cysteine levels in diets for growing pigs

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    Background:The addition of synthetic methionine to growing pig diets should consider the requirements of the methionine+cysteine complex, as most cysteine is obtained through dietary methionine. Objective: To determine an optimal level of methionine+cysteine (Met+Cys) in growing pig diets. Methods: Ninety-nine hybrid (Yorkshire×Landrace×Duroc) barrows were used in a completely randomized design (initial body weight: 25.90±3.99 kg). Nine levels of Met+Cys (0.500, 0.525, 0.550, 0.575, 0.600, 0.625, 0.650, 0.675, and 0.700%) were evaluated during 35 days. To determine a multi-objective optimal level of Met+Cys, growth performance and strongly related carcass traits were evaluated. Results: Average daily feed intake (ADFI) and feed:gain ratio (FGR) showed a linear response to the dietary Met+Cys level (p0.05). Carcass characteristics were not affected by the Met+Cys concentration (p>0.05). The multi-objective optimal level for ADG, ADFI, and FGR was 0.667% Met+Cys. Conclusions: According to our results, 0.667% Met+Cys is the best concentration in diets for growing pigs.Antecedentes: a adição de metionina em dietas para suínos em crescimento deve ser feita para atender às exigências do complexo metionina+cisteína (Met+Cis), porque grande parte da cisteína é obtida através da dieta com metionina. Objetivo: determinar o nível multiobjetivo ótimo de Met+Cis em dietas para suínos em crescimento. Métodos: noventa e nove suínos machos castrados híbridos (Yorkshire×Landrace×Duroc) foram utilizados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com peso inicial de 25,90±3,99 kg. Nove níveis de Met+Cis (0,500, 0,525, 0,550, 0,575, 0,600, 0,625, 0,650, 0,675 y 0,700%) foram avaliados em suínos em crescimento por 35 d. Para determinar o nível multiobjetivo ótimo de Met+Cis, foram consideradas as variáveis de comportamento de crescimento e características do canal que mantêm uma forte inter-relação. Resultados: a ingestão média diária de alimentos (ADFI) e a conversão alimentar (FGR) mostraram uma resposta linear ao nível de Met+Cis na dieta (p0,05). As características da carcaça não foram afetadas pela concentração de Met+Cis na dieta (p>0,05). Com ADFI, FGR e ADG, o nível ótimo de Met+Cis foi obtido, encontrando este nível em 0,667%. Conclusões: os resultados indicam que 0,667% de Met+Cis é a melhor concentração na dieta para suínos em crescimento.Antecedentes: Las dietas para cerdos en crecimiento deben adicionarse con metionina sintética para suplir los requerimientos del complejo metionina+cisteína (Met+Cis), pues ellos producen gran parte de la cisteína que requieren a partir de la metionina dietaría. Objetivo: determinar el nivel óptimo multiobjetivo de Met+Cis en dietas para cerdos en crecimiento. Métodos: noventa y nueve machos castrados híbridos (Yorkshire×Landrace×Duroc) se utilizaron en un diseño completamente al azar (peso vivo inicial: 25,90±3,99 kg). Se evaluaron nueve niveles de Met+Cys (0,500, 0,525, 0,550, 0,575, 0,600, 0,625, 0,650, 0,675 y 0,700%) durante 35 d. Para determinar el nivel óptimo multiobjetivo de Met+Cis se consideraron las variables de rendimiento de crecimiento y características de la canal que mantienen una fuerte interrelación. Resultados: el promedio de consumo de alimento diario (ADFI) y la conversión alimenticia (FGR) mostraron una respuesta lineal al nivel de Met+Cis en la dieta (p0,05). La concentración de Met+Cis tampoco afectó las características de la canal (p>0,05). El nivel óptimo multi- objetivo de Met+Cis para ADFI, FGR y ADG fue 0,667%. Conclusión: los resultados indican que 0,667% de Met+Cis es la mejor concentración en la dieta para cerdos en crecimiento

    Use of protected methionine in diets for finishing pigs

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    Objective:  To evaluate the replacement of DL-Met (regular) with protected DL-Met (MP) in the growth performance of finishing pigs. Design/methodology/approach: 50 pigs were used (56.85 ± 2.02 kg initial body weight), distributed in a completely randomized experimental design. Treatments consisted of replacing regular Met with MP (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) in diets for pigs in finishing I and II stages. Results: In finishing I, the average daily gain, final body weight and back fat thickness increased linearly (p ? 0.05) as the MP in the diet increased; and the feed: gain ratio (FGR) decreased linearly (p = 0.07). In finishing II, MP improved linearly (p ? 0.10) feed intake, FGR, and longuissimus muscle area.  Study limitations/implications: The feeding of pigs with the addition of protected amino acids improves growth performance. Findings/conclusions: The addition of protected methionine in finishing pigs diets improves some growth performance variables.Objective: To evaluate the substitution of regular DL-methionine (RM) by protected DL-methionine (PM) in the productive performance of finishing pigs. Design/Methodology/Approach: 50 pigs (56.85 ± 2.02 kg of live weight) distributed in a completely randomized experimental design were used. The treatments consisted of the substitution of MR by MP (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%) in diets for finishing I and II pigs. Results: As the MP in the diet increased, the gain of final live weight (LWF) and backfat thickness (BFT) in finishing I increased linearly (p ≤ 0.05), while feed:gain ratio (FGR) decreased linearly (p = 0.07). PM at finishing II phase linearly (p ≤ 0.10) improved feed intake, FGR, and longissimus muscle area. Study Limitations/Implications: Feeding pigs by including protected amino acids improves their productive response. Findings/Conclusions: The use of protected methionine in diets for finishing I pigs improves some productive response variables

    Effectiveness and optimum level of protected methionine in fattening pig diets

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    Background: Methionine (Met) requirements have not been clearly established for fattening pigs due to their metabolic interrelationships and its bioavailability for protein synthesis. Objective: To determine the optimum level of regular crystalline or protected Met in pig diets from nursery to finishing. Methods: A total of 48 crossbred pigs (11.74±1.72 kg of initial body weight) were used. The treatments consisted of adding four levels (0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15% in addition to dietary content) and two types of Met (regular and protected) to pig diets. Results: Nursery, Finishing I, and II pigs fed protected Met increased daily feed intake (DFI; p≤0.10). Protected Met raised daily weight gain (DWG) in nursery pigs and increased backfat thickness (BT) in nursery and grower pigs (p≤0.10). In Finishing I pigs, protected Met increased DWG and improved carcass characteristics (p≤0.10). In nursery and grower pigs, an extra 0.15% Met decreased feed:gain ratio (FGR; p≤0.10). In grower and Finishing II pigs fed extra 0.05% Met improved DWG and extra 0.10% Met reduced plasma urea concentration (p≤0.10). Conclusions: Feeding protected Met in pig diets increases DWG, DFI and BT. Increasing 0.05-0.15% Met level improves FGR, DWG, potentially reducing nitrogen excretion to the environment.Antecedentes: os requisitos de metionina (Met) para suínos de engorda não foram claramente estabelecidos devido às suas relações metabólicas e sua biodisponibilidade para a síntese de proteínas. Objetivo: determinar o nível ideal de Met regular ou protegida em dietas para suínos de engorda. Métodos: foram utilizados 48 suínos híbridos (11,74±1,72 kg de peso vivo inicial). Os tratamentos consistiram em quatro níveis (0,00, 0,05, 0,10, 0,15% mais) e dois tipos (regular e protegida) de Met em dietas para suínos de engorda. Resultados: suínos no início, finalização I e II alimentados com Met protegida aumentaram o consumo diário de ração (DFI; p≤0,10). Met protegido aumentou o ganho de peso diário (DWG) em suínos na iniciação e, aumentou espessura da gordura dorsal (BT) em suínos em iniciação e crescimento (p≤0,10). Nos suínos finalização I, Met protegido aumentou DWG e melhorou as características do canal (p≤0,10). Para suínos de iniciação e crescimento, 0,15% extra de Met diminuiu conversão alimentar (FGR; p≤0,10). No crescimento e finalização II, a adição de 0,05% de Met melhoraram o DWG e com 0,10% reduziram a concentração de uréia (p≤0,10). Conclusões: o uso de Met protegida melhora DWG, DFI e BT. O nível de Met aumentado de 0,05-0,15% melhora FGR e DWG; além disso, a excreção de nitrogênio ambiental pode ser diminuída.Antecedentes: los requerimientos de metionina (Met) para cerdos en crecimiento no han sido claramente establecidos, lo que se debe a sus relaciones metabólicas y su biodisponibilidad para la síntesis proteica. Objetivo: determinar el nivel óptimo de Met regular o protegida en dietas para cerdos en crecimiento. Métodos: Se utilizaron un total de 48 cerdos híbridos (11,74±1,72 kg peso vivo inicial). Los tratamientos consistieron en niveles incrementales (0,00, 0,05, 0,10, 0,15% adicionales al contenido de la dieta) y dos tipos de Met (regular y protegida) en la dieta. Resultados: los cerdos en iniciación, Finalización I, y II, alimentados con Met protegida tuvieron un mayor consumo diario de alimento (DFI; p≤0,10). La Met protegida aumentó la ganancia diaria de peso (DWG) durante la etapa de iniciación, e incrementó el grosor de la grasa dorsal (BT) en iniciación y levante (p≤0,10). Durante Finalización I, la Met protegida aumentó la DWG y mejoró las características de la canal (p≤0,10). Durante iniciación y levante, 0,15% extra de Met disminuyó la conversión alimenticia (FGR; p≤0,10). Los cerdos en levante y Finalización II alimentados con 0,05% extra de Met mejoraron la DWG y con 0.10% extra de Met redujeron la concentración de urea en plasma (p≤0,10). Conclusiones: el uso de Met protegida incrementa DWG, DFI y BT. El aumento del nivel de Met de 0,05-0,15% mejora FGR y DWG, y podria disminuir la excreción de nitrógeno al ambiente

    Coffee pulp supplementation prior to breeding improves oxidative status without affecting fertility of primiparous ewes

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    Background: Coffee pulp has a high content of antioxidants capable of modifying the oxidative status in small ruminants. However, high amounts for a prolonged time can reduce fertility. Objective: To determine the effect of two inclusion levels of coffee pulp during estrous synchronization on reproductive variables and oxidative status of primiparous ewes. Methods: Sixty Suffolk x Dorset primiparous ewes were distributed into three treatments in a completely randomized design; T0: (n=20) 1.5 kg balanced diet, Tl: (n=20) 1.5 kg balanced diet and 5% coffee pulp, T2: (n=20) 1.5 kg balanced diet and 10% coffee pulp. Supplementation was given for 16 days before estrus synchronization and until the beginning of the breeding season. A progestogen (CIDR®) was inserted for ll days and a dose of PGF2a was applied two days prior to its withdrawal. Estrus detection started 12 hours after CIDR withdrawal. Blood samples were obtained during the supplementation period to measure oxidative status, antioxidant capacity, glucose and insulin, and up to 9 days after breeding to determine progesterone concentration. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed at 30 and 60 days post-breeding. An analysis of repeated measures of mixed effects and frequency analysis were carried out. Results: Inclusion of coffee pulp for a short period prior to breeding did not affect reproductive parameters, nor progesterone, glucose or insulin concentrations (p>0.05); however, antioxidant capacity increased, while lipid oxidation showed an opposite trend (p0,05); porém, a capacidade antioxidante nas ovelhas foi aumentada, enquanto a oxidação lipídica seguiu uma tendência inversa (p0,05); sin embargo, la capacidad antioxidante se incrementó, mientras que la oxidación lipídica siguió una tendencia inversa (p<0,05). Conclusión: La inclusión hasta de 10% de pulpa de café en la dieta de ovejas por 16 días previo al empadre mejora el estado oxidativo sin ocasionar efectos adversos en el porcentaje de preñez, estro o prolificidad

    Concentración de urea en plasma y respuesta productiva de cerdos en iniciación alimentados con dietas sorgo-pasta de soya bajas en proteína

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    Existe poca información acerca del uso de dietas con baja proteína cruda (PC) para cerdos en iniciación. Por tanto, se realizaron dos experimentos para determinar el porcentaje mínimo de PC en dietas sorgo-pasta de soya que no afecte el comportamiento productivo, utilizando urea en plasma como indicador. En el experimento 1, los tratamientos (% PC) fueron: T1) testigo 20.5; T2) 19.0; T3) 17.5; T4) 16.0; T5) 14.5, y se aplicaron a 10 cerditas en iniciación usando un diseño cruzado con periodos de 7 d. El último día de cada periodo se obtuvo una muestra de sangre de la vena cava para determinar urea. La menor concentración de este metabolito indicó que la PC en la dieta puede reducirse hasta 16%. Mediante regresión no lineal exponencial se determinó que la PC en la dieta se puede reducir hasta 14.86% y aumentar hasta 20.12% para obtener la mínima y máxima concentración de urea en plasma. En el experimento 2, los tratamientos (%PC y Mcal EM kg-1) fueron: T1) dieta estándar, 20.5 y 3.265; T2) 20.5 y 3.165; T3) 16 y 3.265; T4) 16 y 3.165; T5) 14.5 y 3.265; T6) 14.5 y 3.165, para 24 machos castrados usando un diseño en bloques completos al azar. El menor nivel de proteína redujo la urea en plasma, mientras que al reducir la energía disminuyó la grasa dorsal y aumentó la conversión alimenticia. Lo anterior indica que la urea se reduce al disminuir la PC en la dieta; que la grasa dorsal es menor al bajar la energía; y que otros factores como el peso inicial también influyen en la respuesta de los cerdos en iniciación

    Effect of fatty acids source on growth performance, carcass characteristics, plasma urea nitrogen concentration, and fatty acid profile in meat of pigs fed standard- or low-protein diets

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    Thirty six Landrace × Yorkshire barrows with 18.6 kg of initial body weight were used to evaluate three sources of fatty acids: crude soybean oil, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and soybean soapstock in standard crude protein (CP) and low-protein diets for starter (21 d; 205, 160 g kg-1 CP), growing (28 d; 160, 145 g kg-1 CP), and finishing (29 d; 140, 125 g kg-1 CP) phases. Growth performance, carcass characteristics, plasma urea nitrogen concentration and fatty acid profile in meat were evaluated. The reduction of CP diminished average daily gain, feed:gain ratio, longissimus muscle area and plasma urea nitrogen concentration in nursery pigs; reduced longissimus muscle area and plasma urea nitrogen concentration in growing pigs; increased average daily feed intake, and reduced lean meat percentage and plasma urea nitrogen content in finishing pigs. It also increased c9, t11 and c11, t9 CLA isomers and total lipids and lowered eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids concentrations in semimembranosus muscle; linolenic acid decreased with low-protein diets in longissimus and semimembranosus muscles; the oil type affected the concentration of c9, t11 and c11, t9 CLA isomers and total saturated fatty acids in semimembranosus muscle; CLA increased individually and total saturated fatty acids, reduced linoleic and docosapentaenoic acids, and increased total lipids in longissimus muscle. These results indicate that decreasing CP changes the profile of fatty acids. The soybean soapstock can replace crude soybean oil in pig diets; while conjugated linoleic acid does not improve response of pigs fed standard- or low-protein diets