119 research outputs found

    The Diego blood group system: a review

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    DIÁLOGOS TRANSCONTINENTAIS: Investigação ativista com os povos indígenas Do Canadá, México e Austrália

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    Review of the work "Transcontinental Dialogues: Activist Research with the Indigenous Peoples of Canada, Mexico and Australia", edited by R. Aida Hernández Castillo, Suzi Hutchings and Brian Noble, and published hair Editorials Pochote Press, International Working Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) and CIESAS, 2020. Keywords: review, transcontinental dialogues, activist research, indigenous peoplesRevisión de la obra "Diálogos Transcontinentales: investigación activista con los pueblos Indígenas de Canadá, México y Australia", editado por R. Aida Hernández Castillo, Suzi Hutchings y Brian Noble, e publicado pelo Editoriales Pochote Press, Grupo Internacional de Trabajo sobre Asuntos Indígenas (IWGIA) y CIESAS, 2020. Palabras clave: revisión, diálogos transcontinentales, investigación activista, pueblos indígenas.Revisão do trabalho "Diálogos Transcontinentais: Pesquisa Ativista com os Povos Indígenas do Canadá, México e Austrália", editado por R. Aida Hernández Castillo, Suzi Hutchings e Brian Noble, e publicado na revista Hair Editorials Pochote Press, International Working Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) e CIESAS, 2020. Palavras-chave: revisão, diálogos transcontinentais, pesquisa ativista, povos indígena

    Situación energética en el Ecuador. Análisis técnico y económico para el uso eficiente de la energía

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    Este trabajo analiza varios aspectos que influyen en la situación energética mundial, tales como las políticas implantadas para crear, explotar y distribuir nuevas fuentes de energía, que se ven reflejadas en campañas de eficiencia energética, reducción del consumo, reducción de emisiones de CO2 en el Ecuador y en el mundo. El análisis técnico y económico se centró solo en nuestro país, para entender el modo en el que se maneja la generación, transmisión, distribución y comercialización de la energía. Además se realiza un estudio práctico de eficiencia energética en la iluminación de las aulas de la Facultad de Ingeniería.Ingeniero EléctricoCuenc

    Laboratorio de aprendizaje de la medida en la formación de maestros

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    ¿Cómo podemos favorecer una adecuada construcción de los contenidos relacionados con las magnitudes y su medida en educación primaria? una gran mayoría de textos sobre didáctica de la matemática están de acuerdo en describir una serie de “etapas” o “fases” que es necesario superar en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las magnitudes y su medida, sugiriendo un tránsito desde las primeras experiencias perceptivas hasta el manejo de los instrumentos de medida y del sistema internacional de unidades. En la propuesta que se relata, el alumnado de tercer curso del grado en maestro o maestra de educación primaria participa en un laboratorio - en el sentido más literal del término - de aprendizaje de la medida, en el que reflexionan sobre dicho proceso diseñando sus propias actividades y estrategias de intervención

    Experiencia de jóvenes voluntarios del Movimiento Promotoría Social Solidaria, en la entrega de paquetes alimenticios a casos críticos y madres de héroes y mártires, en el Municipio de Estelí, en el primer semestre del año 2019

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    La presente sistematización tiene como objetivo sistematizar las vivencias de los jóvenes voluntarios del Movimiento de la Promotoría Social Solidaria desde un enfoque personal, comunitario y organizacional. En el caso de este articulo consta de 5 grandes capítulos que se describen en la introducción. Los materiales y métodos utilizados siguen el enfoque cualitativo, y el tipo de sistematización según el sujeto que la realiza es de intervención social, según la temporalidad es una sistematización en retrospectiva y de acuerdo a la función de su alcance es total, todo este proceso se desarrolló en 5 grandes pasos. Las técnicas aplicadas son: la entrevista y la observación. En los resultados y discusión se evidencian los resultados de las experiencias obtenidas, y para su presentación se utilizan, gráficos, esquemas, descripciones, análisis. Las conclusiones muestran los grandes hallazgos del proceso de sistematización. Y se finaliza con la presentación de toda la bibliografía consultada para el construir esta investigación

    Structural Equation Models to estimate Dynamic Effective Connectivity Networks in Resting fMRI. A comparison between individuals with Down syndrome and controls

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    Emerging evidence suggests that an effective or functional connectivity network does not use a static process over time but incorporates dynamic connectivity that shows changes in neuronal activity patterns. Using structural equation models (SEMs), we estimated a dynamic component of the effective network through the effects (recursive and nonrecursive) between regions of interest (ROIs), taking into account the lag 1 effect. The aim of the paper was to find the best structural equation model (SEM) to represent dynamic effective connectivity in people with Down syndrome (DS) in comparison with healthy controls. Twenty-two people with DS were registered in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) resting-state paradigm for a period of six minutes. In addition, 22 controls, matched by age and sex, were analyzed with the same statistical approach. In both groups, we found the best global model, which included 6 ROIs within the default mode network (DMN). Connectivity patterns appeared to be different in both groups, and networks in people with DS showed more complexity and had more significant effects than networks in control participants. However, both groups had synchronous and dynamic effects associated with ROIs 3 and 4 related to the upper parietal areas in both brain hemispheres as axes of association and functional integration. It is evident that the correct classification of these groups, especially in cognitive competence, is a good initial step to propose a biomarker in network complexity studies

    Virtual reconstruction of old implements by rendering and 3D modeling: Ergonomic study

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    [ES] A lo largo de la historia del ser humano, la maquinaria agrícola ha sido parte inseparable de su evolución socio-cultural, dando lugar a una interconexión del conocimiento rural entre diferentes culturas y civilizaciones. Esto, unido tanto a las necesidades particulares de cada asentamiento, como al conocimiento de la tecnología, tuvo como consecuencia la aparición de una gran variedad de aperos de labranza, cada uno de los cuales realizaba, perfectamente, la misión para la que había sido fabricado. En el presente estudio se analizaron un total de tres aperos de labranza (sembradora, arado de vertedera y desbrozadora), básicos para el desarrollo de cualquier comunidad agrícola, a través de diferentes categorías cronoarqueológicas, con el fin de ver la relación existente entre el desarrollo tecnológico y sus características ergonómicas. Los resultados muestran como los primeros instrumentos de labranza diseñados y utilizados por el hombre mantienen el mismo principio básico de diseño en las diferentes culturas y civilizaciones que han existido, aunque la inclusión de pequeñas modificaciones en el diseño original ha tenido una evolución lenta, pero constante, a lo largo del tiempo. El uso de software de diseño 3D ha sido muy importante para este estudio.[EN] Throughout human history, agricultural machinery has been an inseparable part of their socio-cultural evolution, leading to an interconnection of rural knowledge between different cultures and civilizations. This along with both the particular needs of each settlement as knowledge of technology, led to the development of a variety of agricultural plows, each of which performed, perfectly, the mission for which it had been made. In this study a total of three agricultural plows (seeder, moldboard plow and brush cutter), indispensables for the development of any agricultural community, were analyzed through different chronoarchaeological categories in order to find the relationship between technological development and its ergonomic characteristics. The results show how the first farming implements designed and used by humans keep the same basic design principle in different cultures and civilizations that have existed, although the inclusion of small changes to the original design has evolved slowly, but steadily, over time. The use of 3D design software has been very important for this study.Ramírez-Juidías, E.; Yanes-Figueroa, J.; Hazman-Hendi, L.; Noguero-Hernández, MD. (2014). Reconstrucción virtual de aperos antiguos mediante renderización y modelado 3D: Estudio ergonómico. Virtual Archaeology Review. 5(11):65-72. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2014.4182OJS6572511BAUMANN, H. (1944): Koloniale völkerkunde. H. Baumann (ed). Leipzig (Germany).BLENCH, Roger et al. (2006): "African agricultural tools: implications of synchronic ethnography for agrarian history", in Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop for African Archaeobotany, LONDON 2006, pp. 1-22.BROWN, Michelle (2006): The luttrell psalter: a facsimile. British Library. London.CHINA AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM (2014): "Traditional chinese implements", [online] http://www.zgnybwg.com.cn/gb1/cl/jbcl/zgctnj.html [Consult: 20-08-2014].CORNEVIN, M. (1993): Archéologie africaine. Maisonneuve & Larose. Paris.HUMPHREY, John William (2006): Ancient technology. Greenwood Press. EEUU.JANICK, Jules (2002): "Ancient egypcian agriculture and the origins of horticulture", in Acta Hort. 582, pp. 23-39.JANICK, Jules (2008): "History of agricultural and horticultural technology in Asia", [online] http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/hort_306/text/lec12.pdf [Consult: 20-08-2014].NOH, Zakiah et al. (2009): "A review on augmented reality for virtual heritage system", in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5670, pp. 50-61. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-03364-3_7RAMÍREZ-JUIDÍAS, Emilio (2010) "Arquitectura, geometría y paisaje en la dinastía Qing y el Japón Tokugawa". Tesis doctoral leída el 07-10-2010, Universidad de Sevilla, [online] http://fondosdigitales.us.es/tesis/tesis/2229/arquitectura-geometria-y-paisaje-en-la-dinastia-qing-y-el-japon-tokugawa/#descripcion [Consult: 01-09-2014].RENFREW, Colin et al. (2011): Arqueología: teorías, métodos y práctica. Akal. Madrid.SAURA SANJAUME, Marta. (2006): "La tomba de Sennedjem a Deir-El-Medina TT.1.". Tesis doctoral leída el 09-02-2006, Universitat de Barcelona, [online] http://www.tesisenred.net/handle/10803/2595 [Consult: 10-05-2014].SEIDEL, Matthias et al. (1991): Das grab des Nacht: Kunst und geschichte eines beamtengrabes der 18. Dynastie in Theben-West. P. von Zabern. Germany.STEVENS, Chris J. et al. (2014): Archaeology of african plant use. Institute of Archaeology Publications. London (UK).ZHOU, Xingxiang et al. (2003): "Agricultural engineering in China", in Agricultural Engineering International: The CIGR EJournal, pp. 1-11

    Complexity Analysis of the Default Mode Network Using Resting-State fMRI in Down Syndrome: Relationships Highlighted by A Neuropsychological Assessment

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    Background: Studies on complexity indicators in the field of functional connectivity derived from resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) in Down syndrome (DS) samples and their possible relationship with cognitive functioning variables are rare. We analyze how some complexity indicators estimated in the subareas that constitute the default mode network (DMN) might be predictors of the neuropsychological outcomes evaluating Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and cognitive performance in persons with DS. Methods: Twenty-two DS people were assessed with the Kaufman Brief Test of Intelligence (KBIT) and Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB) tests, and fMRI signals were recorded in a resting state over a six-minute period. In addition, 22 controls, matched by age and sex, were evaluated with the same rs-fMRI procedure. Results: There was a significant difference in complexity indicators between groups: the control group showed less complexity than the DS group. Moreover, the DS group showed more variance in the complexity indicator distributions than the control group. In the DS group, significant and negative relationships were found between some of the complexity indicators in some of the DMN networks and the cognitive performance scores. Conclusions: The DS group is characterized by more complex DMN networks and exhibits an inverse relationship between complexity and cognitive performance based on the negative parameter estimates

    Opuntia ficus-indica seed pomace extracts with high UV-screening ability in a circular economy approach for body lotions with solar protection

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    Opuntia ficus-indica seed pomace, a by-product of seed oil extraction, was investigated due to its richness of phytochemical compounds and high antioxidant capacity. The pomace was subjected to hydrothermal extraction using water under subcritical conditions to solubilize various compounds. Different final heating temperatures 120 to 220 °C were applied, and the resulting filtered extracts were analyzed using HPLC and HPSEC to determine the monosaccharide profile and molecular weight of the oligomers. Notably, extractions performed at temperatures between 120 and 180 °C yielded extracts characterized by elevated levels of glucuronic acid and exhibited higher molecular weights. In contrast, extractions conducted at 200 and 220 °C were distinguished by their enriched xylose content and relatively low molecular weights, falling below 23.6 kDa. The extracts were tested for total phenolic compounds, as well as antioxidant activity using spectrophotometric methods such as TEAC, DPPH, and FRAP. Results showed that increasing temperature led to a corresponding increase in phenolic compounds (from 7.7 to 13.7 gGAE/100 g) and antioxidant activity, with the maximum observed at 200 °C. These phenolic compounds enriched extract were used to produce a body lotion with sun protection factor of 8, with rheological behavior similar to that of commercially available products but without the need for additional UV filters and antioxidants. The lotion was shown to be safe for topical use and did not cause skin irritation. This study highlights the potential of O. ficus-indica seed pomace as a valuable source of phytochemical compounds and demonstrates the feasibility of using hydrothermal extraction to produce eco-friendly commercially interesting compounds.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/50006/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDP/50006/2020Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481D-2022/018Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC-ED431C 2022/08Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. TED2021-131555B-C22Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RYC2018-024454-IXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431F 2020/0

    Resting-state default mode network connectivity in young individuals with Down syndrome

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    Background: Down syndrome (DS) is a chromosomal disorder that causes intellectual disability. Few studies have been conducted on functional connectivity using restingstate fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) signals or more specifically, on the relevant structure and density of the default mode network (DMN). Although data on this issue have been reported in adult DS individuals (age: >45 years), the DMN properties in young DS individuals have not been studied. The aim of this study was to describe the density and structure of the DMN network from fMRI signals in young DS (age: <36 years). Method: A sample of 22 young people with DS between the ages of 16 and 35 (M = 25.5 and SD = 5.1) was recruited in various centers for people with intellectual disability (ID). In addition to sociodemographic data, a six-minute fMRI session was recorded with a 3. T Philips Ingenia scanner. A control group of 22 young people, matched by age and gender, was obtained from the Human Connectome Project (to compare the networks properties between groups). Results: The values of the 48 ROIs that configured the DMN were obtained, and the connectivity graphs for each subject, the average connectivity graph for each group, the clustering and degree values for each ROI, and the average functional connectivity network were estimated. Conclusions: A higher density of overactivation was identified in DS group in the ventral, sensorimotor, and visual DMN networks, although within a framework of a wide variability of connectivity patterns in comparison with the control group network. These results extend our understanding of the functional connectivity networks pattern and intrasubject variability in DS