17 research outputs found

    Light shutters from nanocrystalline cellulose rods in a nematic liquid crystal

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    This work reports a recently developed electro-optical (EO) device that can potentially be used as a light shutter or a privacy window. By using nanocrystalline cellulose rods, we were able to improve some of the most relevant parameters characterising the EO behaviour. A brief description of the proposed working mechanism for these devices is presented, and numerical simulations based on this mechanism of both the optical transmission and the cells' electrical capacitance are compared with the obtained results, validating the underlying working model considered

    Light shutters from nanocrystalline cellulose rods in a nematic liquid crystal

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    This work reports a recently developed electro-optical (EO) device that can potentially be used as a light shutter or a privacy window. By using nanocrystalline cellulose rods, we were able to improve some of the most relevant parameters characterising the EO behaviour. A brief description of the proposed working mechanism for these devices is presented, and numerical simulations based on this mechanism of both the optical transmission and the cells' electrical capacitance are compared with the obtained results, validating the underlying working model considered

    Liquid crystal beads constrained on thin cellulosic fibers: Electric field induced microrotors and N-I transition

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    We directly visualize the response of nematic liquid crystal drops of toroidal topology threaded in cellulosic fibers, suspended in air, to an AC electric field and at different temperatures over the N-I transition. This new liquid crystal system can exhibit non-trivial point defects, which can be energetically unstable against expanding into ring defects depending on the fiber constraining geometries. The director anchoring tangentially near the fiber surface and homeotropically at the air interface makes a hybrid shell distribution that in turn causes a ring disclination line around the main axis of the fiber at the center of the droplet. Upon application of an electric field, E, the disclination ring first expands and moves along the fiber main axis, followed by the appearance of a stable "spherical particle" object orbiting around the fiber at the center of the liquid crystal drop. The rotation speed of this particle was found to vary linearly with the applied voltage. This constrained liquid crystal geometry seems to meet the essential requirements in which soliton-like deformations can develop and exhibit stable orbiting in three dimensions upon application of an external electric field. On changing the temperature the system remains stable and allows the study of the defect evolution near the nematic-isotropic transition, showing qualitatively different behaviour on cooling and heating processes. The necklaces of such liquid crystal drops constitute excellent systems for the study of topological defects and their evolution and open new perspectives for application in microelectronics and photonics

    Water-Based Cellulose Liquid Crystal System Investigated by Rheo-NMR

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    Water-based cellulose cholesteric liquid crystalline phases at rest can undergo structural changes induced by shear flow. This reflects on the deuterium spectra recorded when the system is investigated by rheo-nuclear magnetic resonance (rheo-NMR) techniques. In this work, the model system hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC)+water is revisited using rheo-NMR to clarify unsettled points regarding its behavior under shear and in relaxation. The NMR spectra allow the identification of five different stable ordering states, within shear and relaxation, which are well integrated in a mesoscopic picture of the system's structural evolution under shear and relaxation. This picture emerging from the large body of studies available for this system by other experimental techniques, accounts well for the NMR data and is in good agreement with the three distinct regions of steady shear flow recognized for some lyotropic LC polymers. Shear rates in between 0.1 and 1.0 s(-1) where investigated using a Taylor-Couette flow and deuterated water was used as solvent for the deuterium NMR (DNMR) analysis

    Micro – and nanofibers and liquid crystals for ligth-scattering shutters: Simulation of electrp-optical properties

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    This work demonstrates the feasibility of using polymeric micro- and nanofiber-composed films and liquid crystals as electrically switchable scattering light shutters. We present a concept of electro-optic device based on an innovative combination of two mature technologies: optics of nematic liquid crystals and electrospinning of nanofibers. These devices have electric and optical characteristics far superior to other comparable methods. The simulation presented shows results that are highly consistent with those of experiments and that explain the working mechanism of the devices

    Understanding the influence of carbon nanotubes on the flow behavior of liquid crystalline hydroxypropylcellulose: a Rheo-NMR study

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    Hydroxypropyl celulose (HPC) is na importante celulose derivative that has been widely studied due to its water solubility, biocompatibility and biodegradability, but even more significant due to its ability to form liquid crystalline phases. HPC is able to form, under certain conditions, chiral nematic (cholesteric) structures in water solutions. Previous work confirmed that films prepared from liquid crystalline HPC/water solutions (LC-HPC) gave rise to anisotropic networks, with similar mechanical and optical characteristics of Liquid Crystalline Elastomers (LCE), capable to respond to humidity. It was also demonstrated that the incorporation of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) significantly improved the actuator responsiveness. In the work presented herein, we investigate how the incorporation of carbon nanotubes affects the flow behavior o fLC-HPC solutions, and thus the structure-properties relationship, through a detailed Rheo-NMR study. As observed from the results, when shearing the samples, the degree of order reached (maximum quadrupolar peak splitting) by LC-HPC solutions increases with CNT content. Regarding the subsequente relaxation process, only the incorporation of 0.01 wt% of CNTs (lowest content) contributes to a faster recovery of cholesteric structure.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A cellulosic liquid crystal pool for cellulose nanocrystals: structure and molecular dynamics at high shear rates

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    Cellulose and its derivatives, such as hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) have been studied for a long time but they are still not well understood particularly in liquid crystalline solutions. These systems can be at the origin of networks with properties similar to liquid crystalline (LC) elastomers. The films produced from LC solutions can be manipulated by the action of moisture allowing for instance the development of a soft motor (Geng et al., 2013) driven by humidity. Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC), which combine cellulose properties with the specific characteristics of nanoscale materials, have been mainly studied for their potential as a reinforcing agent. Suspensions of CNC can also self-order originating a liquid-crystalline chiral nematic phases. Considering the liquid crystalline features that both LC-HPC and CNC can acquire, we prepared LC-HPC/CNC solutions with different CNC contents (1,2 and 5 wt.%). The effect of the CNC into the LC-HPC matrix was determined by coupling rheology and NMR spectroscopy - Rheo-NMR a technique tailored to analyse orientational order in sheared systems. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Rheo-NMR study of water-based cellulose liquid crystal system at high shear rates

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    Since long ago cellulosic lyotropic liquid crystals were thought as potential materials to produce fibers competitive with spidersilk or Kevlar, yet the processing of high modulus materials from cellulose-based precursors was hampered by their complex rheological behavior. In this work, by using the Rheo-NMR technique, which combines deuterium NMR with rheology, we investigate the high shear rate regimes that may be of interest to the industrial processing of these materials. Whereas the low shear rate regimes were already investigated by this technique in different works [1-4], the high shear rates range is still lacking a detailed study. This work focuses on the orientational order in the system both under shear and subsequent relaxation process arising after shear cessation through the analysis of deuterium spectra from the deuterated solvent water. At the analyzed shear rates the cholesteric order is suppressed and a flow-aligned nematic is observed which for the higher shear rates develops after certain time periodic perturbations that transiently annihilate the order in the system. During relaxation the flow aligned nematic starts losing order due to the onset of the cholesteric helices leading to a period of very low order where cholesteric helices with different orientations are forming from the aligned nematic, followed in the final stage by an increase in order at long relaxation times corresponding to the development of aligned cholesteric domains. This study sheds light on the complex rheological behavior of chiral nematic cellulose-based systems and opens ways to improve its processing. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Proton and Deuterium NMR study of the CBC9CB Dimer System

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    Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society. Using proton and deuterium NMR spectroscopy, this work provides a description of the molecular orientational order of the mesogenic groups in both the N tb and the classical nematic phase (N) of the liquid crystal dimer CB-C9-CB. The proton NMR data were collected at high field (7 T) with the nematic domains aligned by the field. Deuterium NMR data obtained from aligned samples at 11.7 T, published by Hoffmann, A. et al. Soft Matter 2015, 11, 850, were also considered in this study. Using the first-order perturbation theory, we carried out detailed simulations of the proton spectra from the terminal mesogenic groups along with the quadrupolar splittings from the carbon-deuterium bonds in the first chain positions, which allow for the determination of the Saupe order tensor for the mesogenic groups. We show that the main mechanism that induces the change of the 1 H NMR spectrum and the quadrupolar splittings at the N-N tb phase transition is the change of the orientation of the most ordered molecular frame (eigenframe of the Saupe tensor), along with the onset of the molecular biaxiality parameter, D. This orientation change is associated with the achiral symmetry breaking at the N-N tb phase transition

    Water Molecular Dynamics in the Porous Structures of Ultrafiltration/Nanofiltration Asymmetric Cellulose Acetate-Silica Membranes

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    and MCC researcher’s contract (2021.03255.CEECIND).This study presents the characterization of water dynamics in cellulose acetate-silica asymmetric membranes with very different pore structures that are associated with a wide range of selective transport properties of ultrafiltration (UF) and nanofiltration (NF). By combining 1H NMR spectroscopy, diffusometry and relaxometry and considering that the spin-lattice relaxation rate of the studied systems is mainly determined by translational diffusion, individual rotations and rotations mediated by translational displacements, it was possible to assess the influence of the porous matrix's confinement on the degree of water ordering and dynamics and to correlate this with UF/NF permeation characteristics. In fact, the less permeable membranes, CA/SiO2-22, characterized by smaller pores induce significant orientational order to the water molecules close to/interacting with the membrane matrix's interface. Conversely, the model fitting analysis of the relaxometry results obtained for the more permeable sets of membranes, CA/SiO2-30 and CA/SiO2-34, did not evidence surface-induced orientational order, which might be explained by the reduced surface-to-volume ratio of the pores and consequent loss of sensitivity to the signal of surface-bound water. Comparing the findings with those of previous studies, it is clear that the fraction of more confined water molecules in the CA/SiO2-22-G20, CA/SiO2-30-G20 and CA/SiO2-34-G20 membranes of 0.83, 0.24 and 0.35, respectively, is in agreement with the obtained diffusion coefficients as well as with the pore sizes and hydraulic permeabilities of 3.5, 38 and 81 kg h-1 m-2 bar-1, respectively, reported in the literature. It was also possible to conclude that the post-treatment of the membranes with Triton X-100 surfactants produced no significant structural changes but increased the hydrophobic character of the surface, leading to higher diffusion coefficients, especially for systems associated with average smaller pore dimensions. Altogether, these findings evidence the potential of combining complementary NMR techniques to indirectly study hydrated asymmetric porous media, assess the influence of drying post-treatments on hybrid CA/SiO2 membrane' surface characteristics and discriminate between ultra- and nano-filtration membrane systems.publishersversionpublishe