4,655 research outputs found

    Monetary Policy in Brazil: Remarks on the Inflation Targeting Regime, Public Debt Management and Open Market Operations

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the main features in the conduct of monetary policy in Brazil. Initially, we focus on the inflation targeting regime, reviewing the background that led to its adoption in mid-1999, the institutional framework implemented in the country, and the challenges and achievements reached so far. Then we move to the analysis of the public debt management, highlighting its objectives and results, with particular emphasis on the debt composition and average maturity. The third section discusses the open market procedures. The paper ends with a brief description of specific policy issues to be addressed by the Central Bank in the near future.

    Plantas de cobertura em viveiro de plantas frutíferas de macieira, pessegueiro e ameixeira na região de Nancy (França)

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Agrárias. Curso de Agronomia.A região leste (Alsace, Champagne-Ardenne e Lorraine) são responsáveis por 10% da produção hortícola francesa. A produção de plantas frutíferas e ornamentais em solo é um dos setores mais estáveis quando comparado a outros, como o de plantas envasadas. O viveiro Rougieux produz em 10 hectares variedades de macieira, pessegueiro, damasqueiro, ameixeira e marmeleiro e de plantas ornamentais de Acer, Quercus, Betula e diversos outros. O objetivo desse trabalho foi o de avaliar o cultivo de Aveia branca, Nabo, Alfafa e Trevo branco anão em cultivo solteiro e em consórcio visando obter o controle de plantas espontâneas. Dois locais foram utilizados para realizar o experimento: um primeiro com trigo cultivado à 4 anos, e outro, cultivado a mais de 15 anos. Com o intuito de caracterizar as áreas, foram identificadas e contadas as plantas espontâneas, antes e após a implantação das plantas de cobertura. Foram avaliados o peso fresco das plantas de cobertura através de uma análise de variância com auxílio do teste de Tukey (α=0,05), e a incidência das plantas espontâneas. Os resultados indicam que o plantio de uma planta de cobertura reduz o número e incidência das plantas espontâneas, no entanto as plantas do gênero Poa sp. persistem nas parcelas.L’Est de la France produit 10 % de la production horticole nationale. La production de fruitiers et de plantes ornementales en pleine terre est un des secteurs les plus stables, comparé au secteur des plantes en pots. La pépinière Rougieux produit sur 10 hectares des variétés anciennes et modernes d’arbres fruitiers (pommier, poirier, prunus et abricotier) et des variétés d’ornements comme Acer, Quercus, Betula... L’objectif du travail a été d’évaluer la mise en place de 4 couverts végétaux différents : Avoine blanche, Navette, Trèfle blanc nain, et luzerne. Deux endroits ont été choisis : le premier a été récemment cultivé avec du blé et le deuxième est cultivé depuis plus de 15 ans. Les plantes adventices ont été identifiées avant et après la mise en place du couvert végétal. Le poids moyen des couverts a également été évalué avec le teste de Tukey (α=0,05) ainsi que l’incidence des adventices. Les résultats indiquent que la présence de couverts végétaux réduit le nombre et l’incidence des adventices. Cependant, les plantes du genre Poa sp. sont encore présentes.The East of France produces 10 percent of the national horticultural production. The Production of fruit trees and ornamental plants in open ground is a sector that is one of the most stable, compared to the potted plants sector. On 10 hectares, the Rougieux nursery produces ancient and modern varieties of fruit trees (apple tree, pear tree, prunus and apricot tree) and ornamental varieties such as Acer, Quercus, Betula…My job consisted in assessing the setting up of 4 different plant covers : white oats, rape, white dwarf clover and alfalfa. Two plantation areas have been chosen : wheat has recently been cultivated in the first area and in the second area it has been cultivated for more than 15 years.Weeds have been identified before and after the plant cover setting up. The average weight of cover plants has also been evaluated with the Tukey test (α=0,05), as well as the negative impact of weeds. The Results showed that the presence of cover plants reduces the quantity and negative impact of weeds. However, plants such as the Poa sp. plant are still present

    A trilha para a divulgação internacional da cirurgia brasileira

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    UNIFESP-EPM Departamento de CirurgiaUSP FM InCorUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de CirurgiaSciEL

    Saúde Perinatal e Medicina Translacional

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    Surface Reconstruction from Noisy Point Clouds

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    We show that a simple modification of the power crust algorithm for surface reconstruction produces correct outputs in presence of noise. This is proved using a fairly realistic noise model. Our theoretical results are related to the problem of computing a stable subset of the medial axis. We demostrate the effectiveness of our algorithm with a number of experimental results

    Lateral Resistance of Buried Pipes by Frictional Limit Analysis

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    Pipelines are vital means of transportation of liquids and gases over large geographical areas. Regarding buried pipes, they are submitted to thermal and mechanical loads due to their support conditions, pipe-soil friction and the surrounding soil mass. Under high compressive loads carried out by these efforts, loss of stability and buckling may occur. Then, the evaluation of soil lateral resistance that will cause a imminent breakout is important. This work aims the analysis of the soil lateral resistance by frictional limit analysis formulation, considering the soil mass as a deformable body and the pipe as a rigid one. An yield function considering material porosity and material friction angle is considered. The soil lateral resistance forces obtained from the proposed formulation are compared to a those ones considering the limit analysis lower bound found in literature. The fully bounded condition observed in most models is also discussed

    Segmentation of Consuming Markets of Beef

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    One of the tasks most difficult in the planning of marketing has been the election of the market-target. Being thus, the market segmentation reveals of great importance. The objective of this study is to discuss a market segmentation model of meat consumers. For in such a way, a bibliographical research was conducted, adopting two basic conditions: (a) the proposals of segmentation of used consuming markets in excellent scientific studies can indicate insights for the presented theoretical construction; and (b) the excellent variable in the process of purchase of the consumers must be considered in the quarrel proposal. The following excellent variable had been identified, considering the purchase process: culture, motivation, perception, health, nutritional value, pecuniary acceptability, beliefs, intention, variable, attitude, style of life and preparation of the food. This allowed the identification of four segments of consumers: Guided by Meat Protein, Guided by Health, Indifferent and Sporadic. It is concluded, therefore, the product meat can not be considered as commodity, it exists other factors, beyond the price, that have great influence on the behavior of purchase of the consumer.segmentation, meat, Consumer behavior, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Institutional and Behavioral Economics,

    Oral lesions in HIV infected individuals from Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to diagnosis oral lesions related to HIV infection in individuals followed in the General Hospital of the School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Brazil. The presence of oral lesions was correlated with gender, age, smoking habit, levels of CD4 lymphocytes, HIV load, time of HIV seropositivity, AIDS condition, use of removable dental prosthesis, and use of HAART. Materials and Methods: 340 HIV infected individuals were selected for this study, all participants of the study were examined by only one practiced dentist which performed anamnesis, peribuccal and oral examination. Results: Oral lesions were observed in 113 of 340 (33.2%) HIV infected individuals. These oral lesions included: oral candidiasis (17.7%) of pseudomembranous (10.8%) and of erythematous types (6.9%), angular cheilitis (13.9%), hairy leukoplakia (11.8%), and oral ulcers (2.1%). Oral candidiasis lesions were more frequently observed in women (p.033). Smoking addict participants presented a high frequency of tongue hairy leukoplakia (p.038) and a reduced frequency of oral ulcers (p.018). Hairy leukoplakia and pseudomembranous candidiasis were inversely correlated to CD4+L levels and directly correlated with HIV load, behaving as immune depression markers. Hairy leukoplakia and pseudomembranous candidiasis also showed an inverse correlation with HAART use (p<.0001). Patients using mobile dental prosthesis presented a high frequency of erythematous candidiasis (p.003). Conclusion: The inverse correlation with CD4+L level and the direct correlation with HIV load suggest that oral lesions could be used as alternative clinical markers for poor immune condition in HIV infected individuals
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