7,392 research outputs found
Targeting and regulatory mechanisms in chromosome-wide gene regulation using Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism
Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Biologia Molecular e Genética). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2010O cromossoma 4 de Drosophila melanogaster é muito heterocromático, sendo rico em DNA satélite e DNA de elementos transposáveis. Apesar das suas propriedades heterocromáticas, o cromossoma 4 tem uma densidade génica e expressão semelhantes às dos principais braços cromossómicos. A expressão da maioria dos genes do cromossoma 4 é regulada por pelo menos duas diferentes proteinas: Painting of Fourth (POF) que estimula o output transcricional e Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1) que reprime o output transcricional. POF e HP1 ligam-se interdependentemente ao cromossoma 4 e a ligação e propagação de POF depende da heterocromatina. POF e HP1 colocalizam em exões de genes activos do cromossoma 4 e adicionalmente a HP1 liga-se aos promotores dos genes activos. HP1 é recrutada pela metilação de H3K9 a qual é realizada pelas HKMTs SU(VAR)3-9 e SETDB1. Experiências de imunocitoquímica demonstraram que SU(VAR)3-9 é responsável pela metilação de H3K9 principalmente na região centromérica enquanto que SETDB1 produz H3K9 no cromossoma 4, o que resulta no recrutamento de HP1 para essas regiões. Com o objectivo de perceber o papel destas HKMTs no recrutamento de HP1, realizámos ChIP-on-chip e experiências de imunocitoquímica em mutantes Su(var)3-9, Setdb1 e Pof e analisámos a ligação de HP1. Descobrimos que SETDB1 e POF são essenciais no recrutamento de HP1 para exões de genes activos do cromossoma 4 e que SU(VAR)3-9 é essencial para recrutar HP1 para as regiões centroméricas de todos os cromossomas. Adicionalmente, a ligação de HP1 a promotores em genes do cromossoma 4 assim como dos outros cromossomas é independente de SETDB1 e de SU(VAR)3-9. Propomos que a ligação de HP1 aos promotores ocorre de um modo independente da metilação de H3K9 ou que existe outra HKMT responsável pela produção de H3K9me especificamente nos promotores.The fourth chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster is largely heterochromatic being enriched in satellite repeats and in DNA from transposable elements. Despite its heterochromatic properties it has a gene density and expression similar to the major chromosome arms. The expression of almost all chromosome 4 genes is fine-tuned by at least two different proteins: Painting of Fourth (POF) that stimulates transcription output and Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1) that represses transcription output. POF and HP1 bind interdependently to the 4th chromosome and the binding and spreading of POF depends on heterochromatin. POF and HP1 colocalize in exons of active genes on the 4th chromosome. In addition, HP1 binds to promoters of the active genes. HP1 is recruited by H3K9 methylation which is performed by the HKMTs SU(VAR)3-9 and SETDB1. Immunostaining experiments have shown that SU(VAR)3-9 is mainly responsible for H3K9 methylation in the chromocentre whereas SETDB1 produces H3K9 methylation on the 4th chromosome and that this results in HP1 recruitment to these regions. With the aim of understanding the role of these HKMTs in the recruitment of HP1, we have performed ChIP-on-chip and immunostaining experiments in Su(var)3-9, Setdb1 and Pof mutants and analysed the binding of HP1. We have found that SETDB1 and POF are essential for the recruitment of HP1 to the exons of active genes of the 4th and that SU(VAR)3-9 is essential for the recruitment of HP1 to centromeric regions of all chromosomes. Furthermore, HP1 binding at promoters in the genes on the 4th chromosome and in other chromosomes is independent on SETDB1 and on SU(VAR)3-9. We propose that HP1 binding to promoters occurs in a H3K9me independent manner or that there is another HKMT that produces H3K9me specifically at promoters
Differentiated bank strategies across the territory: an exploratory analysis
This paper aims to investigate to what extent there is a differentiated regional bank strategy in the Brazilian economy. Based on the Post Keynesian theory of regional liquidity preference (Dow, 1993), the paper analyses consolidate balance sheets of banks’ branches from several Brazilian regions. Through the analysis of some indicators that were built using the data, the article finds evidence for the thesis that the Brazilian Bank System’s strategy is heterogeneous across space. Furthermore, we conclude that this behaviour reinforces existing uneven regional patterns of development of the economy.bank strategy, regional liquidity preference, regional economics, development.
Wine Quality Assessment under the Eindhoven Classification Method
The identification, classification and recording of events leading to deterioration of wine quality is essential for developing appropriate strategies to avoid them. This work introduces an adverse event reporting and learning system that can help preventing hazards and ensure the quality of the wines. The Eindhoven Classification Method (ECM) has been extended and adapted to the incidents of the wine industry. Logic Programming (LP) was used for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) in order to model the universe of discourse, even in the presence of incomplete data, information or knowledge. On the other hand, the evolutionary process of the body of knowledge is to be understood as a process of energy devaluation, enabling the automatic extraction of knowledge and the generation of reports to identify the most relevant causes of errors that can lead to a poor wine quality. In addition, the answers to the problem are object of formal evidence through theorem proving
Empowering Rural Citizen Journalism Via Web 2.0 Technologies
Once acquainted with the modern information and communication tools made available with the advent of the Internet, five Brazilian rural communities participating in a pilot project to develop a self-sustaining telecenter model, engaged in citizen journalism using inexpensive digital video cameras. Community members used Web 2.0 collaborative tools to post short videos on the telecenter portal. The 95 video blogs published between September 2006 and May 2008 recorded various aspects of community life,including religious celebrations,oral history arts and crafts traditions,folklore,and envirnmental concerns. This study evaluates the impact of video blogging in these communities
Honey volatiles as a fingerprint for botanical origin: a review on their occurrence on monofloral honeys
Honeys have specific organoleptic characteristics, with nutritional and health benefits, being highly appreciated by consumers, not only in food but also in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Honey composition varies between regions according to the surrounding flora, enabling its characterization by source or type. Monofloral honeys may reach higher market values than multifloral ones. Honey's aroma is very specific, resulting from the combination of volatile compounds present in low concentrations. The authentication of honey's complex matrix, according to its botanical and/or geographical origin, represents a challenge nowadays, due to the different sorts of adulteration that may occur, leading to the search for reliable marker compounds for the different monofloral honeys. The existing information on the volatiles of monofloral honeys is scarce and disperse. In this review, twenty monofloral honeys and honeydews, from acacia, buckwheat, chestnut, clover, cotton, dandelion, eucalyptus, fir tree, heather, lavender, lime tree, orange, pine, rape, raspberry, rhododendron, rosemary, strawberry tree, sunflower and thyme, were selected for volatile comparison purposes. Taking into consideration the country of origin, the technique of isolation and analysis, the five main volatiles from each of the honeys are compared. Whereas some compounds were found in several types of monofloral honey, and thus not considered good volatile markers, some monofloral honeys revealed characteristic volatile compounds independently of their provenance.Funding: SFRH/BD/117013/2016, UID/AGR/00690/2019,
UID/AMB/50017/2019, MED (UIDB/05183/2020), FEDER, PT2020 PACompete 2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Corpo, poder e saúde : notas sobre o contributo de Michel Foucault para uma visão das práticas de Saúde Pública
Texto apresentado no I Webcongresso de Direito Sanitário, organizado pela Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, pelo Ministério da Saúde do Governo Federal do Brasil, pela Associação Lusófona de Direitos da Saúde (Aldis) e pelo Programa de Direito Sanitário PRODISA. O texto será publicado no mês de Dezembro de 2017 numa edição dos Cadernos Ibero-Americanos de Direito Sanitário (ISSN 2358 -1824).O objetivo fundamental deste texto consiste em problematizar o contributo da obra do autor francês Michel Foucault para uma visão das principais práticas de saúde pública desenvolvidas em solo europeu a partir do século XVIII. A metodologia usada na exploração desta questão será essencialmente baseada na leitura e interpretação das principais obras do autor francês, bem como de publicações relativas a conferências, entrevistas e textos de aulas integradas nos célebres cursos que ele ministrou no Collège de France nas décadas de 70 e 80 do século XX. Em termos de resultados e sua discussão, os mesmos serão desenvolvidos à volta da defesa da tese central de que, abstraindo-nos da leitura que este autor tradicionalmente fez da associação entre o poder e a dominação, no seio da qual ele perspetiva muitas práticas de saúde pública nascidas na Europa a partir do século XVIII como sendo exercícios com vista a “disciplinar” ou “docilizar” os corpos dos indivíduos, para além desta leitura e acima dela, os relatos feitos por Michel Foucault dão-nos uma visão particularmente clara do nascimento e desenvolvimento de muitas práticas de saúde pública que hoje todos perspetivamos como direitos inalienáveis da vida democrática, e como essenciais no eixo de relação entre saúde, cidadania e democracia, mesmo que o olhar do autor francês as tenha interpretado como marcas de dominação. A conclusão à qual a investigação nos conduz de forma particularmente clara é que, sobretudo quando nos centramos na abordagem foucaultinana do nascimento e evolução trifásica da Medicina Social a partir do século XVIII, é inquestionável que a investigação e os relatos deste autor, constituem acima de tudo testemunhos históricos de excelência para qualquer investigação na área da história das práticas de saúde pública e do direito sanitário
Anxiety and depression symptoms in women and men from early pregnancy to 3-months postpartum: parity differences and effects
This study aimed to investigate both anxiety and depression symptoms from early pregnancy to 3-months postpartum, comparing women and men and first and second-time parents. Methods: A sample of 260 Portuguese couples (N=520), first or second-time parents, recruited in an Obstetrics Out-patients Unit, filled in the State-Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S) and the Edinburgh Post-Natal Depression Scale (EPDS) at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd pregnancy trimesters, childbirth, and 3-months postpartum. Results: A decrease in anxiety and depression symptoms from early pregnancy to 3-months postpartum was found in both women and men, as well as in first and second-time parents. Men presented less anxiety and depression symptoms than women, but the same pattern of symptoms over time. Second-time parents showed more anxiety and depression symptoms than first-time parents and a different pattern of symptoms over time: an increase in anxiety and depression symptoms from the 3rd trimester to childbirth was observed in first-time parents versus a decrease in second-time parents. Limitations: The voluntary nature of the participation may have lead to a selection bias; women and men who agreed to participate could be those who presented fewer anxiety and depression symptoms. Moreover, the use of self-report symptom measures does not give us the level of possible disorder in participants. Conclusions: Anxiety and depression symptoms diminish from pregnancy to the postpartum period in all parents. Patterns of anxiety and depression symptoms from early pregnancy to 3-months postpartum are similar in women and men, but somewhat different in first and second time parents. Second-time parents should also be considered while studying and intervening during pregnancy and the postpartum.This work was supported by the Operational Program
Science and Innovation 2010 (POCI 2010) of the Community
Support Board III and by the European Community Fund FEDER
(POCI/SAU-ESP/56397/2004; anxiety and depression in
women and men during the transition to parenthood: effects
on fetal and neo-natal behavior and development)
Responsabilidade social : estudo com uma amostra de colaboradores do sector de retalho
Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia dos Recursos Humanos, do Trabalho e das Organizações), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2012Actualmente, torna-se fundamental que as empresas conjuguem os seus objectivos financeiros e económicos às questões relacionadas com a cidadania, ética nos negócios e preservação do meio ambiente, e que reconheçam o valor da sua responsabilidade social de modo a fazer face aos constantes desafios com que são confrontadas e mantendo uma “imagem positiva” junto dos seus stakeholders. A presente investigação incide sobre o estudo da Responsabilidade Social, mais especificamente sobre a relação entre as Percepções de Responsabilidade Social (dimensões económica, legal, ética, discricionária para com os colaboradores e discricionária para com a comunidade) e as variáveis idade, sexo e antiguidade dos colaboradores. Para medir a variável em estudo foi utilizada a Escala de Cidadania Empresarial, que foi aplicada a uma amostra de 106 colaboradores de uma empresa do sector de retalho. Os resultados obtidos corroboram parcialmente a relação entre algumas dimensões da Responsabilidade Social e as variáveis sexo e idade dos colaboradores. No final, tecem-se algumas considerações para futuras propostas de investigação e limitações do presente estudo.Currently, it becomes fundamental that enterprises combine their financial and economic objectives with the questions related to citizenship, business ethics and environmental preservation, and that they recognize the value of their Corporate Social Responsibility in order to deal with the constant challenges confronting them and maintaining a “positive image” with is Stakeholders. The present investigation focuses on the study of Corporate Social Responsibility, specifically on the relation between Perceptions of Social Responsibility (economic, legal, ethic and discretionary towards employees and discretionary towards the community dimensions) and age, sex and seniority variables of the employees. To measure the variables under study, the Corporate Citizenship Scale was used, being applied to an 106 employees sample from a retail sector company. The final results partially support the relation between some Social Responsibility dimensions and the variables sex and age of the employees. At the end, some considerations about future investigation proposals and limitations of this study are stated
Texto submetido a arbitragem para a revista Filosofia, da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, em Outubro de 2016
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