37 research outputs found

    Contabilidade em Angola e a harmonização contábil em nível mundial: estudo comparativo entre as normas adotadas no Brasil e Angola

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel no Curso de Ciências Contábeis da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.A história da contabilidade é tão antiga quanto a história da civilização. Sua origem está relacionada a necessidade do homem de acompanhar e controlar a evolução de seu patrimônio, sendo que desde a época primitiva até os dias de hoje a contabilidade evoluiu burocrática e cientificamente. A contabilidade hoje é considerada a linguagem universal dos negócios, no entanto, esta é moldada pelo ambiente no qual opera, possuindo cada país as suas especificações contábeis. Com a atual competitividade econômica, devido a expansão dos mercados e conseqüente globalização da economia surgiu a necessidade de se utilizar padrões contábeis que oferecessem compreensibilidade, relevância, confiabilidade e comparabilidade as demonstrações contábeis em nível mundial, proporcionando maior integração entre os diferentes mercados. Assim, o International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) emitiu um conjunto de normas contábeis denominados International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), objetivando a padronização da elaboração de demonstrativos contábeis que já é utilizado em mais de cento e dez países, estando entre eles Brasil e Angola. No Brasil, com a promulgação das Leis nº 11.638/07 e 11.941/09 foram criadas condições legais que permitiram a convergência das normas contábeis brasileiras às normas internacionais. Estas leis vieram completar um ciclo de mudanças na contabilidade brasileira que começou com a constituição em 2005 do Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis (CPC), que até hoje já emitiu mais de 40 pronunciamentos que se correlacionam as normas emitidas pelo IASB. Considerado como um atrativo pólo de investimento estrangeiro, Angola, muito pouco tem feito com relação à convergência das suas normas contábeis com as internacionais. As poucas mudanças existentes aconteceram para as instituições financeiras, com a criação de um novo plano de contas, que incorpora novos critérios à contabilidade angolana, como a mensuração pelo valor justo, contabilização de hedge, avaliação de investimentos pelo método de equivalência patrimonial e redução ao valor recuperável de ativos. O presente trabalho objetivou identificar a correlação entre as normas contábeis internacionais, brasileiras e angolanas, bem como dar conhecimento, de forma sintética, de algumas características da contabilidade em Angola. A pesquisa é de caráter exploratório de abordagem qualitativa com delineamento bibliográfico e documental. O objetivo geral de mensurar as similaridades e diferenças entre as normas internacionais, brasileiras e angolanas foi alcançado, e serve de base para pesquisas mais aprofundadas do tema que possui grande complexidade e amplitude

    Sialic acid mediated transcriptional modulation of a highly conserved sialometabolism gene cluster in Haemophilus influenzae and its effect on virulence

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    Background. Sialic acid has been shown to be a major virulence determinant in the pathogenesis of otitis media caused by the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae. This study aimed to characterise the expression of genes required for the metabolism of sialic acid and to investigate the role of these genes in virulence. Results. Using qRT-PCR, we observed decreased transcriptional activity of genes within a cluster that are required for uptake and catabolism of 5-acetyl neuraminic acid (Neu5Ac), when bacteria were cultured in the presence of the sugar. We show that these uptake and catabolic genes, including a sialic acid regulatory gene (siaR), are highly conserved in the H. influenzae natural population. Mutant strains were constructed for seven of the nine genes and their influence upon LPS sialylation and resistance of the bacteria to the killing effect of normal human serum were assessed. Mutations in the Neu5Ac uptake (TRAP transporter) genes decreased virulence in the chinchilla model of otitis media, but the attenuation was strain dependent. In contrast, mutations in catabolism genes and genes regulating sialic acid metabolism (siaR and crp) did not attenuate virulence. Conclusion. The commensal and pathogenic behaviour of H. influenzae involves LPS sialylation that can be influenced by a complex regulatory interplay of sialometabolism genes. © 2010 Jenkins et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Streptococcus pneumoniae Clonal Complex 199: Genetic Diversity and Tissue-Specific Virulence

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important cause of otitis media and invasive disease. Since introduction of the heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, there has been an increase in replacement disease due to serotype 19A clonal complex (CC)199 isolates. The goals of this study were to 1) describe genetic diversity among nineteen CC199 isolates from carriage, middle ear, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid, 2) compare CC199 19A (n = 3) and 15B/C (n = 2) isolates in the chinchilla model for pneumococcal disease, and 3) identify accessory genes associated with tissue-specific disease among a larger collection of S. pneumoniae isolates. CC199 isolates were analyzed by comparative genome hybridization. One hundred and twenty-seven genes were variably present. The CC199 phylogeny split into two main clades, one comprised predominantly of carriage isolates and another of disease isolates. Ability to colonize and cause disease did not differ by serotype in the chinchilla model. However, isolates from the disease clade were associated with faster time to bacteremia compared to carriage clade isolates. One 19A isolate exhibited hypervirulence. Twelve tissue-specific genes/regions were identified by correspondence analysis. After screening a diverse collection of 326 isolates, spr0282 was associated with carriage. Four genes/regions, SP0163, SP0463, SPN05002 and RD8a were associated with middle ear isolates. SPN05002 also associated with blood and CSF, while RD8a associated with blood isolates. The hypervirulent isolate's genome was sequenced using the Solexa paired-end sequencing platform and compared to that of a reference serotype 19A isolate, revealing the presence of a novel 20 kb region with sequence similarity to bacteriophage genes. Genetic factors other than serotype may modulate virulence potential in CC199. These studies have implications for the long-term effectiveness of conjugate vaccines. Ideally, future vaccines would target common proteins to effectively reduce carriage and disease in the vaccinated population

    Poly(alkylidenamines) dendrimers as scaffolds for the preparation of low-generation ruthenium based metallodendrimers

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    The aim of this article is to highlight the use of nitrile-functionalized poly(alkylidenamines) dendrimers as building blocks for the preparation of low-generation ruthenium based cationic metallodendrimers having in view potential biomedical applications. Air-stable poly(alkylidenamines) nitrile dendrimers, peripherally functionalized with the ruthenium moieties [Ru(Z5-C5H5)(PPh3)2]+ or [RuCl(dppe)2]+, have been prepared, characterized and are being studied for their anticancer activity. The followed strategy is based on the biological advantages associated with low-generation dendrimers, the known activity of ruthenium compounds as anticancer drugs and the stability of these dendrimers at the physiological temperature.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Poly(alkylidenimine) Dendrimers Functionalized with the Organometallic Moiety [Ru(η5-C5H5)(PPh3)2]+ as Promising Drugs Against Cisplatin-Resistant Cancer Cells and Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Here and for the first time, we show that the organometallic compound [Ru(η5-C5H5)(PPh3)2Cl] (RuCp) has potential to be used as a metallodrug in anticancer therapy, and further present a new approach for the cellular delivery of the [Ru(η5-C5H5)(PPh3)2]+ fragment via coordination on the periphery of low-generation poly(alkylidenimine) dendrimers through nitrile terminal groups. Importantly, both the RuCp and the dendrimers functionalized with [Ru(η5-C5H5)(PPh3)2]+ fragments present remarkable toxicity towards a wide set of cancer cells (Caco-2, MCF-7, CAL-72, and A2780 cells), including cisplatin-resistant human ovarian carcinoma cell lines (A2780cisR cells). Also, RuCp and the prepared metallodendrimers are active against human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs), which are often found in the tumor microenvironment where they seem to play a role in tumor progression and drug resistance.peerReviewe

    Variation of pneumococcal Pilus-1 expression results in vaccine escape during Experimental Otitis Media [EOM].

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    The pneumococcal Pilus-1 enhances attachment to epithelial cells in the respiratory tract and subsequent invasion. Pilus-1 expression is bi-stable and positively regulated by the RlrA transcriptional regulator. To delineate the role of pilus-1 in Experimental Otitis Media (EOM), we evaluated colonization and disease due to a Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP) wild type strain (Taiwan19F-14 wt) and its otherwise isogenic pilus-1 and pilus-2 deficient mutant (Taiwan19F-14 ΔPI-1/PI-2-) as well as potential for a chimeric protein (RrgB321) vaccine candidate for prevention of middle ear (ME) disease.Chinchillas were challenged intranasally with either Taiwan19F-14 wt or Taiwan19F-14PI-1/PI-2 deficient mutant. ME status was assessed and direct cultures performed. New cohorts of animals were immunized with RrgB321 or alum. Intranasal challenge with Taiwan19F-14 wt [erythromycin susceptible E(S)] was performed. Subsequently, a second cohort of animals was immunized and challenged with either Taiwan19F-14 wt or a Pilus-1 over-expressing mutant [Taiwan19F-14+pMU1328_Pc-rlrA mutant; E resistant (R)] strain. Pilus-1 expression was analyzed in SP isolated from nasopharynx (NP) and ME fluids by flow cytometry.Culture positive EOM developed following challenge with either wild type SP (Taiwan19F-14) or its pilus-1 deficient mutant. Culture positive EOM developed following challenge with wild type in both RrgB321 immunized and control animals. Pilus-1 expression in ME fluids was significantly higher in controls compared to immunized chinchillas. In second cohort of immunized and control animals challenged with the over-expressing Pilus-1 mutant, delayed development of EOM in the immunized animals was observed. Pneumococci recovered from ME fluid of immunized animals were no longer E(R) signifying the loss of the pMU1328_Pc-rlrA plasmid.Pneumococcal pilus-1 was not essential for EOM. Regulation of Pilus-1 expression in ME fluids in the presence of anti RrgB321 antibody was essential for survival of S. pneumoniae. Pneumococci have evolved mechanisms of regulation of non-essential surface proteins to evade host defenses

    Role of Complement in Defense of the Middle Ear Revealed by Restoring the Virulence of Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae siaB Mutants

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    Nontypeable (NT) Haemophilus influenzae is an important cause of otitis media in children. We have shown previously that NT H. influenzae mutants defective in their ability to sialylate lipopolysaccharide (LPS), called siaB mutants, show attenuated virulence in a chinchilla model of experimental otitis media (EOM). We show that complement is a key arm of host innate immunity against NT H. influenzae-induced EOM. Depleting complement in chinchillas by use of cobra venom factor (CoVF) rendered two otherwise avirulent siaB mutants fully virulent and able to cause EOM with severity similar to that of wild-type strains. Clearance of infection caused by siaB mutants in CoVF-treated animals coincided with reappearance of C3. Wild-type strains were more resistant to direct complement-mediated killing than their siaB mutants. The serum-resistant strain bound less C3 and C4 than the serum-sensitive strain. Neither NT H. influenzae strain tested bound factor H (alternative complement pathway regulator). Selective activation of the alternative pathway resulted in more C3 binding to siaB mutants. LPS sialylation had a more profound impact on the amount of alternative-pathway-mediated C3 binding (∼5-fold decrease in fluorescence) when LPS was the main C3 target, as occurred on the more serum-resistant strain. In contrast, only an ∼1.5-fold decrease in fluorescence intensity of C3 binding was seen with the serum-sensitive strain, where surface proteins predominantly bound C3. Differences in binding sites for C3 and C4 may account for variations in serum resistance between NT H. influenzae strains, which in turn may impact their virulence. These data demonstrate a central role for complement in innate immune defenses against NT H. influenzae infections and specifically EOM

    Multiple Consecutive Lavage Samplings Reveal Greater Burden of Disease and Provide Direct Access to the Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae Biofilm in Experimental Otitis Mediaâ–¿

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    The typically recovered quantity of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) bacteria in an ex vivo middle ear (ME) aspirate from the chinchilla model of experimental otitis media is insufficient for direct analysis of gene expression by microarray or of lipopolysaccharide glycoforms by mass spectrometry. This prompted us to investigate a strategy of multiple consecutive lavage samplings to increase ex vivo bacterial recovery. As multiple consecutive lavage samples significantly increased the total number of bacterial CFU collected during nasopharyngeal colonization or ME infection, this led us to evaluate whether bacteria sequentially acquired from consecutive lavages were similar. Comparative observation of complete ex vivo sample series by microscopy initially revealed ME inflammatory fluid consisting solely of planktonic-phase NTHi. In contrast, subsequent lavage samplings of the same infected ear revealed the existence of bacteria in two additional growth states, filamentous and biofilm encased. Gene expression analysis of such ex vivo samples was in accord with different bacterial growth phases in sequential lavage specimens. The existence of morphologically distinct NTHi subpopulations with varying levels of gene expression indicates that the pooling of specimens requires caution until methods for their separation are developed. This study based on multiple consecutive lavages is consistent with prior reports that NTHi forms a biofilm in vivo, describes the means to directly acquire ex vivo biofilm samples without sacrificing the animal, and has broad applicability for a study of mucosal infections. Moreover, this approach revealed that the actual burden of bacteria in experimental otitis media is significantly greater than was previously reported. Such findings may have direct implications for antibiotic treatment and vaccine development against NTHi

    Outcome of challenge with SP Taiwan19F-14 wt in RrgB321 immunized and control animals.

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    <p>Density of colonization in nasopharynx (a) and middle ear fluid (b) in RrgB321 immunized and control chinchillas challenged with SP Taiwan19F-14 wt (pilus +).</p