339 research outputs found

    La protección del derecho a la imagen en el derecho italiano

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    Los conflictos de intereses en la circulación de la imagen encuentran diferentes criterios de solución en los ordenamientos italiano y español. El artículo analiza las principales técnicas de protección civil del derecho a la imagen, cuales la tutela inhibitoria, el resarcimiento del daño moral y del daño patrimonial y la restitución del provecho obtenido por el infractor.The paper analyzes the different approaches of Italian and Spanish legal systems to the problems of image's circulation. The author focuses on remedies: inhibitory, compensation for pecuniary damages and non-pecuniary damages, restitutions

    Tutela del embrión y prohibición de patenta. Un caso de interpretación, según valores, en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea

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    El artículo analiza la primera sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión europea sobre la trascendental cuestión de la definición del embrión humano. Una interpretación según valores, que afirma la preferencia jerárquica de la dignidad humana sobre los intereses de naturaleza patrimonial y mercantil.The paper analyzes the first judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the fundamental question of human embryo's definition. On an interpretation for values is founded the hierarchical preference of human dignity on economic interests

    Family home rights in divorce

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    El ensayo ofrece un ?mapa? de los intereses en conflicto en la asignación de la vivienda familiar después de la separación o el divorcio y sus reglas de gobierno. La revisión crítica de la doctrina judicial, que considera la preservación del ?hábitat? doméstico como criterio exclusivo, lleva al autor a redefinir el fundamento axiológico de la legislación vigente, para proponer una interpretación diferente capaz de optimizar la promoción del interés superior del menor, sin afectar los intereses en competencia de una manera irracional y desproporcionada

    Violación de los deberes conyugales y responsabilidad civil: la experiencia italiana

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    El trabajo desarrolla un análisis de a responsabilidad por daño “endofamiliar” en Italia, con particular referencia al derivado de la violación de los deberes conyugales, realizando una comparación con las experiencias jurídicas española y francesaThe study analyses the legal framework of intrafamily tort liability in Italy, with particular reference to the marital relationships, in comparison with Spanish and French Law

    The Blind Bard and the Unflagging Hierarch: Memories Of War and Self-Representations in Fascist Italy

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    The aim of this paper is to study two different and conflicting memories of the Great War developed in fascist Italy. In particular, an attempt will be made to focus on the cases of Carlo Delcroix and Roberto Farinacci. They were both born in 1890’s and took part in the war, during which Delcroix was severely mutilated. Alongside the few traits they had in common, many differences divided their political lives. Farinacci soon joined Fascism, became one of the leaders of the radical wing and, in the second half of 1930s, supported the alliance with Nazi Germany. Delcroix, who led one of the most important veterans associations, defined himself in the public debate mainly as a war invalid and by doing so managed to find his own space in the fascist liturgy. As we will try to see, differences and similarities reflected on how they incessantly rethought the Great War. Through an analysis of their books, their public speeches and their participation in the commemorations, the paper tries to describe the connections between memories of the War and political needs. Indeed, not only were there many differences between Farinacci’s memory and that of Delcroix, but also the way in which they respectively recollected events changed over time, according to their relationship with the Regime and Mussolini. Thus, their attitudes toward the official ceremonies became an interesting perspective through which their interaction with the political framework can be studied


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    El principio de no discriminación en el derecho contractual ítalo-europeo

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    The essay analyzes the progressive assertion of non-discrimination as a principle within Italian and European contract law. After having examinated the legislative concept of contractual discrimination, the scope of the prohibition and the extent of its impact, the Author shows that the direct applicability of the principle of equality within private law relations is inseparable from the issue of the review of contractual autonomy, where it expresses the core essence of the anti-discrimination paradigm. In order to assure full and effective protection, the paper focuses on diversification of techniques for protecting against discrimination and the choice of the ?right? civil remedy

    Coronavirus e locazioni commerciali. Un diritto eccezionale per lo stato di emergenza?

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    Il saggio analizza l?incidenza dell?emergenza sanitaria COVID-19 e delle misure di contenimento sui rapporti di locazione commerciale, prospettando una interpretazione sistematica e assiologica dei rimedi contrattuali offerti dal vigente ordinament