19 research outputs found

    Coupling conditions for isothermal gas flow and applications to valves

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    We consider an isothermal gas flowing through a straight pipe and study the effects of a two-way electronic valve on the flow. The valve is either open or closed according to the pressure gradient and is assumed to act without any time or reaction delay. We first give a notion of coupling solution for the corresponding Riemann problem; then, we highlight and investigate several important properties for the solver, such as coherence, consistence, continuity on initial data and invariant domains. In particular, the notion of coherence introduced here is new and related to commuting behaviors of valves. We provide explicit conditions on the initial data in order that each of these properties is satisfied. The modeling we propose can be easily extended to a very wide class of valves

    Rheological investigations of pharmaceutical emulsions prepared with modified lecithin

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    In this paper the results of rheological investigations of pharmaceutical microemulsions prepared using modern lecithine derived emulsifiers has been prevented out. High stability of obtained systems and wide possibilities of controlling rheological parameters were found

    Kultura brytyjska w polskich tłumaczeniach książek o misiu Paddingtonie autorstwa Michaela Bonda

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    W pracy szczegółowo omówiono cztery książki z serii przygód misia Paddingtona: "Miś zwany Paddington" (1971) w tłumaczeniu Kazimierza Piotrowskiego, "Paddington ma rację" (2011) oraz "Paddington zdaje egzamin" (2011) przetłumaczone przez Piotra Pieńkowskiego, a także "Paddington tu i teraz" (2008) - książkę przełożoną przez Michała Rusinka. Tłumaczenia zostały porównane z wersją oryginalną.Praca miała na celu sprawdzenie w jaki sposób brytyjskie realia kulturowe zostały przedstawione w polskiej wersji językowej. Cześć praktyczna zawiera analizę fragmentów dotyczących nazw potraw, a także wydarzeń historycznych, nazw utworów muzycznych i sztuk teatralnych. Jeden z podrozdziałów został poświęcony tłumaczeniu idiomów, przysłów, a także innych wyrażeń nacechowanych kulturowo. Zwrócono również uwagę na fragmenty oddane niezbyt adekwatnie. Zadanie tłumaczy nie było jednak proste, gdyż w angielskiej wersji książek występuje wiele gier językowych i żartów słownych. Należało stworzyć równie zabawną nową wersję językową. Z tego względu wierne przełożenie fragmentów zawierających elementy kulturowe było często niemożliwe, gdyż tłumacze musieli tworzyć gry słowne.Cześć praktyczna została poprzedzona dwoma rozdziałami teoretycznymi, w których skupiono się na prześledzeniu historii publikowania książek dla dzieci w Wielkiej Brytanii i w Polsce. Wymieniono wiele tytułów oryginałów i tłumaczeń, które są bardzo popularne, a niektóre z nich znajdują się również na szkolnych listach lektur. Ponadto opisano rozwój badań nad przekładem literatury dla dzieci, a także nakreślono główne nurty teoretyczne w tej dziedzinie.Michael Bond’s four books and their translations into Polish are carefully analysed. The chosen titles are: 'A Bear Called Paddington' (1958), 'Paddington on Top' (1974), 'Paddington Takes the Test' (1979) and 'Paddington Here and Now' (2008) because these are the first as well as the latest in the series. The first book was translated by Kazimierz Piotrowski, the next two by Piotr Pieńkowski and the last one by Michał Rusinek.It has been investigated to what extent translators managed to preserve British cultural elements in the Polish language version. Subchapters are devoted to words and phrases related to cuisine, history, music and theatre. Also attention is paid to English and Polish idioms and proverbs, dated vocabulary as well as errors which were made either deliberately or unintentionally. The translators’ task was extremely challenging as in the original books there were plenty of plays on words so the rendition needed to be equally amusing to the Polish audience. Often it was not possible to preserve culturally-specific items because the entertaining function was prevailing. Translators had to create texts full of humour so they employed puns and jokes; therefore it was not feasible to render some passages faithfully.In the thesis there are also introductory chapters on the history of children’s literature and on translation studies. It has been examined how writing for children developed in the United Kingdom and in Poland. Many titles from obligatory and recommended reading lists are mentioned. Various approaches are also discussed on how books for children should be written and translated so that they served young readers’ special needs

    The phenomenon of popularity and cult of Evita Perón

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    Eva Perón (7 maja 1919 – 26 lipca 1952) była drugą żoną prezydenta Argentyny Juana Perona. Pasjonowała się aktorstwem, lecz u boku głowy państwa zajęła się głównie działalnością społeczną. Założyła partię polityczną dla kobiet oraz fundację charytatywną. Tłumy Argentyńczyków wielbiły ją i czciły niczym świętą.Praca ma na celu wyszukanie przyczyn zafascynowania narodu osobą Evity oraz analizę mechanizmu tworzenia się jej legendy. Przedstawiono zarys polityki społecznej Argentyny w połowie XX wieku, a także zakres działalności żony prezydenta. Przeanalizowano również jej autobiografię zatytułowaną „La Razón de Mi Vida”. Następnie omówiono, jaki wizerunek Evy Perón utrwalano w poświęconej jej literaturze, którą cechował brak rzetelności i powielanie stereotypów. Ponadto skupiono się na sposobie prezentacji postaci w amerykańskim filmie biograficznym Alana Parkera „Evita” z 1996. W ostatnim rozdziale pokazano zaangażowanie osób żyjących współcześnie w podtrzymywanie pamięci o zmarłej.Zjawisko tworzenia się mitu Evy Perón zaprezentowano z uwzględnieniem specyfiki realiów argentyńskich. Zwrócono uwagę na patriotyzm Argentyńczyków oraz fenomen zainteresowania zmarłymi w tym kraju. Oba te czynniki miały wpływ na niegasnącą popularność Evity.Eva Perón (7 May 1919 – 26 July 1952) was the second wife of Juan Perón, who was the President of Argentina. She found the acting profession very exciting but as a wife of the head of state she was mainly a social activist. She established a political party for women and a charitable foundation. She was loved by the masses and worshipped like a saint.The aim of the thesis was to search for the reasons why Argentines had become so fascinated by her and how her legend had been created. The social policy of Argentina in the mid-twentieth century has been outlined as well as the scope of Evita’s activities. Her autobiographical book entitled “La Razón de Mi Vida” has also been studied. Then Evita’s image promoted in literary works has been discussed as authors presented mainly unverifiable information and reinforced stereotypes. Moreover, the way Perón’s wife was presented in Alan Parker’s film “Evita” from 1996 has been analysed. In the last chapter it has been proved that even nowadays many influential people still keep her memory alive.The phenomenon of myth-making has been investigated not in isolation but the realities of Argentina have been taken into account. Patriotic feelings of Argentines have been considered as well as the nation’s tendency to adore the departed. Both these factors contributed to Evita’s continuing popularity

    Coupling conditions for isothermal gas flow and applications to valves

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    We consider an isothermal gas flowing through a straight pipe and study the effects of a two-way electronic valve on the flow. The valve is either open or closed according to the pressure gradient and is assumed to act without any time or reaction delay. We first give a notion of coupling solution for the corresponding Riemann problem; then, we highlight and investigate several important properties for the solver, such as coherence, consistence, continuity on initial data and invariant domains. In particular, the notion of coherence introduced here is new and related to commuting behaviors of valves. We provide explicit conditions on the initial data in order that each of these properties is satisfied. The modeling we propose can be easily extended to a very wide class of valves

    Preparation of solid self-emulsifying drug delivery systems using magnesium aluminometasilicates and fluid-bed coating process

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    Solid lipid-based drug delivery systems combine the advantages of solid dosage forms and the solubilizing potential of lipophilic vehicles. In spite of the fact that many methods were proposed for the solidification of liquid lipid formulations, there is no data on the application of the fluid-bed coating technique to impregnate porous pellets, containing magnesium aluminometasilicates with liquid self-emulsifying formulations. Moreover, the functionality of magnesium aluminometasilicates to form porous pellets by the extrusion/spheronization process has not been studied so far. Therefore, the aim of the present work was to determine if magnesium aluminometasilicates could be incorporated into pellets in the extrusion/spheronization process and then to examine if such pellets may be used as solid cores for the conversion of liquid SEDDS into solid SEDDS (S-SEDDS) in the fluid-bed coating process. To achieve these goals, three grades of Neusilin namely SG2, US2 and NS2N were combined with MCC in three wt.% ratios i.e.: 30+70, 50+50, or 70+30. The results showed that the pellets whose matrix was composed of Neusilin SG2 had the highest porosity and the best mechanical resistance. The fluid-bed coating method was found suitable for the impregnation of the placebo pellets with liquid SEDDS, containing ibuprofen as an insoluble model drug. The amount of SEDDS adsorbed on the surface of pellets with silicates was from eight to fourteen times higher as compared to pellets without silicates. The morphology, diameter and circularity of pellets before and after the fluid-bed coating process was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the automated particle characterization system (Morphologi G3). The pellets containing Neusilin SG2 had twice as high mechanical resistance as the pellets with Neusilin US2 or Neusilin NS2N, and they were suitable for fluid-bed processing. Dissolution studies showed that from the formulation composed of 70 wt.% of Neusilin SG2 after 45 min, more than 75% of ibuprofen was dissolved in water and after 30 min, more than 80% of ibuprofen was dissolved in the phosphate buffer. Similar results were obtained for S-SEDDS containing 70 wt.% of Neusilin US2. The sustained release of ibuprofen was found if 30 wt.% of Neusilin US2, 30–50% of Neusilin SG2, or 50–70 wt.% of Neusilin NS2N was incorporated into the matrix of pellets

    Coupling conditions for isothermal gas flow and applications to valves

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    We consider an isothermal gas flowing through a straight pipe and study the effects of a two-way electronic valve on the flow. The valve is either open or closed according to the pressure gradient and is assumed to act without any time or reaction delay. We first give a notion of coupling solution for the corresponding Riemann problem; then, we highlight and investigate several important properties for the solver, such as coherence, consistence, continuity on initial data and invariant domains. In particular, the notion of coherence introduced here is new and related to commuting behaviors of valves. We provide explicit conditions on the initial data in order that each of these properties is satisfied. The modeling we propose can be easily extended to a very wide class of valves

    Selective transduction of cerebellar Purkinje and granule neurons using delivery of AAV-PHP.eB and AAVrh10 vectors at axonal terminal locations

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    Adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based brain gene therapies require precision without off-targeting of unaffected neurons to avoid side effects. The cerebellum and its cell populations, including granule and Purkinje cells, are vulnerable to neurodegeneration; hence, conditions to deliver the therapy to specific cell populations selectively remain challenging. We have investigated a system consisting of the AAV serotypes, targeted injections, and transduction modes (direct or retrograde) for targeted delivery of AAV to cerebellar cell populations. We selected the AAV-PHP.eB and AAVrh10 serotypes valued for their retrograde features, and we thoroughly examined their cerebellar transduction pattern when injected into lobules and deep cerebellar nuclei. We found that AAVrh10 is suitable for the transduction of neurons in the mode highly dependent on placing the virus at axonal terminals. The strategy secures selective transduction for granule cells. The AAV-PHP.eB can transduce Purkinje cells and is very selective for the cell type when injected into the DCN at axonal PC terminals. Therefore, both serotypes can be used in a retrograde mode for selective transduction of major neuronal types in the cerebellum. Moreover, our in vivo transduction strategies are suitable for pre-clinical protocol development for gene delivery to granule cells by AAVrh10 and Purkinje cells by AAV-PHPeB