948 research outputs found

    Caracterização climática do Município de São José de Ubá, Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

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    Exploring the feasibility and acceptability of a sleep wearable headband among a community sample of chronic pain individuals: An at-home observational study

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    Background Chronic pain conditions affect up to one third of the adult population in the United Kingdom. Sleep problems are prevalent and negatively impact quality of life. Lack of standardised tools for routine screening and assessment of sleep changes have been a barrier for sleep management. Novel sleep wearables offer an exciting and accessible way to measure sleep but have not been tested outside of the consumer-led landscape and are not commonly used in research and clinical settings. Aims The study aimed to explore the feasibility and acceptability of a sleep monitoring headband (Dreem 2) utilising EEG technology and accompanying smartphone application among a cohort of adults with chronic pain. Results Twenty-one adults (81% women) completed a one-week home sleep study using a sleep headband and accompanying app. Ninety per cent of participants met the pre-defined requirement of two-night's sleep recording. All participants recorded one night of sleep data via the sleep headband. The majority (76%) of participants were satisfied with the sleep study, and 86% of participants were willing to wear the headband longer than the 2-night minimum requirement. Finally, 76% reported the headband as ‘somewhat’ or ‘extremely’ comfortable whist awake; 57% rated the headband as comfortable during sleep. Conclusion The Dreem 2 headband appears to be a feasible and acceptable means of collecting sleep measurements among individuals with chronic pain, despite common sleep disturbances. These devices may have utility for screening, assessment and monitoring in research and practice. Further research is needed to provide guidelines and training for integration

    Diagnóstico do espaço turístico e das propostas de gestão no município de Cachoeiras de Macacu.

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    Manual para geração de arquivo georreferenciado de pontos e sua transformação geográfica.

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    O uso em campo da tecnologia de GPS (Sistema de Posicionamento Global) é frequente e há uma grande demanda por esta ferramenta em levantamentos de solos e outras atividades de campo. Usualmente são relatadas as dificuldades que alguns técnicos encontram ao inserir estas informações em um SIG (Sistema de Informação Geográfica) e para a visualização dos pontos obtidos em campo em um sistema de coordenadas e projeção adequado. Face a isso, um manual prático que descreva os passos para a inserção de dados obtidos através do uso de GPS em um sistema de informação geográfica é de grande utilidade a todos os levantamentos de campo.bitstream/CNPS-2010/14333/1/comtec-52-manual-arquivo.pd

    Cytotoxic and hemolytic activities of extracts of the fish parasite dinoflagellate amyloodinium ocellatum

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    The dinoflagellate Amyloodinium ocellatum is the etiological agent of a parasitic disease named amyloodiniosis. Mortalities of diseased fish are usually attributed to anoxia, osmoregulatory impairment, or opportunistic bacterial infections. Nevertheless, the phylogenetic proximity of A. ocellatum to a group of toxin-producing dinoflagellates from Pfiesteria, Parvodinium and Paulsenella genera suggests that it may produce toxin-like compounds, adding a new dimension to the possible cause of mortalities in A. ocellatum outbreaks. To address this question, extracts prepared from different life stages of the parasite were tested in vitro for cytotoxic effects using two cell lines derived from branchial arches (ABSa15) and the caudal fin (CFSa1) of the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), and for hemolytic effects using erythrocytes purified from the blood of gilthead seabream juveniles. Cytotoxicity and a strong hemolytic effect, similar to those observed for Karlodinium toxins, were observed for the less polar extracts of the parasitic stage (trophont). A similar trend was observed for the less polar extracts of the infective stage (dinospores), although cell viability was only affected in the ABSa15 line. These results suggest that A. ocellatum produces tissue-specific toxic compounds that may have a role in the attachment of the dinospores’ and trophonts’ feeding process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo da viabilidade do agroturismo de base familiar em Cachoeiras de Macacu, RJ.

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    O agroturismo requer estudo de viabilidade de implantação e planejamento adequado para que se desenvolva de forma sustentável. Assim, este projeto visa prospectar a viabilidade agroturística do município fluminense de Cachoeiras de Macacu, uma vez que este, além de exibir grande riqueza de atributos naturais, desenvolve expressiva atividade agrícola e pecuária, vinculada à agricultura familiar, apresentando potencial para a exploração de atividades turísticas de cunho ecológico, e também, associadas às atividades rurais produtivas. Para tanto, foram levantados indicadores por meio de trabalhos de campo e consulta bibliográfica. Os dados coletados estão sendo integrados e apresentados em um relatório diagnóstico, o qual deverá subsidiar a elaboração de um plano para orientar o desenvolvimento de iniciativas de agroturismo no município. Os resultados preliminares estão mostrando que o município exibe potencialidade ao desenvolvimento da atividade entre os pequenos produtores familiares, porém, sua implantação irá requerer planejamento, orientação e acompanhamento em seus passos iniciais

    Production of the ragworm Nereis diversicolor (O. F. Müller, 1776), fed with a diet for gilthead seabream Sparus auratus L., 1758: survival, growth, feed utilization and oogenesis

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    A 65-day experiment was conducted to determine survival, growth, feed utilization and oogenesis of Nereis diversicolor (O. F. Müller, 1776), fed with a commercial dry diet developed for gilthead seabream Sparus auratus L., 1758. Worms were reared in three replicate tanks with 50 worms per tank (255 indiv · m_2). Tetramin®, a commonly used diet for ornamental fish and polychaete laboratory experiments, was used as a control. Survival was high (95.3 %) for both treatments, and not significantly affected by diet. Specific growth rates and feed efficiency ratios did not differ significantly between worms fed with either diets, nor were there significant differences in the proportion of individuals in the oocyte size classes.La supervivencia, el crecimiento, la utilización del alimento y la oogénesis de Nereis diversicolor (O. F. Müller, 1776) alimentado con pienso de dorada Sparus auratus L., 1758 fueron estudiados durante 65 días. Los poliquetos se cultivaron en tres tanques replicados con 50 individuos en cada uno (255 indiv · m_2). Como control se utilizó Tetramin®, una dieta común para peces ornamentales y en experimentos de laboratorio con poliquetos. La supervivencia fue alta (95,3 %) en ambos tratamientos y no se vio afectada significativamente por la dieta. El aumento de peso y los cocientes de eficiencia alimentaria no variaron significativamente entre los poliquetos alimentados con ambas dietas. Entre los grupos experimentales no hubo diferencia significativa en la proporción de individuos por clases de tamaño de los oocitos.Instituto Español de Oceanografí