76 research outputs found

    Leucine Supplementation Improves Effort Tolerance of Rats With Hyperthyroidism

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    Leucine is a regulator of protein metabolism in vivo and information on its action on effort tolerance of both animals and humans with hyperthyroidism is scarce. The objective of the present study was to verify the influence of leucine supplementation on the effort tolerance of Wistar rats with experimental hyperthyroidism. 40 animals were divided into four groups of ten: control (C), hormone (H), leucine (L), and hormone + leucine (HL). Hyperthyroidism was induced by daily administration of 20 μ⋅g100 g-1 of levothyroxine sodium in aqueous suspension by gavage. Leucine was supplemented by adding 5% of the amino acid to the conventional feed. The animals’ blood was collected by cardiac puncture to analyze TSH, T4, and T3 levels. The effort tolerance was determined by the swimming test with a 7% load attached to animals’ tails. Statistical analysis was performed using the Shapiro-Wilk normality test, followed by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) of repeated measures of two factors (treatment × time) and Tukey post hoc, with a significance level of p < 0.05. Administering thyroid hormone increased the swimming performance of rats after 14 and 21 days, but with a drop in performance at 28 days. The HL group, on the other hand, had a significantly higher swimming performance compared to the other groups after 28 days of treatment. Leucine supplementation associated with the experimental model of hyperthyroidism improved the performance of rats in a swimming test after 28 days of treatment


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    The present study analyzed the QoL of athletes with physical disabilities who participated in para athletics and compared them persons sedentary. Methods: Participants were divided into four groups:  G1 participating in high performance para athletics; G2 participating in amateur para athletics; G3 – sedentary people with physical disabilities; G4 – sedentary healthy people. Results: Athletes with physical disabilities who participate in high performance para athletics (G1) had the highest scores on all the WHOQOL-BREF domains. Conclusions: Physically disabled athletes reported having a better QoL in comparison with non-athlete people.El presente estudio analizó la CV de atletas con discapacidad física que participaban em paraatletismo y compararlos con personas sedentarias. Métodos: Los participantes fueron divididos en cuatro grupos: practicantes de paraatletismo de alto rendimiento; practicantes de para-atletismo aficionados G2; G3 – personas sedentarias con discapacidad física; G4 – personas sanas sedentarias. Resultados: Los atletas con discapacidad física que participan em paraatletismo de alto rendimiento (G1) obtuvieron los puntajes más altos en todos los dominios del WHOQOL-BREF. Conclusiones: Los atletas con discapacidad física informaron tener una mejor calidad de vida en comparación con las personas sedentarias.The present study analyzed the QoL of athletes with physical disabilities who participated in para athletics and compared them persons sedentary. Methods: Participants were divided into four groups:  G1 participating in high performance para athletics; G2 participating in amateur para athletics; G3 – sedentary people with physical disabilities; G4 – sedentary healthy people. Results: Athletes with physical disabilities who participate in high performance para athletics (G1) had the highest scores on all the WHOQOL-BREF domains. Conclusions: Physically disabled athletes reported having a better QoL in comparison with non-athlete people.O presente estudo analisou a QV de atletas com deficiência física que participaram do paraatletismo e compará-los a pessoas sedentárias. Métodos: Os participantes foram divididos em quatro grupos: G1 praticantes do paraatletismo de alto rendimento; G2 praticantes de para-atletismo amador; G3 – pessoas sedentárias com deficiência física; G4 – pessoas saudáveis sedentárias. Resultados: Atletas com deficiência física que praticam o para-atletismo de alto rendimento (G1) apresentaram as maiores pontuações em todos os domínios do WHOQOL-bref. Conclusões: Atletas com deficiência física relataram ter melhor QV em comparação com pessoas sedentárias

    Lactacidemia in two different weight training models

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    The knowledge of the physiological aspects in the execution of the training in the bodybuilding is important to improve the training; being the lactate concentration an important marker applied in several types of exercises. Some studies have evaluated lactacidemia and training models but did not use squatting in their protocols. The aim of the study was to analyze blood lactate concentration in free squat exercise training in two training models: strength and resistance. Experimental study with a sample of five men of 24 ± 4.6 years, physically active and practicing for at least one year, with no history of orthopedic and cardiovascular problems. The tests were performed in two days, in the strength session the volunteers performed 12 sets, 6 to 12 maximal repetitions and in the resistance session 12 series, 13 to 20 maximum repetitions. In both tests the interval was 1 minute and 30 seconds between sets and 2 minutes every 4 sets. Blood lactate was collected at rest, during and after the test. No significant differences were found in the lactate concentration during and after the tests in the strength training and the resistance training. However, the lactacidemia variation between the first and last collection presented a significantly higher result in strength training. We conclude that the models of strength and resistance training, in the free squat exercise, do not present significant differences in lactate concentration during and after the tests. The total lactacidemia variation was greater in strength training

    Eletromyography of abdominal muscles in different physical exercises: An update protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background:The abdominal muscles are extremely important because they are directly involved in the functions of support, containment of viscera, and help in the process of expiration, defecation, urination, vomiting, and also at the time of childbirth. Many exercises and equipment are used to strengthen the abdominal muscles, and the workouts are proposed for a variety of purposes, such as preventing and rehabilitating low back pain, improving sports performance, achieving aesthetic standards, among others. Exercises that potentiate the electromyographic activity promote a greater recruitment of muscle fibers and are more effective to improve or maintain of the force. The electromyographic activity analysis allows us to reflect on the quality of the exercises proposed, consequently, to choose and order the exercises properly in a training session.Methods:Our systematic review protocol will developed following the reporting items for the systematic review. To identify relevant studies, we sought articles on the following bases: MEDLINE, PubMed, Europubmed, SciELO, Physiotherapy Evidences Data Base (PEDro), Cochrane, and Google Scholar. The methodological quality of the studies included in the review will evaluated using a checklist and quality assessment. For intervention studies, risk of bias will estimated using the Cochrane Collaboration tool.Results:The results of this study will show the electromyographic activation of the abdomen in the different types of exercises.Conclusion:Ethics approval was not required for this study because it was based on published studies. The results and findings of this study will be submitted and published in a scientific peer-reviewed journal.Systematic review registration:PROSPERO CRD42018086172.Univ Fed Uberlandia, Inst Biomed Sci, Electromyog Lab, Uberlandia, MG, BrazilUniv Fed Uberlandia, Lab Expt Med, Uberlandia, MG, BrazilUniv Fed Goias, Dept Biol Sci, Catalao, BrazilUNIPAC Coll Uberlandia, Uberlandia, MG, BrazilUniv Fed Uberlandia, Coll Phys Educ, Uberlandia, MG, BrazilAtenas Coll, Morphofunct Dept, Paracatu, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Biosci, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Biosci, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Acute effect of sodium bicarbonate supplementation by resistant training practices

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    Currently, the use of sodium bicarbonate (SB) as an ergogenic supplement has been linked to improved performance in several high-intensity and short time interval modalities because it is a natural buffer of the body fluids of the human body. This study aimed to evaluate the acute effect of SB supplementation on muscle strength endurance of resistance training practitioners. Crossover clinical trial, placebo-controlled (PL), and single-masked, included 10 trained adult men. The maximum repetition (1RM) and exhaustion tests with 80% 1RM were performed in the extensor chair and direct thread. In all sessions, the volunteers were verbally stimulated, the total maximum repetitions in the exercises and the blood lactate concentration were measured. SB was supplemented at a dose of 0.3 g/kg body mass. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 25.0. The Shapiro–Wilk test was used to evaluate the normality of the data, and the Student’s t-test was used for independent and paired samples. The size of the Cohen’s effect was calculated, and the significance level was set at p 1.00). SB supplementation by endurance training practitioners induces blood alkalosis, which reduces fatigue and possibly improves muscle strength endurance. Keywords: resistance exercise, ergogenic, metabolic acidosis, muscular fatigue, performance

    Análise da perda e do ganho rápido de peso corporal no judô / Analysis of loss and rapid body weight gain in judo

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    O judô é uma modalidade de luta de origem japonesa muito praticada no Brasil e no mundo. Geralmente as crianças começam muito novas no esporte e com isto acabam também iniciando muito cedo a participação nas competições. O judô tem como peculiaridade o confronto entre dois adversários que visam vencer a luta seguindo as regras específicas, para deixar os combates equilibrados. Os competidores são divididos em categorias de peso, idade e gênero. Um grande desafio para a maioria dos atletas de judô é chegar no peso estabelecido para sua categoria, isto é feito geralmente na semana e até mesmo nos últimos momentos que antecedem as competições. Assim a perda e o ganho de peso corporal rápido poder ser uma pratica comum entre judocas. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar o peso corporal na véspera e no dia da competição e compara-los, a fim de verificar um possível processo de perda e ganho de peso rápido dos atletas judocas de diferentes categorias. Participaram do estudo judocas presentes no torneio Início de Judô 2018 (Classes Sub 15, Sub 18, Sub 21 e Sênior), realizado na cidade de Vespasiano MG, totalizando oitenta indivíduos, destes 55 (68,75%) do gênero masculino e 25(31,25%) gênero feminino. Os participantes foram convidados a participar voluntariamente. Foram realizadas comparações entre os gêneros, nas variáveis idade, número de competições anuais e anos de prática do judô. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas em nenhuma das classes. Na Comparação do peso corporal verificado na véspera com o peso corporal no dia da competição foram encontradas diferenças significativas em todas as classes dos atletas do gênero masculino, com destaque para classe sub 18 que obteve um aumento mediano de 2,85 kg e a classe sênior que aumentou em média 3,2 Kg.  Já as atletas do gênero feminino apenas as classes sub 18 e sênior obtiveram valores significativos. Conclui-se que houve ganho de peso corporal rápido em atletas judocas de diferentes idades

    Hábitos alimentares Pré e Pós treino em atletas de Judô / Pre and post training food habits in Judo athletes

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    1 INTRODUÇÃOO hábito alimentar de um atleta reflete diretamente no rendimento durante o esporte. Nesse contexto, é necessário se atentar na alimentação tanto anteriormente como posteriormente a prática do exercício físico a fim de proporcionar ao organismo uma síntese de glicogênio e proteína, e restauração do equilíbrio de eletrólitos. 2 OBJETIVOAvaliar o comportamento alimentar de atletas de judô pré e pós treino. 3 MATERIAL E MÉTODOSParticiparam do estudo 20 atletas de competição do judô do Praia Clube com faixa etária entre 13 e 19 anos. Os atletas foram avaliados por meio de um questionário, o qual continha perguntas que abordavam: informações pessoais, ingestão alimentar antes e depois do treino e o período em que tal era feita.  4 RESULTADOSA respeito da alimentação pré treino, 15% não realizam, sendo a última refeição apenas o almoço, logo, ficam cerca de 5 horas sem se alimentarem antes do treino, 35% possuem uma refeição a base de carboidrato (frutas, pães, bolachas e chocolates), 30% apresentam uma alimentação com carboidrato e proteína, 10% declaram uma alimentação com macronutrientes, 5% apenas de proteína e 5% possui uma alimentação constituída de macronutrientes e micronutrientes. Em relação ao pós treino, 60% possuem uma refeição apenas de carboidrato e proteína, 20% se alimentam de macronutrientes e micronutrientes, 10% somente de carboidrato, 5% unicamente de macronutrientes e 5% exclusivamente de proteína. 5 CONCLUSÕESEm virtude do que foi mencionado, esse estudo evidenciou que a refeição pré treino deve ter a figura primordial do carboidrato, já que este será responsável pela disponibilização energética para o organismo, já a refeição pós treino deve consistir em carboidratos, proteínas, lipídios (macronutrientes) e micronutrientes, para uma recuperação muscular e reposição energética. Logo, a atuação do nutricionista é essencial para que o atleta aumente o desempenho durante a prática do exercício.

    Association between obesity and knee osteoarthritis in users of brazilian unified national health system

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    Verify possible associations between obesity and knee OA in users of Brazilian Unified National Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS) of primary care network in Catalão-GO, Brazil. This is an observational study conducted in 2014 and 2015. A total of 81 volunteers from the Basic Attention Network in the city of Catalão, with body mass index (BMI) over 30 kg/m2 in both sexes, age between 40 and 60 years, and OA on radiological examination of the knee. Obesity was classified according to BMI. The diagnosis of osteoarthritis (OA) was made clinically and by radiography according to Kellgren radiological classification. The level of physical activity was assessed using the Baecke questionnaire and the Gordon Functional Classification. The volunteers underwent an anthropometric evaluation and physical examination with inspection and palpation of the joint and subsequent radiological examination of the knee. The volunteers answered a questionnaire on the level of physical activity and functional classification. Data analysis was performed using Fisher’s exact test or chi-square test was used for comparisons of two proportions. In comparisons of continuous variables, Student’s t-test or the nonparametric Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test was used. The level of significance was set to 5%. Practice of regular physical exercise decreases functional impairment in obese individuals with knee OA. The weight variable demonstrated a strong association with the severity of OA and degree of functionality of patients. Obesity and OA durations and lack of patient guidance are variables that may contribute to the progression of knee OA. Although the incidence among men is lower, they are more severely affected and anthropometric evaluation and physical examination are an efficacy implementations for Brazilian users of SUS