1,497 research outputs found

    The Gaussian Plasma Lens in Astrophysics. Refraction

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    We consider the geometrical optics for refraction of a distant radio source by an interstellar plasma lens, with application to a lens with a Gaussian electron column density profile. The refractive properties of the lens are specified completely by a dimensionless parameter, alpha, which is a function of the wavelength of observation, the lens' electron column density, the lens-observer distance, and the transverse diameter of the lens. Relative motion of the observer and lens produces modulations in the source's light curve. Plasma lenses are diverging so the light curve displays a minimum, when the lens is on-axis, surrounded by enhancements above the unlensed flux density. Lensing can also produce caustics, multiple imaging, and angular position wander of the background source. If caustics are formed, the separation of the outer caustics can constrain alpha, while the separation of the inner caustics can constrain the size of the lens. We apply our analysis to 0954+654, a source for which we can identify caustics in its light curve, and 1741-038, for which polarization observations were obtained during and after the scattering event. We find general agreement between modelled and observed light curves at 2.25 GHz, but poor agreement at 8.1 GHz. The discrepancies may result from a combination of lens substructure or anisotropic shape, a lens that only grazes the source, or unresolved source substructure. Our analysis places the following constraints on the lenses: Toward 0954+654 (1741-038) the lens was 0.38 AU (0.065 AU) in diameter, with a peak column density of 0.24 pc cm^{-3} (1E-4 pc cm^{-3}) and an electron density of 1E5 cm^{-3} (300 cm^{-3}). The angular wander caused by the lens was 250 mas (0.4 mas) at 2.25 GHz. For 1741-038, we place an upper limit of 100 mG on the lens' magnetic field.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX2e using AASTeX macro aaspp4, 11 PostScript figures; to be published in Ap

    The approach to criticality in sandpiles

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    A popular theory of self-organized criticality relates the critical behavior of driven dissipative systems to that of systems with conservation. In particular, this theory predicts that the stationary density of the abelian sandpile model should be equal to the threshold density of the corresponding fixed-energy sandpile. This "density conjecture" has been proved for the underlying graph Z. We show (by simulation or by proof) that the density conjecture is false when the underlying graph is any of Z^2, the complete graph K_n, the Cayley tree, the ladder graph, the bracelet graph, or the flower graph. Driven dissipative sandpiles continue to evolve even after a constant fraction of the sand has been lost at the sink. These results cast doubt on the validity of using fixed-energy sandpiles to explore the critical behavior of the abelian sandpile model at stationarity.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, long version of arXiv:0912.320

    Efeito do sistema plantio direto sobre a produtividade da mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) em Sangão - SC.

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    A mandioca constitui parte fundamental da alimentação de mais de 500 milhões de pessoas no mundo, sendo também matéria-prima para uma série de produtos, sejam eles minimamente processados até quimicamente modificados (TAKAHASHI; CONÇALO, 2001). Para o cultivo da mandioca é recomendável que o solo tenha profundidade de 30 a 40 cm; ausência de camadas impermeáveis e material rochoso e; seja solto, poroso e friável para possibilitar o fácil crescimento das raízes (MONTALDO, 1979; SOUZA & SOUZA, 2000). Para propiciar estas condições, realiza-se o preparo do solo que, de acordo com HOWELER et al (1993), deve proporcionar um bom rompimento do solo para possibilitar melhor drenagem e aeração, reduzir a podridão de raízes e aumentar a produtividade, facilitar a colheita, reduzir os danos as raízes durante a colheita, proporcionando redução da deterioração durante o armazenamento. Entretanto, a associação de sistemas de preparo que resultam em pequena quantidade de palha remanescente sobre o solo com as características fitotécnicas da mandioca, a qual oferece reduzida proteção à superfície do solo no período inicial de desenvolvimento (HOWELER et al, 1993), agrava os problemas com erosão, compactação, oxidação da matéria orgânica, entre outros, resultando no empobrecimento crescente dos solos (SOUZA, SOUZA & GOMES, 2006). Nas regiões em que as áreas apresentam declividades mais acentuadas como é comum se observar no município de Sangão e regiões próximas, as perdas de solo por erosão são preocupantes. Em outras regiões, preocupados com estes aspectos, vários estudos foram realizados avaliando-se a produtividade de mandioca em diferentes sistemas de preparo, onde foi possível constatar que na maioria (OHIRI e EZUMAH, 1990; CADAVID et al, 1998; MATE, 2002; JONGRUAYSUP et al., 2003; FEY et al, 2007 e; OUSUBO et al, 2008) se obtiveram resultados de produtividade da mandioca equivalentes e até superiores em sistema plantio direto, enquanto OLIVEIRA et al (2001) e PEQUENO et al (2007), encontraram resultados equivalentes de produtividade em apenas um ano e, na média de todos os anos, o preparo mínimo e sistema plantio direto foram estatisticamente inferiores, apontado-se como possível causa destes resultados a maior densidade e menor macroporosidade encontrada nesses sistemas. Visando amenizar este problema que pode afetar o desenvolvimento, a produtividade e a colheita da mandioca, FEY (2009) desenvolveu um sulcador alado para a implantação da cultura da mandioca em sistema plantio direto, cujo objetivo é romper uma maior área de solo no sulco de plantio deixando-o solto para facilitar o desenvolvimento das raízes e melhorar a infiltração de água. Nos estudos realizados pelo autor não foram encontradas diferenças de produtividade na cultura da mandioca implantada em sistema de preparo convencional do solo e sistema plantio direto na região oeste do Paraná. Nesse contexto, o trabalho objetivou avaliar a produtividade da mandioca em sistema de preparo convencional e sistema plantio direto

    Heat shock-induced phosphorylation of TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) by MAPK/ERK kinase regulates TDP-43 function

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    TAR DNA-binding protein (TDP-43) is a highly conserved and essential DNA- and RNA-binding protein that controls gene expression through RNA processing, in particular, regulation of splicing. Intracellular aggregation of TDP-43 is a hallmark of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and ubiquitin-positive frontotemporal lobar degeneration. This TDP-43 pathology is also present in other types of neurodegeneration including Alzheimer's disease. We report here that TDP-43 is a substrate of MEK, a central kinase in the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway. TDP-43 dual phosphorylation by MEK, at threonine 153 and tyrosine 155 (p-T153/Y155), was dramatically increased by the heat shock response (HSR) in human cells. HSR promotes cell survival under proteotoxic conditions by maintaining protein homeostasis and preventing protein misfolding. MEK is activated by HSR and contributes to the regulation of proteome stability. Phosphorylated TDP-43 was not associated with TDP-43 aggregation, and p-T153/Y155 remained soluble under conditions that promote protein misfolding. We found that active MEK significantly alters TDP-43-regulated splicing and that phosphomimetic substitutions at these two residues reduce binding to GU-rich RNA. Cellular imaging using a phospho-specific p-T153/Y155 antibody showed that phosphorylated TDP-43 was specifically recruited to the nucleoli, suggesting that p-T153/Y155 regulates a previously unappreciated function of TDP-43 in the processing of nucleolar-associated RNA. These findings highlight a new mechanism that regulates TDP-43 function and homeostasis through phosphorylation and, therefore, may contribute to the development of strategies to prevent TDP-43 aggregation and to uncover previously unexplored roles of TDP-43 in cell metabolism

    Angular Broadening of Intraday Variable AGN. II. Interstellar and Intergalactic Scattering

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    We analyze a sample of 58 multi-wavelength, Very Long Baseline Array observations of active galactic nuclei (AGN) to determine their scattering properties. Approximately 75% of the sample consists of AGN that exhibit centimeter-wavelength intraday variability (interstellar scintillation) while the other 25% do not show intraday variability. We find that interstellar scattering is measurable for most of these AGN, and the typical broadening diameter is 2 mas at 1 GHz. We find that the scintillating AGN are typically at lower Galactic latitudes than the non-scintillating AGN, consistent with the scenario that intraday variability is a propagation effect from the Galactic interstellar medium. The magnitude of the inferred interstellar broadening measured toward the scintillating AGN, when scaled to higher frequencies, is comparable to the diameters inferred from analyses of the light curves for the more well-known intraday variable sources. However, we find no difference in the amount of scattering measured toward the scintillating versus non-scintillating AGN. A consistent picture is one in which the scintillation results from localized regions ("clumps") distributed throughout the Galactic disk, but which individually make little contribution to the angular broadening. Of the 58 AGN observed, 37 (64%) have measured redshifts. At best, a marginal trend is found for scintillating (non-scintillating) AGN to have smaller (larger) angular diameters at higher redshifts. We also use our observations to try to constrain the possibility of intergalactic scattering. While broadly consistent with the scenario of a highly turbulent intergalactic medium, our observations do not place significant constraints on its properties.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; AASTeX format; ApJ in pres

    Prevalence of non-O157:H7 shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in diarrheal stool samples from Nebraska.

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    We determined the prevalence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in diarrheal stool samples from Nebraska by three methods: cefixime-tellurite sorbitol MacConkey (CT- SMAC) culture, enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) enzyme immunoassay, and stx1,2 polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Fourteen (4.2%) of 335 specimens were positive by at least one method (CT-SMAC culture [6 of 14], EHEC enzyme immunoassay [13 of 14], stx1,2 PCR [14 of 14]). Six contained serogroup O157, while non-O157 were as prevalent as O157 serogroups

    VLBI for Gravity Probe B. V. Proper Motion and Parallax of the Guide Star, IM Pegasi

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    We present the principal astrometric results of the very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) program undertaken in support of the Gravity Probe B (GP-B) relativity mission. VLBI observations of the GP-B guide star, the RS CVn binary IM Pegasi (HR 8703), yielded positions at 35 epochs between 1997 and 2005. We discuss the statistical assumptions behind these results and our methods for estimating the systematic errors. We find the proper motion of IM Peg in an extragalactic reference frame closely related to the International Celestial Reference Frame 2 (ICRF2) to be -20.83 +- 0.03 +- 0.09 mas/yr in right ascension and -27.27 +- 0.03 +- 0.09 mas/yr in declination. For each component the first uncertainty is the statistical standard error and the second is the total standard error (SE) including plausible systematic errors. We also obtain a parallax of 10.37 +- 0.07 mas (distance: 96.4 +- 0.7 pc), for which there is no evidence of any significant contribution of systematic error. Our parameter estimates for the ~25-day-period orbital motion of the stellar radio emission have SEs corresponding to ~0.10 mas on the sky in each coordinate. The total SE of our estimate of IM Peg's proper motion is ~30% smaller than the accuracy goal set by the GP-B project before launch: 0.14 mas/yr for each coordinate of IM Peg's proper motion. Our results ensure that the uncertainty in IM Peg's proper motion makes only a very small contribution to the uncertainty of the GP-B relativity tests.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie