2,599 research outputs found

    The Celestial Reference Frame at 24 and 43 GHz. II. Imaging

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    We have measured the sub-milli-arcsecond structure of 274 extragalactic sources at 24 and 43 GHz in order to assess their astrometric suitability for use in a high frequency celestial reference frame (CRF). Ten sessions of observations with the Very Long Baseline Array have been conducted over the course of ∟\sim5 years, with a total of 1339 images produced for the 274 sources. There are several quantities that can be used to characterize the impact of intrinsic source structure on astrometric observations including the source flux density, the flux density variability, the source structure index, the source compactness, and the compactness variability. A detailed analysis of these imaging quantities shows that (1) our selection of compact sources from 8.4 GHz catalogs yielded sources with flux densities, averaged over the sessions in which each source was observed, of about 1 Jy at both 24 and 43 GHz, (2) on average the source flux densities at 24 GHz varied by 20%-25% relative to their mean values, with variations in the session-to-session flux density scale being less than 10%, (3) sources were found to be more compact with less intrinsic structure at higher frequencies, and (4) variations of the core radio emission relative to the total flux density of the source are less than 8% on average at 24 GHz. We conclude that the reduction in the effects due to source structure gained by observing at higher frequencies will result in an improved CRF and a pool of high-quality fiducial reference points for use in spacecraft navigation over the next decade.Comment: 63 pages, 18 figures, 6 tables, accepted by the Astronomical Journa

    Development and distribution of the non-indigenous Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) in the Dutch Wadden Sea

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    Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) were first observed in the Dutch Wadden Sea near Texel in 1983. The population increased slowly in the beginning but grew exponentially from the mid-1990s onwards, although now some stabilisation seems to be occurring. They occur on a variety of substrates such as mussel beds (Mytilus edulis), shell banks, dikes and poles. After initial settlement spat may fall on older individuals and congregate to dense clumps and subsequently form reefs. Individual Pacific oysters grow 3–4 cm long in their first year and 2–3 cm in their second year. Many mussel beds (Mytilus edulis) are slowly taken over by Pacific oysters, but there are also several reports of mussel spat settling on Pacific oyster reefs. This might in the end result in combined reefs. Successful Pacific oyster spat fall seems to be related to high summer temperatures, but also after mild summers much spat can be found on old (Pacific oyster) shells. Predation is of limited importance. Mortality factors are unknown, but every now and then unexplained mass mortality occurs. The gradual spread of the Pacific oyster in the Dutch Wadden Sea is documented in the first instance based on historical and anecdotal information. At the start of the more in-depth investigation in 2002, Pacific oysters of all size classes were already present near Texel. Near Ameland the development could be followed from the first observed settlement. On dense reefs each square metre may contain more than 500 adult Pacific oysters, weighing more than 100 kg per m² fresh weigh

    The Future of Student Affairs is Dependent on Choosing Roads Less Traveled

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    The authors provide a critique of the report from the 2010 Task Force on the Future of Student Affairs and provide recommendations for future changes in the profession not found in the 2010 report. The authors also note that the 2005 study of ACPA member’s interests in developing knowledge competencies and skills sets indicate professionals may be at a different place than what professional associations currently offer. The authors provide a critique of some of the professional development opportunities offered by professional associations and proposes some alternatives to how these programs are approached in the profession

    The Future of Student Affairs is Dependent on Choosing Roads Less Traveled

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    The authors provide a critique of the report from the 2010 Task Force on the Future of Student Affairs and provide recommendations for future changes in the profession not found in the 2010 report. The authors also note that the 2005 study of ACPA memberâs interests in developing knowledge competencies and skills sets indicate professionals may be at a different place than what professional associations currently offer. The authors provide a critique of some of the professional development opportunities offered by professional associations and proposes some alternatives to how these programs are approached in the profession. Reference citation: Tyrell, S., & Fey, C. (2011). The future of student affairs is dependent on choosing roads less traveled.  CSPA-NYS Journal of Student Affairs, 11(1), 17-36.  Â

    The First Very Long Baseline Interferometric SETI Experiment

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    The first Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) conducted with Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) is presented. By consideration of the basic principles of interferometry, we show that VLBI is efficient at discriminating between SETI signals and human generated radio frequency interference (RFI). The target for this study was the star Gliese 581, thought to have two planets within its habitable zone. On 2007 June 19, Gliese 581 was observed for 8 hours at 1230-1544 with the Australian Long Baseline Array. The dataset was searched for signals appearing on all interferometer baselines above five times the noise limit. A total of 222 potential SETI signals were detected and by using automated data analysis techniques, were ruled out as originating from the Gliese 581 system. From our results we place an upper limit of 7 MW/Hz on the power output of any isotropic emitter located in the Gliese 581 system, within this frequency range. This study shows that VLBI is ideal for targeted SETI, including follow-up observations. The techniques presented are equally applicable to next-generation interferometers, such as the long baselines of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. Accepted on 25/05/2012 for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    In-phase and anti-phase synchronization of oscillators with Huygens' coupling

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    In this experimental study, the synchronized motion observed in pairs of nonlinear oscillators coupled through a suspended rigid bar, is analyzed. In particular, the dynamics of two mass-spring-damper oscillators and the dynamics of two van der Pol oscillators are considered. It is shown that in both cases, the oscillators may exhibit in-phase and anti-phase synchronization. The experiments are executed in an experimental setup, consisting of two mass-spring-damperoscillators coupled through a suspended rigid bar. A relation between the obtained results and Huygens’ experiment of pendulum clocks is emphasized

    Synchronization of weakly nonlinear oscillators with Huygens' coupling

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    In this paper, the occurrence of synchronization in pairs of weakly nonlinear selfsustained oscillators that interact via Huygens’ coupling, i.e. a suspended rigid bar, is treated. In the analysis, a generalized version of the classical Huygens’ experiment of synchronization of two coupled pendulum clocks is considered, in which the clocks are replaced by arbitrary self-sustained oscillators. Sufficient conditions for the existence and stability of synchronous solutions in the coupled system are derived by using the Poincar´e method. The obtained results are supported by computer simulations and experiments conducted on a dedicated experimental platform. It is demonstrated that the mass of the coupling bar is an important parameter with respect to the limit synchronous behaviour in the oscillators

    Experimental simulation of long term weathering in alkaline bauxite residue tailings

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    Bauxite residue is an alkaline, saline tailings material generated as a byproduct of the Bayer process used for alumina refining. Developing effective plans for the long term management of potential environmental impacts associated with storage of these tailings is dependent on understanding how the chemical and mineralogical properties of the tailings will change during weathering and transformation into a soil-like material. Hydrothermal treatment of bauxite residue was used to compress geological weathering timescales and examine potential mineral transformations during weathering. Gibbsite was rapidly converted to boehmite; this transformation was examined with in situ synchrotron XRD. Goethite, hematite, and calcite all precipitated over longer weathering timeframes, while tricalcium aluminate dissolved. pH, total alkalinity, and salinity (electrical conductivity) all decreased during weathering despite these experiments being performed under “closed” conditions (i.e., no leaching). This indicates the potential for auto-attenuation of the high alkalinity and salinity that presents challenges for long term environmental management, and suggests that management requirements will decrease during weathering as a result of these mineral transformations
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