1,607 research outputs found

    Economic Analysis of Using Soybean Meal as a Mushroom Growing Substrate

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    Mushrooms have been grown commercially on many different substrates for years, usually agricultural by-products such as straw or stover. Increased popularity for specialty mushrooms with consumers has led to increased production and great demand for economic substrates. Oyster mushrooms are easier to grow relative to other types of mushrooms and their production has increased dramatically in recent years. This study examines the economic feasibility of using soybean hulls as a primary substrate for oyster mushrooms, replacing traditional wheat straw. The study uses a cost-benefit analysis to determine an optimal substrate based on yield and the number of crops harvested per year. The study shows that soybean hulls, combined with corn gluten or soybean meal increases yield 4.5 times, which more than offsets for higher costs for soybean hulls. The use of soybean substrate also allows a producer to raise about four more crops per year, which in turn uses fixed resources more efficiently and increases profitability.Oyster, Mushrooms, Substrate, Soybean, Hulls, Meal, Economic, Feasibility, Crop Production/Industries,

    An Investigation of Attitudes and Motivation of College Efl Students in a Japanese University

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    The issue of student attitudes and motivation is considered a topic of substantial importance by scholars; particularly those involved in research concerning L2 acquisition. The study of attitudes and motivation has been a topic originating from psychology and more recently educational psychology. Its application in L2 learning is most significantly accredited to the early works of Gardener and Lambert (1959), but it has always been a topic of interest for L2 educators. Attitudes and motivation have been extremely influential factors that can have either positive or even negative effects for L2 learners. A great deal of research has attempted to identify influential sources but there has not been any one key factor that has cultivated motivation or attitudes but rather numerous external and internal variables. There is no identifiable universal formula to explain the effects of these variables but rather varying combinations of sources influencing attitudes and motivation to different degrees, depending on the surroundings and the group or individual in question. This topic is extremely complex and many unidentifiable or inconclusive findings continue to persist in current research. The causes of attitudes and motivation, the significance, and the influence exerted in the L2 learning environment shall be examined. In this paper, I shall identify and discuss a selection of research that has produced relevant findings, investigate a small sample of my own L2 learners, and attempt to relate current literature in providing an explanation of the findings. It should also be noted that the definitions of attitudes and motivation are nearly indistinguishable and much earlier research had identified both factors as identical in some cases as noted by Ellis (1985). It is hoped that this paper shall provide valuable information and insight that will assist and encourage educators of the importance of student attitudes and motivation and the underlying aspects that accompany it when applied to a L2 setting


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    The purposes of this study were (1) to discover and investigate the factors that influence women seminarians to alter their programs in order to pursue ordination, (2) to explore the connections between the emerging factors and Mezirow’s theory of perspective transformation, (3) to critique the theory on the basis of the emergent factors, (4) to explore the connections between the emergent factors and other strands of thought regarding transformative learning: consciousnessraising,development, and extra-rational/spiritual, and (5) to explore the impact of gender and traditional gender roles as a factor. Twenty-four women participated in this qualitative study. The data are presented through the stories of three composite women—Ella, Lily, and Sadie (pseudonyms). Telling the stories through composites made it possible to view the data through the lens of the four strands of thought regarding transformative learning and the impact of gender. The women had experiences related to the four strands of transformative learning to various degrees. All were impacted by gender. The study suggests four conclusions: (1) a new model for understanding the women’s decisions, (2) the importance of gender to the women’s decisions, (3) the importance of context and (4) power to the women’s decisions

    Rethinking Binge Eating Disorder: Is Resource Depletion the Missing Link?

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    Binge eating disorder (BED), the most prevalent of the eating disorders, is associated with significant mental health impairments, high healthcare costs and utilization, and increased mortality. Yet little is known about the mechanisms involved in binge eating, and existing BED theories are incomplete. Scholars have recently suggested that resource depletion, or the state of reduced self-regulation abilities, may apply to BED, but no identified studies have experimentally examined this relationship. The purpose of the current study was to examine the role of resource depletion in binge eating behaviors. Ego anxiety, discomfort anxiety, and dietary restraint were also examined as potential moderators. One hundred seventy-one femaleidentifying participants (ages 18 to 62) were randomly assigned to a high or low resource depletion writing condition and then asked to rate motivation to eat and food cravings while viewing images of fatty, salty, and sweet foods. Results indicate the manipulation of resource depletion was effective. Participants in the high resource depletion condition reported higher binge eating behaviors, but only under the conditions of high dietary restraint and high discomfort anxiety. Ego anxiety did not moderate the relationship between resource depletion and binge eating behaviors. These results highlight resource depletion as a mechanism of binge eating, specifically as it relates to previous research findings of dietary restraint and discomfort anxiety. Researchers and clinicians should consider the role of resource depletion in BED to inform prevention and treatment efforts for the disorder

    Subsurface investigation, Auwaiolimu Congregational Church, Auwaiolimu Street, Honolulu, Hawaii

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    Content: report, site plan, boring logs, and laboratory compressive test resultsAuwaiolimu Congregational Churc

    Completion of Hope\u27s Village Tiny Homes

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    In Fall, 2018 the Cal Poly Construction Management Department teamed up with the non-profit, Hope’s Village, to create two tiny homes that are to be used for homeless shelters. The Residential Construction class built the structures, and I finish the siding for this plan. In finishing the siding I was incharge of the designing, planning and execution of the project

    Fire resistivity and toxicity studies of candidate aircraft passenger seat materials

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    Fire resistivity studies were conducted on a wide range of candidate nonmetallic materials being considered for the construction of improved fire resistant aircraft passenger seats. These materials were evaluated on the basis of FAA airworthiness burn and smoke generation tests, colorfastness, limiting oxygen index, and animal toxicity tests. Physical, mechanical, and aesthetic properties were also assessed. Candidate seat materials that have significantly improved thermal response to various thermal loads corresponding to reasonable fire threats as they relate to in-flight fire situations, are identified
