17 research outputs found

    Development of a High Performance, Low-Profile Translation Table with Wire Feedthrough

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    NEAScout, a 6U cubesat, will use an 85 sq m solar sail to travel to a near-earth asteroid for observation. Over the course of the 3-year mission, a combination of reaction wheels, cold gas reaction control system, and a slow rotisserie roll about the solar sail's normal axis were expected to handle attitude control and adjust for imperfections in the deployed sail. As the design for NEAScout matured, one of the critical design parameters, the offset in the center of mass and center of pressure (CP/CM offset), proved to be sub-optimal. After significant mission and control analysis, the CP/CM offset was addressed and a new subsystem was introduced to NEAScout. This system, called the Active Mass Translator (AMT), would reside near the geometric center of NEAScout and adjust the CM by moving one portion of the flight system relative to the other. The AMT was given limited design space-about 17 mm of the vehicle's assembly height-and was required to generate +/-10 cm by +/-5 cm translation to sub-millimeter accuracy. Furthermore, the design must accommodate a large wire bundle of small gage, single strand wire and coax cables fed through the center of the mechanism. The bend radius, bend resistance, and the exposure to deep space environment complicates the AMT design and operation and necessitated a unique design to mitigate risks of wire bundle damage, binding, and cold-welding during operation. This paper will outline the design constraints for the AMT, discuss the methods and reasoning for design, and identify the lessons learned through the design downselect process and breadboarding for designing low-profile translation stages with feedthrough capabilities

    Testing and Development of NEA Scout Solar Sail Deployer Mechanism

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    The Near Earth Asteroid (NEA) Scout is a deep space CubeSat designed to use an 86 square meter solar sail to navigate to a near earth asteroid called VG 1991. The solar sail deployment mechanism aboard NEA Scout has gone through numerous design cycles and ground tests since its conception in 2014. An engineering development unit (EDU) was constructed in the spring of 2016 and since then, the NEA Scout team has completed numerous ground deployments aiming to mature the deployment system and the ground test methods used to validate that system. Testing a large, non-rigid gossamer system in 1G environments has presented its difficulties to numerous solar sailing programs before, but NEA Scouts size, sail configuration, and budget has led the team to develop new deployment techniques and uncover new practices while improving their test methods. NEA Scouts spooled sail and boom design differs from any solar sail design to date: a single square sail membrane spooled upon a non-circular mandrel and the booms are spooled on two separate coils. This configuration was necessitated by the 6U footprint and is not common among other solar sailing missions. The program has planned and completed 3 separate full scale sail deployments to date, with a flight sail deployment test scheduled for FY18. The sail deployment tests have helped mature flight operations plans and developed preliminary off-nominal deployment mitigation strategies. The paper entitled Design and Development of NEA Scout Solar Sail Deployer Mechanism was presented at the 43rd Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium. Since then, the system has matured and completed ascent vent, random vibration, boom deployment and sail deployment tests. This paper will discuss the lessons learned and advancements made while working on solar sail testing and redesign cycles

    Testing and Maturing a Mass Translating Mechanism for a Deep Space CubeSat

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    Near Earth Asteroid (NEA) Scout is a deep space satellite set to launch aboard NASA's Exploration Mission 1. The spacecraft fits within a CubeSat standard 6U (about 300 x 200 x 100 mm) and is designed to travel 1 AU over a 2.5 year mission to observe NEA VG 1991. The spacecraft will use an 86 sq.m solar sail to maneuver from lunar orbit to the NEA. One of the critical mechanisms aboard NEA Scout, the Active Mass Translator (AMT), has gone through rigorous design and test cycles since its conception in July of 2015. The AMT is a two-axis translation table required to balance the spacecraft's center of mass (CM) and solar sail center of pressure (CP) while also trimming disturbance torque created by off-nominal sail conditions. The AMT has very limited mass and volume requirements, but is still required to deliver a large translation range-about 160 x 68 mm-at sub mm accuracy and precision. The system is constrained to operate in complete exposure to space with limited power and data budgets for mechanical and thermal needs. The NEA Scout team developed and carried out a rigorous test suite for the prototype and engineering development unit (EDU). These tests uncovered numerous design failures and led to many failure investigations and iteration cycles. A paper was previously presented at the 43rd Aerospace Mechanisms Symposia entitled, "Development of a High Performance, Low Profile Translation Table with Wire Feedthrough for a Deep Space CubeSat". This paper will make note of specific lessons learned: manufacturing philosophy, testing ideologies for high-risk missions, thermal mitigation design for small, motor-driven mechanisms

    Testing and Development of NEA Scout Solar Sail Deployer Mechanism

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    The Near Earth Asteroid (NEA) [1] Scout is a deep space CubeSat designed to use an 86 m2 solar sail to navigate to a near earth asteroid called VG 1991. The solar sail deployment mechanism aboard NEA Scout has gone through numerous design cycles and ground tests since its conception in 2014. An engineering development unit (EDU) was constructed in the spring of 2016 and since then, the NEA Scout team has completed numerous ground deployments aiming to mature the deployment system and the ground test methods used to validate that system. Testing a large, non-rigid gossamer system in 1G environments has presented its difficulties to numerous solar sailing programs before, but NEA Scout's size, sail configuration, and budget has led the team to develop new deployment techniques and uncover new practices while improving their test methods. The program has planned and completed 5 separate full scale sail deployments to date, with a flight sail deployment test scheduled for FY18. The paper entitled "Design and Development of NEA Scout Solar Sail Deployer Mechanism" [2] was presented at the 43rd Aerospace Mechanisms Symposia. Since then, the system has matured and completed ascent vent, random vibration, boom deployment and sail deployment tests. This paper will discuss the lessons learned and advancements made while working on solar sail deployment testing and mechanical redesign cycles

    The impact of COVID-19 on household energy consumption in England and Wales from April 2020 to March 2022

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    The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way people lived, worked, and studied around the world, with direct consequences for domestic energy use. This study assesses the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns in the first two years of the pandemic on household electricity and gas use in England and Wales. Using data for 508 (electricity) and 326 (gas) homes, elastic net regression, neural network and extreme gradient boosting predictive models were trained and tested on pre-pandemic data. The most accurate model for each household was used to create counterfactuals (predictions in the absence of COVID-19) against which observed pandemic energy use was compared. Median monthly model error (CV(RMSE)) was 3.86% (electricity) and 3.19% (gas) and bias (NMBE) was 0.21% (electricity) and −0.10% (gas). Our analysis showed that on average (electricity; gas) consumption increased by (7.8%; 5.7%) in year 1 of the pandemic and by (2.2%; 0.2%) in year 2. The greatest increases were in the winter lockdown (January – March 2021) by 11.6% and 9.0% for electricity and gas, respectively. At the start of 2022 electricity use remained 2.0% higher while gas use was around 1.9% lower than predicted. Households with children showed the greatest increase in electricity consumption during lockdowns, followed by those with adults in work. Wealthier households increased their electricity consumption by more than the less wealthy and continued to use more than predicted throughout the two-year period while the less wealthy returned to pre-pandemic or lower consumption from summer 2021. Low dwelling efficiency was associated with a greater increase in energy consumption during the pandemic. Additionally, this study shows the value of different machine learning techniques for counterfactual modelling at the individual-dwelling level, and our approach can be used to robustly estimate the impact of other events and interventions

    Multidisciplinary engagement for fencing research informs efficacy and rancher-to-researcher knowledge exchange

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    Across much of the Western United States, recovery of large carnivore populations is creating new challenges for livestock producers. Reducing the risks of sharing the landscape with recovering wildlife populations is critical to private working lands, which play an vital role in securing future energy, water, food, and fiber for an ever-expanding human population. Fencing is an important mitigation practice that many ranchers, land managers, and conservationists implement to reduce carnivore-livestock conflict. While fencing strategies have been reviewed in the literature, research seldom incorporates knowledge from the people who utilize fencing the most (i.e., livestock producers). Incorporating producers and practitioners early in the process of producing scientific knowledge is proving to be a critical endeavor for enhancing knowledge exchange, better evaluation of the practice, and more realistic understanding of the costs and benefits. Here, we describe how our multidisciplinary effort of co-producing knowledge informs understanding of the effectiveness of various fencing designs and more importantly provides a better mechanism for transferring this knowledge between producers, researchers, and land managers. We explain the process underway and demonstrate that incorporating producers and practitioners from the onset allows research priorities and expected outcomes to be set collaboratively, gives transparency to the agricultural community of the research process, provides a critical lens to evaluate efficacy and functionality, and will inform the practicality of fencing as a conflict prevention tool. We discuss opportunities and challenges of this co-production process and how it can be applied to other realms of fencing and conflict prevention strategies