
Development of a High Performance, Low-Profile Translation Table with Wire Feedthrough


NEAScout, a 6U cubesat, will use an 85 sq m solar sail to travel to a near-earth asteroid for observation. Over the course of the 3-year mission, a combination of reaction wheels, cold gas reaction control system, and a slow rotisserie roll about the solar sail's normal axis were expected to handle attitude control and adjust for imperfections in the deployed sail. As the design for NEAScout matured, one of the critical design parameters, the offset in the center of mass and center of pressure (CP/CM offset), proved to be sub-optimal. After significant mission and control analysis, the CP/CM offset was addressed and a new subsystem was introduced to NEAScout. This system, called the Active Mass Translator (AMT), would reside near the geometric center of NEAScout and adjust the CM by moving one portion of the flight system relative to the other. The AMT was given limited design space-about 17 mm of the vehicle's assembly height-and was required to generate +/-10 cm by +/-5 cm translation to sub-millimeter accuracy. Furthermore, the design must accommodate a large wire bundle of small gage, single strand wire and coax cables fed through the center of the mechanism. The bend radius, bend resistance, and the exposure to deep space environment complicates the AMT design and operation and necessitated a unique design to mitigate risks of wire bundle damage, binding, and cold-welding during operation. This paper will outline the design constraints for the AMT, discuss the methods and reasoning for design, and identify the lessons learned through the design downselect process and breadboarding for designing low-profile translation stages with feedthrough capabilities

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