19 research outputs found

    Ready-to-Use Food (RUF) from composite flour of local commodities in Banten Province, Indonesia for prevention and rehabilitation of malnutrition in children under five

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    Indonesia faces a serious problem of malnutrition especially stunting and underweight caused by micronutrient deficiencies. The high prevalence of undernutrition was also found in Banten Province, Java Island, the most populated island in Indonesia. The Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) in 2012 reported that of about 24.5 million children under five years of old, approximately 37% and 12% of them were stunted and wasted. Furthermore, based on the Basic Health Survey (Riskesdas) in 2013 and 2018, the prevalence of stunting in children under five years old was 37.2 % and 30.8%, while the proportion of underweight children was 19.6% and 17.7%. The undernourished children have an increased mortality rate, risk of illness and infections, cognitive shortages, delayed development, and poor school performance. Ready-to-use food (RUF) is a kind of food easily consumed without much preparation and can be made using various techniques for targeted consumers. RUF can be produced using locally available food resources, which may be affordable for most people suffering from undernutrition. To improve and accomplish the nutrient content of RUF to meet the standard for rehabilitation food for malnutrition, the combination of various food resources might enhance the nutritional composition. This nutritious formulation must have the following attributes: good nutritional quality in macro and micronutrient content, highly palatable taste, consistency, and texture suitable for feeding to children, no additional processing required prior to feeding, product stability, long shelf life, and readily available ingredients. This research was divided into three main objectives. The first objective was a baseline assessment of the nutritional condition of the target group of children below five years old. The second section was RUF biscuit product development. The third objective was to investigate the nutritional outcomes of the field study in Banten Indonesia, particularly in WHZ and weight after the RUF provision and weight gain of the children and acceptability. The RUF biscuit was made from the composite flour of local food resources available in Banten province Indonesia which are still underutilized. The result of nutrition content analysis in local food resources showed that the foods have a high nutritional composition as a source of macronutrients and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Due to poor handling of post-harvest and processing into the intermediate product (flour), some vitamins were lost during the process. Based on the baseline assessment in 2017, of the 105 children, 4.8% and 11.4% of them were wasted and overweight-obese, while 40% and 23.8% of the children were stunted and underweight. Based on the mid-upper-arm circumference, 16.1% of children were categorized as the risk of chronic energy deficiency (CED). In addition, it was found that most of the children have insufficient intake of protein, Vitamin A, Iron, and Zinc. Twelve recipes developed using the combination of local food resources showed the macronutrient composition that met the requirement for the treatment of Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) children, but not for micronutrient (vitamin and minerals). Five recipes (recipes 3, 4, 7, 11, and 12) were selected based on nutritional composition and sensory evaluation. The selected recipes were continued to further research of acceptability study in Banten, Indonesia. Before the acceptability study in the field, the micronutrient composition of the recipes chosen was improved according to the MAM treatment recommendation. It fortified the RUF with micronutrient premix. The micronutrient stability test was performed to analyze the loss due to baking. Around 15-28% of the vitamins (A, B1, B2, and E) were lost after baking, which was slightly lower than the other published articles, perhaps due to the short process of baking (15 minutes). Furthermore, the micronutrient sources were from the vitamin-mineral premix with higher stability than that from foods. Minerals content was stable during the baking process. Before the acceptability study started, five fortified cookie recipes were tested to select two for the acceptance and intervention pilot study. Most of the children in the acceptance study reported that they accepted and liked the RUF cookies. The consumption of RUF biscuits for two weeks led to an improvement in the nutritional status: Reduction of severe wasting (WHZ) from 5.7% to 4.3% and of severe underweight (WAZ) from 8.6% to 4.3%. There was no difference in terms of stunting (HAZ). Thus, it has been shown that the developed RUF biscuits have the potential to reduce malnutrition in the under 5-year-olds in the target area.Unterernährung stellt ein ernsthaftes Problem in Indonesien dar, insbesondere Untergewicht und Stunting aufgrund eines Mikronährstoffmangels. Die hohe Prävalenz von Unterernährung auf der Insel Java (der wichtigsten Insel Indonesiens) wurde auch in der Provinz Banten festgestellt. Laut dem Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) von 2012 sind in Indonesien von ca. 24,5 Millionen Kindern unter 5 Jahren etwa 9,2 Millionen (37%) zu klein für ihr Alter (Stunting) und 12% zu leicht für ihre Körpergröße (Wasting). Basierend auf den Daten des Basic Health Survey aus den Jahren 2013 und 2018 lag die Prävalenz von Stunting bei Kindern unter fünf Jahren bei 37,2% bzw. 30,8%, von Untergewicht bei 19,6% bzw. 17,7%. Unterernährung resultiert in einem erhöhten Mortalitäts- und Morbiditätsrisiko, außerdem weisen diese Kinder häufiger Entwicklungsverzögerungen, kognitive Defizite, sowie schlechtere Schulleistungen und eine geringere Dauer der Schulbildung auf. Ready-to-Use Food (RUF) stellt ein gebrauchsfertiges Lebensmittel dar, das ohne weitere Zubereitung verzehrt werden kann. Es wird für Personen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen konzipiert. RUF kann mit lokal verfügbaren Nahrungsmitteln hergestellt werden, die für die meisten unterernährten Menschen erschwinglich sein sollten. Um den Nährstoffgehalt von RUF zu verbessern und um die Kriterien für ein Lebensmittel zur Behandlung einer Unterernährung zu erfüllen, kann die Kombination verschiedener Nahrungsressourcen die Nährstoffzusammensetzung verbessern. Ein solches diätetisches Lebensmittel sollte folgenden Eigenschaften aufweisen: gute Nährstoffqualität in Bezug auf Makro- und Mikronährstoffgehalt, sehr guter Geschmack, ansprechende Konsistenz und Textur, die für die Ernährung von Kindern geeignet sind, keine zusätzliche Verarbeitung vor dem Verzehr erforderlich, Produktstabilität, lange Haltbarkeit und leicht verfügbare Zutaten. Diese Forschungsarbeit ist in 3 Hauptziele gegliedert. Das erste Ziel beinhaltet die Erhebung des Ernährungszustandes von Kindern unter fünf Jahren in einer Basisstudie. Der zweite Abschnitt befasst sich mit der Entwicklung von RUF-Keksprodukten, die im dritten Teil in einer Feldstudie in Banten Indonesien eingesetzt wurden, insbesondere im Hinblick auf antropometrische Endpunkte wie WHZ und Gewichstentwicklung nach Gabe der RUF-Kekse sowie deren Akzeptanz. Die RUF-Kekse wurde aus Nahrungsmitteln hergestellt, die in der indonesischen Provinz Banten verfügbar sind, jedoch nicht in ausreichender Menge verzehrt werden. Die Analyse des Nährstoffgehalts lokaler Lebensmittelressourcen zeigte, dass die Lebensmittel eine geeigente Zusammensetzung bezüglich der Makro- und Mikronährstoffe (Vitamine und Mineralien) aufweisen. Aufgrund ungünstiger Bedingungen nach der Ernte und bei der Verarbeitung zum Zwischenprodukt Mehl gehen während dieser Prozesse viele Vitamine und Mineralien verloren. In der Basiserhebung des Jahres 2017 mit 105 Befragten wurden 4,8% der Kindern aufgrund eines niedrigen WHZ-Scores als wasted klassifziert, 40% als zu klein für ihr Alter (stunted), 23, 8% als untergewichtig und 11,4% als übergewichtig. Wurde der mittlere Oberarmumfang (MUAC) betrachtet, wiesen 16,1% der Kinder ein Risiko für einen chronischen Energiemangel (CED) auf. Des Weiteren wurde festgestellt, dass die meisten Kinder eine unzureichende Protein-, Vitamin A-, Eisen- und Zinkaufnahme hatten. Zwölf Rezepte, die für die Produktentwicklung unter Verwendung lokaler Nahrungsressourcen entwickelt wurden, zeigen, dass die Makronährstoffzusammensetzung die Anforderungen einer Ernährung zur Behandlung von Kindern mit mittelschwerer akuter Unterernährung (MAM) erfüllt, dies gilt jedoch nicht für alle Mikronährstoffe (Vitamin und Mineralien). Fünf Rezepte (Rezepte 3, 4, 7, 11 und 12) wurden aufgrund ihrer Nährstoffzusammensetzung und der sensorischen Bewertung für die Akzeptanzstudie in Banten, Indonesien ausgewählt. Vor Durchführung der Akzeptanzstudie wurden die Rezeptur der RUF-Kekse mit einer Mikronährstoffvormischung auf der Grundlage der Empfehlung für die MAM-Behandlung angereichert. Die Stabilität der Mikronährstoffe wurde nach dem Backprozess bestimmt, wobei die Verluste der Vitamine A, B1, B2 und E bei etwa 15 bis 28% lagen. Diese waren etwas niedriger als in anderen Untersuchungen beschrieben, was durch den kurzen Backvorgang (15 Minuten) und die Mikronährstoffherkunft begründet sein könnte. Die verwendete Mikronährstoffvormischung (Premix) weist im Vergleich zu Vitaminen aus Lebensmitteln eine höhere Stabilität auf, während der Mineralstoffgehalt durch den Backvorgang nicht beeinflusst wurde. Bevor die Akzeptanzstudie startete, wurden fünf angereicherte Keksrezepturen getestet, um zwei davon für die Akzeptanz- und Interventionpilotstudie auszuwählen. Die meisten Kinder der Akzeptanzstudie berichteten, dass sie die RUF-Kekse akzeptierten und mochten. Der Konsum von RUF-Keksen über zwei Wochen führte zu einer Verbesserung des Ernährungsstatus: Reduktion von schwerem Wasting (WHZ) von 5,7% auf 4,3% und von starkem Untergewicht (WAZ) von 8,6% auf 4,3%. In Bezug auf Stunting (HAZ) gab es keinen Unterschied. Somit hat sich gezeigt, dass die entwickelten RUF-Kekse das Potenzial haben, Unterernährung bei unter 5-Jährigen im Zielgebiet zu reduzieren

    The Potential of Darmo Black Soybean Varieties as an Alternative of A Promising Food for Future

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    Most soybean varieties are still relying on imports from abroad. Therefore, soybean prices are still fluctuating, Indonesia still depends on the high number of imports due to the lack of white soybean production in this country. It's Necessary to find an alternative of raw materials that are produced domestically. Black soybean is one of the varieties of soybeans that has many advantages, both in terms of health and economic. Since the year of 2009, Padjadjaran University has developed a superior black soybean seed which can adapt with minimal input of agriculture process namely “Darmo”. Darmo black soybean varieties were characterized and compared with other types of black soybeans that had previously cultivated. The physical characteristics of Darmo black soybean varieties include sphericity 0,74; volume of seed 80 mm3 seeds / grains; bulk density  0.71 g / ml; particle density of 1.69 g / ml. Chemical characteristics of black soybean of Darmo varieties respectively: moisture 10.87%, protein  35.62%, fat 16%, ash of 5.3% and carbohydrate 32.21%. When compared to the Black Soybean Varieties of Malika, black soybean Darmo varieties has nearly the same nutritional composition so that the potential to be developed into a valuable source of food nutrition and high efficient

    Characteristics and Shelf Life of Dry Salted and Unsalted Dark Banded Goatfish (Upeneus sp.)

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    Salted and unsalted dark banded goatfish (Upeneus sp.) has the physical and chemical characteristics which influence their shelf life. The objective of this research was to reveal chemical characteristic and the possibilities of physical differences between salted and unsalted dark banded goatfish and determine their shelf life. The experimental method that being used in this research was complemented with statistical analysis using paired difference test to know that salting significantly affected the chemical and physical characteristics of the products. Shelf life testing using total number of micro-organism as the parameter. Shelf life testing used descriptive and experimental methods followed by shelf life calculation using ASLT method with Arrhenius model. Result of the research revealed that there were significant differences between salted and unsalted dark banded goatfish in water level, ash content level, and water activity (aw), but both of them had no significant differences in insoluble ash in acid level, protein level, fat level and hardness point. Salted dark-banded goatfish that packaged with PP 0,6 mm plastic at 15°C has the longest shelf life is about 15 months 27 days 3 hours 50 minutes and 24 seconds. Keywords: salted dry; unsalted dry fish; characteristic; shelf-lif

    Applications of hydrocolloids and its effects on physicochemical characteristics of gluten-free bread from corn and rice flour

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    Rice and corn flour can be used for gluten-free bread using a number of food hydrocolloids to improve the physicochemical properties closer to wheat products. This research aims to observe the effect of different types of food hydrocolloids, namely xanthan gum, glucomannan, carrageenan and CMC (Carboxymethyl Cellulose) on the physicochemical characteristics of gluten-free bread made from rice and corn flour. This research used a completely randomized design with two replications. This research observed the application of hydrocolloids to the formulation of gluten-free bread. The optimal increase in hydrocolloid concentration was determined to be 1 g for both CMC and carrageenan in both corn and rice flour. The highest addition of 1 g CMC in gluten-free bread made from corn flour, resulted in a specific volume of 3.422 cm3 /g. The best gluten-free corn bread after drying contains a composition of 5.73% moisture content, 1.89% ash content, 17.34% fat content, 9.37% protein content, 65.67% carbohydrate content, and energy of 456.22 Kcal

    Optimization and Kinetic Modelling of The Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Oil Palm Petioles

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    Oil palm petiole is  the solid waste  of the crude palm oil industry.  It contains about 35% cellulose, 18% hemicellulose and 22-25% lignin.  During hydrolysis   lingo celllulosic, cellulose and hemicellulose are gradually degraded into fermentable sugars, such as glucose and xylose. Enzymatic hydrolysis of oil palm petioleby xylanase could be an effective biotechnological process, since it can be performed at ambient temperature and pressure. Further glucose and xylose can be used as raw material for the production of a wide variety of chemicals such as xylitol and bioethanol. The aim of this study wasto examine the optimum conditions needed for the enzymatic hydrolysis  of oil palm petioles, particularly temperature and pH. A surface Response Method Methodologies  (RSM) by central composite design (CCD) was employed to obtain  the optimum xylose concentration.   The dynamics of enzymatic hydrolysis   process was modelled using the Michaelis Menten kinetic model with kinetic parameters obtained from   experimental data. The results of this study lead to an enhanced process of the enzymatic hydrolysis of oil palm petiole, whichwas shown to follow the Michaelis Menten kinetic  model and the kinetic parameters including Km and Vm were obtained, they were 6.433 g/L  andVm= 0.042 g/L/min. The optimum hydrolysis condition wereobserved to be at temperature 50oC and pH 4.8. Keywords: enzymatic hydrolysis; glucose; kinetic modelling; oil palm petioles; xylos

    A Sago Positive Character: A Literature Review

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    Sago is a carbohydrate-rich food that contains resistant starch. In some parts of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea, sago is a common staple food. Studies have been performed to elucidate the physicochemical and structural properties of sago starches. The paper's objective is to review potential positive physiological responses to sago-based product consumption from previous records. This study is a literature review of preceding published articles related to sago intake in human subjects’ research. The literature search was performed through databases with assigned keywords combination and then selection of the articles based on the criteria. The outcomes of this review concluded that sago had a lower glycemic index with immediate intestinal absorption. Sago-based products could provide a suitable energy source for sustaining physical performance and promoting faster recovery after exercise. It can be an appropriate alternative as an energy source for active healthy individuals

    Analisis Teknik dan Uji Kinerja Mesin Peniris Minyak (Spinner) (Technical Analysis and Test Performance of Oil Spinner Machine)

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    Technical specification of the spinner at the Pilot Plant of FTIP Unpad was needed to be reviewed through technical analysis and performance test. Experimental Design method of the research was carried out by on the spot observations, measurements, and recalculating machine main components. Results obtained from technical analysis showed that the machine required a driven power of 216 W, one single belt, a minimum shaft diameter of 16 mm, as well as a pin diameter at the main roller and at the pulley of 5,46 mm and 6 mm, respectively. It had a deflection torsion of 0,0460 a critical shaft speed of 1338 RPM, a bearing life of 3.227.817,96 hours, a frame deflection of 0,24 mm, and a frame welding load of 503,74 N. Sofar, the machine has fulfilled its technical feasibility. While the results of performance tests showed that the best taste sensation of the crackers was termed at an engine speed of 650 rpm at an actual capacity of 3.6 kg/h and at a power of 120 W, a specific spin energy of 120 kJ/kg, a spin yield of 97.38 %, an engine efficiency of 65.60 %, an engine performance index of 0.95 at a level of noissiness of 86.86 dBA. The data has fulfilled the performance requirement, but due to its vibration frequency of 21.44 mm/s – which was dangerous, improvements related to it had to be done. Keywords: technical analysis, oil spinner, performance test ABSTRAK Spesifikasi teknis mesin peniris minyak (spinner) di laboratorium Pilot Plant FTIP UNPAD perlu dikaji-ulang melalui analisis teknik dan uji kinerja. Metode analisis deskriptif dalam penelitian ini dilakukan melalui pengukuran, pengamatan dan  perhitungan terhadap komponen-komponen utama mesin. Hasil analisis teknik menunjukkan bahwa untuk mengoperasikan mesin ini dibutuhkan daya penggerak 216 Watt, satu sabuk, diameter poros minimum 16 mm, defleksi puntiran 0,0460, putaran kritis poros 1338 RPM, diameter pin pada motor penggerak 5,46 mm, diameter pin pada roll utama dan diameter puli 6 mm. Sementara umur bantalan 3.227 jam, lendutan rangka 0,24 mm, dan beban las rangka 503,74 N. Secara teknis mesin ini telah memenuhi kelayakan teknis. Hasil uji kinerja mesin menunjukkan bahwa sensasi rasa kerupuk terbaik diperoleh pada kecepatan putaran motor 650 RPM dengan kapasitas aktual 3,6 kg/jam pada daya 120 Watt, energi spesifik penirisan 120 kJ/kg, rendemen penirisan 97,376 %, efisiensi mesin 65,60 %, indeks performansi mesin 0,95, dan tingkat kebisingan 86,86 dBA. Data ini telah memenuhi spesifikasi kinerjanya. Namun dengan frekuensi getaran 21,44 mm/s (berbahaya). Perbaikan teknis terkait masalah ini masih perlu dilakukan. Kata kunci: analisis teknik, mesin peniris minyak, uji kinerjaTechnical specification of the spinner at the Pilot Plant of FTIP Unpad was needed to be reviewed through technical analysis and performance test. Experimental Design method of the research was carried out by on the spot observations, measurements, and recalculating machine main components. Results obtained from technical analysis showed that the machine required a driven power of 216 W, one single belt, a minimum shaft diameter of 16 mm, as well as a pin diameter at the main roller and at the pulley of 5,46 mm and 6 mm, respectively. It had a deflection torsion of 0,0460 a critical shaft speed of 1338 RPM, a bearing life of 3.227.817,96 hours, a frame deflection of 0,24 mm, and a frame welding load of 503,74 N. Sofar, the machine has fulfilled its technical feasibility. While the results of performance tests showed that the best taste sensation of the crackers was termed at an engine speed of 650 rpm at an actual capacity of 3.6 kg/h and at a power of 120 W, a specific spin energy of 120 kJ/kg, a spin yield of 97.38 %, an engine efficiency of 65.60 %, an engine performance index of 0.95 at a level of noissiness of 86.86 dBA. The data has fulfilled the performance requirement, but due to its vibration frequency of 21.44 mm/s – which was dangerous, improvements related to it had to be done. Keywords: technical analysis, oil spinner, performance test ABSTRAK Spesifikasi teknis mesin peniris minyak (spinner) di laboratorium Pilot Plant FTIP UNPAD perlu dikaji-ulang melalui analisis teknik dan uji kinerja. Metode analisis deskriptif dalam penelitian ini dilakukan melalui pengukuran, pengamatan dan  perhitungan terhadap komponen-komponen utama mesin. Hasil analisis teknik menunjukkan bahwa untuk mengoperasikan mesin ini dibutuhkan daya penggerak 216 Watt, satu sabuk, diameter poros minimum 16 mm, defleksi puntiran 0,0460, putaran kritis poros 1338 RPM, diameter pin pada motor penggerak 5,46 mm, diameter pin pada roll utama dan diameter puli 6 mm. Sementara umur bantalan 3.227 jam, lendutan rangka 0,24 mm, dan beban las rangka 503,74 N. Secara teknis mesin ini telah memenuhi kelayakan teknis. Hasil uji kinerja mesin menunjukkan bahwa sensasi rasa kerupuk terbaik diperoleh pada kecepatan putaran motor 650 RPM dengan kapasitas aktual 3,6 kg/jam pada daya 120 Watt, energi spesifik penirisan 120 kJ/kg, rendemen penirisan 97,376 %, efisiensi mesin 65,60 %, indeks performansi mesin 0,95, dan tingkat kebisingan 86,86 dBA. Data ini telah memenuhi spesifikasi kinerjanya. Namun dengan frekuensi getaran 21,44 mm/s (berbahaya). Perbaikan teknis terkait masalah ini masih perlu dilakukan. Kata kunci: analisis teknik, mesin peniris minyak, uji kinerj

    The implementation of diagnosis consultant (Sindanshi) method in the cluster of food SMEs

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    This study is carried out to identify the main problem dealing with cluster of food SMEs in Kota Batu, The Province of East Java, and to determine the alternative of solution.This study uses the eight step method (of eight steps) in the quality improvement (also called the PDCA cycle) and the method of diagnosis consultant (shindanshi). The diagnosis scope of analysis covers(ed): the SWOT analysis, the 5 S's analysis, marketing management, operational analysis, production process analysis, layout, quality of product, material and purchasing control, finance analysis, problem solution and recommendation. The cluster of food SMEs in Kota Batu has the following problems: equipment, layout, marketing, raw material, production process, capitalization, quality, distribution, human resources, and packaging.Therefore, the suggestions for the improvement are: Helping the SMEs make the financial report monthly; socializing the standard quality of process and product based on SNI; socializing the management of barcode; evaluating the condition of available layout regarding waste that happened and improving it


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh dan informasi dosis terbaik dari pemberian berbagai kombinasi pupuk organik cair dengan NPK terhadap pertumbuhan padi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) 1 faktor dalam 3 kali pengulangan. Faktor perlakuan tersebut terdiri dari dua kombinasi jenis pupuk yaitu POC 50% (567ml/pot), 75% (850,5ml/pot), 100% (1134ml/pot), 125% (1417,5ml/pot), dan 150% (1700ml/pot) dengan NPK 25% (12,5gram/pot), 50% (25gram/pot), 75% (37,5gram/pot) dan 100% (50gram/pot). Parameter yang diukur yaitu jumlah anakan padi generatif, jumlah bulir padi per malai, bobot 1000 bulir, berat basah dan berat kering padi, serta tinggi tanaman padi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan ANAVA taraf 95% dan uji lanjut Duncan 5%.