612 research outputs found

    Collective Excitations, NMR, and Phase Transitions in Skyrme Crystals

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    At Landau level filling factors near nu =1, quantum Hall ferromagnets form a Skyrme crystal state with quasi-long-range translational and non-collinear magnetic order. We develop an effective low energy theory which explains the presence in these systems of magnetic excitations at low energies below the Larmor gap (Delta) and which predicts a dramatic enhancement of the nuclear spin relaxation rate by a factor of 1000. The effective theory predicts a rich set of quantum and classical phase transitions. Based in part on accurate time-dependent Hartree-Fock calculations of the ordered state collective excitation spectrum, we discuss aspects of the T-nu-Delta crystal phase diagram.Comment: 4 pages REVTEX file and 3 postscript figure

    Collective Modes of Quantum Hall Stripes

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    The collective modes of striped phases in a quantum Hall system are computed using the time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation. Uniform stripe phases are shown to be unstable to the formation of modulations along the stripes, so that within the Hartree-Fock approximation the groundstate is a stripe crystal. Such crystalline states are generically gapped at any finite wavevector; however, in the quantum Hall system the interactions of modulations among different stripes is found to be remarkably weak, leading to an infinite collection of collective modes with immeasurably small gaps. The resulting long wavelength behavior is derivable from an elastic theory for smectic liquid crystals. Collective modes for the phonon branch are computed throughout the Brillouin zone, as are spin wave and magnetoplasmon modes. A soft mode in the phonon spectrum is identified for partial filling factors sufficiently far from 1/2, indicating a second order phase transition. The modes contain several other signatures that should be experimentally observable.Comment: 36 pages LaTex with 11 postscript figures. Short animations of the collective modes can be found at http://www.physique.usherb.ca/~rcote/stripes/stripes.ht

    Superconducting Plasma Excitation at Microwave Frequencies in Parallel Magnetic Fields in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ\mathrm{\mathbf{Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta}}}

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    Josephson plasma resonance has been studied in a wide microwave frequency range between 10 and 52 GHz in a magnetic field parallel to the abab-plane in under-doped \BI. Above about 30 GHz two resonance modes were observed: one (LT mode) appears at low temperatures and another (HT mode) at higher temperatures, leaving a temperature gap between two regions. These two resonance modes exhibit a sharp contrast each other both on temperture and magnetic field dependences and show distinct characters different entirely from the c-axis Josephson plasma resonance. From temperature and field scan experiments at various frequencies it is suggested that the LT mode can be attributed to the coupled Josephson plasma mode with Josephson vortices, while the HT mode is a new plasma mode associated possibly with the periodic array of Josephson vortices.Comment: submitted to Physica C (Prceedings of Plasma2000, Sendai

    Electron-Electron Interactions and the Hall-Insulator

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    Using the Kubo formula, we show explicitly that a non-interacting electron system can not behave like a Hall-insulator, {\it ie.,} a DC resistivity matrix ρxx\rho_{xx}\rightarrow\infty and ρxy=\rho_{xy}=finite in the zero temperature limit, as has been observed recently in experiment. For a strongly interacting electron system in a magnetic field, we illustrate, by constructing a specific form of correlations between mobile and localized electrons, that the Hall resistivity can approximately equal to its classical value. A Hall-insulator is realized in this model when the density of mobile electrons becomes vanishingly small. It is shown that in non-interacting electron systems, the zero-temperature frequency-dependent conductacnce generally does not give the DC conductance.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX3.

    Spin Bottlenecks in the Quantum Hall Regim

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    We present a theory of time-dependent tunneling between a metal and a partially spin-polarized two-dimensional electron system (2DES). We find that the leakage current which flows to screen an electric field between the metal and the 2DES is the sum of two exponential contributions whose relative weights depend on spin-dependent tunneling conductances, on quantum corrections to the electrostatic capacitance of the tunnel junction, and on the rate at which the 2DES spin-polarization approaches equilibrium. For high-mobility and homogeneous 2DES's at Landau level filling factor ν=1\nu=1, we predict a ratio of the fast and slow leakage rates equal to (2K+1)2(2K+1)^2 where KK is the number of reversed spins in the skyrmionic elementary charged excitations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Signature of Quantum Hall Effect Skyrmions in Tunneling: A Theoretical Study

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    We present a theoretical study of the IVI-V tunneling characteristic between two parallel two-dimensional electron gases in a perpendicular magnetic field when both are near filling factor ν=1\nu=1. Finite-size calculations of the single-layer spectral functions in the spherical geometry and analytical expressions for the disk geometry in the thermodynamic limit show that the current in the presence of skyrmions reflects in a direct way their underlying structure. It is also shown that fingerprints of the electron-electron interaction pseudopotentials are present in such a current.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Shape Deformation driven Structural Transitions in Quantum Hall Skyrmions

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    The Quantum Hall ground state away from ν=1\nu = 1 can be described by a collection of interacting skyrmions. We show within the context of a nonlinear sigma model, that the classical ground state away from ν=1\nu = 1 is a skyrmion crystal with a generalized N\'eel order. We show that as a function of filling ν\nu, the skyrmion crystal undergoes a triangle to square to triangle transition at zero temperature. We argue that this structural transition, driven by a change in the shape of the individual skyrmions, is stable to thermal and quantum fluctuations and may be probed experimentally.Comment: 4 pages (REVTEX) and 4 .eps figure

    Collective Modes of Soliton-Lattice States in Double-Quantum-Well Systems

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    In strong perpendicular magnetic fields double-quantum-well systems can sometimes occur in unusual broken symmetry states which have interwell phase coherence in the absence of interwell hopping. When hopping is present in such systems and the magnetic field is tilted away from the normal to the quantum well planes, a related soliton-lattice state can occur which has kinks in the dependence of the relative phase between electrons in opposite layers on the coordinate perpendicular to the in-plane component of the magnetic field. In this article we evaluate the collective modes of this soliton-lattice state in the generalized random-phase aproximation. We find that, in addition to the Goldstone modes associated with the broken translational symmetry of the soliton-lattice state, higher energy collective modes occur which are closely related to the Goldstone modes present in the spontaneously phase-coherent state. We study the evolution of these collective modes as a function of the strength of the in-plane magnetic field and comment on the possibility of using the in-plane field to generate a finite wave probe of the spontaneously phase-coherent state.Comment: REVTEX, 37 pages (text) and 15 uuencoded postscript figure

    Ratchet-Like Solitonic Transport in Quantum Hall Bilayers

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    The pseudo-spin model for double layer quantum Hall system with total landau level filling factor ν=1\nu=1 is discussed. Unlike the "traditional" one where interlayer voltage enters as static magnetic field along pseudo- spin hard axis, in our model we consider applied interlayer voltage as a frequency of precessing pseudo-magnetic field lying into the easy plane. It is shown that a Landau-Lifshitz equation for the considered pseudo magnetic system well describes existing experimental data. Besides that, the mentioned model predicts novel directed intra-layer transport phenomenon in the system: unidirectional intra-layer energy transport is realized due to interlayer voltage induced motion of topological kinks. This effect could be observed experimentally detecting counter-propagating intra-layer inhomogeneous charge currents which are proportional to the interlayer voltage and total topological charge of the pseudo-spin system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure