368 research outputs found

    Proposta di recupero del complesso A.P.E.S. di edilizia residenziale pubblica in Sant'Ermete, Pisa.

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    Questa tesi affronta il tema del recupero di un complesso di edilizia residenziale pubblica a Pisa, in localitĂ  Sant'Ermete. Il complesso in questione, realizzato nelle previsioni del Piano di Ricostruzione della cittĂ  di Pisa del secondo dopoguerra, versa oggi in uno stato di degrado sia architettonico-strutturale che urbanistico, con gravi deficit a livello impiantistico e della salubritĂ  degli ambienti. Il progetto di tesi si propone di studiare la vulnerabilitĂ  sismica degli edifici allo scopo di proporre un'ipotesi di miglioramento sismico e, conseguentemente, una rifunzionalizzazione degli ambienti interni e dell'area circostante gli edifici. Quest'ultimo aspetto viene affrontato tramite la proposta di sistemazione degli spazi a verde, la realizzazione dei parcheggi pertinenziali mancanti e di un centro culturale polifunzionale che serva da centro di aggregazione sociale per il quartiere

    Application of the Extended Kalman filter for speed sensorless control of PM synchronous machines

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    The increasing interest in the decarbonization process led to a rapidly growing trend of electrification strategies in the automotive industry. In particular, OEMs are pushing towards the development and production of efficient electric vehicles. Moreover, research on electric motors and their control are exploding in popularity. The increase of computational power in embedded control hardware is allowing the development of new control algorithm, such as sensorless control strategy. Such control strategy allows the reduction of the number of sensors, which implies reduced costs and increased system reliability. The thesis objective is to realize a sensorless control for high-performance automotive motors. Several algorithms for rotor angle observers are implemented in the MATLAB and Simulink environment, with emphasis on the Kalman observer. One of the Kalman algorithms already available in the literature has been selected, implemented and benchmarked, with emphasis on its comparison with the Sliding Mode observer. Different models characterized by increasing levels of complexity are simulated. A simplified synchronous motor with ”constant parameters”, controlled by an ideal inverter is first analyzed; followed by a complete model defined by real motor maps, and controlled by a switching inverter. Finally, it was possible to test the developed algorithm on a real electric motor mounted on a test bench. A wide range of different electric motors have been simulated, which led to an exhaustive review of the sensorless control algorithm. The final results underline the capability of the Kalman observer to effectively control the motor on a real test bench

    In-out versus out-in technique for ACL reconstruction. a prospective clinical and radiological comparison

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    Background: Several studies have recently shown better restoration of normal knee kinematics and improvement of rotator knee stability after reconstruction with higher femoral tunnel obliquity. The aim of this study is to evaluate tunnel obliquity, length, and posterior wall blowout in single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, comparing the transtibial (TT) technique and the out–in (OI) technique. Materials and methods: Forty consecutive patients operated on for ACL reconstruction with hamstrings were randomly divided into two groups: group A underwent a TT technique, while group B underwent an OI technique. At mean follow-up of 10 months, clinical results and obliquity, length, and posterior wall blowout of femoral tunnels in sagittal and coronal planes using computed tomography (CT) scan were assessed. Results: In sagittal plane, femoral tunnel obliquity was 38.6 ± 10.2° in group A and 36.6 ± 11.8° in group B (p = 0.63). In coronal plane, femoral tunnel obliquity was 57.8 ± 5.8° in group A and 35.8 ± 8.2° in group B (p = 0.009). Mean tunnel length was 40.3 ± 1.2 mm in group A and 32.9 ± 2.3 mm in group B (p = 0.01). No cases of posterior wall compromise were observed in any patient of either group. Clinical results were not significantly different between the two groups. Conclusions: The OI technique provides greater obliquity of the femoral tunnel in coronal plane, along with satisfactory length of the tunnel and lack of posterior wall compromise. Level of evidence: II, prospective study

    Detecting correlations among functional-sequence motifs

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    Sequence motifs are words of nucleotides in DNA with biological functions, e.g., gene regulation. Identification of such words proceeds through rejection of Markov models on the expected motif frequency along the genome. Additional biological information can be extracted from the correlation structure among patterns of motif occurrences. In this paper a log-linear multivariate intensity Poisson model is estimated via expectation maximization on a set of motifs along the genome of E. coli K12. The proposed approach allows for excitatory as well as inhibitory interactions among motifs and between motifs and other genomic features like gene occurrences. Our findings confirm previous stylized facts about such types of interactions and shed new light on genome-maintenance functions of some particular motifs. We expect these methods to be applicable to a wider set of genomic features

    Production of Short-chain Fatty Acid from CO2 Through Mixed and Pure Culture in a Microbial Electrosynthesis Cell

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    The continuous accumulation of atmospheric CO2 requires the development of new technologies for its mitigation. Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies aim to convert CO2 into precious compounds like chemicals and fuels. Biological fixation is an attractive CCU strategy in terms of cost, sustainability and variety of products. Chemoautotrophic microorganisms such as methanogens and acetogens are able to reduce CO2 into acetate and methane, respectively. Acetogens bacteria are able to use CO2 for cell growth through the Wood Liujhundal pathway, moreover, the final precursor (i.e. Acetyl-CoA) of the autotrophic metabolism, is also used in energy metabolism with acetate production as a waste product. Furthermore, it is possible to obtain multicarbon products of autotrophic origin starting from acetyl-CoA and acetate. The biotechnological use of these microorganisms requires the presence of H2 as substrate, which is used as an electron donor in the pathway. This reaction can be sustained by a biocathode in a microbial electrosynthesis cell, in which the reducing power is generated by a polarized electrode. This study proposes the use of a microbial electrosynthesis cell for conversion to acetate in H-cells by either a mixed culture enriched with Acetobacterium woodii or a pure culture of Acetobacterium woodii, to observe the difference in terms of acetate production and reducing power consumption efficiency. The mixed culture was obtained from a mixture of activated sludge and anaerobic digestate, treated by a protocol capable to select acetogenic microorganisms without the use of specific chemical inhibitors (2-Bromoethanesulfonate). Both inoculums were tested at room temperature (25°C) in the cathodic chamber of the H-cell at potentials in the range of -0.7 to -1.1 V vs SHE. The obtained results showed that the enriched mixed culture produced at -0.7 vs SHE a mixture of volatile fatty acids including C4 and C5 molecules with an overall coulombic efficiency of 50%, while at the potential of -0.9 vs SHE methane constituted the main product of the biocathode. The pure culture, on the other hand, showed a specific production of acetate with a coulombic efficiency of 44% at -0.9 vs SHE and 63% at -1.1 vs SHE. Furthermore, a drastic decrease in biocathode biomass was observed in pure culture, suggesting a higher tendency to form biofilms on the electrode unlike the mixed culture, which showed a standard growth profile in the bulk

    Open source technology in biomedical engineering: fast track towards sustainable development

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    Recently the concept of Open Source Medical Devices (OSMD) has gained some attention, particularly with stunt-like displays of 3D printed prostheses capturing the imagination of the public. In this paper we argue that OSMD technology can be used to propel advancements in healthcare in developing countries in Africa, with equally beneficial consequences in more established economies, provided that the correct framework of training, sharing and safety and efficacy assessment is constructed.We demonstrate how such a framework can be created and show some examples of open-source engineering-based activities which we have conducted. The pros and cons of our approach are discussed in the context of biomedical engineering education, innovation and regulatory harmonizatio

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 11

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1
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