463 research outputs found

    The EURIBOR surge and bank deposit costs: an investigation of interest rate pass-through and deposit portfolio rebalancing

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    Artículo de revistaAgainst the backdrop of sharp monetary policy tightening, this article studies the links between bank deposit costs and the EURIBOR. In doing so the authors employ an SVAR multivariate model that jointly includes deposit rates and volumes, fitted on monthly data covering the period 2003-2019. Increases in the EURIBOR are found to pass through to bank deposit rates in Spain, pushing up interest rates on term deposits in particular. In turn, increases in the EURIBOR triggered shifts from sight to term deposits. Through both mechanisms, bank deposit costs increased. The article documents that in 2022 the pass-through from the EURIBOR to deposit rates is falling short, relative to what would be expected according to the historical pattern captured by model results; as a result, the increase in bank deposit costs has been weaker than expected. To draw insights into the reasons behind this pattern, the authors analyse several euro area economies. Correlation analyses suggest that the impact of the EURIBOR on deposit rates and costs was weaker in banking sectors with greater excess liquidity and higher market concentration

    Adherence to the Mediterranean diet and its relation to nutritional status in older people

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    Introducción: La Dieta Mediterránea (DM) como modelo de dieta de calidad se asocia con una reducción de la mortalidad y con una mejora en la calidad de vida en personas mayores. Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre el estado nutricional y los estilos de vida con el grado de adherencia a la DM en personas mayores Métodos: Muestra compuesta por 60 sujetos que acudían a la consulta de enfermería de un centro de salud de Alicante con un Índice de Masa Corporal mayor a 24.9. Se utilizó el cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos MEDIS-FFQ, el cuestionario de adherencia a la Dieta Mediterránea PREDIMED y la valoración antropométrica. Resultados: El 83.3% de la población presentó sobrepeso frente a un 16.7% de obesidad, sin diferencias significativas entre sexos. El porcentaje de grasa corporal fue del 40.3% en las mujeres y 29.5% en los hombres (p=0.001). El 65.2% de la mujeres presentó riesgo cardiovascular frente al 81.8% de los hombres (p=0.001). Se observó bajo cumplimento de las recomendaciones alimentarias en los cereales integrales, fruta y frutos secos. Los sujetos con baja adherencia a la DM presentaron mayores índices de obesidad (OR= 1.46; IC 95%, 0.89- 2.40), un mayor consumo de tabaco (OR= 1.65; IC 95%, 1.05-2.60) y de alcohol (OR=1.53; IC 95%, 0.91-2.55), un mayor índice cintura-cadera (OR= 2.57; IC 95%, 1.3-4.9) y mayor porcentaje de grasa corporal (OR= 5.3; IC 95%, 1.02-6.48). Conclusión: Los sujetos con una buena adherencia a la (DM) presentaron un menor índice cintura-cadera y un menor porcentaje de grasa corporal.Introduction: The Mediterranean diet (MD) and model quality diet is associated with a reduction in mortality and an improvement in quality of life in elderly. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between nutritional status and lifestyles with the degree of adherence to the DM in elderly Methods: Sample consists of 60 subjects who attended the nursing consultation of a scepter health of Alicante with an index greater than 24.9 body mass. The frequency questionnaire food consumption MEDIS-FFQ questionnaire PREDIMED adherence to the Mediterranean diet and anthropometric assessment was used. Results: 83.3% of the population were overweight compared to 16.7% obesity, no significant differences between sexes. The percentage of body fat was 40.3% in women and 29.5% in men (p = 0.001). 65.2% of the women had cardiovascular risk compared with 81.8% of men (p = 0.001). It was observed under compliance with dietary recommendations in whole grains, fruits and nuts. Subjects with low adherence to the DM had higher rates of obesity (OR = 1.46; 95% CI, 0.89-2.40), increased consumption of snuff (OR = 1.65; 95% CI, 1.05-2.60) and alcohol (OR = 1.53; 95% CI, 0.91-2.55), increased waist-hip ratio (OR = 2.57; 95% CI, 1.3-4.9) and higher percentage of body fat (OR = 5.3; 95% CI, 1.02-6.48). Conclusion: Subjects with good adherence (DM) had a lower waist-hip ratio and a lower percentage of body fat

    The EURIBOR surge and bank deposit costs: an investigation of interest rate pass-through and deposit portfolio rebalancing

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    Artículo de revistaEn el actual contexto de notable endurecimiento de la política monetaria, en este artículo se estudian los vínculos entre el coste de los depósitos bancarios y el euríbor. Para ello, los autores utilizan un modelo multivariante SVAR que incluye los tipos de interés y los volúmenes de depósitos con datos mensuales que cubren el período 2003-2019. Se constata que los aumentos del euríbor se transmiten a los tipos de interés de los depósitos bancarios en España y, en particular, presionan al alza los tipos de los depósitos a plazo. Asimismo, los incrementos del euríbor han dado lugar a desplazamientos desde los depósitos a la vista hacia los depósitos a plazo. El coste de los depósitos bancarios se ha incrementado a través de ambos mecanismos. En el artículo se documenta que, en 2022, la traslación del euríbor a los tipos de los depósitos fue más limitada de lo que habría cabido esperar de acuerdo con el patrón histórico recogido por los resultados del modelo y, en consecuencia, la subida del coste de los depósitos bancarios ha sido menor de lo esperado. Con el fin de conocer los motivos determinantes de este patrón, los autores analizan varias economías de la zona del euro. Los análisis de correlación sugieren que el impacto del euríbor en los tipos de interés y los costes de los depósitos fue menos acusado en los sectores bancarios con mayor exceso de liquidez y un grado mayor de concentración del mercado

    Three-dimensional planar object tracking with sub-pixel accuracy

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    Subpixel techniques are commonly used to increase the spatial resolution in tracking tasks. Object tracking with targets of known shape permits obtaining information about object position and orientation in the three-dimensional space. A proper selection of the target shape allows us to determine its position inside a plane and its angular and azimuthal orientation under certain limits. Our proposal is demonstrated both numerical and experimentally and provides an increase the accuracy of more than one order of magnitude compared to the nominal resolution of the sensor. The experiment has been performed with a high-speed camera, which simultaneously provides high spatial and temporal resolution, so it may be interesting for some applications where this kind of targets can be attached, such as vibration monitoring and structural analysis.The authors acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad through the project BIA2011-22704 and the Generalitat Valenciana through the projects GV/2013/009 and PROMETEO/ 2011/021. A. B. Roig acknowledges a grant from Cajamurcia

    Antioxidant and anticancer effects and bioavailability studies of the flavonoid baicalin and its oxidovanadium(IV) complex

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    Based on the known antioxidant effect of flavonoids, baicalin (baic) found in roots of Scutellaria has been selected. Its coordination complex with the oxidovanadium(IV) cation, Na4[VO(baic)2].6H2O (VIVO(baic)), was synthesized at pH 9 in ethanol and characterized by physicochemical methods. Spectrophotometric studies at pH 9 showed a ligand: metal stoichiometry of 2:1. By vibrational spectroscopy a coordination mode through the cis 5-OH and 6-OH deprotonated groups is inferred. EPR spectroscopy shows an environment of four aryloxide (ArO−) groups in the equatorial plane of the V=O moiety, both in solution and in the solid complex. The antioxidant capacity against superoxide and peroxyl radicals of VIVO(baic) resulted greater than for baicalin and correlated with previous results obtained for other VOflavonoid complexes. The coordination mode produces delocalization of the electron density and the stabilization of the radical formed by interaction with external radicals. The complex and the ligand displayed no toxic (Artemia salina test) and no mutagenic (Ames test) effects. The complex improved the ability of the ligand to reduce cell viability of human lung cancer cell lines (A549) generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cells, being this effect reversed by pre-incubation of the cells with antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. The addition of NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine, a sequestering agent of free radicals) suppresses the anticancer effect, confirming the oxidative stress mechanism. The complex interacted with bovine serum albumin (BSA) with stronger binding than baicalin and the mechanisms involved H bonding and van der Waals interactions.Centro de Química Inorgánic

    Effectiveness of a Two-Year Multicomponent Intervention for the Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Older People

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    This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of a two-year intervention based on the Mediterranean diet for the treatment of overweight and obesity in a sample of 51 older people from the Mediterranean city of Alicante (Spain). We also examined the effects of the intervention on psychological well-being. The participants were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. The experimental group received group nutritional education sessions, an individualized dietary–nutritional treatment based on a Mediterranean diet, and a physical activity program; the control group received Mediterranean nutritional education in a written format. The experimental group showed a greater loss in weight (p = 0.017) and percentage of fat mass (p = 0.049), and a greater reduction in body mass index (BMI) (p = 0.014) and waist circumference (p = 0.010). Both groups improved their depression scores using the PHQ-9; however, no significant improvement was seen in adherence to the Mediterranean diet (PREDIMED) and anxiety level (GAD-7). These results suggest that a two-year intervention based on the Mediterranean diet allows an older population with overweight or obesity to achieve greater weight loss and a greater decrease in BMI, waist circumference, and fat mass percentage. In relation to psychological well-being, depression levels improved at the end of said intervention.This research was funded by the Office of the Vice President of Research of the University of Alicante (GRE19-20)

    Optimización de la obtención de alimentos texturizados para pacientes con disfagia

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    La disfagia es un síntoma con alta prevalencia entre personas de edad avanzada o que presentan algún tipo de daño neurológico. Se define como la dificultad del paso del bolo alimenticio de la boca al estómago, por lo que los pacientes pueden sufrir atragantamiento y a largo plazo, malnutrición. Una de las principales estrategias para mejorar la calidad de vida de estos pacientes es la modificación de la textura de los alimentos, existiendo diferentes grados de adaptación y técnicas para caracterizarlos. La adaptación de líquidos utilizando diferentes espesantes ha sido investigada con mayor profundidad que la de los alimentos sólidos.El objetivo de este trabajo es optimizar la obtención de alimentos texturizados a partir de diferentes matrices sólidas. Se han seleccionado dos matrices con diferente estructura y composición (brócoli y pan) y se ha estudiado el efecto del tipo de cocinado y procesado. También se ha investigado el efecto de la incorporación de hidrocoloides como agentes texturizantes. Se han caracterizado los productos obtenidos instrumentalmente y sensorialmente.Los resultados señalan la importancia de la incorporación del análisis instrumental en la preparación de alimentos dirigidos a personas aquejadas de disfagia ya que permiten diferenciar grados de texturización de forma más precisa que las escalas habitualmente utilizadas. En el caso del brócoli, se ha observado que tanto el método de cocinado, como el posterior procesado modifican las características físicas y sensoriales de los productos texturizados. Además, la incorporación de hidrocoloides (xantana y HPMC) favorece el control de la sinéresis manteniendo una textura óptima e induciendo ligeras modificaciones sensoriales. En el caso del pan, las muestras que presentan un perfil de textura, aroma y sabor más adecuado para personas que sufren disfagia son los texturizados de corteza tostada con la combinación de gelatina y xantana, si bien los catadores detectaron la aparición de sabores extraños.En conclusión, es necesario investigar para optimizar, no sólo desde el punto de vista de la seguridad en la deglución, sino también nutricional y sensorialmente, los diferentes productos texturizados orientados a personas que sufren disfagia.<br /

    Visceral Larva Migrans in Immigrants from Latin America

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    To determine whether increased migration is associated with an increase in incidence of toxocariasis (visceral larva migrans), we analyzed clinical data obtained from immigrants from Latin America. Although infection with Toxocara sp. roundworm larvae is distributed worldwide, seroprevalence is highest in tropical and subtropical areas

    El abordaje del Trabajador Social sobre los mitos y el estigma de la sociedad ante las enfermedades neurológicas.

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    La figura del trabajador social ante las enfermedades neurológicas es de vital importancia para las personas que padecen dichas patologías, ya que la tercera edad es un grupo social vulnerable, esto, sumado a padecer una enfermedad neurológica les hace ser un colectivo prejuzgado por la sociedad.El juicio anticipado hacia estas personas, crea una estigmatización errónea y unos falsos mitos que provoca una discriminación, esto lo observamos tras realizar un cuestionario sobre el estigma y los mitos que la sociedad tiene respecto a las enfermedades neurológicas en la tercera edad, como es el Alzheimer, el Parkinson y las demencias vasculares, y, por tanto, desde el Trabajo Social abordaremos una serie de propuestas para normalizar dichas enfermedades.<br /

    Are Women’s Empowerment and Income Inequality Associated with Excess Weight in Latin American Cities?

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    Income inequality; Latin America; Women’s empowermentDesigualdad de ingresos; América Latina; Empoderamiento de la mujerDesigualtat d'ingressos; Amèrica Llatina; Empoderament de la donaWhile income gradients and gender inequalities in excess weight have been noted elsewhere, data from Latin American cities is lacking. We analyzed gender-specific associations between city-level women’s empowerment and income inequality with individual-level overweight/obesity, assessing how these associations vary by individual education or living conditions within cities in Latin America. Data came from national surveys and censuses, and was compiled by the SALURBAL project (Urban Health in Latin America). The sample included 79,422 individuals (58.0% women), living in 538 sub-cities, 187 cities, and 8 countries. We used gender-stratified Poisson multilevel models to estimate the Prevalence Rate Ratios (PRR) for overweight/obesity (body mass index ≥ 25 kg/m2) per a unit change in city-level women’s empowerment (proxied by a score that measures gender inequalities in employment and education) and income inequality (proxied by income-based Gini coefficient). We also tested whether individual education or sub-city living conditions modified such associations. Higher city labor women’s empowerment (in women) and higher city Gini coefficient (in men) were associated with a lower prevalence of overweight/obesity (PRR = 0.97 (95%CI 0.94, 0.99) and PRR = 0.94 (95%CI 0.90, 0.97), respectively). The associations varied by individual education and sub-city living conditions. For labor women’s empowerment, we observed weakened associations towards the null effect in women with lower education and in residents of sub-cities with worse living conditions (men and women). For the Gini coefficient, the association was stronger among men with primary education, and a negative association was observed in women with primary education. Our findings highlight the need for promoting equity-based policies and interventions to tackle the high prevalence of excess weight in Latin American cities.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature