11,476 research outputs found

    Metamodels of information technology best practices frameworks

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    This article deals with the generation and application of ontological metamodels of frameworks of best practices in IT. The ontological metamodels represent the logical structures and fundamental semantics of framework models and constitute adequate tools for the analysis, adaptation, comparison and integration of the frameworks of best practices in IT. The MetaFrame methodology for the construction of the metamodels, founded on the discipline of the conceptual metamodelling and on the extended Entity/Relationship methodology is described herein, as well as the metamodels of the best practices for the outsourcing of IT, the eSCM-SP v2.01 (eSourcing Capability Model for Service Providers) and the eSCM-CL v1.1 (eSourcing Capability Model for Client Organizations), constructed according to the MetaFrame methodology

    Modulação da expressão de microrna’s para reprogramar o fenótipo dos macrófagos como imunoterapia anti-cancro

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    Macrophages play an important role in tumour progression and metastasis due to the plasticity expressed during activation, especially noticeable in vivo. Depending on the signals present in the tumour microenvironment (TME), macrophages can have a pro-inflammatory phenotype, known as M1 macrophages, or an anti-inflammatory phenotype, known as M2 macrophages. M1 macrophages are associated with the cancer-related inflammation common in the early stages of tumorigenesis. Later, signals from the TME can polarize macrophages towards an M2-like phenotype, referred as tumour-associated macrophages (TAMs), a pro-tumour response, which leads to tumour progression, angiogenesis, and metastasis. The presence of TAMs in the TME is normally linked to a poor prognosis for cancer patients. The activation state and, consequently, the functions of macrophages are tightly regulated by microRNAs (miRNAs). miRNAs regulate geneexpression after transcription and modulate many aspectsof the immune responses such as differentiation, proliferation, cells’ function, but also, cytokine responses. miRNAs can act either as oncogenes or as tumour suppressors, by affecting the polarization of macrophages. There are miRNAs involved both in the promotion or inhibition of macrophage activated phenotypes, besides miRNAs involved in differentiation. Alterations in miRNA expression can drive oncogenesis, tumour progression and metastasis, by contributing to the generation of TAMs. TAMs in conjunction with miRNAs are great therapeutic candidates. Therapeutically regulating miRNA levels may be linked to cancer treatment and to the regulation of the immune response. Reactivating pro-inflammatory genes in TAMs might help to promote tumour rejection. This project aims to compile a review of the literature concerning miRNA’s modulation towards cancer immunotherapy, but also to assess the effect of anticancer drugs in the expression of selected miRNAs, focusing on reprogramming TAMs phenotype.Os macrófagos desempenham um papel importante na progressão tumoral e metástase devido à plasticidade demonstrada durante a sua ativação, sendo especialmente percetível in vivo. Dependendo dos sinais presentes no microambiente tumoral (TME), os macrófagos podem ter um fenótipo próinflamatório, conhecidos como macrófagos M1, ou um fenótipo antiinflamatório, conhecidos como macrófagos M2. Os macrófagos M1 estão associados à inflamação comum nos estágios iniciais da tumorigénese. Posteriormente, os sinais do TME podem polarizar macrófagos em direção a um fenótipo semelhante ao dos macrófagos M2, denominados como macrófagos associados ao tumor (TAMs), uma resposta pró-tumor, que leva à progressão tumoral, angiogénese e metástase. A presença de TAMs no TME está normalmente associada a um prognóstico negativo para pacientes oncológicos. O estado de ativação e, consequentemente, as funções dos macrófagos são estritamente reguladas por microRNAs (miRNAs). Os miRNAs regulam a expressão génica após a transcrição e modulam muitos aspetos das respostas imunes, como a diferenciação, proliferação, função das células, e também, libertação de citocinas. Os miRNAs podem atuar como oncogenes ou como supressores de tumor, afetando a polarização dos macrófagos. Existem miRNAs envolvidos tanto na promoção quanto na inibição de fenótipos dos macrófagos, além de existirem miRNAs envolvidos na diferenciação celular. Alterações na expressão de miRNAs podem conduzir a oncogénese, progressão tumoral e metástase, contribuindo para a geração de TAMs. Os TAMs em conjunto com miRNAs são ótimos candidatos terapêuticos. A regulação terapêutica dos níveis de miRNA pode estar ligada ao tratamento do cancro e à regulação da resposta imune. A reativação de genes próinflamatórios nos TAMs pode ajudar a promover a rejeição do tumor. Este projeto tem como objetivo compilar uma revisão da literatura sobre a modulação de miRNAs de encontro à imunoterapia contra o cancro, mas também avaliar o efeito de compostos na expressão de miRNAs selecionados, com foco na reprogramação do fenótipo dos TAMs.Mestrado em Biologia Aplicad

    Interação fármaco-receptor

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    Diagrama de esquema apresentando a interação fármaco-receptor1.0Ministério da Saúde do Brasi

    Aquecimento global: pedagogias em Notícias

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Biológicas. Biologia.TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Biológicas. Biologia

    Health and wellness tourism in the European context - supply and demand trends

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    Dissertação de mestradoNas últimas décadas, a saúde e o bem-estar tornaram-se motivos importantes para o consumo, atraindo o interesse de investigadores de diferentes áreas disciplinares. No entanto, um dos desafios da atualidade no âmbito da investigação académica e na indústria do turismo de bem-estar, é o desenvolvimento concetual relacionado com o termo chave wellness. Nos últimos anos, na Europa, o termalismo clássico, focado essencialmente na dimensão ‘cura’, tem sido substituído pelo termalismo moderno que assenta particularmente na dimensão do ‘bem-estar’, estando a oferta mais vocacionada para motivações terapêuticas de caráter preventivo, aliadas às vertentes lúdicas e turísticas. Seguindo essa tendência, as estâncias termais começam a recuperar algum dinamismo apostando numa oferta diversificada, que não só considera os pressupostos terapêuticos como também uma perspetiva holística, que inclui simultaneamente os pressupostos de saúde e bem-estar. A presente dissertação visa analisar os principais destinos europeus termais de forma a traçar o perfil da procura e os principais desafios deste setor, também prejudicado pela recente pandemia mundial. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é explorar a transformação e evolução do conceito de Turismo Termal na vertente wellness, e perceber a sua importância na atualidade. Por forma a responder a este objetivo, considerou-se adequada uma metodologia numa abordagem qualitativa com recurso a entrevistas semiestruturadas. Nas principais conclusões, é possível destacar, uma mudança no perfil do consumidor na Europa, que caminha em direção numa procura mais jovem, com serviços mais especializados focados no bem-estar físico e psicológico. O impacto da Covid-19 veio confirmar a necessidade de reavaliar os produtos e serviços, com ofertas que combinam a natureza, o desporto, a nutrição, entre outros. A importância das parcerias e da modernização dos serviços, surge para oferecer mais oportunidades para os consumidores desfrutarem de uma experiência de melhor qualidade, com outras opções, para além das chamadas "clássicas". Atualmente o termalismo assenta particularmente numa vertente mais direcionada para o bem-estar, com profissionais cada vez mais qualificados de diversas áreas, desde nutrição, desporto, psicologia, entre outros. As principais limitações destacadas no presente estudo relacionam-se com os escassos estudos na área, a nível nacional e internacional, e a dimensão geográfica do mesmo. Para futuras investigações, sugere-se a continuação do presente estudo, explorando outras perspetivas, utilizando outras abordagens metodológicas, ou mesmo a aplicação a outros destinos.In recent decades, health and wellness have become important motives for consumption, attracting the interest of researchers from different disciplines. However, one of the current challenges in academic research and in the wellness tourism industry is the conceptual development related to the key term wellness. In recent years in Europe, classical thermalism, focused essentially on the 'cure' dimension, has been replaced by modern thermalism, which is particularly based on the 'wellness' dimension, and the offer is more focused on preventive therapeutic motivations, combined with recreational and tourism aspects. Following this trend, spas are starting to regain some dynamism in betting on a diversified offer, which not only considers the therapeutic assumptions but also a holistic perspective, which simultaneously includes the assumptions of health and wellness. This dissertation aims to analyze the main European thermal destinations in order to trace the demand profile and the main challenges of this sector, also characterized by the recent global pandemic. The main goal of this work is to explore the transformation and evolution of the concept of Thermal Tourism in the wellness area, and to understand its importance today. In order to meet this objective, a qualitative approach methodology was used, using semi-structured interviews. In the main conclusions, it is possible to highlight a change in the consumer profile in Europe, which is moving towards a younger demand, with more specialized services focused on physical and psychological well-being. The impact of Covid-19 confirmed the need to re-evaluate products and services, with offers that combine nature, sports, and nutrition, among others. The importance of partnerships and modernization of services, arises to combat the usual treatments of thermal waters and offer more opportunities for consumers to enjoy a better-quality experience, with other options, beyond the so-called "classic" ones. Currently, thermalism is based particularly on a more directed aspect to well-being, with increasingly qualified professionals from different areas, such as nutrition, sports, psychology, among others. The main limitations highlighted in the present study relate to the scarce studies in the area, nationally and internationally, and the geographical dimension of the study. For future research, is suggested the continuation of this study, exploring other perspectives, using other methodological approaches, or even applying it to other tourism destinations

    Using a Spreadsheet SAM for GAMS CGE Modeling

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    This technical document provides in a single document a template to follow when using spreadsheet Social Accounting Matrix data to drive a GAMS-based Computable General Equilibrium model

    Setting up a SAM in Excel using VBA

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    This technical document describes how to set up a full Social Accounting Matrix from its own partition in a spreadsheet file. This is done using VBA code

    Exploring the Experience of Start-ups in Open Innovation Programs in Portugal: An Analysis of Perceptions and Positive Impacts

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    Open innovation has become a popular approach for innovation all over the world, including in Portugal. This study explores the experience of start-ups in Open Innovation programs from Portugal, analysing their perception and positive impacts of adopting this approach. A qualitative research method was used to achieve this goal based on in-depth interviews with four start-up entrepreneurs who have engaged in open innovation practices and 1 of the companies responsible for these open innovation programs. The interviews were analysed using thematic analysis, which revealed several prominent themes. The positive perceptions identified are (i) the significance of validation and reputation for start-ups when collaborating with larger companies; (ii) the advantages of gaining a better understanding of corporate procedures, particularly for those who lacked prior experience working with larger companies; (iii) the impact of open innovation programs on business scaling and revenue generation; (iv) the monetary prize offered by such programs was seen as crucial for establishing long-term strategies; (v) accessing the perspectives of industry experts was also identified as a valuable advantage, which validate the previous studies on the topic. The findings of this study provide insights into the open innovation experience of start-ups and underscore the significant role that large companies play as validators and facilitators of further opportunities. The start-up feedback highlights the value of working with established companies to validate their solutions and access new projects. Further research could build upon these findings to examine the open innovation experience of start-ups in other countries and to identify best practices that can be applied to support start-ups in their open innovation journey. The findings of this study could have implications for policymakers and practitioners interested in promoting innovation ecosystems, particularly those focused on start-up development and entrepreneurship. In conclusion, this study sheds light on the experience of start-ups participating in Portuguese open innovation programs and highlights some of the positive and negative impacts they gain from adopting this approach. Future research could also explore how established companies can learn from the open innovation practices from the start-ups' point of view and how they can create a culture that supports innovation, fosters collaboration with external partners, and encourages adopting open innovation practices

    Three Essays on the Economics of Public Libraries

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    This dissertation explores empirical issues concerning public libraries in the United States. In particular, it analyzes the direct and indirect effects to and from public libraries, on different issues such as charitable donations, labor market outcomes, institutions and technical efficiency. Chapter 1 discusses the economics of public libraries and its relevance. In addition, it provides an outline of the dissertation and its main contribution to the literature. Chapter 2, analyzes the determinants of donations to public libraries testing the crowding effect from government funding of public libraries. I find suggestive results of a crowd in effect with an inverted U shape in all levels of government. In other words, additional government dollars increase private donations to public libraries at a decreasing rate. Chapter 3 investigates the effect of public library programs and participation on unemployment and labor force participation in Appalachia. Using an instrumental variable approach, I show that neither adult nor children’s programs and participation affect local labor market outcomes. These results are robust across different specifications. Chapter 4 explores the institutional determinants of public library technical efficiency in West Virginia. The analysis is carried out in two steps. First, I document considerable cross-district variation in library efficiency. Then, I estimate the effect of institutional characteristics on the technical efficiency measures. I find consistent evidence that urban libraries are more inefficient than county and multi-jurisdictional libraries. In addition, I find revenue from local sources is associated with reduced efficiency, contrary to what would be predicted by local public goods producer theory. Chapter 5 concludes the dissertation by summarizing its main findings and discussing possible implications

    Brucellosis and tuberculosis in cattle in South America

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    In general, European and North American countries, as well as Australia and New Zealand, have already eradicated or reached good levels of control of brucellosis and tuberculosis in cattle. In the rest of the world, however, the epidemiological situation of these two diseases is frequently poorly understood. In this review article, quantified data on these diseases in the South American countries are presented. Initially, the aspects that led the continent to host 25% of the world cattle population are presented, in addition to the aspects that placed the continent at a prominent position in the international meat market. Subsequently the continent was divided into three country groups, considering the size of the cattle population and how well the epidemiological situation of brucellosis and tuberculosis in cattle is quantified. It is argued that countries that do not generate high-quality quantitative epidemiological data on these diseases have serious limitations in outlining and managing control or eradication strategies. Thus, for successful outcomes, at least methodologies to estimate the prevalence of infected herds should be employed.De maneira geral, os países da Europa e da América do Norte, além da Austrália e da Nova Zelândia, já erradicaram ou atingiram bons níveis de controle da brucelose e da tuberculose bovinas. Entretanto, no restante do mundo, raramente a situação epidemiológica dessas duas doenças é adequadamente conhecida. Neste artigo de revisão são apresentados dados de quantificação dessas importantes enfermidades nos países da América do Sul. Inicialmente são apresentadas as características que concorreram para que atualmente o continente tenha 25% do efetivo bovino mundial e uma posição de destaque no mercado internacional de carnes. Os países foram então alocados em três grupos, levando em consideração o tamanho da população bovina e a qualidade da quantificação referente à situação epidemiológica da brucelose e da tuberculose bovinas. Argumenta-se que países que não geram dados epidemiológicos quantitativos de alta qualidade em relação a essas doenças têm sérias limitações para traçar estratégias eficazes de combate e são incapazes de realizar a gestão dos processos. Conclui-se que os países que desejam ser exitosos no combate à brucelose e tuberculose bovinas deveriam ao menos utilizar metodologias para estimar a prevalência de focos