1,264 research outputs found

    PMD tolerant nonlinear compensation using in-line phase conjugation

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    In this paper, we numerically investigate the impact of polarisation mode dispersion on the efficiency of compensation of nonlinear transmission penalties for systems employing one of more inline phase conjugation devices. We will show that reducing the spacing between phase conjugations allows for significantly improved performance in the presence polarisation mode dispersion or a significant relaxation in the acceptable level of polarization mode dispersion. We show that these results are consistent with previously presented full statistical analysis of nonlinear transmission appropriately adjusted for the reduced section length undergoing compensation

    Dry matter and area partitioning, radiation interception and radiation-use efficiency in open-field bell pepper

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    The objective of this study was to determine some key components of a model for bell pepper growth and yield under non-limiting water and nutrient conditions using data from field trials conducted in Southern Portugal. DM partitioning, at least before fruiting, and specific area indices for leaves, stems and fruits were conservative in relation to normalized thermal time. The interception model had a good performance. It was based on the exponential extinction of radiation on the area covered by the plants, the ellipsoidal leaf-angle distributionmodel (X-parameter 2.48 and 2.89), and absorptivities of the leaves for PAR and NIR, 0.8 and 0.2, respectively. Radiation-use efficiency (RUE) was determined and presented in four different forms. RUE did not change substantially throughout the growing season. RUE of irrigated pepper crops grown in our experiments was around 1.6 g MJ 1 of intercepted PAR. The models and parameter values presented in this study may be useful to simulate the development and growth of fieldgrown pepper cro

    Chemical and sensory effects of the freezing process on the aroma profile of black truffles (Tuber melanosporum)

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of freezing black truffles (Tuber melanosporum) on their aroma both in sensory and chemical terms. The truffles were frozen at temperatures of -20 to -80 °C. Descriptive and discriminative sensory and chemical analyses, based on headspace solid phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis (HS-SPME–GC–MS), were carried out after 1, 20, 40 and 60 days. Fifteen compounds with high aromatic potential in truffles were determined. Their selective ion peak areas were calculated, summed and expressed as percentage of active odour compound, in order to monitor changes in odour profile. The aroma of frozen truffles differed significantly from the aroma of fresh truffles. Volatile composition data revealed that T. melanosporum aromatic profile is deeply modified as a consequence of a freezing process. These aromatic changes could explain the loss of freshness observed in all frozen truffles. Methional and some phenols were suggested as markers of freezing time. Interestingly, 1-octen-3-one appeared as a general marker of freezing process

    Potential aromatic compounds as markers to differentiate between Tuber melanosporum and Tuber indicum truffles

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    The Tuber indicum (Chinese truffle) and Tuber melanosporum (Black truffle) species are morphologically very similar but their aromas are very different. The black truffle aroma is much more intense and complex, and it is consequently appreciated more gastronomically. This work tries to determine whether the differences between the aromatic compounds of both species are sufficiently significant so as to apply them to fraud detection. An olfactometric evaluation (GC-O) of T. indicum was carried out for the first time. Eight important odorants were identified. In order of aromatic significance, these were: 1-octen-3-one and 1-octen-3-ol, followed by two ethyl esters (ethyl isobutyrate and ethyl 2-methylbutyrate), 3-methyl-1-butanol, isopropyl acetate, and finally the two sulfides dimethyldisulfide (DMDS) and dimethylsulfide (DMS). A comparison of this aromatic profile with that of T. melanosporum revealed the following differences: T. indicum stood out for the significant aromatic contribution of 1-octen-3-one and 1-octen-3-ol (with modified frequencies (MF%) of 82% and 69%, respectively), while in the case of T. melanosporum both had modified frequencies of less than 30%. Ethyl isobutyrate, ethyl 2-methylbutyrate and isopropyl acetate were also significantly higher, while DMS and DMDS had low MF (30-40%) compared to T. melanosporum (>70%). The volatile profiles of both species were also studied by means of headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME-GC-MS). This showed that the family of C8 compounds (3-octanone, octanal, 1-octen-3-one, 3-octanol and 1-octen-3-ol) is present in T. indicum at much higher levels. The presence of 1-octen-3-ol was higher by a factor of about 100, while 1-octen-3-one was detected in T. indicum only (there was no chromatographic signal in T. melanosporum). As well as showing the greatest chromatographic differences, these two compounds were also the most powerful from the aromatic viewpoint in the T. indicum olfactometry. Therefore, either of the two chromatographic methods (GC-O or HS-SPME-GC-MS), together or separately, could be used as a screening technique to distinguish between T. indicum and T. melanosporum and thus avoid possible fraud

    Characterisation of yeast flora isolated from an artisanal Portuguese ewe's cheese

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    www.elsevier.nl/locate/ijfoodmicroThe evolution of the yeast flora was studied for an artisanal semi-hard ewes’ cheese made from raw milk. Mean log10 22 yeast counts per gram of cheese body ranged from 2.7 to 6.4, with the higher counts observed after a ripening period of 30 23 days. The yeast population decreased thereafter and, at the end of curing process, reached values similar to those of the 24 beginning. A total of 344 yeasts strains were randomly isolated from the curd and cheese body during the 60 days long 25 ripening period. Esterase activity was common to almost all isolates (98%) while proteolysis was observed in 12% of the 26 total yeast population. The proportion of strains with positive glucose fermentation increased from 21% in the curd to 75% at 27 the end of the ripening period. A total of 150 isolates representative of the physiological characteristics tested were examined 28 with the API ID 32C system showing different degrees of quality of identification. Only 15% of the strains (23 isolates) were 29 excellently identified being assigned to the species Candida zeylanoides. The most frequent species appeared to be 30 Debaryomyces hansenii (anamorph Candida famata) and Candida intermedia. These two species amounted to 9% of the 31 yeasts in the curd increasing to 86% at the end of the ripening period

    Mechanical and microstructural properties of redispersible polymer-gypsum composites

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    Studies on gypsum modified by polymers have been conducted to assess the potential of improvement in the mechanical performance, water resistance and increasing the setting time, facilitating its handling. Gypsum-based compounds made with different additions of redispersible polymers were studied, such as: ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), vinyl acetate terpolymer, vinyl laurate and vinyl chloride (VA/VL/VC), and vinyl acetate and vinyl versatate (VA/VeoVA). The influence on setting time, microstructural formation and on the bending performance was assessed, as well as and compression of the hardened gypsum. The composites were prepared using a polymer concentration of 5% and 10%, and water/gypsum ratio of 0.6. The addition of the polymer decreased the structural robustness and change in the microstructure. We concluded that the reduction in the amount of water through additives may allow a more complete and robust training of gypsum crystals and compounds with better mechanical performance223COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESnão te

    Estratégias para a sustentabilidade da horticultura ornamental em Portugal

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    I Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Horticultura. Sessão Horticultura OrnamentalEm 2012, o sector da horticultura ornamental assegurava cerca de 3 700 postos de trabalho diretos, em 1.010 explorações, além dos indiretos das indústrias a montante e a jusante desta área de atividade. Em 2016, o número de postos de trabalho aumentou e ocorreu um crescimento das exportações de 22% relativamente ao mesmo período de 2015, acima da média de 4% de anos anteriores. É um sector da horticultura portuguesa que apresenta recuperação e crescimento, dinâmico, que apresentou um volume de negócios anual de cerca de 460 milhões de euros (19,3% do volume de negócios do conjunto fruta+hortaliças+plantas e flores). Portugal tem condições naturais climáticas que proporcionam uma vantagem competitiva da horticultura ornamental em relação a outros países do centro e norte da Europa. Todavia, há que considerar a competição imposta por espanhóis e holandeses e também uma maior perceção do sector para resolver possíveis limitações relacionadas, por exemplo, com o uso sustentável de recursos hídricos, solo e energia. De facto, as regras europeias ambientais e as novas políticas europeias focadas no princípio da economia circular, obrigam a otimizar a reciclagem de resíduos e o uso mais eficiente de recursos. O desenvolvimento sustentável e o uso eficiente de recursos são cada vez mais uma necessidade e também uma obrigação, quer por parte dos cidadãos e empresas, quer do próprio Estado. A crescente escassez de recursos naturais, a maior sensibilidade social de consumidores face às questões ambientais e leis europeias mais restritivas forçam a horticultura ornamental portuguesa a adaptar-se a este quadro legislativo. Neste artigo apresenta-se a situação do sector e discutem-se as principais condicionantes e a sua capacidade competitiva. A otimização da gestão das explorações, a aplicação de melhores práticas ambientais, o investimento na certificação da qualidade (do produto e ambiental) e políticas que favoreçam uma produção sustentável são discutidasinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para avaliação de impactos qualitativos dos fogos nas águas subterrâneas : aplicação aos casos de estudo do Vale de Manteigas e de Mação

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    No Projecto POCI/AGR/59180/2004, concluído em 2009 (cf. Lobo-Ferreira et al., 2009), apresenta-se uma metodologia para avaliação quantitativa dos impactos dos fogos florestais na quantidade e qualidade das águas superficiais e subterrâneas. Nesta metodologia procura-se avaliar as alterações que possam ter ocorrido após o fogo: (A) em volumes de recarga, (B) volumes de escoamento superficial, (C) qualidade das águas superficiais e subterrâneas. Esta metodologia considera: (1) tipo e densidade de coberto vegetal à data do incêndio; (2) tipos de poluentes que podem ser libertados pelas diferentes comunidades vegetais afectadas pelo fogo; (3) extensão e volume do aquífero e sua porosidade eficaz, para aferir dos volumes de reservas de água; (4) recarga média anual; (5) tempo de permanência das águas no sistema subterrâneo. Para a avaliação do tipo e densidade de coberto vegetal e consequente biomassa combustível à data do incêndio usou-se a inventariação fitossociológica, cartografia da vegetação, análise estatística multivariada e estimativa da biomassa florestal ardida, realizada pelo Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco-Escola Superior Agrária. Os tipos e cargas poluentes libertados calcularam-se com base nos valores de biomassa ardida e estudos (realizados por INETI – Departamento de Engenharia Energética e Controlo Ambiental) de cinzas de ensaios de combustão de espécies florestais e arbustivas representativas do coberto vegetal ardido, e ensaios de lixiviação de solos e cinzas. A avaliação das variações na recarga baseou-se na informação recolhida nos estudos quantitativos realizados na bacia de Manteigas, associada a modelos hidrológicos conceptuais e cenários de variação de escoamento e evapotranspiração quando a informação não era suficiente para colmatar as lacunas de conhecimento. Com base na biomassa ardida, características composicionais das suas cinzas e potenciais de lixiviação, calculou-se a quantidade e tipo de poluentes em fase sólida e dissolvida passíveis de entrar nas águas superficiais e subterrânea. As características hidráulicas dos meios geológicos afectados deram os volumes de armazenamento e as prováveis velocidades de circulação nestes materiais, o que serviu para prever espaços temporais de contaminação da área. Da avaliação dos volumes de carga poluente calculados e dos dados de campo de decaimento destas cargas poluentes nas águas superficiais e subterrâneas em zonas de coberto vegetal similar estabeleceram-se cenários possíveis do tempo de desaparição do poluente na área ardida. Nesta comunicação realçam-se os aspectos relacionados com a qualidade das águas subterrâneas

    N-Site approximations and CAM analysis for a stochastic sandpile

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    I develop n-site cluster approximations for a stochastic sandpile in one dimension. A height restriction is imposed to limit the number of states: each site can harbor at most two particles (height z_i \leq 2). (This yields a considerable simplification over the unrestricted case, in which the number of states per site is unbounded.) On the basis of results for n \leq 11 sites, I estimate the critical particle density as zeta_c = 0.930(1), in good agreement with simulations. A coherent anomaly analysis yields estimates for the order parameter exponent [beta = 0.41(1)] and the relaxation time exponent (nu_|| \simeq 2.5).Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure